It would be great if she could change the notion of Namora coming to Mora, making Liyue just like her business field.Keqing shook her head and sighed.

And she actually claimed that Qin Yu called her "Master" spontaneously, how could that be possible!

It's really unbearable.

"The next thing is... hmm?"

Ke Qing noticed that someone was walking towards the door, and when she looked up, it was Qin Yu.

You're still wearing casual clothes, what are you going out for?

You don't have to worry too much if Yan Fei is with you. Yan Fei is upright and reliable, with a lively and cheerful personality. She is also a half-immortal with the eyes of a god.

When she first heard the gossip on the street that someone was eyeing Qin Yu, she thought about who she wanted to protect Qin Yu, and it was best to choose someone who could be Qin Yu's good friend at the same time.

Strength, intelligence, character... all of them are indispensable, looking at the whole of Liyue, there are very few people who can meet these three conditions and satisfy Keqing at the same time, and Yan Fei is one of them.

Moreover, due to official business needs, he occasionally needs to meet and discuss with Yan Fei, so he can take the opportunity to inquire about Qin Yu's current situation.

Protection, companionship, and being able to inquire on your own can be described as killing three birds with one stone!

So he sent an unsigned letter and made a commission to Yan Fei.

Fortunately, the other party agreed, otherwise it would be really difficult to find another person.

Having said that, it really changed a lot. Since that day, I obviously haven't laughed anymore... Before entrusting Yan Fei, it became like this, and it seems to be quite popular among the common people.

Could it be that he met some kind person?

If this is the case, then you have to thank the other party.

Ke Qing thought about this and put away the notes.

Speaking of which, what is Qin Yu's daily life like now?When I was young, I always liked to read some short stories, and they were all about ghosts and monsters. What's so interesting about those ghosts and ghosts...

"It's just a little time now, let's follow and have a look."

Of course, this is not stalking, just observing the current living conditions of childhood playmates!Keqing nodded vigorously.

Just doing what she said, she immediately left the mansion, followed behind Qin Yu while keeping a certain distance, carefully observing her every move.

"It's Grandma Ping, hello, are you out for a walk? Eh? Apple? Is that okay? Thank you~ I'll get you a glass of apple juice later, I promise it'll be delicious!"

"Huh? Sister, I didn't bring candy, but I will treat you to eat as a favor to my sister."

"Ah, do you want to give me this? Ahaha, thank you! Next time I will have a big meal at your store, don't worry, I won't gain weight."

What's going on with this terrifying social ability?Men, women, young and old, everyone seemed to like her very much... Keqing was too shocked to say a word.

Obviously when I was a child, I would hide behind strangers when I met them.

Ke Qing's mood was mixed, happy or happy, but also a bit pity, it's impossible to see Qin Yu like that again.

It's changed into something I'm not familiar with, Qin Yu.

However, isn't it also very good!People have to grow, I am moving forward, of course Qin Yu can't fall behind me... It's just a memory that should be shared, but only I still remember it.

Keqing took out the toy ring.

Does she still have this ring?

Squeezing the toy ring tightly, Ke Qing shook her head.

It is impossible to confirm the matter now, as long as I keep it for myself, after all, even if the other one of the pair may disappear, it is still my treasure.

"No, I've been immersed in memories for too long, where is Qin Yuren?"

Looking back, Qin Yu's figure disappeared at some point.

Ke Qing knew that she had lost sight of her, and she couldn't help feeling annoyed that she was distracted, and she really shouldn't, if she put it on her work, she might cause problems.

You have to reflect on it.


Where did she go?There are so many people, I can't see clearly...May I ask?

No, if someone mentioned it to her afterwards, it would inevitably make her suspicious.Keeping the inquired person a secret might be regarded as a big deal, which is not good...

"Master Yuheng?"

Or should I just give up and go back first?

Ke Qing was concentrating on thinking, when she suddenly felt something soft and soft on her shoulder, and when she saw it, it turned out to be a hand!

"Wow!?" Ke Qing was taken aback, and quickly distanced herself.

"Who? He didn't even make a sound. Do you want to scare people to death... ah..."

At some point, Qin Yu appeared in front of him.


What are you talking about, I've called you several times already, it's just that you didn't hear me!Qin Yu smiled dryly on the surface, but in fact he complained wildly in his heart.

She withdrew her hand in embarrassment: "I'm sorry, because you didn't seem to hear it, so..."

Ke Qing was stunned: "I didn't hear that?"

"Yes, I called you several times, but you seemed to be thinking about something, so you wanted to pat on the shoulder. I'm sorry, I offended you." Qin Yu lowered his eyes and whispered.

It's my fault.The embarrassing thing this time was that Ke Qing got up, she turned her gaze away from Qin Yu.

Ke Qing pretended to be calm and said: "You are right, don't take it to heart. By the way, what do you need from me?"

thing?Of course there is.

From just now, I vaguely sensed the line of sight, and thought that another ignorant guy was staring at me, but when I detected it, it turned out to be you.

Why follow me?You don't seem to like me very much.

Qin Yu smiled and said, "No, I'm just curious about what Lord Yuheng is doing here, and I want to come say hello to you."

"Work." Keqing said with a guilty conscience.

Wow, is Liyue Qixing's job stalking?That's great - how is it possible!

No, it's strange when you think about it carefully, she doesn't seem to like me very much, how could she follow me.

Could it be that she was actually looking at someone next to me?Just noticed me in passing?

I heard that this star Yuheng often joins the team fighting crime, so just now...did I pass by a criminal?

Cold sweat came down.

Wow, what have I done!

Qin Yu suddenly became flustered, and hurriedly said: "I'm really sorry that it's all my fault to bother you!"

Why are you panicking all of a sudden! ?Seeing her sudden change in reaction, Ke Qing was also at a loss: "What are you talking about? I don't understand at all. Anyway, don't apologize."

At this moment, a man rushed over from behind, with unabated momentum, he directly knocked Qin Yu away.

Ke Qing frowned, and after avoiding the man's collision, she immediately hugged Qin Yu who was about to fall to the ground, showing genuine concern, and said softly:

"Aren't you hurt?"

Qin Yu said blankly: "No...thanks to you."

"That would be great. Really, no apology for bumping into someone. Can you stand up?"


Qin Yu stood up, frowning deeply.It's strange to say that when Keqing hugged her just now, there was always a feeling of nostalgia, as if she wanted to be hugged like this before.

that was in...

The depths of memory began to stir, and something was about to emerge.But the momentary stabbing pain in his head stopped him abruptly, leaving only daze and confusion.

But the tone just now was completely different from when he came to the mansion and when he was in the ruins.

It was very reassuring for her.

【Evaluation: D】

Qin Yu smiled and decided to thank him properly. He instinctively held Ke Qing's hand and said, "Thank you for helping me!"

Ke Qing showed a look of surprise for a moment, and then a smile for a moment, but in the end, she showed a calm and serious face.

"As the Seven Stars of Liyue, protecting the people of Liyue is a matter of course." She withdrew her hand.

"Even so, I want to thank you for protecting me."

Now is a great time to swipe points—wait, what kind of expression is this...

Ke Qing smiled as if relieved: "Did I protect you... That's great."

【Evaluation: D+】

Why is there such an expression?

"Hey, did you see a man with messy hair just now? He robbed my wallet!" An aunt stumbled over.

Ke Qing pondered and said: "The man just now turned out to be a robber, I can't sit idly by, let me take a step forward!"

"Eh? Ah, okay."

Ke Qing nodded, and chased in the direction where the man was leaving, her unrestrained figure looked like a heroine.

Is Yu Heng Xing Keqing... always worried about this person.

Let me help too.

Volume 47: Chapter 47 Chapter [-]: True Tsundere and Fake Tsundere

The robber's footsteps are fast, but the timing is even faster.

In addition to having the eyes of the God of Lightning, she would go out of the city to practice in her spare time. She had personally experienced countless dangers, and her actual combat experience was quite rich, which no robber could compare to.

She jumped up and landed in front of the robber.

"It's over here, let's catch it!" Ke Qing held the saber and said sharply.

The robber smacked his lips, took out a smoke bomb from his pocket, and threw it at his feet.

No, he is going to escape!Seeing this, Ke Qing activated the God's Eye, and the thunder turned into waves, and rushed into the smoke with the slash, a burst of lightning flashed, and she heard the sound of falling.


But before she could breathe a sigh of relief, she saw another short figure grabbing that gorgeous purse and sneaking into another alley.

"Accomplice to the crime? Stop!"

"Who wants to wait for you, stinky woman!" The short robber taunted while running.

However, as soon as he turned around, he saw a woman appearing out of nowhere on the empty path.In her hand she held a curious long weapon, two barrels, with a wooden handle...

She raised the weapon, sparks burst out from the dark hole.

The mugger's aware of this pause.

Qin Yu put away the double-barreled shotgun.After using the "Silent Killer", the sound of the double-barreled shotgun is not particularly loud.

But even so, it still scared Keqing a little.

What kind of weapon is that?It seems that the elemental guns of the Fools are about the same length as this one, but isn't it for charging?

The power seems to be quite unusual.

No wonder he was able to venture into the ruins with Yanfei and Hutao that day.When did she get this weapon?

Ke Qing stopped, she wanted to ask Qin Yu a lot, but after thinking about it, she shouldn't have asked.

It's actually good that she can have such a weapon to protect herself.

The important thing is to be thankful.Ke Qing put away the saber and said, "It's you...Thank you for your help, I'll leave it to the Qianyan Army, and I will order someone to deliver the reward to you."

He went back to that indifferent look.

But the expression just now made Qin Yu understand that Ke Qing definitely didn't hate her because of her indifference.

Although the reason is unknown, it is enough to know this.

Keqing, it can be posted!

Hmph, it's just the star Yuheng... Qin Yu smiled and said: "No, no, Master Yuheng protected me just now, this time it's my turn to help Master Yuheng!"

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