The mermaid turret at the bow is so flamboyant that netizens call One Piece the One Piece.

At this time.

Standing on a large ship opposite the Roger Gold Jackson.

The golden lion opened his mouth domineeringly with a cigar in his mouth.

"How many times have I said that, Roger!"

"Although we had many grievances and grievances when we were young, let's forget about him!"

The golden lion stretched out its right arm to hold the golden Jackson.

"Be my right arm, Roger!!"

What he said was extremely domineering.

Let the netizens in the live broadcast room see with enthusiasm.

"Nimma, if the Golden Lion sends me such an invitation, I would be very happy."

"Yes, if it can be his right arm, I agree."

"Bah bah bah!"

"You people, don't you even look at who the Golden Lion invited?"

"He invited Roger, the Pirate King. Can you win his attention?"

"One by one, are you dreaming here?"

Netizens are joking with each other.

On board the Golden Jackson in the picture.

Roger stood at the bow and replied with a smile on his face.

"I'm not interested in ruling or anything!"


"What's the point of being a pirate if you don't do what you want to do?"

"It doesn't matter how much pressure you put on me."

"Golden Lion, I even reject your proposal!"

Roger said loudly.

Bucky came up again to dissuade Roger at this time.

But it was directly pulled away by Rayleigh.

On the other hand, the golden lion's expression sank when he heard Roger's response.

"In other words, your answer is to let me kill you now, right?"

"It means to defeat all of you!"

Roger is also not to be outdone.

The mermaid battery on the bow of the Golden Jackson roared.

A large ship in the Golden Lion Fleet on the opposite side was hit immediately, and the hull was torn apart.

The ensuing two sides completely broke out in war.

The Roger Pirates only have one ship.

Facing the dozens of fleets of the Flying Pirates on the opposite side.

The difference in numbers between the two sides is huge.

Netizens were even more excited when they saw this.

They are looking forward to the result of this battle.

However, what happened next left everyone dumbfounded.

The battle between the two sides was in full swing.

A huge storm hit and directly engulfed the Golden Lion's fleet.

Jin Lion himself had an accident in the storm.

A broken rudder went straight into his head.

It is also the rudder above the head of the golden lion.

Watch this scene.

Netizens are dumbfounded.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???

The memory screen was broken, and the golden lion continued to preach at this time.

"When the old man's pirate fleet was destroyed by that storm."

"The old man was in a coma for a long time, and recuperated for a while."

"When I recover from my injury, I will go to Roger again,"

"After all, he is the only man I recognize."

Hearing this, pdd asked curiously.

"Master, why are you so attached to Roger?"

"Isn't Whitebeard also a legend of the sea?"

"Why didn't you go to him?"

The voice of pdd fell.

Everyone at the scene and netizens in the live broadcast room were equally curious.

Everyone looked at the golden lion with burning eyes.

The golden lion shook his head and smiled.

"Roger can become One Piece, he has his own ambitions, he is a real man, that's why I value him."

"But Whitebeard."

"He has a lot of strength, but he has no interest in the position of One Piece."

"Play house with a group of sons on the sea all day long."

"I despise him, Roger is the only man I recognize."

The golden lion said.

And hear his answer.

pdd and everyone present were all stunned.

...... 0 ......

The live broadcast room suddenly boiled.

"My Nima?"

"It's the first time I've heard someone say that about Whitebeard."

"Yes, it's their peers who dare to say it."

"If it were us, when we saw Whitebeard and them, we would only admire each other and be in awe of each other's strength."

"But the golden lion is a completely different angle from ours."

"He doesn't like White Beard, he thinks that White Beard plays house all day long."

"Hahaha, I'm so fucking laughing."

"However, this is also understandable. Back then, the Golden Lion wanted to rule the world."

"Whitebeard only wants to protect his family, which is different from him."

"Roger is different, he is the One Piece, he likes to take risks, and he has his own ambitions."

"And the Golden Lion has always wanted it."

"That's why he longed for Roger so much."

"After this analysis, brothers, I'm sure."

"Golden Lion to Roger, this is definitely true love."

pdd looked at the golden lion at this time and asked again.

"Master, after you recovered from your injuries, did you go to beat Roger?"

was asked this question.

The golden lion fell silent suddenly.

He raised his head and didn't know where to look, his eyes were full of anger.

"I couldn't find Roger."

"Because, I heard the news that he was captured by the Navy."

"But Roger, that's the only man I recognize."

"How could those junks in the navy catch him?"

"Also, the Navy will publicly execute Roger in the East China Sea."

"The East China Sea, the weakest sea, was used by the navy as Roger's execution place."

"How can I bear this?"

"They're insulting Roger."

"Besides, if Roger is going to die, it must be done by me."

"I was alone and rushed into the Navy headquarters."

Listen to the golden lion talking about this.

Pdd's pupils trembled.

He suddenly understood how the golden lion was captured and entered the city of advancement.

All the netizens in the live broadcast room also felt their scalps tingling after listening to the words of the golden lion.

"Mad, I feel like my whole body is shaking."

"Yes, the golden lion recognizes Roger."

"So I don't believe that the other party will be caught by the navy."

"It's more because Roger is about to be executed in the East China Sea."

"Golden Lion rushed into the Navy Headquarters alone."

"Just to keep that man from being humiliated."

"Oh my God!" Yi.

168. The Anxious Golden Lion, The Legend of the Sea's Way of Parting!

this moment.

Listening to the golden lion breaking into the Navy headquarters alone for Roger.

Hundreds of millions of netizens in the live broadcast room were shocked at the same time.

They don't understand.

What kind of person is for another person.

Even that person is still his opponent, and he went to a dangerous place like the Navy Headquarters alone.

Golden Lion, how arrogant he is!

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