Netizens were extremely surprised to see this scene.

Because Sauron's strength improved too fast.

This level of swordsmanship is the same as riding a rocket.

Teacher Ma, the psychological master, and I have iron cloth shirt three people also sighed in their hearts.

The three looked at Sauron and sincerely admired each other.

Even Mr. Ma, who now has the strength of a lieutenant general in the headquarters, has to admit it.

He was called a monster among the navy.

But he relied on adding points.

But Sauron, he didn't have this kind of ability.

Now the level of swordsmanship has stepped into the advanced level.

It was so shocking.

At this moment, everyone has only one feeling.


He is the real monster.

And this time.

There is more and more purple gas around Sauron.


Two other figures appeared beside him.

"々. Ghost Qi, Nine Swords Style, Asura!"

Sauron raised his eyes, and the three knives slashed out at the same time.

When pdd came back to his senses, his expression became extremely serious.

"Spear of Elbaf, champion!"

The strikes of the two gathered together and headed towards the opposite golden lion.

This blow drew the golden lion's direct glance.

The swordsman with the green algae head can make a breakthrough in swordsmanship in the battle with him.

This already surprised him.

What he didn't expect was even more.

That fat man can actually use Elbaf's gun?

Isn't that the housekeeping skill of the giant family?

up until now.

Golden Lion has seen other than giants who can use this trick, only bigmom Charlotte Lingling.

But who is Charlotte Lingling?

That was the guy who was on the same boat as him before.

This fat boy can also use Elbaf's gun.

This shocked the golden lion.

But he wasn't sitting still.

With a wave of his legs, a powerful slash swept across again.

"Lion prestige, thousand cut valleys!"

Another valley of thousands of cuts.

But this is the strongest blow that Golden Lion can unleash so far.

The golden cross sword energy bombarded together with the joint attack of pdd and Sauron.

The two are deadlocked, and each is very powerful.

Waves of air spread out.

Luffy, who was watching the battle, laughed.

"Zoro, fat boy!"

"Hahahaha, come on, beat that old man!"

The audience in the live broadcast room was also extremely nervous at this time.

Whether pdd can complete the job transfer task, and whether he can successfully worship the golden lion as his teacher depends on this time.

(Zhao of Zhao)


at last.

The combined attacks of the golden cross sword energy and pdd and Sauron cancel each other out.

The two blasted a big crater on the coast.

see this scene.

pdd laughed.

He fell back to the ground.

Sauron was in better condition, but he was still fighting all over his body, and his body was a little weak.

As for the golden lion on the opposite side.

He stood there grinning.

"Jie ha ha ha ha!"

"The old man even fought to a tie with you two brats today."

"Boy, sign up."

The golden lion looked at Sauron.

Sauron put the three knives back into their sheaths and returned seriously.

"Roronoa, Sauron."

The golden lion nodded with a smile, then looked at pdd again.

"What's the boy's name?"

Sauron started to get dizzy when he heard this.

"He's called that, but we all call him Fatty."

"You can call it that too."

After hearing the words, the golden lion was stunned, and then laughed again.

"it is good!"

"Fat boy, you are the first and last disciple I accept."

"But the old man wants to tell you Ku in advance."

"I won't teach you any sword skills, let alone rescue you in times of crisis. I don't have that much time to spare."

"But you can't embarrass the old man when you go out."

"It's embarrassing, the old man will chase after you thousands of miles away."

"Jie ha ha ha ha!"

The golden lion laughed.

The pdd, who was lying on the ground and weak, also laughed.

166. Prison escape with a broken leg, the air-breathing live broadcast room!

【Ding!Congratulations to the player (40-meter broadsword), who fought against the legendary powerhouse of the sea, the Golden Lion, and successfully obtained the opponent's approval. 】

【Ding!Congratulations to the player (40-meter sword), you have completed the job transfer task! 】

【Ding!Congratulations to the player (40-meter broadsword), the level has been raised to lv21! 】

【Ding!Congratulations to the player (40-meter broadsword), who has obtained the exclusive sword skill point*1! 】

【Ding!Congratulations to the player (40-meter broadsword), who has won the exclusive blind box *1 (blue) for the swordsman profession! 】

Looking at his series of game tips.

Although pdd was lying on the ground in pain, his heart was about to burst into laughter.

pdd redeemed two healing pills.

He swallowed one for himself, and handed the other to Sauron.

Sauron took it and nodded.

"Thanks, fat baby."

Sauron also knew how useful this thing was.

But this kind of thing, pdd must also be rare.

So he turned around and pretended to take it, but kept the healing pill for future emergency use.

And pdd didn't see this scene.

He is now completely immersed in the joy of his reward.

[Name: 40-meter sword. 】

[Level: lv21 (0%). 】

[Faction: Pirates - Straw Hat Pirates. 】

[Occupation: Swordsman. 】

[Abilities: Physical Skills (Intermediate), Swordsmanship (Advanced) (1/5), Spear of Elbaf (Beginner), Armed-colored Domineering (Beginner), Knowledge-colored Domineering (Beginner). 】

[Items: Black Knife (Green), Swordsman Professional Blind Box (Blue). 】

[Points: 1500. 】

Look at my own sword skills that have become 1/5.

pdd frowned for a moment.

The netizens in the live broadcast room were also a little dignified at this time.

"This is the first time a player has added points to advanced abilities."

"Yeah, I just didn't expect that the intermediate ability needs three points to be fully upgraded."

"This advanced ability actually requires five points, isn't it too difficult?"

"Yeah, five free attribute points, how much can the average strength be increased by adding it to other things?"

"pdd now 707 continues to add some swordsmanship, I don't think it makes much sense."

"I feel the same way, his Spear of Elbaf and the two-color domineering level are too low."

"To get free attribute points, I think these three abilities should be added first, otherwise the shortcomings will be too obvious."

Teacher Ma is also looking at the properties panel of pdd at this time.

His eyes narrowed slightly.

If the intermediate level is promoted to the advanced level, three points are required.

It takes five points to upgrade from advanced to perfect.

So, how many points do you need to perfectly upgrade to the level of skill and Taoism?

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