Finish everything related to the game.

Chu Xia also watched the live broadcast.

I happened to see this scene of Teacher Ma.

He also couldn't help laughing.

He just said it.

With the addition of this group of players.

"Great Sailing World" will definitely be played differently by them.

And Chu Xia also discovered a very miraculous point.

That is.

If the players break the rules of the game.

in other words.

They just change the original plot in the game.

Then Chu Xia would gain more excitement points.

They even guessed the plot of the game.

Guess the key person.

With these changes, Chu Xia will also gain a lot of excitement.

He doesn't know why for the time being.

I have to attribute this to the enthusiastic curiosity of netizens about "The Great Sailing World".

Thinking of this, the corners of his mouth twitched.

Aren't netizens curious?

They might think so now.

There is only one East China Sea in this game, right?

There is only one devil fruit in this game that is attractive, right?

Wait until they know that there is not only the East China Sea here.

There are also four seas, great routes, and new worlds.


The East China Sea that everyone knows now is only the weakest sea.

What kind of expressions will they have at that time?

How much excitement will there be.

And as for devil fruit?

Great sailing world.

But this is not the only thing that attracts people!

Three-color domineering, swordsmanship, physical skills, these things are completely attractive.

Chu Xia smiled and continued to read.

And this time.

Teacher Ma was watching the door, while pdd quickly searched the room.

He was looking for Sauron's knife.

At first glance, pdd saw three knives by the wall.

Two of them are black and one is white.

Seeing this, pdd stepped forward quickly.

But looking at the three knives, he hesitated.

Turning to look at Teacher Ma, pdd asked.

"Old horse, here are three knives, which one belongs to Sauron?"

pdd is a little confused.

Without waiting for Teacher Ma to respond.

The netizens in the live broadcast room said so.

"Fuck, do you even need to think about it?"

"Of course it's the white one."

"Two black ones and one white one are so special, so of course I get the white one."

pdd thinks it makes sense, and Teacher Ma also agrees.

If there are two knives here.

They took it without hesitation.

Because although there are not many swordsmen with double swords, it is not impossible.

But just when pdd picked up He Daoyi's words and was about to leave with Teacher Ma.

Ze of Dreamland stopped the two of them.

He sent a barrage.

"pdd, I advise you to take both of the remaining two."

"What if Sauron is a dual swordsman?"

"What if those two are his?"

"After all, we can't quite see the quality of these three knives from the outside."

pdd thinks it makes sense, and it's not a big burden to bring two extra knives.

Bring three knives.

pdd and Mr. Ma ran towards the roof quickly.

without waiting for them to rush to the roof.

I heard a roar from the roof.


Fighting has broken out there.

Luffy and Zoro should have fought against Monka.

The two of pdd immediately speeded up.

Netizens are looking forward to it even more.

They all want to see it.

How strong is the boss Monka in this plot?

Can Luffy and Sauron be able to deal with it?


A new book is released, and an old author has a new book, begging for a monthly ticket for flower evaluation tickets.

Guaranteed five updates every day, one thousand flowers, two hundred comments, five monthly tickets, twenty comments plus one update, do what you say, and never break your promise!

Please believe in my hand speed and beg for all support! .

23. For more detailed devil fruit information, the live broadcast room is boiling!

Fortress roof.

at this time.

There is one who is about three meters tall.

The hand on the arm has disappeared, replaced by an axe.

His jaw seemed to be dislocated, and it was being fixed with a mouth guard like an iron fence.

He wears a naval justice cloak and carries the rank of colonel on his shoulders.

It is Colonel Monka, the strongest in this fortress.

He is also the dark ruler of this town.

And now, Colonel Monka has fought against Luffy a few times.

He has already realized that Luffy in front of him.

It is likely to be a devil fruit ability user.

Colonel Monka stared at Luffy and asked solemnly.

"I heard that there is a secret treasure in this sea called Devil Fruit."

"As long as you eat it, you will have all kinds of magical abilities."

"For example, let your body be torn apart, or turn yourself into a powerful beast."

"What's more, you can have the ability of fire, water flow, and even the ability of tsunami!"

"You kid, you just ate some kind of devil fruit."

Luffy nodded after listening.

"I'm a rubber man who ate a rubber fruit."

"These bullets under your hand don't work on me."

Luffy made a grimace as he said that.

Sauron beside him was speechless watching this scene.

"Luffy, tell your opponent about your abilities before you start the fight."

"You idiot!"

Sauron scolded mercilessly.

Seeing this, Luffy scratched his head and grinned.

"It seems so."

While speaking, the iron gate not far away suddenly rang.

Pdd and Da Sima ran over quickly.

Watching pdd holding his three knives.

Sauron's eyes showed joy.

As a three-sword swordsman.

Without his three knives, he really didn't have much sense of security anymore.

And this time.

When pdd and Teacher Ma came behind the two of them, they were both gasping for breath.


When the two came just now, they had already heard the conversation between Colonel Monka and Luffy.

At this time, the barrage in the live broadcast room has exploded.

Everyone has heard the Devil Fruit introduced by Colonel Monka.

"Brothers, did I hear correctly?"

"Is this devil fruit so heaven-defying?"

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