Basically don't come here.

So he has been hiding for eight years.

But now.

Cap finally came.

Although not in person.


He raised his eyes and glanced at the unsmiling Brigadier General Bogart in front of him.

Colonel Mouse was cold from head to toe.

He was just a branch colonel.

Converted to the headquarters, the major may not be able to become a major.

But the other party.

But it is the brigadier general of the headquarters.

This military rank and strength are three or four levels higher than him.

There is a world of difference between the two.

Not to mention Karp standing behind the two in front.

That is a man who can challenge the prestige of the marshal in the entire navy.

He, today is over!

Colonel Mouse stood where he was, already brainstorming all his results.

None of them are good.


The unsmiling Bogart produced a pair of handcuffs and handed them to Colonel Mouse.

"Do you need me to do it?"

Colonel Old Shu took the handcuffs slowly, and everyone stood there dumbfounded.

The surrounding villagers let out a sigh of relief.

They thought the two sailors were with the mouse colonel.

They were also worried about the comfort of Luffy and others.

did not expect.

The two men had come to arrest Colonel Mouse.

It's a great thing (Wang Liao Zhao).

And this time.

Colonel Mouse and his subordinates panicked when they saw this.

They are colluding with the dragon gang.

If this is known by the Navy.

All of them are capital offenses!

They didn't have a chance to go to Jinjin City, and they might have to be executed on the spot.

And since Lieutenant General Garp asked them to come.


They just have to be taken away.

and so.

Rather than being taken away, it is better to fight to the death!

Thinking of this, Colonel Mouse reached out and pulled out his gun.

The flintlock was aimed at Bogart's forehead.

Colonel Mouse had a grim expression on his face.

All the marines behind him also drew their swords and spears at the two of them.

Seeing how the mouse colonel was about to resist.

Teacher Ma sneered.

Bogart remained unsmiling.

Looking at the mouse, he said calmly.

"Are you sure you want to hold back?"

Seeing that the mouse didn't answer, instead the hand holding the flintlock tightened.

Bogart shook his head lightly.

"I am here on the order of Lieutenant General Garp to arrest the evil dragon gang and the evil navy mouse colonel and others."

"Since you are stubbornly resisting, then..."

Bogart didn't finish his sentence.

The mouse in front of him shot.

The flintlock spewed flames.

But this moment.

Bogart seemed to have expected it.

The long knife in his hand did not know when it would be unsheathed.

Straight up a ton.

The bullet was cut into two pieces by him and flew away at the same time.

Colonel Mouse's entire body was also split into two by him.

Watch this scene happen.

The live broadcast room was silent for two seconds, and then there was an uproar.

"Depend on!"

"Don't look at Bogart's serious look."

"This stepping horse is simply forcing the king!".

79. Teacher Ma's strength has been greatly improved, the ultimate secret of the game!

"Yeah, Bogart was too decisive after the surgery just now, wasn't he?"

"Not only that, but clean and tidy."

"When the sword cuts and shoots the bullet at myself, it also cuts Colonel Mouse in half."

"This is so awesome."

"Brothers, did you see that the blood spewed out after the two halves of Colonel Mouse's body fell down, how fast is this?"

"Yeah, this Bogart is really strong."

And seeing Bogart make a sharp move.

At the scene, Sauron and pdd, the two swordsmen, stared at each other.

At this time, in the perception of the two.

Bogart's swordsmanship was not much better than theirs.

It should also be the realm of cutting iron.


The opponent's physical skills are much stronger than theirs.

And there are other powers in that grasp.

such as.

It seemed to have the ability to perceive Colonel Mouse's movements in advance.

Or the power to cut Colonel Mouse in half with a single knife.

These are things that the two of them don't have now.

Sauron frowned slightly, not quite understanding what kind of power this was.

pdd was thoughtful.

Bogart just used it.

There should be a sense of domineering.

As for whether the armed color domineering is useful or not, he is not quite sure.

But it should be used.

Otherwise, with Bogart's swordsmanship, there should be no way to cut the mouse in half so neatly.

After a brief analysis, the two looked at Bogart with fighting spirit.

See the swordsman.

As swordsmen, they couldn't help it, and wanted to go up and challenge.

But pdd stopped after his eyes were hot for a while.

Bogart now.

At the very least, he is also a strong player with strong physical skills, swordsmanship, armed domineering, knowledge-colored domineering, and six naval styles.

He is an intermediate swordsman.

It looks like he might be abused by the other party.

He had no intention of looking for abuse.

At the same time, pdd also held Sauron, shaking his head slightly.

Sauron also knew the current situation.

That no-nonsense navy is strong.


Teacher Ma is also their friend.

He came with Bogart.

Don't make trouble for your friend's friend.

So Sauron had to suppress his desire to challenge.

And this time.

Saw Bogart beheading Colonel Mouse on the spot.

Those Colonel Mouse's original subordinates have all panicked.

They didn't expect this person to be so strong.

Is this the Commodore of the Navy Headquarters?

It's just that they haven't waited for them to open their mouths to surrender.

Teacher Ma smiled and shot.

After shaving repeatedly, Teacher Ma gave them the back of the head one by one.

These people were all beaten unconscious and then arrested by Mr. Ma.

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