
Pdd looked scared.

The same goes for Zoro and Usopp.

"What happened to us just now?"

"Why does that little girl's ability make us so calm?"

"Even peacefully just want to drink tea?"

"What the hell is going on here?"

The two asked questions again and again.

But the four Mr.3 on the opposite side ignored them at all.

This is the real world.

Mr.3 and miss Golden Week in the case of getting information from Mr.5 in advance.

He will not inform the enemy of his abilities.

That was pure courting of death.

They're not that stupid.


Watching the scene where the three of pdd were trapped.

Netizens started discussions solemnly.

"Brothers, this Mr.3 seems to be a candle fruit capable user?"

"It looks like this, wax fruit, or candle fruit."

"And his candle was too hard when it solidified."

"Suo Da is already strong, but now he can't even raise his arms."

"Yeah, it seems that this candlestick is not something they can break free from."

"That's not the point, brothers."

"PDD is too stinky, let him learn the lesson here this time, and we won't tell the news over there."

"The really tricky thing, I think, is the ability of that little girl."

"Her name is Miss Golden Week, right?"

"Although it is not a devil fruit ability user, the ability to change people's will is indeed a bit abnormal."

"I feel a bit like Sister Zhou's hypnosis."

"Sister Zhou will definitely be able to restrain the other party when she comes."

"No, this little girl's ability is obviously not hypnosis."

"It looks more like a hint."

"I am a painter, and color can give people a psychological hint."

"For example, red can make you irritable, blue can make you feel comfortable, and green can make you calm."

"So, this little girl's ability is probably a combination of the two."

"Then what should we do? If sister Zhou can't solve it when she comes, it will be too difficult to deal with."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???

"I didn't expect there to be so many people on this small garden island."

"Yeah, never mind."

"Let's go over there to watch the duel of giants first."

"It's not life-threatening anyway."

"Let pdd and the others suffer here, and let him be a bad fart on weekdays."

"Yes, this is our punishment for him."

All the netizens ran away after leaving a few words.

Usopp regretted at this moment.

"I still want to watch the battle between the two giants."

"Oh, I can't see it now."

"Yeah, I'm also looking forward to what the battle between the two giants will look like."

Sauron also said.

pdd looked helpless.

"What are you looking at, now we can only wait for Luffy and the others to rescue us."

"Just stay there obediently, otherwise no one can do anything."

pdd can be understood.

This group of netizens.

Usually with him a brother.

If something happened, he didn't even care about him.

Even hold a grudge.

This is so special!

Pdd sighed in his heart, but there was nothing he could do.

And the other side.

The battle between the two giants has come to an end.

They were all out of breath, and they couldn't tell the reason for the battle.


The two ended the fight in a draw.

They only found out after some inquiries about Luffy.

These two giants have been on this island for 100 years.

Moreover, today's battle is their 73466th battle.

This is simply too amazing.

Luffy exclaimed that it was amazing.

Netizens made a rough calculation.

73466 battles were fought for a total of 100 years.


This counts as an average of two battles a day.

What a devil!

And this time.

Dongli and Broki paused for a while, and sat there laughing.

One laugh was, "Quack quack quack."

Another laugh was, "Bah blah blah."

It can be seen that netizens call the two missing one.

The two finished laughing.

He told everyone about some giants.

Among them is their hometown, Albaf.

and the god of Elbaf.

Luffy didn't care.

But Dai Xiaomei and Zhou Jie raised their eyebrows.

God of Elbaf?

They remember pdd's blessing scroll.

Isn't there a god right now?

Praying to the god of Albaf, will he gain any ability?

But when the two thought this way, netizens also saw their thoughts one after another.

"Old woman, sister Zhou, pdd should already know about this Albaf god."

"But he doesn't seem to have the intention of praying to the god of Elbaf."

"I think it should be because he is afraid that he will get the ability to grow bigger."

Little sister Dai and sister Zhou nodded upon hearing this.


The god of Elbaf is the god of the giant race.

Even if pdd prays for success.

But if you get the ability to grow bigger, it's useless.

Didn't see that although the sea kings are big, are they not enough to look at in front of the real strong?

What is concentrated is the essence.

Even if pdd prayed.

This will directly make him bigger, and it will be over if he can't change back.

Thinking of the style of painting, pdd is more than 20 meters tall and shouts "Champion".

Little Sister Dai and Sister Zhou shuddered.

What a freak.


After a brief understanding of some other information about the giants.

Netizens also told about the ambush of the pdd three over there.

Seeing this, Little Sister Dai and Sister Zhou's expressions changed.

Watching the faces of the two people change dramatically.

Luffy, Nami, and Weiwei all looked over suspiciously.

"Did something happen?"

"Little girl, sister Zhou?"

"Why do you look so ugly?"

Weiwei asked solemnly.

At this moment, little girl Dai said in a deep voice.

"The Baroque studio is also on this island."


Weiwei's pretty face was full of panic when she heard this.

Nami's complexion also changed slightly.

But wait for them to react.

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