No need to cover it.

Day two.

The Navy announced that it would publicly execute Fire Fist Ace at the Navy Headquarters.

for a while.

The sea was in an uproar.

Monster Paradise New World.

The famous toy kingdom, Dressrosa.

On the high ground of the king.

Wearing a sexy pink feather coat.

Doflamingo was lying on the couch, looking at the sea of ​​flowers below the King's Heights.

At this time.

Speaking of senior cadres of the Don Quixote family, Torrebol came with information.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???

The long snot dragged on the ground, looking particularly disgusting.


"The navy has officially announced that it will publicly execute Fire Fist Ace, and the location will be Marlin Vandor."

Listen to Torrebol.

Dover on the couch grinned grimly.


"I see."

"Is this the plan of the Blackbeard Pirates?"

"It's really interesting to exchange Fire Fist Ace for the position of Shichibukai under the king."


"Presumably the navy will recruit us Shichibukai soon."

"Marin Fando, interesting."

Dover grinned grimly, his eyes under the sunglasses full of fierce desire for standing.


In addition to being the king's Qiwuhai, he is the king of Dressrosa.

He is also the king of the underground world, joker!

A battle is about to take place between the Navy Headquarters and the Whitebeard Pirates.

At that time.

His business will definitely get better and better.

The Red Hair Domain, on an unnamed island.

The Redforth docked there.

Everyone in the Red Hair Pirates is having a banquet.

...... 0

The top is coming.

Now is their rare moment of relaxation.

There is another guest at this banquet.

It is the world's number one swordsman, Hawkeye Mihawk.

Hawkeye and Redhead were discussing the bounty of the Straw Hats.

Redhead and Hawkeye praised Luffy.

Hawkeye talked about Sauron and pdd with red hair.

Neither will let the other.

But this time.

Another message came.

Ben Beckman read out slowly.

After listening.

Both the red hair and the eagle eyes shrank.

The two were no longer in the mood to joke.

The redhead raised his eyes slightly.

"That standoff is really coming."

"The navy's move is determined to destroy a Four Emperors."

with emotion.

Hawkeye put down his finished wine glass and slowly got up.

The redhead looked at each other.

"What are you going to do?"

With his back to the redhead, Hawkeye smiled.

"As the king's Shichibukai, now, shouldn't we wait for the navy to be recruited?"

Listening to the other party's words, the red hair was taken aback.

"Are you also interested in this battle?"

Hawkeye shook his head upon hearing this.

"The strongest swordsman in the navy is the candidate for Admiral, Momotu."

"But I have seen her. Although I have never fought, I am not interested in her."

"The foil vista of the Whitebeard Pirates is pretty good."

"But I also compared swords with him, it's boring."

The redhead froze again.

"Then who are you guys interested in?"

Hawkeye tilted his head and smiled when he heard the words.

"I want to see the gap with that man."


With the big black knife on his back, Hawkeye walked away.

Watching the back of his departure.

The dazed redhead sighed and shook his head.

"This guy, is he also on the side of the Navy?"

"It's broken."

"White Beard, how are you going to fight this battle?"

The red hair has deep eyes.

Turning to look at Ben Beckman and the crew, the red-haired expression relaxed.

"That bastard Hawkeye is gone, let's continue the banquet!"


Both Ben Beckman and Di Jia, who was sitting on the big rock and thinking quietly, could understand.

Red hair.

Almost realized that he will take over the next new era.


It is likely to take over the position of Whitebeard.

The two who thought of this looked at each other with deep meaning in their eyes.

198, Whitebeard and the Navy's decisive battle, the attitude of the Four Emperor Pirates!



At this time, inside the huge castle on Cake Island.

bigmom is happily eating a big cake.

Her face was full of joy.

While eating, bigmom also praised the little dragon girl.

"Xiao Xiao, the cake you made is really delicious."

"Mom can never get tired of eating all her life!"

bigmom said with a big grin.

The acid in the mouth fell on the ground like sulfuric acid, corroding the ground with many traces.

Xiao Longnu stood aside, looking at bigmom with an innocent smile on his face.

"Mom, as long as you like it."

"I can make this kind of dessert for you for the rest of my life."

bigmom laughed out loud.



At this time.

Katakuri suddenly walked in with some information.

First, he glanced at Xiao Longnu fondly.

Katakuri raised his head to look at bigmom, his eyes were a little dignified.


"The navy officially announced its decision on how to deal with Fire Fist Ace."

"They are going to publicly execute Ace in the Navy headquarters."

Listen to what Katakuri said.

There was a sudden silence in Cake Island Castle.

Perospero, the eldest son of the Charlotte family, and the other three dessert generals looked at Katakuri at the same time.

For a while in the castle, only the sound of "[-]" was left, and the sound of bigmom chewing food.

Finally, he ate all the cake in front of him.

Big Mom turned to look at Katakuri.

"Katakuri, are you talking about the boy Fire Fist Ace on the white bearded ship?"

"The one who was defeated by Whitebeard's traitor son Blackbeard?"

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