He immediately flew into a rage.

Moreover, Enilo's previous fear of Kaido was gone.

It's just such a guy who dare not fight back when he is struck by lightning, what kind of strong man can he be?

Anillu had a crazy smile on his face.

"I'm not interested in the Hundred Beasts Pirates, let alone join you as the Fifth Disaster."


When Anilu said this, his voice became even more arrogant.

"Can't you transform into a green dragon?"

"This god happens to be a majestic mount. If you are willing, then this god can consider to spare your life."


Anilu just said this.

It was interrupted by Kaido's loud laughter.



Kaido laughed.

He almost burst into tears listening to Anilu's words.

A kid who knows no fear on an empty island.

Now he has the lawlessness to let himself be his mount.

Who does he think he is?

Kaido smiled and tied the Tianzi wine gourd back to his waist.

He stared at Enilo with his eyes, his expression gradually calmed down.


Kaido stood up slowly with a sullen face.

From behind, he took out the mace that had been pinned all along.

Kaido who stood up was extremely powerful.

The gloomy look at Enilo also made everyone palpitate.

And saw Kaido's actions.

Anilo also understood the opponent's choice.

"Yeah ha ha ha ha ha!"

"That is to say, you are not willing to become the mount of the god?"

The veins on Enilo's forehead throbbed wildly.

Facing Kaido's powerful aura, the energy of not admitting defeat in his heart became stronger.

He is god.

A God who cannot be denied!

Anilo thought about looking around.

Kaido, King of Death, Straw Hat Pirates, residents of Angel Island...

Everyone slowly passed away from his eyes.

Enilo didn't take a second look at anyone.

He stood in mid-air and laughed maniacally.


Countless arcs emerged from Enilo's body.

Arcing is increasing.

They surround Anilu's body, slowly surrounding his body.


Because the voltage is too strong.

There are really too many thunderbolts stored in Enilo.

The terrifying thunder slowly formed a thunder armor around Enilo.

All the thunder and lightning surrounded him.

Shortly after.

Enilo turned into a huge fat blue monster.

The blue monster was wrapped in electric arcs, and its hair stood up, like a god who controlled thunder.

Watch this scene.

The netizens in the live broadcast room couldn't contain their excitement.

"Fuck, this Enilo is pretty strong, isn't it?"

"As expected of him calling himself a god, the current form is really good."

"It's unimaginable how high the voltage is all over the body!"

"Yeah, brothers, you said that the form of Enilo can't be called the form of Thor?"

"I think maybe, with Enel's arrogance, he must name his strongest move as Thor."

"Hasn't he always thought so?"

"If you control the thunder and lightning yourself, you are the real god. It's reasonable to move the thunder god!"

"Hahaha, but this move is quite powerful."

"Yeah, I can feel that if the Straw Hats come to deal with it, except for Luffy, who is rubber and immune to lightning, I feel that everyone will have to kneel."

"Thunder, after all, is a group of extremely destructive substances."

Netizens were shocked by the power of Enilo's Thor form.


They didn't think Kaido would lose either.

That is a Four Emperors after all.

And although he has only seen Whitebeard make a move once.

But that has already been called heaven and earth.

Although Enilo's move is strong.

However, there should still be a lot of distance from Kaido.

Just as the netizens were thinking this way.

Everyone present also looked at it seriously.

Everyone can feel how powerful Enilo's move is.

But they can't intervene in this level of battle.

Luffy wanted to intervene, he relied on himself as rubber and wanted to beat Enilo.

But he was held down by Sauron and Sanji, and Luffy had no choice but to watch.

at this time.

Enilu's huge Thor body fell on Angel Island, crushing the coast of Angel Island.

He slowly moved towards Kaido on the opposite side.

Wait until you get close.

Enilu, the body of Thor, looked down at Kaido from a height.

"If you don't want to be the god's mount, then you will have only one end."

"That's death!"

"How about it, my God will give you one last chance, do you want to..."

Enel spoke arrogantly.

But his voice just came here.

The gloomy Kaido couldn't listen anymore.

This Thunder boy is like a jumping clown, who has been provoking him here.

He also has a temper.

The mace was swung out with lightning speed.

It is not covered with any armed domineering color and domineering color entanglement.

It's just Kaido's simplest tie A.


After Anilu received the blow in front of him.

His Thunder God Body was suddenly blown away.

The place he was beaten this time was in the White Sea.

In vain.

The huge Thor's body clutched his chest.

The body of thunder and lightning on the chest was almost broken by Kaido's stick.

Enilu couldn't bear it at all.

A frenzied voice came from Thor's Body.

"You are looking for death!"

"This god is going to kill you!"

"Two hundred million volts, Thor!!!"

Anilu rushed back violently.

The Thunder God's Body also held a halberd transformed from thunder in his hand.

The halberd stabbed straight at Kaido.

And Kaido has a gloomy face from beginning to end, without saying a word.

Just when Anilu's halberd came to him.

Kaido finally raised his head.

"Tell me, what kind of god are you?"

at the same time.

Kaido's mace is held high, and there is a strong domineering look on it.

"Thundering gossip!"


Kaido's mace fell, facing the body of Thor that Enilo was proud of.

this moment.

The world stood still! .

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