Getting along with anyone requires a proper distance and proper boundaries... Qin Yu thought this time, this principle should also apply.

But even so, Qin Yu still blushed and whispered: "You know it clearly, right? It's just..."

"that is?"

Qin Yu looked away: "That's it."

"Which one? Oh, how can I understand if you don't explain clearly, I'm not a worm in your stomach." Hu Tao shook her head again and again, showing a look of incomprehension.

Qin Yu's mood became unhappy because of this, but he still said it.


【Evaluation: D+】

Qin Yu felt embarrassed, she was not used to this kind of behavior, so naturally she couldn't say it easily.But she thinks it's okay to be unaccustomed to this kind of behavior.

It's kind of scary when you get used to it.

Hu Tao suddenly realized, and said coyly: "But we have done it several times."

【Evaluation: C】

As soon as Qin Yu mentioned this, he became even more dissatisfied.

"At that time, you were clearly..."

Qin Yu really wanted to say that Hu Tao was wrong, but once he realized that Hu Tao had ulterior motives, that Hu Tao was talking nonsense to fool her, instead he had the feeling that he was easy to be deceived.

After all, I accepted it at that time.

So Qin Yu couldn't say anything, but just stared at Hu Tao wordlessly.

Anyway, Walnut understood what was going on.

"Hey, I get it, I get it, I won't do things that make you hate it." Hu Tao said guiltily.

"That's good."

Although I can't believe it.

Hu Tao led Qin Yu to her room.The appearance and atmosphere of the room were no different from what Qin Yu had seen and felt before.

When Hu Tao closed the door, Qin Yu raised his heart.A slight sense of tension made her body a little stiff.

In order to divert attention, Qin Yu temporarily asked:

"I said I want to stay with you in the room, what exactly do I want to do?"

play chess?to chat with?

Hu Tao put his hands on his hips and said with a smile: "You don't have to think so much, you can do whatever you want, as soon as you think about it, it's considered casual. And it's just to accompany me, but in fact, you can do your own thing."

"Does this work?"

"Yes, as long as you believe in it and do it, it will be useful! After all, the most important thing is to get you used to staying with people with your true face."

Hu Tao sat on the bed and gestured with his hands: "It's like you brought a kitten back, but it's not familiar with your home when it first arrives, and it doesn't have the smell it's used to, so it keeps shaking, afraid. Are you going to die?"

"That's right."

But what needs to be solved now is human affairs, not cat affairs.Don't use cats as a metaphor, and it's me.Qin Yu slandered, but his heart was a little clearer.

"That is to say—I just stay in this room?"

"That's it. But don't scratch the wall and the corner of the table." Walnut kicked her feet lightly and smiled.

Said I am not a cat!Qin Yu pouted secretly.

Then Walnut spoke again.

"But I hope you can agree on one thing with me."

"what's up?"

Hu Tao raised her index finger: "That is: express your feelings well. It doesn't matter if you don't want to say it, but you can't always keep your heart in your heart. You have a lot of thoughts in your heart, don't you?"

was seen through.Qin Yu suddenly felt embarrassed.

"What does that have to do with this..."

The reason why what is in the heart is what is in the heart is because some parts cannot be spoken.

For example, this boss is disgusting, but can you say it?

"Boss, you are so disgusting!"

The consequences of saying this are obvious.

"I'm going to fire you!"

So it is necessary to hide what is in your heart.Qin Yu thought about it.

Hu Tao said seriously: "Of course it's restricting you. Are you impulsive?"

Uh uh.

"Do you always think in a negative direction in interpersonal relationships?"


"If yes, then it's hard for you to control yourself, right? If you don't pay attention, you will fall to the side. Once you think about hiding it, you will always think so. The result is that you suffocate yourself like this."

Unable to refute.

Realizing that his shortcomings were caught by Hu Tao all of a sudden, Qin Yu only felt uneasy.

Hu Tao smiled again: "So I'm very happy that you can come to me! You are not sick, but you can't do it without trying to get out. And if you can do this, there is no reason why you can't express yourself .”

Walnut can still say such things.

While sighing, Qin Yu felt much better after being praised by Hu Tao.Confidence replaced this uneasiness and became stronger little by little.

But she wondered again: "Expression... I don't quite understand."

"What you said is very similar to Shen He's words."


Nut propped his hands on the bed, raised his legs, and kicked his feet lightly.The smooth white under the hot pants swayed, and it could be seen that she was very relaxed now.

This relaxed atmosphere seemed to permeate the room.

"Fish Treasure!"

"Eh? Ah, what's the matter?"

"I want to kiss." Hu Tao shyly said.

【Evaluation: B-】

Such straightforward words made Qin Yu blush, and she couldn't help but stare at Hu Tao. Could it be that this is the main purpose?


"That's it."


Hu Tao leaned forward, put one hand on his lap, and supported his face with the other, and said with a smile: "This way, I can express my feelings more frankly."

"I want to touch you, if you feel uncomfortable, just slap my hand away; if you want to eat your mouth, if you don't like it, just push me away, it's very simple, right?"

Qin Yu understood.

But having said that, why do I always feel that this metaphor reveals a strange thought of walnut?Did she really have no intention of doing something to me?

Hu Tao said, "I'm thinking about something again."

"...Is this what you really want to do?"

Walnut's eyes wandered, and he began to whistle.

"Say it first, don't even think about it." Qin Yu said worriedly.

"It's impossible not to think about it, who told Yubao that you are so beautiful." Hu Tao said.

Woow... Qin Yu took a step back, very vigilant: "Then at least don't take action."

"I know, don't worry!" Hu Tao patted her chest, vowing.

Can this really be trusted?

Volume 188: Chapter 187 Chapter [-]: The softness of the transition period

Even if it is good to do something casually, Qin Yu still struggled for a while on what to do.Walnut also just lay in a daze on the bed, not intending to chat.

Just read the book.

Qin Yu came to the bookshelf and glanced at the books on it.

After randomly pulling out a novel, Qin Yu sat on the floor beside the bed.

"What book are you reading?" Hu Tao's voice came from diagonally above.


"Don't you want to read some poetry books?"

"dont see."

Qin Yu didn't want to read it if she didn't need to know more. She prefers novels full of stories, because they can pass the time better.

To pass the time——Obviously I came to try to accept the help of Hu Tao, but in the end I started to pass the time.The unexpected development made Qin Yu sigh secretly.

Forget it, there's nothing wrong with being simple anyway.

"Hey." Hu Tao got off the bed and sat next to Qin Yu.

Qin Yu felt nervous because the distance between Hu Tao and Hu Tao shortened.But you can't say "you sit farther away"...No, Hu Tao said that he wants to express his feelings, so it should be fine to say that.

After hesitating for a few seconds, Qin Yu said, "Please sit a little further away."

"Far enough."

ha?Qin Yu glanced at the distance between the shoulders, it was about as long as an open palm, how far is it?

"It's not far."

"It's far away for me, don't be so indifferent." Hu Tao said, while completely sticking to it without knowing what the face is.

Compared with nervousness and distress, Qin Yu was more restless.

"Am I...aloof?" she asked.

"No, just say it casually. Don't take other people's words too seriously." Hu Tao leaned over.

Feeling the weight of Hu Tao's body, Qin Yu's heart sank. The word "others" sounds uncomfortable, but if she wants to be sure that Hu Tao is not "others", but a more intimate relationship, then she is not willing.

Because it would be embarrassing.

It was no longer possible to earn points by posting with Walnuts by relying on the persona.

Although there will still be points, but as before, even if you don't want to say something... and so on, you can't do it.At least not for now.

But Qin Yu still wanted points.It is a guarantee of self-safety.

It's just that after Hu Tao took off her crystal slipper, tore off her mask, and forcibly changed the original relationship, besides how to continue to get along with Hu Tao, how to continue to earn points also needs to be considered.

"Be likable and earn points without acting"——It was the first time Qin Yu had this kind of thinking.

The only problem is, I can't think of one yet.

Qin Yu thought that Hu Tao was probably also thinking about how to get along with each other. They both needed to explore for a while before they could understand how to solve many problems.

Thinking about these complicated things, Qin Yu flipped the pages of the book mechanically.

I didn't read a single word.

"Walnut..." Qin Yu said.

"What's wrong?"

But... Qin Yu thought uncertainly, he should be more calm.

The experience accumulated in acting as a character is not useless after being unloaded.At least she knows what can and cannot be said, what should be said and what should not be said.

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