
Thinking of Spandam who had only come to provoke the Navy Headquarters a few days ago.

Aokiji shrugged again.

Anyway, the purpose of his coming here is to meet Robin's group of partners.

See if they are reliable.

And some verification.

He is satisfied.

Luffy and his group are not only reliable but also very powerful, so it shouldn't be a problem to protect Robin.

He took one last look at Robin.

Aokiji shook his head and left the crowd frozen into ice sculptures.

He walked slowly towards the shore.

At this time, he met a group of distressed civilians and asked him for help.

at the same time.

Luffy, Zoro, and pdd took the lead in fighting for it.

The three of them stared blankly at Aokiji who had gone to the coast and listened carefully to the conversation of the group of civilians.

Does the navy have no intention of arresting them?

Just when a few people were confused.

Suddenly they met.

Aokiji stretched out his hand into the sea and launched an extremely terrifying ice age.

The entire sea was instantly frozen.

After finishing all this, Aokiji looked at the group of civilians in distress and said.

"Walk in this direction for a week, and you will be able to go to the next island."

"Don't worry, the ice won't melt in a week."

Seeing this, the civilians burst into tears of gratitude.

And the three flying Sauron on pdd road 707 who were rescuing their companions were also dumbfounded.

Listening to Aokiji's words in the live broadcast room, it was even more silent.


"What did General Aokiji say?"

"Fuck, the sea between the two islands is frozen, how can it last for a week?"

"I rely on!"

"His freezing ability is simply too strong?"

"Yeah, can this still be done by humans?"

"We have all studied physics, it doesn't matter if we haven't, we all have common sense of life."

"The melting speed of ice in the air is completely different from that in water."

"It melts slowly in the air, but if it is placed in water, the melting speed will be much, much faster."

"Yes, we all understand the principle of specific heat capacity."

"However, Qingzhi said that his ice froze the entire surface of the sea for as long as a week?"

"My Nima!"

"If this is placed on land, even if the green pheasant freezes an island, it can freeze for a month, right?"

"Yeah, is this the horror of the natural department?"

"Aokiji's devil fruit ability level is definitely above the perfect level!"

"It's too damn strong."

Netizens were shocked to see this scene.

The three of Luffy also successfully rescued all the Straw Hats.

They came to the shore.

I saw Aokiji riding a bicycle far away on the sea.

Seeing this scene, pdd's eyes almost popped out.

"Brothers, this Aokiji's ability is too handsome!"

"Fuck, riding a bicycle on the sea, who else can do it besides him?"

"This is awesome! I'm numb!"

pdd said with emotion.

Netizens were dumbfounded watching this scene.

They once again had a deeper understanding of Aokiji's lazy justice.

But this time.

But no one (.) noticed the deep fear in Robin's eyes as he looked at Aokiji's back.

The appearance of Aokiji almost gave her a signal.

That is the government of the world, and she has not been forgotten.

Although Aokiji didn't do anything to the Straw Hats now, he just tried to test them.

However, Robin could already feel the danger approaching.

She stood at the end and looked around at the Straw Hats.

"Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Nami, Dumb Girl, Zhou Jie, Fat Boy, Usopp, Chopper..."

She read everyone's names one by one in her heart.

She really didn't want to part with these friends.


Thinking of the desperate world government, Robin felt powerless in his heart.

At this time.

Sister Zhou suddenly noticed something strange about Robin.

She is now at level [-] and has already mastered the color of knowledge.

In addition to possessing the ability of absolute hypnosis, she has a strong sense of her surroundings.

Watching Robin look at Aokiji's fear.

Sister Zhou came to her side and comforted her.

"Nothing to be afraid of."

"Luffy and the others are very reliable."

"Although this time we were defeated by the admiral."

"But when we meet next time, we will definitely be stronger than we are now."

She had the right to think that this was Robin's pure fear of Aokiji's strength, and she didn't think of a deeper level.

Netizens looked at Robin who was terrified, and they all spoke to comfort him.

"I, Goddess Robin, have nothing to fear."

"Yeah, General Aokiji is strong, but look how old he is."

"He's around fifty now, almost half a century old."

"Isn't it normal to have such a strong strength?"

"On the other hand, the Straw Hats, they are still so young, each in their twenties, but they are almost mastering such things as domineering."

"After this, the Straw Hats will become stronger and stronger, and within a few years, they will be able to catch up with Aokiji."

"So I, Goddess Robin, have nothing to fear."

"Plus an exclamation. Robin's suit looks really good."

Looking at Robin with long black hair and straight hair, he was wearing a tight black hip skirt and a pair of boots on his legs.

Netizens have exposed the old nature of criticizing.

Sister Zhou also expressed what the netizens said.

After listening, Robin also realized the genius of the Straw Hats.

These people are reliable companions.

There was excitement in her eyes.

Everyone in the Straw Hats is really nice.

Everyone is a genius.

It would be great if I could go on an adventure with them next time.

Robin yearned, but did not dare to show this yearning in his eyes.

Because no matter how talented the Straw Hats are, they are still a group of young eagles that have not grown up.

Facing the behemoth of the world government.

She didn't want to implicate the Straw Hats.

Sister Zhou failed to notice the abnormality in the depths of Robin's eyes this time.

It would be about the same if it was a psychological master.

Everyone in the Straw Hats waited for a while, and then set sail again.

But everyone was going to the capital of seven waters, but they didn't know the direction at all.

Fortunately, they encountered a sea train not long after.

Not only did she get the permanent pointer to the capital of seven waters from the driver, Grandma Ke Keluo,

Still confirming again in her mouth.

The capital of seven waters has the best shipbuilding technology in the world.

Everyone was extremely excited, thinking that Mei Li should be saved this time.

The big ship sailed to the capital of seven waters.

After another two days of sailing, everyone finally arrived at the capital of seven waters.

Here, they quickly found out where there were ship repairers.

Listen to the name Carrera Corporation.

pdd, little girl Dai, and sister Zhou all had strange expressions on their faces.

The netizens in the live broadcast room also laughed.

"Haha, Carrera!"

"Say, what's your relationship with Corolla?"

"Hahaha, these two are definitely brothers and sisters."

"Don't tell me, I will only drive a Corolla. The Corolla is a magic car. It was built by Lao Kang. There is no major repair for 50 kilometers."


"Looking at it this way, Carrera's shipbuilding technology should be very good, very good."

"Whether the built ship sails around the world does not need major repairs."

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