However, Yanfei's reputation is worth guaranteeing, and legal experts can't do it without credibility.Everything she said was believable.

What's more - she is also one of Ke Tie Tie's targets.

Compared with Hu Tao, Yan Fei is obviously easier to deal with, even compared to Shen He.Points can be earned with just a few words. If you have more time to spend with each other on weekdays, wouldn't you be able to make a lot of money?

Now that he knows that someone is following him, he must improve his strength as soon as possible.

There is no reason to let a woman who can be taken down so easily be left alone! ——Wait, don't get me wrong, I just said that you can easily become a good girlfriend and gain a good impression.

As for whether Yan Fei can protect herself, Qin Yu has no expectations.

You can't rely on others, you have to protect your own life.

So although I'm sorry, what Qin Yu essentially wanted Yan Fei to do was not to protect her, but to chat with her and let her collect points casually.

Of course, there is no need to say what is in my heart.

Qin Yu thought about this and made a decision.

"...Okay, sorry to trouble you, I believe Miss Yanfei." She stood up and stretched out her hand.

It's for a handshake.Yan Fei nodded, also got up and stretched out her hand.

Hands clasped together.

So far, Yan Fei has shaken the hands of many clients, but this time she feels inexplicably embarrassed. If the other party knows about her thousand-word-long, flood of wild thoughts just now, she might turn over the window on the spot. run away.

She really doesn't have the ability to see through the mind, does she?Yan Fei thought anxiously.

At this time, unexpectedly, Qin Yu put his other hand on it, covering the back of her hand, as if wrapping her hand with both hands.Yan Fei blinked again and again, too surprised to say a word.

Eh?Eh?What's the situation?The confusion brought along with the surprise turned into chaos.

Qin Yu maintained this ambiguous grip, and smiled softly: "Thank you, it's really great that Miss Yan Fei can protect me, but I hope that we are not only the relationship between the protector and the protected, but also friends! If If possible, can Miss Yan Fei be my friend?"

"Friend, friend!? Ah, of course this is no problem..." Yan Fei's eyes wandered.

Can't calm down at all!

But Qin Yu wanted her to lose her composure, and continued while the iron was hot: "Really? I'm so happy! My life will be left to Ms. Yanfei to protect, please take care of me from now on!"

As if wanting to dissipate the heat from her face, Yan Fei exhaled and said with a smile, "It's really a heavy responsibility, but please rest assured, whether it's battle or law, you can expect my strength."


【Evaluation: B+】

Huh...B+?It's okay, not bad.

As for giving your life to you?how is this possible.

Volume 28: Chapter 28 Chapter [-]: Beautiful girls also need to work hard

Although Yan Fei has become her protector, but Yan Fei's main job is still a legal expert, so she can't just focus on her part-time job and forget about her job, as many people will get into trouble.

So Yan Fei proposed:

"There won't be too much danger in the city. If you go to a crowded place, the Qianyan army is there, and the security is very high. I don't need to follow."

"Of course, I will adjust my schedule and stay with you as much as possible! But if you want to go to remote areas and sparsely populated places, you must notify me in advance!"

Then she took out her name tag.

"This is my name tag with my address and contact information on it."

Yan Fei raised her index finger and blinked playfully: "Besides, if you encounter any legal problems, you must give priority to consulting and dealing with me. As a token of this special commission, I You won’t be charged any fees! I’ll give you a discount in the future, I dare to pack the price, it’s very affordable!”

At this time, I still don't forget to sell my business, which is really dedicated.

However, how can a person not suffer from the knife in the rivers and lakes.There will always be a possibility to do such a business, and then I can trouble this legal expert...

Of course, what Qin Yu likes is the possibility of her posting.Everything else is incidental.

Unknown sender, thank you so much for sending this wonderful woman to me.Qin Yu thanked the mysterious person who sent the letter in his heart.

"Okay, I'm sorry to trouble you, Miss Yan Fei."

"Are you going out next?"

"No, I want to read a book at home."

Yan Fei nodded in understanding, Qin Yu seemed to be quite quiet, it is not surprising that he likes to read.

She also likes to read books, and the types are not limited.

Economy, law, folk culture, history, etc., as a legal expert should know, she was in decline;

Although I don't know if this knowledge will come in handy for this special commission.

But as far as chatting is concerned, it should be a bit more fun - as long as Qin Yu doesn't think she's talkative.

"I still have to talk to my previous client. If I don't expect it, I can finish it in about an hour, and then I will be free. I will accompany you wherever you want to go!"

"Ahaha, okay, I understand, Miss Yan Fei, please do your best." Qin Yu cheered with a smile.

"Well, I'm an expert, no problem."

Seeing that Yan Fei got up and wanted to say goodbye first, Qin Yu suddenly thought that since he had already decided to stick with Yan Fei and earn points, the preparations beforehand could not be left behind.

The most important thing is intelligence!

It's rare that I'm here, so I might as well just ask.

But it can't be too sudden. It's not good to be suspected of ulterior motives. In this case, the more suitable topic should be... yes, this topic.

Qin Yu asked curiously: "Miss Yanfei will come back later? If that's the case, I want to ask you what you like to eat."

"Me? Tofu, of course! But why are you asking this all of a sudden?"

"In an hour, it's almost lunch time. I want to cook a meal for Miss Yan Fei myself!"

personally! ?Why the emphasis on this word?

Generally speaking, even if you don't say "hands-on", it's okay. If you emphasize it so much, it feels like this meal is very special. It's asking me what I like, and cooking the meal by myself...

Did she really not mean that?No, no, how is it possible, I think too much.

Such a long passage flashed through Yan Fei's mind, she came back to her senses, and said without hesitation: "Thank you! I'll pay for the grocery shopping, I don't feel ashamed to eat and drink for free."

"No, as long as Miss Yan Fei eats happily, that is the greatest reward."

Alas, no reimbursement...but that's all there is to say.Qin Yu felt sorry.

Yan Fei thought to herself: As long as I eat happily is the biggest reward?Eating happily will naturally show a smiling face, and a smile is what she wants in return—but she specifically emphasized that it is "hands-on", and it is only made for me...

She just wants my smile?

"Also, is there anything you don't like? After all, it's impossible to eat all tofu."

"There is nothing particularly annoying. If I have to say it, I don't like eating cold dishes or rice. My father said that it is always better to have hot dishes. He used to cook hot dishes when he came home late, so..."

Qin Yu laughed and said, "Miss Yanfei has a very good father."

"Father has a lot of problems... ah."

Yan Fei remembered that Qin Yu was adopted.

Growing up in a complete and happy family, she doesn't quite understand whether such people are very sensitive to such topics.If Qin Yu hated her because of this, she didn't know what to do.

Qin Yu wondered what she said in half.

Then Qin Yu understood—how could he tell someone he just met about his father's faults.

Then take advantage of this intention and find a step to go down.

"Even so, I think this is a very good thing. Then, don't bother Miss Yan Fei, come on!"

"Ah, um."

Why did you show an indescribably subtle expression?

But Qin Yu couldn't ask, Yan Fei opened the door and left as if fleeing.

The room returned to silence, and Qin Yu let out a long breath.

I finally left, so tired—I don’t want to move anymore—but since I’ve said I’m going to make lunch, I have to prepare now, at least go shopping for some vegetables, it’s troublesome if I don’t have refrigeration, I have to buy vegetables every day.

Forget it, just be lazy and lie down for a while.

"Wait, you have to do this first."

Qin Yu picked up a notebook from the desk.If someone else sees it, they will definitely be surprised by the contents of the notes.

Because all the information written on it is other people's information.

Gender, age, date of birth, likes, dislikes, known social circles, etc... All the information is neatly arranged in beautiful handwriting, and some even specially painted portraits .

As I said before, if you want to be a beautiful girl that everyone loves, you need a little hard work, a little skill, a little patience and a little cuteness...

Only in this way can you cast magic on yourself and become glamorous.

And this is just the embodiment of "a little effort" and "a little skill".

Now that you have decided to act as a character, you have to do it perfectly! .

"Well, even a genius like me needs to work hard."

While feeling emotional, Qin Yu began to write notes.

"Name: Yanfei. Age: At least an adult. Birthday: (leave blank). Likes: Tofu. Dislikes: Cold food. Relationship: Father. Occupation: Legal expert... Write this first, then Draw a little more."

In addition to this, you can actually remember other things, such as easy-to-handle personalities.

But people are changing every minute.The ancients said that "a scholar should treat each other with admiration for three days." If it is recorded in words, it may be preconceived in the future and make a misjudgment.

So in these aspects, it is better to observe yourself with your eyes and remember with your brain.

Volume 29: Chapter 29 Chapter [-]: It's not bad.jpg

At about noon, the door knocked.

Is it Yan Fei?Or Shin Ha?Qin Yu wiped his hands with his apron, and went to open the door.

"Excuse me... ah——"

There were two people standing in front of the door, one was naturally Yan Fei, and the other was Shen He who had been looking forward to her arrival for a long time.

finally come!But it's kind of weird how these two stand together.

One is a half-immortal, and the other is a disciple of the immortal family who is not an immortal but is better than an immortal... Unfortunately, this rental house is nothing special, and it doesn't suit the identities of these two people.

Shen He said calmly: "According to what you said, I went to inquire and found your address. I have been waiting for a long time."

"Well, welcome! Did you encounter any problems on the road?"

"Yes, but I solved it."

Yan Fei at the side asked in confusion, "Huh?"


Qin Yu asked: "Solution, what do you mean by solution?"

"Someone picked on me and kept asking me if I wanted to play with them. I didn't want to bother, and then they wanted to grab my hand, so I knocked them out. Don't worry, no one else found out."

It turned out to be a flirtation!

Unexpected, reasonable... After all, Shen He has a good figure and a beautiful face. The mystery and detachment brought by his white hair are the icing on the cake, and his charm is extraordinary. Even the same sex will look sideways at him. its attractive.

Of course, I'm not that kind of woman!

However, it was reasonable to strike up a conversation, but it somehow made Qin Yu feel bored and unhappy.

And after hearing that Shen He knocked out all the people who approached him, he felt happy immediately.If he had to maintain his image, Qin Yu would have applauded him long ago.

You are doing well!The boredom in my heart is swept away, how refreshing!

But what has to be said has to be said.

Qin Yu worried, "No injuries, right?"


"That's good! I don't want to see Shen He get hurt... If you encounter this kind of thing again in the future, please go to Qianyan Army for help."

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