"I also have the ambition of a pirate."

"For you who are waiting on the mountain wall of the Red Earth Continent, I will abide by the agreement!"

"Meet you again from the front!"

Listen to Brooke.

The netizens in the live broadcast room burst into tears again.


Everyone is also emotional in their hearts.

This is the charm of this sea.

The banquet continued.


Lola also gave Luffy a life card.

That's bigmom's life card.


Listen to this.

The audience fell silent.

Because no one thought that Lola would be the daughter of the Four Emperors Big Mom.

But after listening to Laura's self-introduction.

They are also not difficult to understand.

That woman in bigmom is indeed too controlling.

It is normal for Lola to run away from home.

At this time.

pdd finds Miss Dai and Sister Zhou.

The main thing is to find the little girl.

He rubbed his hands, feeling a little embarrassed on his fat face.

"Little girl, can you lend me five thousand points?"

"I want to buy a skill learning scroll."

"I will definitely pay you back when I have points in the future."

pdd said.

Both Little Sister Dai and Sister Zhou were a little curious.

"Do you want to buy a skill learning scroll?"

"What is it for?"

The two of them didn't understand why pdd would spend so many points to buy a skill learning scroll.

That thing is useful though.

But compared with the exorbitant five thousand points, it's still not worth it.

But pdd didn't explain much.

In the end, Miss Dai didn't hesitate too much, and directly bought a skill learning scroll and handed it to pdd.

"Five thousand points, remember to return it to me."

pdd nodded happily, took the skill learning scroll and left everyone's sight.

Netizens watching him in the live broadcast room are also a little confused.

"Brothers, what is pdd using the skill learning scroll for?"

"Yeah, no one on this ghost island has any powerful skills."

"That's all devil fruit ability."

"Can the skill learning scroll be learned?"

Just when netizens were surprised again and again.

pdd found the comatose Abu Salom.

He stretched out his hand to touch the other's arm while muttering silently in his heart.

"Use the skill learning scroll to learn the invisibility ability."

Watching this scene of pdd.

All netizens were even more surprised.

"Fat boy, is it useful for you to learn the invisibility ability?"

"Abu Salom is a devil fruit, you can't learn it!"

"Yeah, I don't understand what you're thinking."

But right now.

A reminder appeared in front of pdd.

【Ding!The skill learning scroll is used successfully, and the skill invisibility is obtained. 】.

210. Sauron Opens the Blind Box!Stunned pdd: The second generation ghost? ?

[Stealth: The entry-level stealth can be hidden for three seconds after use, and the cooldown time is 24 hours. The stealth time and cooldown time can be increased or shortened as the skill level increases. 】

Watch this scene.

Netizens in the live broadcast instantly went into an uproar.

"Fuck, fat baby, you are really good at this?"

"Yeah, damn it, that's the devil fruit ability, he actually learned it?"

"Although it is not a complete devil fruit ability."

"His invisibility is only for three seconds, but even so, it's abnormal, right?"

"My mother, does this mean that I will take a skill learning scroll later?"

"I can learn the ability of Whitebeard's shaking fruit?"

"Depend on!"

The netizens in the live broadcast room were completely shocked when they saw this scene.

Because no one has ever done this before.

Everyone doesn't know what kind of ability can be learned from the skill learning scroll.

And everyone naturally thought of it.

Since the devil fruit ability is the only ability.

Then it cannot be learned or copied.

Because that breaks the uniqueness of the devil fruit ability.

This is not allowed.

but now.

Everyone suddenly found out.

Things don't seem to be the same at all.

This skill learning scroll.

It can make pdd learn the skill of invisibility.

Although it is far from a real transparent fruit.

The two are just like the sky and the earth.


This move by pdd was able to succeed.

It is undoubtedly a big step forward in game exploration.

And pdd was happy watching this scene at this time.

He looked at the barrage with his nostrils upturned, and said with a dirty face.

"Fundamentals of fundamentals."

"Don't even look at who we are?"

"We are champions!"

"This little trick has calmed you down?"

"I really don't know each of them."

Netizens have become accustomed to the stinky fart of pdd.

If he gets a reward or has some advanced operations, he won't show off.

That's not even his fat baby.


Netizens thought that the skill learning scroll could replicate part of the power of the devil fruit.

Everyone is a little excited.

Although not as good as the original fruit ability.

But that's also an effortless, unearthly power.

Let's just say stealth.

Apart from the devil fruit ability, what other abilities can be achieved?

When netizens are excited.

pdd is even more delighted to call up its own property panel.

[Name: 40-meter sword. 】

[Level: lv28 (0%). 】

[Faction: Pirates - Straw Hat Pirates. 】

[Occupation: Swordsman. 】

[Abilities: physical skills (intermediate), swordsmanship (advanced) (1/5), armed domineering (intermediate), knowledge-color domineering (intermediate), Elbaf's gun (introductory), invisibility (introductory). 】

[Items: Black Sword Autumn Water (purple), swordsman profession exclusive blind box (blue). 】

[Points: 1500. 】

Looking at his entry-level stealth.

pdd smiled.

"Brothers, I tell you oh〃".

"Don't think that this invisibility is just a display in front of people who know how to be domineering."

"But as long as I improve the skills of knowledge, domineering and invisibility together."

"After the knowledge-colored domineering level is advanced, it will definitely be able to block the enemy's perception of oneself."

"At that time, it will be combined with high-level stealth and my Elbaf's gun."

"Damn! Can I sneak attack and kill a Four Emperors or a general?"

As pdd talked, he felt like he was floating.

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