"Actually, I originally planned to prepare the ceremony materials here for my daughter."

"But then..."

"Well, you probably know that something happened."

"In short, they have been piled up by me in the innermost position of the warehouse to accumulate dust."

"But if it's not unexpected, it should still be usable,"

"Hope it's not damp or expired..."

While muttering,

He walked towards the depths of the basement.


And Lu Yin, who was following behind him, felt helpless in his heart.

Such an important thing, there is actually a saying that it has expired...

look around,

Lu Yin immediately discovered that there were many things around him that he couldn't understand at all, placed on various shelves.

Compared to warehouses,

The appearance here seems to be more like a treasure house.

After a while,

Boss Xia entered a small compartment in the deepest part and began to toss around in it quickly.

Boom, boom, boom...

He kept turning all kinds of things out, and the sound of smashing kept coming out.

until after a while,

Only then did he take out a sealed black package from a box, and after observing it for a while, his eyes lit up.

"Yoho, I found it."

As he straightened up, he walked over carrying the black package with one hand,

With an unlit cigarette in his mouth, he handed over the package and said:

"Here are the ceremony materials, and there are specific tutorials in it. You can read it yourself when the time comes."

"Anyway, remember,"

"Because of the particularity of the second awakening ceremony."

"You have to use these props within three days after being promoted to the fifth level to have a chance to complete the awakening."


Lu Yin took the bag and nodded earnestly to express his understanding.


The two left from the warehouse.

The moment the door lock was closed, Boss Xia glanced over and said:

"Okay, that's about all there is to say."

"I go first."

"As for the "Dragon Bone Mausoleum" you mentioned on the train, let's wait until you break through the fifth realm. "

"Just these few days, I'll be with my daughter first."


Lu Yin was slightly taken aback, and said in surprise:

"Didn't you also promise Minister Si Yingxue to be responsible for leading the hunting operation against those demons?"

The voice fell,

Boss Xia suddenly showed a half-smile expression, with a cigarette in his mouth, he grinned and said:

"Ha ha,"

"I'm just coaxing Xiao Si, so don't tell me you kid also fucking take it seriously?"

"Tsk, I finally reunited with my daughter, how could I waste time with you guys on some devil hunting, of course I'm going to accompany her."

"If you didn't happen to be involved in hell tonight, even if Linjiang City exploded, I wouldn't leave her."

"...uh, okay."

Lu Yin could only nod helplessly.

It seems that in Boss Xia's heart, his daughter is still more important than anything else.

And while he was thinking,

Boss Xia suddenly came over and put his hand on his shoulder, grinning and said:

"not to mention,"

"Devils are hard to deal with... haven't I already trained you?"

"...Huh?" Lu Yin was taken aback.

Boss Xia continued to grin, with a light smile in his eyes, and said:

"Don't be fucking stupid, I know you are strong."

"I have already decided, this Linjiang demon incident, you will protect this city for me!"

"At that time, the commissioners from the headquarters will come to the river,"

"How about you taking over my position and serving as the head of the "Natural Disaster Countermeasures Section" and in charge of hunting demons? "


As soon as this is said,

Lu Yin was completely dumbfounded.

I rely on,

Nima, what's the matter? ? ?

I was suddenly appointed by him? ? ?


Before he could react,

But seeing Boss Xia grinning again, he turned around directly,

Immediately, he put his hands in the pockets of the big pants, and walked out, laughing loudly:


"When you break through the fifth realm, take me to the Dragon Bone Mausoleum."

"If you have time, you can come to the medical department to see my daughter, she should want to see you."



Boss Xia raised the lighter in his hand, and finally lit the cigarette that had been in his mouth all night.

Amidst the smog, his figure has gradually faded away.


Seeing this back,

Lu Yin couldn't help feeling emotional in his heart.

When a person is sinking and happy, even smoking can produce two different temperaments...


He never imagined,

Boss Xia...

He even directly entrusted all the hunting work against the ancient demons to his own hands!

So that he can spare time to spend with his daughter...

Tsk, I don't know how Minister Si Yingxue will react when he finds out...

Lu Yin smiled helplessly in his heart.



After a while,

Lu Yin was going to go find Su Yuxi according to the previous agreement.

As a result, unexpectedly,

As soon as I came to the door of her room, I found a girl walking out of her room softly,

It turned out to be the commissioner Tang Qingmeng who had met before.

"Uh, what are you doing?"

As soon as the voice came out,

Tang Qingmeng was taken aback immediately.

She turned around in shock, and when she saw that it was Lu Yin, she breathed a sigh of relief.

While patting his chest in shock, he whispered:

"Phew... so it's you, you scared me."

"I just came to Sister Yuxi to report tonight's mission, and it turned out that she was lying on the sofa and fell asleep."

"I saw that she seemed very tired, so I didn't bother her."

"After covering her with a quilt, she came out..."


Hear this,

Lu Yin was slightly stunned.

Tang Qingmeng became curious and said, "Do you have something urgent to do with Sister Yuxi?"

The voice fell,

Lu Yin was silent for a while, then shook his head with a smile and said:

"Ah, it's okay. Since she's asleep, I won't bother you. See you tomorrow."


Lu Yin turned around and walked in the direction of leaving.

At the same time, I couldn't help but sigh in my heart.

Although he didn't go in, he could already imagine Su Yuxi's mentally and physically exhausted appearance.

after all,

what happened tonight,

For her, the psychological ups and downs may indeed be huge, and it is normal to be tired.

So, he also decided not to bother for the time being.


at this very moment,

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