Volume 25: Chapter 25 Chapter [-]: A woman who is very good at brainstorming

Early the next morning, the door rang.

Qin Yu pulled up the quilt to cover her head. Last night, she organized her notes until late at night. She didn't have enough sleep and loved to stay in bed. She couldn't get up now.

But the door still kept ringing.

So complicated!Qin Yu was so angry that he jumped up, thinking who it was, he knocked on the door in the early morning, and walked towards the door angrily.

However, he thought of his own image on the way, so he turned around and walked back, sitting in front of the dressing table.

Inhale, exhale, calm down.

You can't be angry about such trivial things, and expose your bad side... My hair is messy, let's comb it, although I don't know who it is, but please wait!

Soon, the door opened.Qin Yu with a gentle smile appeared at the door.

"Sorry, I'm late, who is it?"

"Good morning, excuse me! My name is Yan Fei, you may have heard my name, I am a legal expert, this visit is very sudden, I am really sorry, but I have something important to tell you, Please listen to it!"

Wow, what a beautiful person.By the way, are the antlers under the hair?

But the exposure of this dress is also a bit high, whether it is Shen He or this woman, is this the current trend?So should I also learn...

No, learn a ghost, just wear plain clothes.

Yan Fei?Qin Yu recalled, she had an impression.

She seems to be a very trustworthy half-immortal lawyer, but she has never consulted Yan Fei about anything, so the two of them naturally have no intersection, and they have heard of each other to the extent.

A lawyer ran to her door and said there was something important to tell her?Strange enough.

Let's just listen.

Qin Yu nodded and said doubtfully, "Okay, please tell me."

"You're being watched!"


What does it mean to be targeted?I just sent away a wicked licking dog yesterday, so there are still more?Popularity is a good thing, but it's also troublesome!

Qin Yu showed nervousness and uneasiness: "What does this mean? Ah, it's not convenient here, so come in and talk."

"Then it's better to obey than to be respectful."

Just when Yan Fei was about to step into the porch, Qin Yu suddenly remembered that she hadn't packed her things well, and she panicked.

"Please wait for about 5 minutes before the house is cleaned up!"

"Speaking so fast! Actually, I don't care—"

Boom, the door closed.

I haven't finished talking yet.Yan Fei sighed helplessly, she really didn't need to care so much, because of work needs, she would occasionally visit other people's homes, and she had seen many messy houses.

But have a heart.

Yan Fei nodded slightly, feeling that Qin Yuguo was as polite as she had heard.

She doesn't hate this kind of person.

After waiting for about 5 minutes, Qin Yu opened the door panting, and smiled: "It's finished, please come in."

"Thank you. Actually, it's unnecessary just now. I don't really care."

"No, no, when such a beautiful person visits, it is natural to treat them well!"

"Pretty person? You mean me?" Yan Fei asked in surprise.

If not you, who else?Qin Yu complained in his heart, and nodded with a smile on his face: "Yes, Miss Yan Fei has beautiful eyes. If an untidy house is in your eyes, you will always feel shameless."

Yan Fei was dumbfounded.

"What's wrong?"

"Huh? Ah! It's nothing! It's the first time I've heard someone praise me like that. I'm a little embarrassed, haha..." Yan Fei's cheeks were slightly red.

【Evaluation: D-】


【Target list has been updated】

【Target object: Yan Fei】


Qin Yu's expression suddenly became stiff.

This person is also one of the objects that can be posted?Then is she the same as Hu Tao and Shen He, is there something peculiar about her?

Compared with joy, it is more worry and confusion. After all, each partner has its own uniqueness, which makes her surprise again and again.

Yan Fei, who entered the entrance, failed to notice her subtle changes.Yan Fei didn't look around, and when Qin Yu invited her, she politely sat on the chair.

...I always feel restless.Yan Fei clasped her hands, tapping her arm lightly with her index finger.

Just now she said "Your eyes are very beautiful", it doesn't look like a polite remark, so she likes my eyes very much?

How can you talk about beauty if you don't like it? As the saying goes, "eyes are the window to the soul", and praising others' eyes for "clearness" means indirectly praising the purity of other people's hearts.

So when she said she likes my eyes, is she saying she likes my heart?

But this is the first meeting, how could it be like this, unless she has the special ability to see through other people's hearts.

"When you see an untidy house, you always feel ashamed." Is she paying attention to her image in front of others?

But she specifically said "you", not "someone else".

Does she actually care what I think?Do you feel ashamed because you want to show your good side in front of me?Only when you care about the other party will you want to show a good side.

She... cares about me?But we met for the first time—unless she had noticed me secretly, when did this fate begin?I, I didn't notice at all!

In other words, she seems to have just woken up, but her hair is very neat, she should have combed it well.

Could it be that she was preparing for the knock on the door?Just to greet me in the best possible light?The more Yan Fei thought about it, the more confused she felt, and she couldn't calm down at all.

This is her bad habit.

When studying the law, she not only reads the items, but also thinks about the starting point behind the rules, doing reading comprehension.

But maybe it's because she has learned the law into her head, and she will keep doing reading comprehension in daily interpersonal communication.

In a word, she can weave various answers in her mind.

【Evaluation: D+】

Qin Yu was taken aback.

What did she do?How did you raise your rating?No, it was obviously just a chat or two, inviting her into the room for a detailed talk.

Could it be that there is a bug in this system?

But it’s okay, too few points are not too many, the more the better.Qin Yu's anger from waking up disappeared.He even welcomes Yan Fei from the bottom of his heart.

Noticing that Qin Yu seemed to be in a good mood, Yan Fei blinked: "You seem to be in a good mood?"

When ordinary people hear legal experts running over and saying that they have something important to tell, they will definitely think that they have committed a crime, and their emotions have fallen to the bottom, so how can they laugh.

Qin Yu was startled, he seemed to be overjoyed, and couldn't help but feel ashamed.

But you can take the opportunity to say something nice!Qin Yu seized the opportunity and said with a smile: "No, I just thought that I was very happy to see Miss Yanfei."

"Nice to see me?" Yan Fei was shocked.

what happened?Why are you happy?Ah, by the way, she seemed to be secretly caring about herself. At this time, she finally saw the real person, so she felt happy?

"Yes, I've always wanted to see you! It's a pity that I don't have the chance."

After all, who would seek a lawyer for nothing.Qin Yu thought to himself.

no surprise! ! !

Yan Fei turned her back, put her hands on her cheeks, and made an exaggerated expression like "Scream", but she didn't expect that what she thought was correct, this woman was really paying attention to her secretly!

but why?

What would be the reason why a woman she doesn't know secretly pays attention to herself?It's so hard to understand! ——However, at this moment, endless inspiration burst out in Yanfei's mind.

All the clues are connected in series!

Turn the thinking...in reverse.

Focus not on the cause, but on the result.

Which is to say—what would she get by doing it!That's right, it's a sense of satisfaction. From ancient times to the present, what you get from secretly observing the objects you care about is basically for self-satisfaction.

In other words, I am someone who can satisfy her! ?Yan Fei was shocked.

There is a need to be satisfied...

In other words, I am the one who makes her needy! ?Yan Fei was shocked again.

【Evaluation: C】

What's going on, the evaluation keeps going up, is there really a bug?

OK, OK, a little more!The feeling of getting points without doing anything is really wonderful.

And all of this may be thanks to the arrival of the lawyer lady.

"Thank you for visiting, I'll pour you some tea right now, wait a minute." Qin Yu said with a smile on his face.


This is really the case!

Yan Fei couldn't utter a single word, recalling Qin Yu's smile just now, her cheeks couldn't help getting hot.No wonder some people go crazy like that, some people take a fancy to her...

This woman is a witch.

Volume 26: Chapter 26 Chapter [-]: The Easy Woman

What a terrible woman!Yan Fei secretly sighed, fortunately she was strong-willed, even though she was chaotic for a while, she was still able to calm down.

Besides, they were both women, so why bother to be so flustered?

However, needs...satisfaction...so you care about me secretly, do you have a hobby that is different from ordinary people?No, no, even so, it’s normal—people are different!No big deal...um.

Yan Fei took a deep breath.

Calm down!

"Okay, please use it, be careful not to burn it."

"Ah, thank you." Yan Fei blew a few times and took a sip of tea.

Sitting opposite Yan Fei, Qin Yu asked doubtfully, "Well, what does it mean that I'm being targeted?"

Yan Fei nodded, took out the letter from her bag, and handed it to Qin Yu: "Look at this first."

"Letter? Okay..."

Qin Yu took the letter, opened it, and glanced over the words, his expression became more and more strange.

Someone paid a lot of money to hire this legal expert to protect her?It's too strange, why did you hire a lawyer!

Will lawyers fight? It's not the "eyes of judgment".

Wait a minute, I heard that Yan Fei not only has the eyes of God, but is also a half-immortal, which is different from ordinary people... It seems that it is not completely unreasonable to choose her.

It's weird though.

No, this is not the most important thing, the most important thing is - who entrusted Yan Fei to protect her?It must not be a simple person who can use such a high amount of money.

And here lies the problem, Qin Yu doesn't remember that she ever met such a person.

Five million moras a month, the tone between the lines reveals the feeling of "this is just a small number"... She has no memory of knowing such a rich person.

Teacher's friend?Qin Yu thought about this possibility.

It would be reasonable if a friend of the deceased teacher wanted to take care of her, but as far as she knew, the teacher who adopted her did not have such a social circle.

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