Everyone cherishes the peaceful days of staying on College Island like this, and every day must be happy and fulfilling enough to have a sense of satisfaction that has paid off.

"Ichinose went to find her former class teacher, Yukino and Yuigahama went to Yango's place, Chizuru...is in the captain's room."

The name of the dish was the same, and Takina reported the movements of the others today.

The movements of the first few people were automatically ignored by Kitagawa Kaimeng and Karuizawa Megumi, and their focus was on Qian Shu.

"In the captain's room..."

"Have you been in there all night!?"

The eyes of the two people stared straight at Takina.

The thirst for knowledge, called gossip, was written on the faces of the two of them without concealing it.

"Well, all night."

Obviously he was talking about something dirty, but Takina seemed very calm.

Not much expression changes. =

It's really not how calm she is, it's just that she has been teased and teased by Qian Shu a lot, and she has a certain ability to resist.

So when talking about this kind of thing, I can barely change my face.

Yes, just barely.

If she continued to delve deeper, she might be overwhelmed.

"If you've been in the captain's room all night, you should have been... pushed, pushed down by the captain, right?"

Karuizawa Kei looked at Takina eagerly, as if eager to get a definite answer from Takina.

It's not pure gossip, it's more like the feeling of 'the boy I've been paying attention to is getting together with another woman'.

Karuizawa Megumi actually has a sense of dependence on Su Bai.

From the first copy of reincarnation, she subconsciously regarded Su Bai as someone who could entrust everything to her.

Note that it is to entrust everything.

In addition to being able to rely on Su Bai and get protection, he also hopes to get Su Bai's emotional approval.

It's a pity that Su Bai 'bullied' her a little in the first reincarnation dungeon.

Kitagawa Kaimeng's thoughts at the moment were relatively simple, biting the fork, blushing uncontrollably, waiting for Takina's next words.

She joined the team for a short time, and she didn't experience the time when Ichinose and Takina shared their experiences.

So curiosity overshadowed everything at the moment.

"The captain is a standard meat eater."

Takina answered Karuizawa Megumi's question with a simple sentence.

Entering Su Bai's room at night, she can only come out the next afternoon, this kind of thing is not unheard of for her.

Su Bai is not a herbivorous man, he will show restraint in the reincarnation dungeon, but when he returns to the academy island, he will be full of firepower.


"No, I didn't expect Qian Shu to be so bold."

Kitagawa Kaimeng sighed falteringly.

In her mind, the picture of Qian Shu in her second-level dreamland and Su Bai receiving the certificate suddenly appeared in the previous reincarnation dungeon.

At that time, Qian Shu was very happy.

Although there may be subconscious troubles.

But at least it can prove that Qian Shu has a certain affection for Su Bai, which means that there is a high probability that Qian Shu entered Su Bai's room voluntarily...

"When Qian Shu and Captain were in the second dream, Qian Shu was already pregnant... in the third dream."

Takina added another sentence calmly.

But when it comes to pregnancy, she is also curious about what it feels like.

I don't know if pregnancy in the dream is the same as pregnancy in the real world.

If so, Qian Shu really experienced the major events in life in advance...

"Is it really pregnant? I thought the captain was joking."

Karuizawa Megumi widened his eyes and asked curiously.

"No, it should be true. The captain deliberately did that in order to guide Qian Shu's subconscious mind."

Takina replied calmly.

"Really, really amazing..."

Megumi Karuizawa couldn't find a particularly good adjective.

For the next few minutes, the three of them buried themselves in their food.

Because she had already had two similar experiences, Karuizawa Megumi quickly calmed down.

Although I was still very curious, I didn't want to ask any more questions.

But Kitagawa Kaimeng really couldn't restrain his thirst for knowledge.

After eating, the knife and fork in his hand was still not at ease, so he looked at Takina and asked cautiously.

"So, is the captain talking about several girlfriends at the same time?"

"No, the captain said, we only stay as lovers for one night, break up the next day, and then reconcile. This is not considered cheating, and lovers have to separate and reunite. This is a natural law."


It sounds like a scumbag quote...

"Then, Takina, are you not dissatisfied with the captain..."


Got an unexpected answer.

Takina's always calm expression also caused some waves.

She curled her lips and added.

"But the captain said he has no morals, so don't try to kidnap him."


"Maybe in the next reincarnation copy, I will die. Thinking about it this way, everything will be solved."

"Please don't make such jokes! Takina-san!"

Kitagawa Kaimeng stood up suddenly and took Takina's hand.

The expression was flustered, but the tone was serious, and he explained the emotional problems to Takina.

A bunch of black lines fell down on Takina's forehead.

She was just joking, but Kitagawa Kaimeng took it seriously.

In fact, she has no dissatisfaction with Su Bai.

Although when she was with Su Bai for the first time, she really thought that it would be more satisfying if she could monopolize Su Bai, but unfortunately, Su Bai's attitude is very tough.

"A man who wants to open a harem must be upright."

That's what Su Bai said.


Outside the academy, Eiri and Kasumigaoka Shiwa work part-time at a coffee shop.

"It can't be sold at all..."

After ordering a cup of coffee, Kushida Kikyo sat across from Eriri.

The golden-haired girl was depressed at this time, lying on the table, looking very unmotivated.

There is no way, the previous idea of ​​earning points by drawing notebooks really doesn't work.

No matter how hard and delicate she draws, it is difficult to sell her works.

Hanging on the trading market, even provoked the ridicule of some people.

"Hahaha, there are still idiots selling notebooks, how can this kind of thing be worth such a price!"

It's not expensive at all!

That is the price of a meal in the academy! !

After being ridiculed by the trader, Ying Lili slandered the other party in her heart for a whole day.

But if you think about it carefully, there is really no market for her works.

In a place like Academy Island, there are too many ways to satisfy desires, and her book has no competition at all.

"Sure enough, should I go to the free exploration dungeon?"

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu also approached, there were no customers in the store, and she had nothing to do.

So I came over to take a look at Yinglili's work progress.

Unsuccessful three words are not enough to describe it, it has to be described by the two words 'complete failure'.

This way of earning points was completely cut off.

Therefore, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu sighed that he should go to explore the adventure freely.

If you are always afraid of danger and dare not take the initiative to take risks, you will always be able to stay at the lowest level of the academy island and be slaughtered by others.

Even in the past few days, many people have explicitly pointed out her.

As long as she is willing to sleep with her, she will be given points. Although she refused without hesitation, she often wonders if she is still qualified to refuse the other party if it is in the reincarnation dungeon.

Maybe even surviving is an extravagant hope at that time, let alone keeping one's own body.

"Actually, I think it was the right choice for you not to go to the free exploration copy this time."

Kushida Kikyo, who was still playing the soft girl style, said with a long sigh.

There was a little fear in those eyes.

Like recalling her horror encounter in the copy of 'Inception'.

Kasumigaoka Shiwa and Eiriri were both attracted by the topics she brought up.

They have not inquired about this information.

However, they are also too embarrassed to ask directly, because strictly speaking, this is information that can be sold for points, and it would be rude to ask directly.

In addition, they have alienated Kushida Kikyo, either explicitly or secretly.

Now, using the identity of a so-called friend to inquire about information for free from Kushida Kikyo, it is even more cheeky.


Kushida Kikyo seems very eager to share.

After seeing the curious eyes of Eirari and Kasumigaoka Shiwa, she immediately started talking.

"You probably don't know, this time there are about 300 people in the academy, and they entered the free exploration instance..."

In fact, Ying Lili and Kasumigaoka Shiwa had heard of this data a little bit.

"But it seems that less than half of the people who came back alive from the dungeon this time, that is to say, about 200 people died in this reincarnation dungeon."

Ying Lili and Xiazhiqiu Shiyu were secretly startled.

More than 50.00% mortality rate.

Even in the copy of "Jurassic Survival" with the most deaths, it is not so horrible.

Think along the terrifying data given by Kikyo Kushida.

It seems to be understandable why Kushida Kikyo said that it was the right choice for them not to enter the reincarnation dungeon this time.

With their strength, they entered this dungeon with a very high elimination rate.

Basically there is no way out.

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