"People, only die when they are forgotten by the world!"

"Even if I disappear, my dream will still come true."

"That dream will definitely save the hearts of people in this country.".

125. Ain's Shock: Crazy!Important information from women's clothing tycoons!

Watching Hiluluk in the picture drink the mysterious liquid and blew himself up.

Listen to Hiruluk's last words.

Everyone in the castle was silent.

Netizens were also shocked.

"I thought that Ami black mushroom was really a cure for incurable diseases."

"Chopper has lost so much strength, and it took a lot of hard work to get it back."


"I think Hiruluke must have eaten it without hesitation because he saw Chopper's injuries and knew how much he suffered, right?"

"Yeah, if I were Chopper, really~ I'd cry to death."

"Hiruluk's last - last words are really shocking."

"He longs for the Pirate Flag and entrusts his will to the pirates."

"This may be the real soul of the pirate."

"Yeah, Roger the One Piece, it is this era that opened!"

"It's just that there are too many evil pirates mixed in."

"They couldn't control their desires and turned into burning, killing and looting."

"Well, I don't know whether the era that Roger opened is right or wrong."


Netizens are discussing.

The memory picture slowly dissipated.

Everyone was silent.

And Dai Xiaomei, Sister Zhou and Weiwei looked at Qiaoba with even more pity.

So pitiful.

Disliked by one's own race.

And hostile to humans.

Finally met someone who redeemed himself.

He still died like that.

at this time.

Even Ain couldn't stand it.

Although she doesn't quite understand the significance of Hiruluk to the pirate flag.


She also felt deeply about the relationship between Hiruluk and Chopper.

Dai Xiaomei, Zhou Jie and Weiwei continued to invite Qiaoba.

But outside the castle, there was an arrogant voice suddenly.

"I, Walpo, have finally returned, Drum Kingdom!"

"Hahaha, this is my castle!"

Hear this.

pdd frowned.

Everyone came to the window to take a look, and saw the fat Walpo striding towards him with his subordinates.

Seeing this, Teacher Ma pushed up his glasses.

"You don't need to get up."

"Such a bastard king, let me, the navy, deal with it."

Binz looked at Teacher Ma and reminded him.

"Major, if the news of the attack on Walpo is known by the government, maybe..."

Don't wait for him to finish.

Teacher Ma strode out without looking back.

"The Magnetic Drum Kingdom has been destroyed by Blackbeard, how can there be any king?"

"Besides, as I remember, he is the captain of the White Iron Pirates, right?"

Listen to Teacher Ma's words.

Binz froze in place, shocked again by Teacher Ma's justice.

Dalton got up at this moment and followed Mr. Ma.

When out of the castle.

Dalton stepped forward first, looked at Walpo on the opposite side and said decisively.

"Valpo, you are no longer welcome in this country."

"You, a king who doesn't think about the people, are no longer kings."

Dalton insisted.

In the past, he didn't resist Walpo just because of his status as the captain of the guard.

This time, he will definitely not back down.

As Dalton said, he clenched the sharpened shovel behind his back, and his whole figure swelled.

Teacher Ma gave him a surprised look.

"Devil Fruit Ability?"

Dalton nodded.

"Major, I'm a person with the ability of the cow fruit of the animal department."

"Today, I also want to defend my country and enforce the justice of defending civilians!"

Teacher Ma didn't stop him, watching with interest.

Netizens also laughed.

Dalton now rushed forward.

Don't look at his size.

The devil fruit ability is not well developed.

In the strongest human-beast form, he was defeated under the joint attack of Walpo's two men without holding on for a few moves.

The audience in the live broadcast room smiled and typed "Brave and awesome, not afraid of suffering!"

Seeing this, Teacher Ma raised his forehead.

He really admired the talents of these netizens.

One by one, the neatness is really admirable.

"Brave and awesome, not afraid of difficulties!"

Netizens are still talking there.

Teacher Ma sighed at this moment.

He used the shaved figure to save Dalton.

Afterwards, Teacher Ma raised his eyes to look at Walpo opposite him.

"Walpo, the captain of the White Iron Pirates, right?"

"I am Jinlun Dharma King, Lieutenant Commander of the Navy Headquarters, and today I decided to arrest you in the name of justice."

"Are you caught without a fight, or are you stubbornly resisting, and then I hit you and catch you without a fight?"

Teacher Ma smiled.

He had estimated Walpo's strength.

It's like 2000 million.

It's too far from him now.

So Teacher Ma was not nervous at all.

When Walpo heard about the navy, he didn't feel nervous either, and laughed loudly.


"I'm from the Drum Kingdom..."

Teacher Ma didn't listen to his nonsense and shook his head.

Teacher Ma's foot was covered with armed domineering, and he kicked Valbona's fat body hard.

Boom boom boom!

and at the same time.

Teacher Ma used the ability to explode fruit as high as the primary level.

Walpo was kicked by him in the explosion and fell all the way off the cliff.

Seeing this, Teacher Ma didn't care about Walpo's life or death, turned around and kicked Walpo's two subordinates away.

Watching Mr. Ma who dealt with Walpo cleanly.

Dalton was shocked.

He looked at Teacher Ma in surprise, never expecting this person to be so strong.

one move.

Solve Walpo?

too strong!

Feel Dalton's eyes.

Teacher Ma turned to look at the other party and asked with a smile.

"Dalton, I approve of your justice."

"So, are you interested in joining the Navy?"

"Under my command, you can do more righteous things."

Dalton froze in place upon hearing this.

Netizens in the live broadcast room watched this scene.

But they all called Teacher Ma Yue Buqun.

"Yue Buqun, is this wave good for you?"

"It's a forceful act, I give it full marks."

"Yeah, you see that Dalton has become your little fan."

"Although the animal department is not a powerful ability."

"But, that's also a devil fruit."

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