Seeing this, the rest of Class F probably understood the situation, so they stepped out of the way.

...... 0

Let the personnel on both sides confront each other head-on.

There is no doubt that Shizuka Hiratsuka is at a disadvantage.

The number of people is not dominant.

On the opposite side, in addition to four foreign players with good strength, there is also the commander of Class F held hostage by them, and several minion characters of Class F.

"I know that everyone may be a little confused. The commander who just died didn't want to cooperate with us, so we killed them and replaced them with someone who is willing to cooperate with us."

Akasaka-san smiled coldly.

Beside her, the other three foreign aid players were all men.

And all of them looked so fierce that they were not easy to mess with.

"By the way, the new commander has at least 200 personal points in his hand. In other words, even if you all have resurrection cards, at least two of you must die."

As soon as this remark came out, many people became more arrogant and did not dare to speak out.

The current charging group is also under great pressure.

All of them had pale faces and sweaty palms.

"The old woman named Shizuka Hiratsuka is one, the other—"

Akasaka-san elongated her tone, raised her right hand, and pointed her index finger casually towards the present group, going back and forth several times, as if she was picking a suitable target.

Before she could find a suitable target.

The man next to him licked his lips and said sullenly.

"It's a pity to kill the old woman you mentioned directly. It's not too late to let us have a good time before killing."

"There's also that girl with blonde hair, very on point, I'll call for it."

"Just take it as a reward, let me see—that girl with blue and silver hair, give it to me."

The so-called lure of wolves into the house is probably the current situation.

Although the others in Class F are dissatisfied, they are temporarily on the sidelines.

The main reason is that the influence of the foreign aid players is not small.

There are more than ten people in total, and no one wants to confront them head-on.

"Are you kidding, you bastards!"

Miura Yuiko, who was named, was furious and scolded the other party.

The voice just fell.

Miss Akasaka suddenly raised her hand and threw a throwing knife.

The flying knife was so fast that Miura Yuiko dodged subconsciously.

For a moment, she could feel the coldness of the flying knife passing by her ears, as if even a few strands of her hair had been chopped off.


The flying knife finally stuck into the meat!

However, the person who was hit was Ooka who was standing right behind Yuiko Miura.

He was hit head-on in the neck and was killed instantly.

And because there was no resurrection card, his body did not disappear, so it stayed where it was.

"Hehe, it turns out that you are the unlucky one who doesn't even have a resurrection card. It seems that your strength is not very good."

Akasaka-san said with a sneer.

Her words completely defeated the present team and exposed the fact that they were weak.

The other members of class F will not choose to stand on their side.

The current filling group is in chaos because of Dagang's death.

"Are you going to escape? Dagang is dead... dead!"

"Run away, there is no chance of winning in a direct confrontation."

"Come on!"

In a hurry, Shizuka Hiratsuka reached out and gave Miura Yuiko a hand.

Everyone turned around and ran away, and with the help of the thick fog in the maze, they might be able to get rid of each other.


Class D here.

Su Bai, who led the team, came to a fork in the road. After looking around, he opened his mouth and said.

"Start from here, let's split up, Qian Shu and Taki Nai will lead a team, and my team will retreat if they encounter a dead end..." [-].

Chapter 147 There was a loud noise in the sky, and the hunk appeared on the stage!

"Go to the right side and keep moving forward, as long as you slow down a bit, of course, it is also possible that both of us are going in the wrong direction..."

Calling everyone together, Su Bai made a detailed plan for the next course of action.

Because the fork in the road before us is full of uncertainty.

It is necessary to act separately in order to improve efficiency.

After all, on everyone's communicator, they can see each other's approximate location.

for example.

If Qian Shu and the others entered a dead end and needed to go back the same way, Su Bai could immediately observe their actions from the communicator.

Similarly, if Su Bai took the wrong route, Qian Shu and the others would be able to spot it immediately.

In the worst case, everyone is at a dead end.

But that's okay too.

After all, Class D is divided into several groups to explore the map together.

If the direction of action of the other two teams is correct, Su Bai will also approach them immediately.

"In addition to exploring the map, you can also achieve the goal of getting out of the maze by killing the commanders of other classes. Therefore, if you encounter other classes, you can try to force them to lead the way by threatening."

Su Bai thought very carefully.

The map under your feet is a brain-burning maze, and there are no shortcuts to go.

In addition to the background picture, it is time and energy to explore a little bit.

Such a game rule has a lot of uncertainty.


Killing other class commanders to activate weapon special effects is worth considering carefully.

"However, everyone should be careful. If it is not a sure battle, try to distance yourself as soon as possible, because the classes around us are likely to be high-ranking classes, such as Class A, Class C, and Foreign aid players are also a big threat."

Everyone listened carefully, and Su Bai's analysis was completely correct.

For foreign players, the last round of competition is a great opportunity to earn rewards "six seven zero".

Non-student players who may have looked down on the rewards before will probably not miss this round of competition.

Definitely pick the class they want to help and take the plunge.

In this way, the possibility of encountering powerful foreign aid players naturally increases.

In addition to foreign aid players, some top players in Class A and Class C are also worthy of vigilance.

After all, Su Bai and his team are divided into several teams, and each team has a small number of people.

In case of encountering a large force from Class A or Class C, there is no guarantee of a sure win.

"Why... the classes around us are the top-ranked classes?"

Kitagawa Kaimeng blinked and asked suspiciously.

Others don't quite understand this question.

"I guess, because there are a total of 26 entrances to the maze, one for each class, and the birth point of each class is the same distance from the end point, so when the player explores the map, they will keep approaching the central area, and the activity area will change. In small cases, the probability of bumping into each other will naturally increase.

Therefore, if the classes with higher combat power are stuffed around the lower-ranked classes, it will not be fair to the lower-ranked classes. Of course, my guess may be wrong. "

Su Bai patiently explained his thoughts.

Although it is a guess, but according to the urine nature of the reincarnation copy, his guess should be pretty close.

"Understood. In short, if you encounter another class, try to find the commander of the other party, and kill them to speed up the progress."

Takina frowned, summing up concisely.

"Not necessarily, because of the existence of the resurrection card, if you want to use life-threatening methods to force the other party to lead the way, I'm afraid it will not be easy to succeed."

Xue Nai gave a different opinion calmly.

What both of them said made sense.

How to do it, you have to adapt to the situation.

If you are lucky, you can quickly find the other 4 class leaders, and of course you can reach the finish line more quickly.

But if you are unlucky, it may be easier to complete the task by finding the exit of the maze steadily.

"Let's go, on my side, Miss Joel, Yukino and Yubihama are enough, and the rest will be left to... the vice captain."

"Obey! Captain!"


In the maze, the thin mist can only block the vision to a limited extent.

It is basically impossible to use the mist to completely shake off the pursuers behind.

Especially, when the pursuer is the commander of the class.

The commander's communicator can always observe the movements of everyone in the squad.

Unless the distance is very far, it is impossible to get rid of the pursuers.

Just like that.

Hiratsuka Shizuka led the current filling group, stumbling all the way, running out of breath, and failed to shake off the pursuers behind him.

"No, the commander has our location information in his hand, and we can't escape."

In the process of fleeing in embarrassment, the present charge group tried to fight back.

Both Ebina Himina and Kawasaki Saki chose long-range attack weapons.

Taking advantage of the mist, they suddenly shot cold arrows, trying to catch the opponent by surprise.

But the arrow was cut off by Akasaka volley. It is conservatively estimated that the woman named Akasaka has an agility attribute of more than 50.

The strength of this woman seems to be quite strong.

At least far stronger than the people in the current filling group.

And the other three foreign aid players are all Akasaka's loyal thugs, even if they want to use alienation tactics, they have nowhere to use them.

"We have to separate and escape!"

Seeing that there was a fork in the road ahead, Shizuka Hiratsuka took a deep breath and said loudly.

"Escape separately? Escape separately, you will be defeated one by one..."

"No, they only have a commander who can keep track of our location information. After we separate, they must only chase one of our teams."

Hiratsuka analyzed calmly.

Everyone else was silent, what Hiratsuka Shizu said really made sense.

If the opponent wants to ensure the success rate of the chase, he will definitely take the commander of class F to act, then it is doomed that the opponent cannot divide the troops.

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