Cap laughed.

"Warring States, this is the kid that this old man brought back to the navy."

"In my opinion, he has the potential to grow into a general at 5.7."

Karp's simple two sentences.

All of a sudden, the anger of the Warring States subsided.

His eyes looked at Teacher Ma solemnly.

Although the old guy Karp doesn't find tune on weekdays.

But on such a crucial matter, he would never frame himself.

And last time.

Garp said that he found a kid with general qualifications, and that was Aokiji many years ago.

Now, another one has been found?

The anger in Zhan Guo's heart was gone, instead he was full of surprise.

He also stood up and looked at Teacher Ma with burning eyes.

"Boy, what's your name?"

When asked about his name, Teacher Ma was a little embarrassed, but he still said.

"Golden Wheel Dharma King."

Warring States frowned upon hearing the sound, but didn't think much about it.

The name doesn't matter.

At this time.

The adjutant presented a piece of paper.

On it are the achievements made by Mr. Ma when he was in the East China Sea, and how he learned how to walk on the moon and shave in just a few days.

Watch the Warring States up and down.

His eyes became completely hot.

He looked at Teacher Ma, his mood became very good, and he smiled.

"Boy, are you still just a trainee sailor?"

Looking at Sengoku with a smile on his face, he asked this question.

Teacher Ma was stunned.

There was a moment of silence in the live broadcast room.

After a while.


"Teacher Ma is about to flourish this time!"

"That's right, the leader asked you about your official position. This is obviously to give you a promotion."

"And Mr. Ma is now being asked about his military rank by the Marshal of the Warring States Period. This is the rhythm of being promoted exceptionally!"

"Hahaha! Brothers, Mr. Ma must have developed in this wave!".

87. New World, Four Emperors!Shocked netizens: What are these! !

Netizens are full of expectations.

Teacher Ma nodded in astonishment.

I never thought that Warring States would ask him about his military rank as soon as he came up.

Seeing the other party nodding, Zhan Guo smiled and said.

"In that case, I, as a marshal, make an exception and directly promote you to the major of the headquarters."

Listening to Sengoku's words, a smile appeared on Garp's face.

Teacher Ma was also very pleasantly surprised.

Not to mention the netizens in the live broadcast room.

All of them were sending words such as "Ms. Ma has developed" and so on.

That's the major of the headquarters.

If you go to Four Seas, you can directly become the base commander.

And this is just the beginning.

With Mr. Ma's future meritorious service, his military rank will definitely be promoted like a rocket.

Aokiji looked at it with kind eyes.

Huang Yuan raised his eyebrows.

The tea drinker paused, with a look of great interest on his face.

"Yo yo, it's scary."

"Another monster."

"Directly promoted to the major of the headquarters, tsk tsk."

Listening to the slow voice of the yellow ape.

Netizens all remembered the imitation of pdd that day.

They all cried out in their hearts.

It's just too similar.

But right now.

An iron-blooded and indifferent voice sounded slowly.

The red dog in the position of the general raised his head, glanced at Teacher Ma, and then looked at Sengoku.

"Marshal of the Warring States Period, it's against the rules for a trainee sea soldier to be promoted to a major in the headquarters, isn't it?"

Listen to Akainu speak.

Netizens in the live broadcast room immediately sent out bullet screens in displeasure.

Knew it.

And they were right.

They don't know whether this red dog is righteous or not.

But the style of acting is too hawkish.

Netizens are full of displeasure.

Teacher Ma also looked stagnant.

That's the general.

An admiral speaks, and his navy's future can be ruined almost immediately.

At the very least, it would make his promotion path extremely difficult.

But just when Teacher Ma was nervous and Karp frowned.

Warring States behind the desk slapped the table.


"Don't get me wrong, I am the marshal!"

"It's not your turn to be the master of the Navy yet!"

"As a marshal, don't I even have the qualifications to promote a major in the headquarters?!"

The Warring States was extremely angry.

Just now 31 Karp didn't give him face, that's all.

Cap brought back a super genius who could let Cap run wild.

But you red dog.

What the hell openly opposed his decision?

He is the Admiral of the Navy!

The Warring States was furious.

Akainu was also a little angry when he saw this, but in the end he didn't touch Sengoku's brow.

Netizens laughed when they saw this.

"This wave of Warring States marshals exploded, hahaha!"

"Look at Akainu's expression, haha, it's like eating Xiang."

"Yeah, that's what he should be. You're just a major in the headquarters, not a major general or lieutenant general. What are you doing?"

"Isn't this obviously embarrassing the Warring States?"

"If I were in the Warring States Period, I would have to scold him, otherwise, what else would the navy care about?"

"The upstairs is right."

"Haha, looking at Akainu's face, I'm going to laugh like crazy."

And after the Warring States period finished fighting Akainu.

He also read out Teacher Ma's achievements and genius in Donghai.

Only in this way can we convince the public.

After listening to Warring States.

The red dog fell silent for a moment.

Teacher Ma's genius level is a bit beyond imagination.

Learn shaving and moon steps from an ordinary person in ten days.

Now he can still fight against the green pheasant.

Although this is a bit exaggerated.

However, these are enough to reflect the degree of genius of this person.

Akainu didn't object anymore.

Although there is no room for sand in his eyes.

He also looked down upon the people Karp brought back.

However, this person is a good seed after all.

After training well, maybe he can really become an admiral of the navy.

His red dog's heart is not so small.


Teacher Ma's military rank was fixed.

And that's why.

He made a fool of himself in front of all the admirals in the headquarters.

After talking about the episode of Mr. Ma, the Warring States Period continued to talk about the situation in the sea.

First of all.

Those are some newcomer pirates of the Great Route.

They've had a bit of a trend called Pirate Supernova, which has been very active recently.

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