Because the two of them have maintained their respective networks in the academy, they also brought some new information.

"Captain, we have inquired. The number of people in the school who will participate in the free exploration dungeon this time is about one-third of the total number."


This data is not particularly important, but it can also be used as a reference.

"Sorry sorry, it's late."

The last one to arrive was Kitagawa Kaimeng.

In the past few days, because she has been taken care of by Qian Shu more, she went straight to Qian Shu and Taki Nai and sat down.

So far, all nine members of the team have sat upright on the sofa in the hall.

Waiting for the opening of the reincarnation copy.


【You have entered this free exploration reincarnation dungeon...】

When the consciousness enters the state of weightlessness like a space-time tunnel.

The prompt from the communicator appeared directly in everyone's consciousness.

This time it was only a blink of an eye, and the scene in front of everyone's eyes immediately became clear.

in front of you.

Everyone is in a simply decorated room.

The surrounding walls were gray and white.

And under everyone's buttocks, there is a small bench.

Looking around a little, you can find that this room is built in an unfinished building.

As if to avoid being noticed, even the only window was completely sealed.

Only one entrance remains.

[The name of this reincarnation copy: Inception]

[You and your teammates will jointly accept the main mission. You need to complete the main mission to get the mission reward. If you refuse to complete the main mission, you will be sent away from this reincarnation instance after a certain period of time, but you will not get any rewards 】

On the communicator, a dungeon information prompt popped up as always.

At first glance, it seems that this reincarnation copy is not particularly cruel.

If you don't complete the main task, it seems that you won't die.

But reincarnation dungeons are never so merciful.

Taking it lightly is never a good thing.

[Main task: Complete the task arranged by the old Fisher, and implant the designated consciousness in the mind of the international tycoon Sun Zhengxiang]

【Current World: Real World】

[Number of hostile player teams in the world: 0]

After only a brief glance at the message prompt on the communicator, Su Bai probably understood the rules of this reincarnation dungeon.

It's a team copy.

Just looking at the mission, it is a copy of the single-level game that Yang Nai mentioned before.

But the information in the last line clearly shows that.

Confrontation with other teams is also an unavoidable element in this reincarnation dungeon.

In addition to paying attention to your own communicator.

Su Bai also noticed that besides the nine people in their team, there was another person in the room.

Because the maximum capacity of the team is 10 people, but Su Bai's team only has nine people.

According to the rules, it is possible to randomly drag a 'lucky player' from each parallel world into the reincarnation dungeon.

In short, they have one more person in their team.

"You have a total of 3 days. After 3 days, Sun Zhengxiang will appear in his private hospital..."

There is a projection screen directly in front of the room.

On the screen, a man named Old Fisher was talking to Su Bai and the others.

Apparently, this is the task arranged by the old Fisher mentioned on the communicator.

"When Sun Zhengxiang shows up at the hospital, our people will arrange for him to enter the ward and inject him with a sedative. At that time, you will have a total of one hour to complete your tasks."

While the old Fisher was introducing the mission.

Su Bai looked down at the equipment on his desk.

On the screen of the laptop, it was displayed that a detailed information related to the target person had been received from the old Fisher.

There is also a complete set of 'Inception' equipment.

It is different from the equipment in the movie Inception.

The dream stealing tool in this reincarnation dungeon is something like earphones. There are two in each set, and when worn on the ears, dreams can be synchronized.

In addition, there are many sedatives...

"The tranquilizer tailored for you is the equipment to help you enter the third-layer dream."

"However, I have told you before that the side effect of this sedative is that if you die in the dream, you will fall into a deeper dream, and then you will completely pass out."

It is equivalent to becoming a vegetable.

Furthermore, for the player, this is death.

It is also the failure of the main mission.

"Okay, three days later, when the operation starts, I will contact you again."

The picture on the projector is cut off.

Everyone immediately started to act separately, first search and check the surroundings to confirm whether it is safe.

Su Bai stayed in his seat, opened the files on the computer, and checked them.

It records the personal information of the target person 'Sun Zhengxiang' in detail.

As big as how many assets this person owns and how many companies are under his name.

He is so young that he likes to eat and has any special hobbies, all of which are clearly introduced.

There are dozens of pages full of eloquence.

In addition to the target person's information, there are the most important things.

The goal of the main quest.

——Implant Sun Zhengxiang with an idea, let him hand over all his property to his wife, and let him think that this idea is his own.

"It's almost the same as Inception..."

Su Bai couldn't help sighing in his heart.

But after carefully checking the follow-up information.

Su Bai found that things were not as complicated as he imagined.

The process of 'Inception' here is simpler than in the movie.

There is no need for a 'dream builder' or a 'pretender'.

You only need to pull the target person into the third layer of dreams, and then brainwash them, there is a high probability of success.

There is only one rule to be careful.

The target person cannot be informed in advance that someone is going to steal a dream for him and try to implant a certain idea in his brain, otherwise the opponent will have a strong sense of resistance in the dream.

"Actually, we can simply understand this main task."

Su Bai stood right in front of the room and explained the main task to everyone.

"There are three steps in total. The first step is to pull the target person into a dream, the second step is to bring the target person to the third layer of dreamland, and the third step is to implant a thought into the target person."

In fact, what is most likely to cause trouble for the team is not the plot design of the reincarnation dungeon itself

but other players... .

"According to the prompt given on the communicator, as expected, after we enter the dreamland, we will encounter other teams, and these teams should be born directly in the dreamland.

And the number of enemies on each floor may be different. "


It's a simplified version of Inception, otherwise those in the team who haven't learned about movies may take a little time to understand.

But even if it is a simplified plot, some people still can't understand it.

That's the new character on the team.

The woman who has been sitting in the corner.

Although she is sitting, it does not hinder the display of her tall figure. Her dark red eyes are at the subtle point of confusion and sharpness. Boots are a seemingly ordinary urban women's dress.

From the old Fisher before to Su Bai now.

No matter who is speaking on it.

She always had an expression that she was dreaming, and she didn't listen at all.

Until Su Bai glanced towards her, and asked.

"Your name is . . . Joel Fudge?"

"No, my name is Joel Blair."

"So, not married?"

"Eh? Yes, yes."


The last sigh that exposed Su Bai's heroic ambition was omitted by Joel.

Her brain is still buzzing.

In the time just now, she had secretly pinched herself many times.

Thinking that if it was a dream, if you hurt yourself, you should be able to leave the dream.

But unexpectedly, she almost bruised her arm from pinching her, and she still couldn't wake up.

"team leader."

Qianshu raised her eyebrows, and asked Su Bai with her eyes.

Do you need her to explain the current situation to Joel?

"Well, let's go, but she doesn't seem to be very smart, so please keep it simple."

The task of explaining the current situation to Joel was thus handed over to Qian Shu.

The rest of the team didn't pay special attention to this young woman who suddenly appeared.

Because from the outside, Joel seems to be just an ordinary woman.

But everyone's attitude is still very friendly.

Like Kitagawa Kaimeng and Qianshu, when they laugh, they are both friendly.


"So that's it, have I been involved in this kind of place?"

After a long time, Qian Shu's explanation finally worked.

Joel probably understood her situation now.

It's impossible to get out of here.

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