If it was pdd, he should really want to learn Sauron's skills.

The last Nami.

Although Sister Zhou is envious of the other party's navigation skills.

But she is a navigator herself.

You just need to level up slowly, and when your navigation skills improve, she will be almost the same as Nami.

So, it's completely unnecessary.

Although this skill learning scroll is very valuable.

But for her now, it doesn't matter much.

There are no learning objectives.

On the other hand, Teacher Ma is different.

He has an extremely powerful Garp by his side.

Naval hero.

This teacher Ma needs to be able to learn a skill from the other party.

It will definitely rise rapidly, so there is no need to think about it.

But sister Zhou was not too willing to give up this skill learning scroll.

She hesitated.

Upon seeing this, Mr. Ma persuaded again.

But pdd looked at the barrage in the live broadcast room with contempt.

"Big Horse Monkey, you are really stinky and shameless."

"You don't give any real benefits, and you just draw a big cake here?"

"Sister Zhou, don't trust him, you can't give it."

"You keep this skill learning scroll for yourself, and you can learn it later when we meet someone with powerful skills."

"If you don't want it, you can give it to me, and I can report to you later."

"We are all together, isn't it better than giving it to the big horse monkey who is far away in the navy?"

Teacher Ma, who was watching the live broadcast, froze.

And Miss Zhou.

She nodded in amazement.


Now that she has no learning goals, does that mean she won't have any in the future?


Teacher Ma is far away in the navy.

This skill learning scroll is better for pdd than for him.

and so.

I'd better keep it for myself. Sister Zhou raised her hand and put the skill learning scroll into the inventory.

Teacher Ma watched this scene.

At the same time, he said viciously to pdd.

"Fatty man, you are finished."

"Look at me, instead of advising Lieutenant General Garp, I chase you all over the sea!"

Teacher Ma left a cruel sentence and directly exited the live broadcast room and returned to the game.

And pdd said with a smile to the netizens in the live broadcast room.

"The big horse monkey is in a hurry."

"Hahaha, brothers, just see who is stronger when we meet again in the game!"

Listen to pdd's words.

Sister Zhou and the netizens couldn't help laughing.

And Sister Zhou finished opening the blind box.

It was the turn of Little Sister Dai.

Everyone turned their attention to Dai Xiaomei again.

Little Sister Dai didn't hesitate, and took out the blind box in the style of a wooden box.

She reached out and touched it lightly.

The blind box is opened by it.

After a flash of light.


Sister Zhou and pdd stood up directly.

Countless netizens in the live broadcast room were also shocked.

"Fuck! Devil Fruit!!"


A new book is released, and an old author has a new book, begging for a monthly ticket for flower evaluation tickets.

Guaranteed five updates every day, one thousand flowers, two hundred comments, five monthly tickets, twenty comments plus one update, do what you say, and never break your promise!

Please believe in my hand speed and beg for all support! .

41. The scene of the large-scale eating and broadcasting rollover scene of Dai Xiaomei!

At this moment.

Right in front of the three of Dai Xiaomei and countless netizens in the live broadcast room.

In the wooden blind box that the little girl opened.

A strange fruit with a blue body, about the size of a small cantaloupe, and covered with strange lines emerged.

There are still strands of water patterns growing on the fruit, which makes everyone feel refreshed.

See this scene.

Pdd swallowed involuntarily.

He suddenly felt a little parched.

Look at Little Sister Dai.

Pdd's eyes widened, and the shock in his heart was unimaginable.

So is Sister Zhou.

Everyone has seen this devil fruit in the memory of Luffy and Bucky before.

Although each devil fruit looks different.

But stay in front of this little girl.

Undoubtedly, it must also be a devil fruit.

Besides, it was rewarded by the game, which is absolutely unmistakable.

Sister Zhou suddenly felt that what was that that she just opened?

That's just shit!

After a short period of shock, the audience in the live broadcast room.

They were all in an uproar.

"Fuck, I didn't expect that!"

"I thought Sister Zhou was full of European spirit this time."

"It never occurred to me that the old woman is the Emperor of Europe."

"How lucky is it to open a devil fruit?"

"My God, I still remember the strategy that the dream master sent before."

"At present, there are three power systems in total, one is physical skills, the second is sword skills, and the third is devil fruit."

"Compared to the first two, the Devil Fruit should be the one everyone wants the most, right?"

"After all, it is the only hidden profession!"

"But the rarity of devil fruit is doomed, basically few people have that luck."


The netizens who spoke couldn't go on.

What kind of bad luck is this little girl Dai?

The first blind box obtained opened a devil fruit.

This is so special!

Netizens in the live broadcast room were in an uproar.

The three of Luffy on the deck also noticed the strangeness here.

The three of them quickly came to the second floor.

First look.

The three of them saw the blue devil fruit in the box in Little Sister Dai's hand.

this look.

Luffy and Zoro's eyes widened, showing deep surprise.

After Nami was surprised.

There was obvious greed in his eyes.

But that greed was fleeting.

Nami gave Dai Xiaomei a complicated look.

She has a good relationship with Dai Xiaomei and Zhou Jie.

and so.

Although Nami's eyes did not move away from the devil fruit from the beginning to the end.

After all, this thing is said to be something that can sell for [-] million Baileys, and there is no market for it.

Just sell this.

She can directly scrape together [-] million Baileys and pay back Aaron's money.


Nami doesn't covet what belongs to her friend.

Get rid of distractions.

At this time, the three of Nami asked Dai Xiaomei where this thing came from.

Dai Xiaomei smiled without saying a word.

She couldn't say that it was opened in the blind box of game rewards, could she?

These NPCs are so smart.

If this is said, I am afraid it will not end.

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