Teacher Ma was speechless.The psychological master also smiled wryly.

Everyone slowly came to the front of everyone in the prison.

Aokiji introduced it to everyone.

The one with the style of the Western Regions is called Hannibal, and he is the deputy director of the city.

The sister in red boots is Domino, the deputy warden of the city.

The other woman in pink leather jacket and leather trousers is little Sati, the warden of the advancing city.

The last cute baby with a small height is called Saludes, who is the head of the jail.

Teacher Ma nodded and wrote down one by one.

Hannibal looked at Aokiji and apologized.

"General Kuzan, Director Magellan was still here just now, but that came suddenly."

Aokiji nodded after hearing this.

"Ah la la, I see."

Listen to the conversation between Aokiji and Hannibal.

Teacher Ma and the others were a little curious.

The netizens in the live broadcast room were even more surprised.

"Hey, what did the deputy warden say?"

"Director Magellan was here just now, what happened suddenly?"

"Which is that?"

"Damn, isn't the Director Magellan also a beautiful woman?"

"Auntie came here just now? So I have to leave temporarily?"

"Damn it, brother, you may be right when you say that!"

"Based on this calculation, how many officers are there in Advance City?"

"There's this deputy director, another director, and the deputy warden Domino, and the warden who didn't show up, plus the warden little Satie, and that cute little kid."

"There are only six people in total, and three of them are beauties."

"Oh my god, the proportion of beautiful women in Jinjin City is too high, isn't it?"

"When I enter the game in the future, I hope to go to the city of advancement, and be a prisoner."

"Looking at these beauties, I am willing to do anything."

Look at the unscrupulous discussions among netizens.

Teacher Ma was completely helpless.


You all except Domino and Little Sadie's name.

No one remembers the remaining deputy directors, right?

Really, just speechless!

While Mr. Ma was speechless, he followed Aokiji, Hannibal and others into the city of advancement.


Ace and the women's clothing boss who were escorted by a group of marines raised their heads.

Looking at the advancing city, the eyes of both of them are game changes.

But there is no fear in it.

Ace is relieved.

After listening to the words of the women's clothing boss, he was indeed ignited with some fighting spirit and will to survive.


In fact, he probably knew his own fate.

After all, he is the blood of that demon.

It is impossible for the World Government to let him continue to live this time.

Therefore, Ace still doesn't have much hope for his own life.

what he thinks now.

It is best if Whitebeard and others don't come to rescue him.

Then the Whitebeard Pirates would not suffer a severe blow because of him.

However, if Whitebeard and the others had to come to rescue them.

Then Ace couldn't stop him.

It was enough for him to see Whitebeard and his brothers before he died.

If he could survive, he would not hesitate.

However, the women's clothing boss is completely different from Ace.

Come to the front of the city.

She has been concentrating on recovering her strength and has nothing else to do.

But after coming to the city of advancement.

The depths of her eyes began to light up gradually.

Listening to Hannibal and others and Mr. Ma talking about the structure of the city.

The bigwig in women's clothing made a note of this.

Because these will have a great effect on her later.

Everyone went down all the way.

First came to the Red Lotus Hell on the first basement floor.

Deputy Director Hannibal introduced the characteristics of this prison to Teacher Ma and others.

After listening, the netizens couldn't help being dumbfounded.

"Nimma, after hearing about the treatment on the first floor of the promotion city, I'm a little shuddering."

"The forest and the grass turned out to be like knives, and the prisoners had to be chased away by poisonous spiders and jailers."

"What the hell is going to jail?"

"It's hell, isn't it?"

"Sorry, I take back what I said earlier."

"Even if there are three beauties in Advance City, I can't go in as a prisoner."

"If it's the same jailer."

"Prisoner? That's horrible!"

"This is just the first floor."

Netizens were shocked when they heard Hannibal's introduction about Propel City.

This is only the first floor of Red Lotus Hell, and none of the prisoners are particularly vicious pirates.

But below this, there are four floors in total.

There is also the extremely mysterious and terrifying infinite hell.

Accompanied by the downfall of Mr. Ma and others.

They came to the second basement floor, the beast hell.

This layer has many ferocious beasts and monsters.

There are cockatrices, lions, and poisonous scorpions.

The scariest thing is not this.

The scariest thing is the boss of these monsters, the Sphinx.

That was a prisoner.

The strength is terrifying.

When it was hungry, it did not know how many prisoners it had eaten.

Netizens were in an uproar after hearing this.

"Looking at this sea in the past, I still feel quite harmonious."

"Even if the navy and the government of the world are a bit dark."

"However, the adventures of the Straw Hats made me feel very warm."

"But today, I have only recognized the tip of the iceberg of this sea."

"Every prisoner in this beast hell must die, right?"

"My God, being chased by so many beasts, the prisoners here are still powerless to fight back."

"Everyone here knows that sooner or later they will be eaten by a beast."

"Yeah, if it were me, I would be frightened to death."

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???

"It's too scary to advance the city."

Netizens are buzzing.

Teacher Ma watched their discussion and couldn't help smiling.

Continuing to descend, they came to Hunger Hell.

Most of the prisoners here are criminals with a bounty of more than 5000 million.

They have good strength, and if they gather together, they can form a big force.


Because below the third floor underground is the fourth floor underground.

The fourth underground floor is also known as the scorching hell.

So the heat of the scorching hell will rise to the third floor.

So much so that the prisoners on the third floor are pretty good.

But there is no food, no water, and the torture of external heating.

Almost all of them were half dead.

Looking at these criminals, netizens felt palpitations again.

Under the Hunger Hell is the Burning Hell.

When they came here, a tall man suddenly walked in front of everyone.

The man was dressed in a black uniform with a pair of black wings on his back.

Watching the tall Magellan coming.

Teacher Ma raised his eyebrows.

But I didn't wait for Aokiji's introduction.

Magellan looked at them and spoke first.

...... 0

"General Kuzan, I'm sorry."

"It's really that the side effects of this devil fruit are too great, I really can't bear it if I don't take it."

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