She was actually very puzzled just now.

It was clear that the three enemies could be easily killed, but Su Bai let the enemies go because of a few words of information.

The last scream was recorded in her ear, which proved that she was thinking too much.

Of course, Su Bai couldn't let this kind of enemy go.

"If nothing else happens, we will encounter other teams in the next two layers of dreams. If we want to ensure our own safety, we can only drive out the other teams."

Through the team's headset, Su Bai said lightly.

He brought this tape back just to make everyone realize that now is not the time to talk about kindness.

If you don't kill the opponent, you are leaving hidden dangers for yourself.

Such detailed work is necessary. There are new players in the team he just killed.

Those players are likely to beg for mercy, and if someone in the team softens because of the enemy begging for mercy, it's not very good.

In addition, because there is a newcomer Joel in the team, he needs to take care of Joel more.

"It's cruel..."

Yang Nai, who was on standby in the hospital, sighed in astonishment.

If there are two hostile teams in each dream, and the teams are full of 10 people.

That means that they alone have to kill 60 enemies in order to complete this reincarnation dungeon.

This is just the blood stained on the hands of their team.

At the same time, in other parallel copies of reincarnation, there are also a large number of 'players' fighting each other.

If those casualties are also counted, in this reincarnation dungeon alone, there may be more dead 'players' than the previous reincarnation dungeons you have experienced combined.


Except Joel.

Others are tentatively considered 'veteran players'.

Kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself, this principle has been experienced more or less by oneself.


"Check it out! Find out who sent the killer!!"

In the operating room of the hospital, the target Sun Zhengxiang was patting the armrest of the wheelchair and shouting loudly.

The commotion caused by the battle outside just now was really not small.

Don't look at him looking like a big boss now, pointing fingers.

Before the battle was over, he didn't even dare to get off the operating bed.

Now that the battle was over, he got up and prepared to settle accounts after autumn.


The door of the operating room was pushed open again, and Su Bai, whose body was stained with the blood of the enemy, walked in from the outside.

Still as confident as before, he spoke directly.

"Boss, the killers have all been killed by our security department, but the identity of the other party needs to be investigated. It can be seen that the other party obviously does not want to reveal their true identity. I suggest that you think about it, among your enemies, who is most likely to send Someone is coming to kill you."

Su Bai said a lot, in fact, to guide Sun Zhengxiang to think according to his way of thinking.

In addition, it is also invisible, disguising the people in his team as the security personnel of Sun Zhengxiang's side, so as to gain more trust.

"Who is most likely to assassinate me?"

Sure enough, Sun Zhengxiang was tricked.

He immediately frowned and began to think.

And just when his brows began to relax, as if he had already got the answer, the doctor behind him, wearing a white coat, suddenly stepped forward, and pierced Sun Zhengxiang's arm with a needle.

Immediately before Sun Zhengxiang fell into a coma, he heard his 'loyal' security captain shout loudly.

"Protect Boss Sun!"

Of course it is impossible to really protect Sun Zhengxiang.

The doctor who gave Sun Zhengxiang a sedative later was played by Ichinose.

Directly giving Sun Zhengxiang an injection may require an explanation, which is troublesome.

So Su Bai came up with an idea, directly borrowing the story line of the first layer of dreams, to continue the assassination, so Sun Zhengxiang probably thought before he fell into a coma.

——was attacked by an assassin, but his security personnel were right in front of him, so he could still save him.

"Get ready to enter the next level of dreamland."

After lifting Sun Zhengxiang to the operating bed, Su Bai began to move the chairs and so on. Everyone chose a position and prepared to connect to the Inception device.

"Miss Yang Nai, I will leave the first dream to you."

"Do not worry."

Still acting in a cautious style, even though the players from the two teams have been completely eliminated, Su Bai is still worried.

In the space of the first dream, Yonoshita Yukinoshita was left guarding.


[Current World: The Second Layer of Dreamland (Sun Zhengxiang)]

[Number of hostile player teams in the world: 3]

[Sub-quests: kill players from other teams, every time you kill a player, you will get 1 points for the whole team]

Enter the second layer of dreamland.

This time, the birth point of the dream was Sun Zhengxiang's private mansion. When he woke up, he saw himself lying in a somewhat familiar room, so he subconsciously thought that his subordinates had helped him get rid of the assassin.

And successfully brought him back to his mansion.

"Boss, you are awake."

Su Bai's birth point was in Sun Zhengxiang's room.

The deliberate guidance in the upper dreamland is obviously very effective.

Sun Zhengxiang looked at Su Bai right now, as if he was looking at his right-hand man, his eyes were full of trust.

"The assassins have already been dealt with?"

"Not yet, we transferred you back from the hospital, and there are still many assassins waiting outside."

When Sun Zhengxiang heard this, his expression turned pale.

He wanted to sit up from the bed, but found that his body was very weak, and it was difficult to raise his hands.

"The effect of the medicine has not completely passed, boss, just lie down with peace of mind, and I will deal with all the assassins immediately."

"It's that bitch Anna! She must have asked someone to kill me, you have to bring her to my bed!"

The so-called Anna was the initiator of the Inception mission, and she was Sun Zhengxiang's wife.

This is the background story setting of the reincarnation dungeon.

In the materials that Su Bai and the others got before, the description of this aspect is very detailed, so Su Bai immediately wanted to understand how to deal with the second layer of dreams in front of him.

"Get rid of the other teams first, find 'Anna' by the way, and bring her here. Well, it may be okay if you can't find it."

Su Bai's voice came from the earphone.

Chisuke and Takina, who were waiting outside the mansion, received the news immediately.

Immediately began to formulate a battle plan, other people are also nearby, everyone's birth point is inside and outside the mansion, it is easy to meet.

Correspondingly, the teams of other players are the same.

All teams will have a fixed spawn point.

"You stand still for now, just keep Sun Zhengxiang under guard, and leave the rest to me."

Su Bai also quickly walked down the stairs.

The place they are in now is Sun Zhengxiang's five-story mansion, which is built like a palace.

Surrounded by manor-like green belts.

The city can be seen in the distance, and this scene is based on the mansion owned by Sun Zhengxiang in the real world.

Therefore, Su Bai, who has read relevant materials, has a relatively good understanding of the terrain.

As long as Qian Shu and the others guard the residence.

Don't let other players take away Sun Zhengxiang.

According to the rules of the reincarnation dungeon, after other people snatch Sun Zhengxiang away, they can also 'steal dreams' against Sun Zhengxiang.

If the delay is long enough, even if the opponent does not defeat Su Bai's team, they may complete the main mission ahead of schedule. In this way, Su Bai's team can only run with them.


Near the mansion, the battle broke out.

With the 'transparent world', Su Bai's active attack becomes very easy. Ordinary enemies can't hide from his detection at all, and will be quickly discovered by him, and then killed.

But there is no guarantee.

Some players may have the ability to hide their figure, and they will sneak past under his nose...

"There are no enemies coming at all!"

Chizuru, who guarded the mansion up and down, sighed.

Through the scope of the sniper rifle, she could see the flames of Su Bai fighting with other teams.

It's basically a one-sided fight.

They don't need to intervene.

And because of the existence of the contract skill, Su Bai can communicate with Takina without hindrance at any time.

In this way, the team can know Su Bai's situation at any time, whether he needs support, or whether he needs to be careful of enemies who may have quietly approached the mansion.

Of course, in this reincarnation copy, because there are high-tech headphones.

Su Bai can communicate with everyone without using skills.

It was only because the earphones were more likely to be interfered that he tended to use skills to communicate after entering combat mode.

"The captain should be able to kill all three teams."

Sensing the message from Su Bai in his mind, Takina, holding the big pineapple, silently put away the gun in his hand.

In the second layer of dreams, ordinary dream NPCs still exist.

However, there are relatively few of them near the mansion, so it is not easy to find the wife of the target person.

If you can't find it near the mansion, you have to look for it further away in the city center.

At that time, it will be like finding a needle in a haystack.

"So the captain deliberately guided the target person in the second dream, and the target person came to the conclusion that the person who sent the assassin was his own wife, right?"

Without the enemy's figure, Qian Shu also gradually relaxed, rubbed her chin, and analyzed.

"Yes, and our team is taken for granted by the target person as his security personnel."

"The captain's reaction speed is really fast. It took only a dozen seconds for the upper level of the dream to formulate the entire plan."

Qian Shu sighed and said.

In the first layer of dreams, all teams actually only have a short time to understand and explore their birth point and dream background.

And Su Bai's response speed on the spot is undoubtedly the fastest.

When the other two teams haven't figured out the situation yet.

He had already led the team into the hospital, and disguised himself as Sun Zhengxiang's "insider", thus successfully controlling Sun Zhengxiang.

And it did not attract resistance from the other party.

It is precisely because of this that there are no accidents in the first layer of dreams and the second layer of dreams.

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