"It seems to be caused by a demigod named Tarimos, and at that time, he was hostile... the god of death in ancient Egyptian mythology, Anubis!"

"This incident,"

"It was my former captain Lin...uh, he participated in the observation."

Xiang Wanqing said halfway through,

He almost said Lin Jingyuan's name directly.

I remembered that he once said that he didn't want to reveal his identity, so he immediately held back.

Of course Lu Yin on the side also noticed this, but of course he didn't know who the captain surnamed Lin was doing this.

Seeing that she changed her words temporarily, she didn't press the question.

Instead, he nodded and said, "Besides this, is there any other information?"


Xiang Wanqing honestly shook her head and said:

"Captain, he was originally on a mission to recover a holy relic. He encountered this big battle on the way, so he observed it."

"However, it is said that at the end of the battle, Tarimos was completely defeated and ended in a disastrous defeat in the state of spirit."

"Anubis, disappeared again."

"I didn't expect that after so many years, that Tarimos would reappear in such a form."

"It seems,"

"Maybe the catastrophic events of the year,"

"He was also instructed by someone..."

As Xiang Wanqing spoke, she couldn't help but feel a chill in her heart.

after all,

The Round Table has always represented the justice of the Night's Watch.

However, now it is involved in so many events.

If we don't quickly find out the traitor in the round table, I'm afraid it will cause more disasters.

And at this moment,

After hearing these words, Lu Yin's expression changed slightly.

· · · Flowers 0 · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·


Another very familiar mythological existence.

But this time, it is not ancient Greek mythology and Nordic mythology, but the famous ancient Egyptian mythology.

He has the head of a jackal and the body of a human, and he often appears in the tombs of ancient Egyptian pharaohs in a posture of holding power, symbolizing death.

Because of this, he has many nicknames like "Dog Head Reaper" and is very famous.

It often appears in major film and television works, novels, especially games, and the appearance rate can be said to be the highest in ancient Egyptian mythology.

did not expect,

He actually once fought that Tarimos.


Just when Lu Yin was thinking,

The footsteps of the two have also reached the end of the corridor.

...... 0


From the direction outside the restricted area exit,

Suddenly, there were bursts of footsteps and countless applause.

"Clap clap clap..."

Hearing this voice, Lu Yin came back to look around.

On the other side, it was Mr. Chen from the round table council who was leading the way, and the congressman Sheng Ziyu in a suit and leather shoes next to him.

And behind them were dozens of specialists in suits from various departments responsible for responding to the incident.

At this moment, they have obviously learned that the mission was successful.

They all looked at this side with heartfelt gratitude, with kind smiles on their faces, and applauded the two of them without reservation.

Lu Yin couldn't make this picture any better.

As for Xiang Wanqing who was next to her, she was obviously used to such a scene, but she still had a gentle smile on her face, unchanged.

And then,

Sheng Ziyu over there took two steps forward and approached.

He smiled and looked up at the two people here, pushed his glasses slightly, and said:

"Thanks for your hard work."

"We have received a communication from the round table that the crisis in the restricted area is temporarily lifted."

"Thanks to the timely actions of the two."

"On behalf of the Roundtable Council and the Night Watchman Headquarters, I would like to express my sincere thanks for your help."

"Now, the door of the Round Table Council,"

"It has been opened for the two of you."


278 The Black Incident, Xiang Wanqing's Weird Reminder! (seeking subscription)

hear this,

Xiang Wanqing on the side frowned slightly, and said:



"Shouldn't the round table investigate the cause of this intrusion first?"

"What's more, didn't it mean that there is still a hidden shapeshifter who has not been caught outside?"

Xiang Wanqing said in surprise.

In her opinion,

This seems to be different from the usual cautious style of the Round Table Council.

If in the past,

If such a big event happened in the headquarters,

The Round Table Council will inevitably keep the bronze door closed for a long time to prevent anyone with a heart from infiltrating it.


Started to fully investigate the cause of the incident.

Unless it is thoroughly investigated and the crisis is resolved.

The round table will "open the door" again.

at this point,

It's not because they are greedy for "[-]" and are afraid of death.

On the contrary, many of the members of the round table are people who have survived countless battles.

They are not afraid of death.

The reason for this,

Just to guard this "last line of defense" that's all.

after all,

The members of the round table not only represent the highest adjudication body among the night watchmen, they are also core members of various departments.

Once something happens to them,

The entire night watchman system will inevitably be paralyzed.

There was such an unprecedented black swan event 100 years ago.

46 round table members.

43 of them died.

The remaining three also fell into a coma due to serious injuries, and became unconscious vegetative states, completely losing their ability to move.

This also led to Yan Kingdom's night watchman system,

During the half-year period, they all fell into a state of disorder, which led to many disasters.

And the reason for this time,

It was only because of the betrayal of the three aces.

this incident,

It has completely strengthened the mentality of the new round table members to change the rules.

Not only is the round table closed with a bronze door,

Even within the conference hall, there will be a rather complicated ancient barrier between the audience and the members.


In order to basically ensure safety.


For this,

Naturally, Xiang Wanqing had already taken it for granted.

So just now,

After hearing Sheng Ziyu's words, she would have doubts.

It stands to reason,

Even the transformed intruder hasn't been caught yet, it's impossible to open the bronze door for them so soon...

However, when she was thinking,

Sheng Ziyu over here looked over, nodded and smiled:

"Miss Cangjian, it seems that Commissioner Lu Yin didn't tell you...he has captured that shapeshifter?"


As soon as this is said,

Xiang Wanqing was taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously looked at Lu Yin beside her.

Lu Yin glanced at Sheng Ziyu, then looked at Xiang Wanqing, and said helplessly:

"I forgot to mention just now, it's the guy on the wall in the restricted area, the one who was frozen, it's him as expected."

"Whoa whoa!"

Hearing this, Xiang Wanqing suddenly understood.

No wonder Lu Yin called this person someone else at that time, it turned out to be the reason.

As for Lu Yin being able to discover this, Xiang Wanqing was not surprised at all.

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