But Xue Nai did not explain to her what happened just now.

Because she also didn't want Yubibin to notice the humbleness and meanness of her actions this time.

Judging from such details, there is nothing wrong with Su Bai's statement, and Xue Nai still hasn't really let go of her pride.

She is not even willing to admit her true thoughts to her companions.

"Following them, not only can we not get their help, but we can't kill the dinosaurs and get points."

Xue Nai's expression seemed to have regained his composure.

But in her words, there was obviously grievance and anger.

She continued: "We have to stay away from them before we can start killing the dinosaurs, otherwise they will definitely keep making things difficult for us, and when we become completely weak due to hunger..."

She tried to explain it to Yuigahama.

It's nothing more than how domineering Su Bai and the others are. They are obviously wild monsters on the map, but they insist on saying that she is robbing monsters.

But Yuigahama had a different idea.

"We must follow them."

Yubihama's rare firm attitude.

She stared at Xue Nai very seriously, and said: "Although I don't know what happened just now, but I can feel that you are not calm enough now, Xue Nai, this is not your normal state, so I don't agree with you in this state. decision."

Yukino's eyes flickered.

She secretly clenched her fists, actually realizing that Yubihama was right.

She is not calm now, and the decisions she makes are emotional.

Even the reason she used to persuade Yubihama just now was overturned by herself.

Why would he be weaker because he doesn't have points... Heh, Su Bai killed five large dinosaurs in a row just now.

With this kind of combat power, do you need to wait for her and Yubihama to become weaker?

As long as Su Bai thinks, he can ooxx them anytime.

"And Xue Nai, you said that there is no way to kill dinosaurs. I don't understand. Didn't we kill several small dinosaurs just now? As long as we kill a few more dinosaurs of the same type, we can exchange them for food and water!"

Yuigahama laughed, trying to appear as optimistic as possible.

"Sorry! Yui..."

Xue Nai finally admitted that she was emotional, and after apologizing, she gave Yubi Bin a shallow hug: "You're right, we'd better continue to follow them now."


The night passed.

the next day.

Su Bai and Xue Nai, the three-person team and the two-person team, continued to follow the previous day's configuration.

One after the other.

On Su Bai's side, as long as he can meet a dinosaur, he will definitely not let it go.

Yukino and Yubihama could only kill some small dinosaurs.

There are fewer dinosaurs during the day.

Fortunately, they were lucky today, following behind Su Bai and the others, they didn't have to face large dinosaurs.

You can also pick up and kill some small dinosaurs, so the points are slowly accumulating.

It's night again.

Su Bai's side remained the same, with a bonfire lit.

"Risk and benefit should be directly proportional."

From the accumulation last night to now, the points in Su Bai's hands have already exceeded a thousand.

So starting tonight, things like starvation have become a thing of the past.

Qian Shu and Ichinose didn't have as many points as Su Bai, they both had just over 100 points.

The monster points are all for completing side missions.

At this moment, Su Bai is analyzing the reward side mission.

"When people in class A are hunted down, they will get 25 points.

This means that they are facing higher risks than others in this reincarnation dungeon, so they should also be able to get more generous benefits. "

This theory was tested by Su Bai when he killed other players today.

The rules of reincarnation dungeons are generally fair.

When you take greater risks, the returns will definitely be higher than others.

"According to this logic..."

Su Bai looked at the communicator, and thoughtfully said: "The chosen person worth 100 million points should get the highest income.".

Chapter 51 The Cautious Takina!

"The chosen one..."

Qian Shu, who had exchanged the food, held the lunch box and enjoyed the dinner beside her with a happy expression.

Follow the idea proposed by Su Bai.

She also started thinking and analyzed.

"If someone knows that I am the chosen one, I will definitely have trouble sleeping and eating. Even if I am a companion, I may not be able to restrain the thought of backstabbing because of the high reward of 100 million points."


Su Bai nodded.

If the strength is not strong enough, they are randomly selected and become the chosen one.

Then it's better not to call it Tianxuan, it's more appropriate to call it Tianxuan.

Because no matter who meets the chosen person, the first thought must be that this is a big fat sheep, killing him will not make a fortune!

But how to distinguish the chosen one, Su Bai does not know for the time being.

But looking at the bonfire that was burning in front of him.

Su Bai had a guess in his mind.

"Perhaps, the bonfires of the chosen ones will be different from the bonfires of other ordinary people."

His idea is well founded.

As Xue Nai analyzed before, the rule that a bonfire must be built to buy food is to make it impossible for all players to hide in the jungle forever.

No matter what, you still have to eat and drink.

As long as you eat and drink, you have to make a fire to reveal your coordinates.

If the bonfire of the chosen one is different from that of other players, other players will naturally be able to recognize the chosen one at a glance.

"Well, I don't know where Takina and Karuizawa are now."

Qian Shu propped his face sideways and muttered.

There was a hint of worry in her expression.

Although before entering the reincarnation dungeon, the weapons that Su Bai gave them both had been strengthened.

In terms of combat power and survivability, neither of them is weak.

But this time, after all, there are relatively stronger non-student players.

Even if Takina and Karuizawa Megumi get together, they may not be the opponents of some non-student players.

But there is no good way, Su Bai and the others still have no news at all, and they don't know where Taki Nai and Karuizawa Megumi are.

"Continue to follow this straight line tomorrow, let's look forward. If they are also aware of the problem with the route, they should not deviate too far from the route."

Of course, there is another possibility that we are going the wrong way.

Su Bai silently added in his heart.

If it's really going the wrong way, then he has nothing to do.

You know, the Jurassic survival map this time is no smaller than the previous reincarnation copy.

Go forward in this pattern.

When the main mission is completed.

I don't know if I can go to the edge of the map.


under the same sky.

I don't know how many miles away.

Megumi Karuizawa and Takina also started a bonfire at this time.

Megumi Karuizawa exchanged food and water at the speed of light, and then extinguished the bonfire.

Together with Takina, they quickly disappeared into the place where the bonfire was lit.

After running for a full two or three kilometers, the two stopped panting heavily.

This is how normal players use campfires.

After exchanging food and water, immediately put out the bonfire.

And quickly move away from the coordinates exposed by the campfire to avoid potential enemies.

If you want to set fire like Su Bai unrestrainedly, as long as you have enough strength.


In front of Megumi Karuizawa and Takina, there are still about a few hundred meters away.

There is a cave next to the mountain.

It's where they're going to spend the night.

"Student Takina, what I wanted to say before is that you don't need to let me come every time you kill a dinosaur. In addition to the points, there are also experience points. The food exchanged for points can be shared equally, but the experience points can't be helped. Even split."

Megumi Karuizawa shared the food in her hand with Takina equally.

The same goes for water.

The two of them were also relatively relaxed when hunting dinosaurs, and there was no shortage of points.

Mainly thanks to Takina's weapons and skills.

The weapon is a Gatling that emits blue light. After being blessed by Su Bai's enchanting skills, it becomes a real killer.

In terms of skills, Takina got a precision shot in the last reincarnation dungeon.

This ability makes her bullets much more intimidating, since there's never a human outline.

Karuizawa Megumi's combat power will be much weaker.

Her main weapon is a thief dagger. After Su Bai enchanted the dagger, a stealth skill appeared in the equipment.

Karuizawa Megumi herself has no other skills.

No way, skill books are more expensive.

And the cheapest skill books are pure waste skills, it is useless to buy them, it will only waste money.

"It's okay, you can use all the experience points and points before meeting the captain."

Takina's gaze flickered faintly.

Two nights had passed and she had not lit a bonfire.

Because it's on her communicator.

The campfire options displayed are obviously different from others.

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