After all, this is a captain who will fight to the death for his companion no matter what.

Just so.

Even being buried in the sea is enough!

Redfoot Zeff laughed.

The chefs beside him cried.

Although Sanji (Wang Liao Zhao), the sous chef, is usually very violent.

Often beat the guests, giving them a headache.


Sanji had nothing to say about this restaurant.

Didn't say anything to them.

Sanji looked at Luffy with a black line on his face.

"Who really needs your care!"

listen to this.

Everyone stopped their tears and laughed again.

Before leaving.

Teacher Ma looked at Lu Fei and the others, and said solemnly.

"I got word in the Navy."

"That Nami on your ship has already rushed back to the dragon domain..."

Through the mouth of Teacher Ma, Dai Xiaomei and Zhou Jie told Luffy the information they got from pdd.

Luffy frowned after hearing this.

"Nami, Nami, is she a member of the Dragon Pirates?"

"This is impossible!"

"She obviously hates pirates so much!"

"It must have been forced by the Dragon Pirates."

"I'm going to get her out!"

With a few words, Lu Fei made up the whole thing.

But in fact.

But he is only because of his firm belief in Nami.

So it doesn't matter what Nami's reason is.

He wants Nami to be his navigator, so he must let Nami be his navigator!

Look at the way Luffy is so stubborn.

Teacher Ma already knew about it.

And he also ordered a few words, when they finish playing, he will go to the end.

He stayed in the sea restaurant, waiting for Lieutenant General Garp's warship to come to Ton.

At that time, all the defeated pirates will be taken into custody.

There is also Crick's body on the bottom of the sea.

These are all military achievements, and Teacher Ma will not let them go.

Luffy, Sanji, Dai Xiaomei, and Zhou Jie boarded a boat and rushed to the domain of the evil dragon.

Although Nami is not there, it is still not troublesome to identify the direction.

With Sister Zhou, an entry-level navigator, sailing to the dragon's domain should not be a problem.

69. pdd: Brothers, I'm a dragon or a phoenix, just watch today!

On a small sailboat.

Little girl Dai and sister Zhou looked at their attribute panel.

Never had time before.

Now is the time to distribute rewards well.

Both of them had smiles on their faces.

Dai Xiaomei was the first to open her attribute panel.

[Name: Little Sister Dumb. 】

[Level: lv10 (100%) (to be transferred). 】

[Occupation: Tasting master. 】

[Abilities: physical skills (not popular), tasting (beginner), fruit (unique) (primary). 】

[Items: knowledge-colored domineering skill scroll, free attribute points*2. 】

[Points: 1500. 】

Because I have learned about the job transfer task from pdd a long time ago.

So little girl Dai didn't hesitate and clicked directly.

[Please choose the direction of career change: 1. The current professional taste master, 2. Other professions (Note: Changing to other professions will result in the loss of current professional skills, and free attribute points will not be returned). 】

Dai Xiaomei didn't hesitate, she still planned to continue changing her current job.

Although it is a lifestyle occupation.

But now she can slowly increase her experience by eating.

Although little improvement.

But after that, I have been to more islands.

and enhancement of tasting skills.

Her eating experience may be higher than pushing the boss.

Therefore, she likes this profession very much.

[The player has chosen, continue to transfer to this profession. 】

[Professional transfer task: Eat one of each in the sea and in the sky. 】

Looking at his job transfer task.

The little girl frowned.

When I told Sister Zhou, Sister Zhou had no idea at all.

Netizens in the live broadcast room are even more so.

What does it mean to eat a variety of fish in the sea and in the sky?

They can understand it in the sea, and it can be done simply.

But in the sky, what does it mean?

"It's over, the old woman's job transfer task is difficult."

"Unexpectedly, this life-related occupation is so difficult to change."

"Eat the fish in the sky?"

"Could it be that there are flying fish in this sea?"

"Or is there a sea in the sky?"

"This is just a joke!"

"Maybe, maybe, the fact that there are seas in the sky is pure nonsense, but there are flying fish in the sky, that might be."

"Looking at the literal meaning of this job transfer task, it should be like this."

"It's over, then the chance of meeting this old woman is too small."

"How long will it take to change jobs successfully?"

"Maybe sister Zhou and the others will be almost level [-] by then?"

"Yes, the old woman is going to cry now."

Netizens talked a lot.

Dai Xiaomei is also very troubled by her job transfer task, and has no clue.

But she's not a messy person.

I don't have a clue and I don't want to.

And she is not going to use the points now.

But these free attribute points have to be allocated.

Dai Xiaomei added a little to Taijutsu and Shuishui fruit respectively.

She is not in a hurry to taste skills.

This will naturally increase after the job transfer is completed.

If there are free attribute points, let's add them to strength first.

[Name: Little Sister Dumb. 】

[Level: lv10 (100%). 】

[Occupation: Tasting master. 】

[Abilities: physical skills (beginner), tasting (beginner), fruit (unique) (intermediate). 】

[Item: Knowledge-colored domineering skill scroll. 】

[Points: 1500. 】

Look at your own properties panel.

Dai Xiaomei smiled with satisfaction.

Her water fruit is also at the intermediate level.

Among the four are Sister Zhou, pdd, and Teacher Ma.

She was already considered the strongest one.

Because the three of them don't have Hailoushi now, and they don't know how to be armed and domineering.

Therefore, the three of them had no way to restrain her at all.

This is the powerful characteristic of the natural devil fruit's immunity to physical attacks.

Even now in the entire Straw Hat Pirates.

She can be invincible.

In the future, if you meet someone you can't beat, you can jump into the sea and run directly.

This watery fruit is simply a bug fruit!

At the same time that his affection for Chu Xia increased again in his heart.

Miss Dai also looked at Sister Zhou.

And Sister Zhou will open her attribute panel with satisfaction.

[Name: Sister Zhou. 】

[Level: lv10 (100%) (to be transferred). 】

[Occupation: Navigator. 】

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