He also anticipated the upcoming war.


The Warring States period has brought forward the headquarters competition, which was still more than a week old, and the time is set for today.

The three of Teacher Ma got dressed and turned on the live broadcast at the same time.

for a while.

Hundreds of millions of netizens flocked to the three of them.

Seeing them getting ready to go, netizens are also enthusiastic.

"Mr. Ma, I have already joined the navy camp, and I am currently in the 36th branch of Xihai. Remember to transfer me to the navy headquarters when the time comes."

"I still want to develop under your command."

"That's right, Mr. Ma, all of us who joined the navy are here for you, and we must not leave us alone in the future."

Looking at the barrage of these netizens in the live broadcast room.

Teacher Ma smiled.

"Don't worry, everyone, after today's military officer competition in the headquarters, I will have the authority to mobilize you."

"However, I don't know when the great route will be open to you. You can only play in the four seas first."

After Teacher Ma finished speaking, those netizens who had obtained the qualification for the internal test also nodded.

"Thank you, Teacher Ma, I will never call you Yue Buqun again."

"Whoever calls Teacher Ma Yue Buqun again, I'm in a hurry with whomever."

"Yes, Mr. Ma is such a gentleman, how can he be called Yue Buqun?"

"Gentlemen's sword will be arranged for him again!"


Netizens are discussing in full swing.

And the netizens who didn't qualify for the internal test this time gritted their teeth.

This group of people who were lucky enough to qualify for the internal test knew to show off to them here.

They were all jealous.

At the same time that Mr. Ma and the three of them were walking towards Oaks Plaza.

Netizens stopped talking nonsense and started discussing business.

"Brothers, what do you think Teacher Ma and the others can achieve in the officer competition this time?"

"Teacher Ma, a major general, didn't run away."

"But the lieutenant general of the headquarters, everyone said there is no chance."

Listening to what this netizen said, Teacher Ma himself became interested.

The psychological master even pushed his glasses, and looked at the barrage in the live broadcast room with a smile on his eyes.

"I think, Major General Ma is indeed fine."

"But this lieutenant general, I still feel a little difficult."

"That's right, Marshal Warring States announced the method of this military officer competition two days ago."

"If you want to get any military rank, you have to challenge the examiners who participated in this military officer competition."

"And what rank is the person you are challenging, and what rank will you get if you win."

"If Mr. Ma wants to be promoted to the headquarters lieutenant general in one fell swoop, then he needs to challenge a headquarters lieutenant general and win."

"And the lieutenant general of this department..."

The netizen did not continue.

But everyone has already understood.

Looking at his words, Teacher Ma agreed with him even more.

If he wants to be promoted to lieutenant general of the headquarters in one fell swoop today.

Then you have to challenge a lieutenant general of the headquarters.

Moreover, this person cannot be chosen by himself.

Instead, it was randomly selected from the lieutenant-level examiners this time.

Bug-like lieutenant generals like Garp and Crane will not participate.

There is no such person as the general candidate Taotu Chafu to participate in the battle.


The top lieutenant generals of the headquarters like the flying squirrel will participate.

For a moment, Teacher Ma also frowned.

Today's officer competition is still very difficult for him.

Besides, everyone has only one chance to challenge.

If he fails to challenge the middle, then he has no chance to challenge the major general again.

Conditional rules can be described as simple and crude.


It is to give everyone who can recognize themselves a chance.

At this time, the discussion among netizens became more and more intense.

But in the end, everyone still thought that Lieutenant General Ma would be difficult.

Challenge the major general to win for sure.

But the lieutenant general is too difficult.

Watch their discussion.

Teacher Ma smiled faintly.

Although it is difficult.

But he still wants to try.

How will you know if you can succeed if you don’t try?

The three of them soon came to Oaks Square.

Marshal Warring States, Hero Garp, General Staff Lieutenant Crane.

In addition, two generals, red dog, yellow monkey, and two alternate generals are all there.

Aokiji left the headquarters temporarily for some matters.

Teacher Ma led the two psychologists to the seat behind Karp.

Just sat down.

Teacher Ma saw Garp looking back at him with a smile.

"Jin Lun, what level of officer are you going to challenge today?"

"Is it a brigadier general or a major general?"

Cap asked with a smile.

Listen to him.

The cranes sitting beside him raised their eyebrows.

She looked at Garp and said quietly.

"Karp, although Jin Lun is a genius, after all, he has only joined our navy for more than 20 days."

"For more than 20 days, you asked him to challenge a brigadier general or major general?"

"Isn't that a little too risky?"

"His position has been exhausted, if he does not use this time to climb up."

"Then it will slowly improve in the future."

Crane said wisely.

In the Warring States Period, Mr. Ma was promoted once.

But he couldn't stand up to the dismissal order of the world government and promote him for the second time.

So today's military officer competition in the headquarters is particularly important to Mr. Ma.


Hearing what Crane said, Garp smiled.

"Don't worry, Xiaohe."

"I know Jinlun."

"Although he has only joined our navy for more than 20 days, with his genius level, I think there is no problem for a brigadier general, but a major general has challenges."

"But young people, why not try to challenge yourself?"

Karp looked at Teacher Ma with eyes full of admiration.

Seeing this, Teacher Ma smiled lightly and said nothing.

The psychological master and I, You Tiebushan, also looked at each other.

And the netizens in the live broadcast room.


"Lieutenant General Crane and Lieutenant General Garp laughed me to death!"

"Yeah, guys, I just found a new meme."

"Karp: 'I know that guy in the Golden Wheel.'"

"Hahaha! This is definitely on par with the pdd memes."

"Yeah, I'm really looking forward to Lieutenant General Garp's expression."

Netizens have expressed their expectations for the upcoming scene.

Because even the psychic and I have iron shirts.

The opponents the two are going to challenge today are both major generals.

Karp thought Mr. Ma would challenge the major general or brigadier general.

He also said, "I know the kid Jinlun."

Netizens held back their laughter, ready to wait for the meeting to explode in one fell swoop.

At this time.

Garp, who was sitting in front, looked at the psychic master and I had iron shirts.

Looking at the two, Garp raised his eyebrows again.

"The strength of the two of you is also very good now, right?"

"Although my understanding of you is not as deep as that kid Jinlun."

"However, today you will definitely be able to challenge a lieutenant colonel or colonel of the headquarters, no problem?"

Cap asked with a smile.

I have Iron Shirt trying to say something, but was stopped by the psychic master.

Teacher Ma looked at Garp, and then replied.

"Old man, don't worry."

"The three of us will never let you down."

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