But before everyone started fighting.

Great changes happened on the execution platform.

Their captain Straw Hat Luffy.

It was directly controlled by several members of the Bucky Pirates.

The acrobat Kabaji pressed a long wooden yoke and pressed Luffy firmly in place, revealing a section of his bare neck.

Bucky laughed wildly there, holding a long knife in his hand.

See this scene.

Everyone in the Straw Hats panicked.



Sanji Zoro rushed out immediately, heading towards the execution platform.

The pdd little sisters are no exception.

Captain Luffy is in trouble.

They must be saved.

Now following Luffy is the easiest and most leisurely way.

There are also such a group of sincere partners.

Everyone rushed forward together.

But at this time, the people and navy of the Bucky Pirates surrounded them.

Standing in front of them was Alita and smoker Smoker.

They can't rush out in a short time.

And Bucky on the execution platform didn't give them too many chances.

Bucky raised the long knife and was about to cut it off at Luffy with an arrogant laugh.

Seeing this, pdd Sauron and the others were completely anxious.

But it is such a critical moment.

Luffy himself is about to be executed.

He himself was still laughing on the execution platform.

He even said "Am I going to die?" Such absurd words.

This scene left pdd speechless.

So do the viewers in the live broadcast room.


They also have to admire Luffy's great nerve.

Even watching Luffy laugh at this time.

Everyone remembered the time when they dreamed back to the execution scene of Pirate King Roger.

The man laughed before the impromptu.

Laughing is so rampant.

The smile is so fearless.

And the current Luffy is exactly the same as Roger.

Netizens are thoughtful.

"This is Luffy's determination to become the One Piece King, right?"

"Yeah, we can't be sure without seeing Roger with our own eyes."

"But now, Luffy's smile."

"I'm afraid he is the only one who can inherit the will of One Piece."

"Yeah, this should be the meaning of Shanks gifting that straw hat to Luffy."

"Now it seems that since Shanks was a trainee crew member on the One Piece ship."

"Then, that straw hat should have been given to him by Roger."

"And later, it was given to Luffy by Shanks."

"This proves that Shanks saw the shadow of Roger in Luffy."

"That's right, I don't know if you still remember when Luffy first met Bucky the Clown."

"The original Bucky, holding Luffy's straw hat."

"He said something: 'Since it is a very important thing, it should be guarded carefully.'"

Seeing this barrage, pdd suddenly realized.

When he heard Bucky the clown say this, he didn't understand why, he didn't know what Bucky meant at all.

But now it seems.

Since Bucky is the same as redhead.

They were all apprentice crew members on the ship of One Piece Roger.


Bucky knew the straw hat.

Not entirely because of Shanks.

More because this straw hat is Roger's straw hat.

That's why Bucky said that.

Think of this.

Pdd couldn't help but gasped.

So did the netizens in the live broadcast room.

For the first time, they felt how big the frame of the game was.

From the beginning of the game.

Foreshadowing everywhere began to lay.

And now they have only discovered a small part.

All the netizens sighed in their hearts.

I am also more fascinated by "Great Navigation World".

pdd was also fighting against Alrita, while trying to rush to rescue Luffy.

The slippery fruit of Kalrita is too tricky.

Even his blade can slide away.

This is a bit unsolvable.

pdd felt helpless.

We can only hand over the heavy responsibility of rescuing Luffy to other partners.

And pdd held up Al Rita.

Everyone else also rushed forward.

But they met the second person blocking the way.

Smokey Smoker.

Smoker's arms turned into smoke, directly controlling many people.


But it doesn't include Little Sister Dai.

While amazed at Smoker's abilities.

Little Sister Dai didn't hesitate either.

Turning into a stream of water, she directly attacked Smoker directly.

Sister Zhou was held in mid-air, and immediately attracted Smoker's attention to assist.

Smoker was caught off guard by a mistake, and was stunned in place by the decisive move.

Dai Xiaomei came to him, stretched out both hands and pointed at him.

Then a fierce water bird shot out.

In the nick of time.

Smoker finally recovered.

Shocked at the same time that the woman in front of him turned out to be a natural devil fruit ability user.

Smoker's two smoky arms dissipated and turned into arms again.

But the waterfowl had already come to him.

You can't dodge it at all.

What he can do right now is either elementalization or hard resistance.

Elementalized words.

He is smoke.

And the other side is water.

Water, to some extent, restrains smog.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???

So if elementalization resists, the waterfowl might be able to hurt his body.


Smoker immediately chose to resist.

"Iron block!"

Smoker yelled.

The whole body becomes as hard as steel.

The waterfowl released by Dai Xiaomei with her intermediate fruit ability slammed into Smoker's body, sending Smoker flying far away.

The force of this blow is very heavy.

After using it, Xiaomei stood there panting slightly, unable to recover.

Although her fruit ability is strong.

But now after all, physical skills are too weak, only elementary.

And Smoker was blasted far away and landed heavily on the ground.

He got up again.

Clutching his slightly reddened chest, he looked at the straw hat group in shock.

Among them are the two women, Xiaomei and Sister Zhou.

One directly hypnotized him with mysterious means just now.

Let him, the colonel of the headquarters, be recruited directly.

Another seized the moment, escaping his smoke bondage with Elemental.

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