The system popped up at this time and said.

"Hmph~ It's not because I'm a genius! That's why I came up with this bullying method."

Su Bai said after hearing what the system said.

Chapter 210: This is Technical Bullying!

While Su Bai continued to eat melons and watch the fun, Harry, led by the staff, came to the outer layer analysis and research office of the biology laboratory, and formally saw the images transmitted by the electron microscope.

Like Owen.

On Owen's side, after seeing Harry coming, his reaction was relatively flat.Slowly changed the glasses he used to look at the display, put on his usual glasses, and then looked at Harry without saying a word.

"So, is there any problem with the research work?"

Seeing this, Harry was not angry, but slowly sat down in front of Owen, and spoke very calmly.

"It depends on your definition of what went wrong. In my opinion, there is no problem at present, and everything is going well."

Owen said seeing this.

Purely from a researcher's point of view, although it is difficult to study maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells, there is still a lot of progress in the case of sufficient research funds and without comparison with Daxia.

Although it has only been studied for almost a month, many conclusions drawn so far have refreshed many theoretical upper limits of biology.

Although Daxia should have mastered all these theories, they just haven't announced them.

"At present, Daxia has come up with the simplest drug related to maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells called therapeutic spray, which is composed of something called a healing factor. This thing is programmed by maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells.

Come.The thing I want to ask is, how long does it take you to work on this thing based on maternal-fetal-specific remodeling cells? "

Harry looked at Owen and said.The sharp eyes make people feel unquestionable.

But Owen is also a person who has seen the market, and he will not be easily frightened by Harry. He just glanced at the staff behind Owen.

"Go down."

Seeing this, Harry glanced at his followers and said.

Seeing this, the others looked at each other, but finally withdrew.

After this situation, Owen got up, took a stick, went under the monitoring probe in the laboratory, poked the monitoring probe down a few times, and confirmed that the recording equipment in the monitoring probe was completely intact. damage

After breaking down, he sat down in front of Harry.

Although Harry was calm at this time, he basically knew the result.

"I had a physical examination this year, and there was a malignant tumor here. However, it is not acute, and there should be another four years. So, if you are willing to continue to use the current funds to support my research on maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells

If I do more research, then in another five years, I will be able to develop the genetic programming method for maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells. "

When Owen said this, he pointed to his abdomen, looking very calm.

However, the somewhat contradictory words he said once again confirmed Harry's guess.

Irwin had four years to live, but it would take five years to develop a genetic programming method for specialized maternal-fetal remodeling cells.

If this sentence is translated, it means that as long as Harry continues to pay or if Harry continues to fool America Congress into supporting Owen’s research, then Harry or America can talk nonsense before he dies.

Finally, you can push it all to him and let him take the blame.

After hearing Owen's words, Harry fell silent, and sat there blankly for a full minute without even moving.If it weren't for the shallow breath, it would even make people feel that he would have died here.

After 1 minute, Harry slowly reached out and took out the medicine from his pocket, but found that he didn't even have the strength to open the bottle cap.

It was Owen who reached out to help him open the bottle cap and took out some medicine for Harry to slow him down.

Outside, Harry's entourage who saw this scene through the glass window came in after Harry took the medicine, wanting to see Harry's situation.

"go out!"

After seeing his entourage coming in again, the now weak Harry roared, and his anger could be seen from his voice and his eyes at this time.

This anger was not aimed at his followers, nor at Owen, nor at Su Bai, but at himself.

Unexpectedly, he, who has always been wise, made such a huge mistake.1000 billion RMB, a port with an annual cargo throughput of trillion tons, a gold mine with an extremely important geographical location, and finally exchanged

a scrap.

"We...can't we really research something valuable based on this thing? I'm talking about economic value, or strategic doesn't matter if it's not a healing factor. You should know about Daxia's genetically enhanced fighters.

That thing should also be the product of this cell, can you make a low-profile version? "

After taking the medicine, Harry grabbed Owen's hand, almost speaking in a pleading tone, making him, who was always proud, look extremely humble at this moment!

After hearing this sentence, Owen was silent for more than ten seconds, and then said: "If there is no Daxia, we can still come up with quite a lot of things that are of great value to the biological and medical circles. As for the genetically strong

Chemical warriors... The ideological basis of that thing should be cell programming... I can't be sure about this, but I can guess it is this.And we are far away from this step. It's not that I can't complete it, but... I can't give the standard.

The exact time, but not this century...absolutely not. "


After hearing Owen's words, Harry suddenly felt that his body was so heavy, and the vigorous beating of his heart was almost the only sound he could hear.

The white light of the energy-saving lamps in the laboratory was extraordinarily dazzling at this time. Just looking at it gave him the feeling of looking directly at the sun.

As the world he could see with his eyes turned gray, he also passed out directly.

"The psychological endurance is too bad. The strongest wise man in America? That's it?"

After seeing Harry fainted from anger, Su Bai happily complained.

"He lost trillions! The possibility of America's return to the Middle East in a short period of time has also become extremely difficult because of Daxia's acquisition of that port. Who can bear such a huge loss! They will say sarcastic remarks.


Zuo Ming, who was sitting by the side, complained speechlessly.

"Don't talk about this, have you confirmed the recording? Send it to Uncle Chen Ming later."

"It's being recorded."

After Zuo Ming said this, he pointed to the video camera on the coffee table.

As the saying goes, as a human being, you don't leave a single line behind, and you don't need to meet again in the future.

This is what she calls beating the dog in the water with a stick, and she takes advantage of it as hard as she can, and uses it as hard as she can if she gets caught.Who let Harry and America mess with her?A gentleman doesn't keep an overnight grudge.As a woman and a villain, she is so unreasonable


[Picture: Xinhai cos]

ps: First send a piece of women's clothing for you to take a look at, and if you think it's okay, I'll send the rest.If it doesn't look good, don't pollute your eyes.

Chapter 210: When a Pure Scholar Is No Longer Pure

"Why bother? By doing so, he will surely turn from a scientific teacher of Western civilization into a villain who is burdened with endless crimes."

In Wei Jianming's laboratory, after seeing what Owen said from a staff member of the Emergency Management Bureau, Wei Jianming seemed a little helpless.

Owen is more pure academically than Wei Jianming.Because of this purity, Owen chose to accept the olive branch offered by America instead of returning to his homeland.

He only believes in science, and he will go wherever there is a better research environment for him.

Under such circumstances, Wei Jianming, who resolutely chose to return to China with the idea of ​​building the motherland, was naturally left behind a lot academically.

However, Wei Jianming's talent in scientific research is obviously stronger than Owen's.Just returned to China, and the country has not really become prosperous and strong, but still on the road full of thorns, it has achieved achievements that are not inferior to Owen

But, that's just not lost.He knew what looked like a poor resource and a harsh research environment.But under the advantages of the system, he is stronger than Irving in many places, so Irving has not opened the gap.

And all this changed completely when Su Bai appeared.

Su Bai pointed out to them the location of another new continent in biology, and told them the way to go to that new continent.

The emergence of maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells made Owen aware of the existence of that new continent.However, realizing it was useless, he had no way to go to that new continent, let alone know where that new continent was.

Therefore, Owen was desperate.

It is impossible for Wei Jianming to shake Su Bai's thoughts.How arrogant is it to make some capricious demands on Su Bai? It is impossible for him to take risks with his own country and people.

However, compared to now, Wei Jianming hopes that Owen will finish his brilliant life in the midst of academic despair and regret

After all, Owen is a brilliant academic researcher, and he is willing to give up everything in order to pry into the truth.For example, in the video provided by Su Bai, Owen is willing to become a sinner, but also wants to be a boat

Into the vast // ocean of knowledge, to find the new continent that he is destined to be unable to find.

He can't find that new land, but because of the shameless and dirty politicians, his past glory will be covered up.From one of biology's great modern pioneers to a total blasphemer.

To put it simply, there is no guarantee for late festivals.

"No way, he is locked up too tightly. Relatives, friends, students. He has no way to make the decision to stay in America as easily as America offered him an olive branch back then. If he was still that

If you are a pure scientist, then he should come to Daxia as soon as the maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells come out, instead of calling and begging you. "

At this time, Li Shu, who was sitting next to Wei Jianming, spoke.

This may also be the reason why Owen will be gradually caught up by Wei Jianming in such a good research environment.

Because of life, the pure researcher becomes no longer pure.At least, he couldn't let go of too many things in America, and chose to become a pilgrim-like existence and come to Daxia.

"Forget it, don't mention him. Thank you, boy, for showing me this. In terms of analysis, the answer I gave here is the same as before. Owen can't do it, because he lacks basic theory, Owen can't realize the artificial cell sudden

The gap is not in biology itself, but in mathematics.When a stone door blocks your way forward, choose to strengthen yourself, it is difficult to shake the stone door, but you can choose to find a lever to lift it.And mathematics is this lever.

After watching the video, Wei Jianming looked at the staff of the Emergency Management Bureau and said.

The staff of the Emergency Response Bureau showed him this in order for him to make a basic inference for America's research speed.

Although, it is better to ask Su Bai this question.But from Chen Ming's point of view, if Daxia himself couldn't judge this, he would have some qualifications to accept Su Bai's gift, so he came to ask Wei Jianming.


After the staff of the Emergency Management Bureau finished speaking, they took the video tape and got up and left without staying.

"The West never dreamed that artificial cells were successful because of a revolutionary breakthrough in mathematics."

Li Shu sighed at this moment.

When Su Bai was teaching biology to Wei Jianming and other scientists, what he taught most of the time was not biology itself, but how to construct mathematical models of cytology.

However, because their attainments in mathematics are not high.In other words, modern mathematics and those taught by Su Bai still have differences close to the chronological level, so the modeling knowledge of cytology taught by Su Bai has never been useful to them


At the beginning, they were still puzzled as to why Su Bai taught them these almost cross-field knowledge across stages, but after Li Shu completed the underlying logic understanding of the math problems given by Su Bai, they understood

, What they learned is for Li Shu.

Not only Wei Jianming and the others, but also Mu Zhengyun and Shi Zhu.

After Mu Zhengyun and Shi Zhu finished the homework given by Su Bai, Su Bai gave them a note, which was about math problems.

Its difficulty did not reach the level of Li Shu's, but for Mu Zhengyun and Shi Zhu, it was still torture.

So, they chose to call Li Shu.

After studying for a long time, Li Shu became angry and chose to go to No. [-], and asked No. [-] to agree with him to contact Su Bai, so he had the math problem that Li Shu got.

To get the math problems Li Shu obtained, he needed to summarize the mathematical knowledge that Wei Jianming and the others had learned. On this basis, he deduced a series of underlying logics in the cutting-edge mathematics world that modern mathematics has not touched. Finally,

As if pushing the boat along the current, he could solve the problem given by Su Bai.

Of course, at the same time, it will completely subvert the mathematics world.

"It will be very difficult for you. After all, these mathematical theories of Su Bai have negated the hard work of too many mathematicians today, and told them that they have taken the wrong path."

Compared to thinking about this, Wei Jianming is now more worried about what will happen to Li Shu.

The mathematical model of biology taught by Su Bai is very complete, and the answers Li Shu wants are basically here.This should also be the first time that Su Bai gave an opening that is almost not difficult except for a little time.

Exam questions.

The problem is that the difficulty of this open-book test is no longer in the test paper itself, but in the publication stage after the test.

"I'm not worried about this. Because, I doubt... Su Bai will use this to have fun."

Li Shu seemed a little relaxed at this time, not as embarrassed as Wei Jianming thought.

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