"Uncle Chen Ming, what do you think he wants so much money for? Money is enough to spend. Is it useful to want so much money?"

On the other side, Su Bai jumped on the sofa in the lobby on the first floor of the villa, then turned around and picked up a plate of banknotes that were being counted by the bank staff from the coffee table, somewhat incomprehensible.

In Su Bai's mind, it is a good thing, but it is enough.She really didn't know what concept how much money represented.

Su Bai's biggest impact on money is really this time.

As for the time when Harry was mentioned? Su Bai really didn't realize what his demands of hundreds of millions meant to Harry.At that time, she just knew that it would be hard for Harry to ask for the money, but she had to

give her.

Only now did Su Bai know one thing, hundreds of millions of banknotes might be able to bury her directly.The money I got from Harry back then was enough to kill her.

"At the beginning, he may not have thought of greedy so much, but it will be different later on."

When Chen Ming said these words, he looked at the pile of money in front of him that was as high as a hill, and shook his head slightly, sighing a little, but actually there were not too many waves in his heart.

When it comes to making money, Chen Ming and Su Bai have similar ideas.As for the money, it is enough to spend enough. In fact, he doesn't quite understand the thoughts of those corrupt officials.Especially those corrupt officials who dare to take money but dare not spend, are even more incomprehensible.

"It's a pity, the political qualifications his father earned for him were ruined by him."

Chen Ming sighed at this moment.

This middle-aged uncle is called Ke Zheng, and he is a descendant of the older generation of Daxia anti-narcotics police.His success in the officialdom was basically due to his father's contribution.

The offspring of a hero was once a hero himself.With such a background, he could obviously go further, but after all, he was no match for the greed in his heart.

After Su Bai heard Chen Ming's words, he took out the lollipop with only one plastic stick left in his mouth, played it in his hand, then showed a faint smile, and said, "Uncle Chen Ming , anyone

Are you particularly good at catching such corrupt officials?"

Su Bai really didn't notice corrupt officials before. After all, under the influence of Daxia's high-level officials, it is impossible for problematic officials to appear beside Su Bai.

But this time, Su Bai discovered that corrupt officials might also be an excellent target for bullying.

They will not regret the mistakes they have made. There is only one reason for them to cry bitterly, and that is that they failed to get out of the body.

Let a person fall from heaven to hell, sometimes it only takes a few minutes.Let a person fall from the heaven on earth to the endless abyss of despair, and sometimes it is just a snap of the fingers.

She intends to cultivate an evil minion of her own, and use evil to bully evil.There are weak people who pretend to be powerful and bully those who are strong.

There's nothing more fun than letting a person sink into despair and then turn ugly.

"This...I know one...but...em mm...I'll give you his information when I go back."

Chen Ming seemed a little hesitant at this time.

He has also been to the Anti-Corruption Bureau and knows how difficult the anti-corruption work is.It can even be said that the risk factor of anti-corruption and anti-corruption work is higher than that of anti-drug, and the difficulty of carrying out the work is sometimes even higher than that of anti-drug

more than several times.

He was later transferred to Guoan, but in fact he retreated despite the difficulties.But Su Bai might be able to bring about a bigger change.

Chapter 240 Four People Are More Popular than People

"This is the information of a classmate of mine. I don't know if it meets your needs."

Although Chen Ming said he would give Su Bai the information when he went back, in fact, when he was about to arrive at Su Bai's house, he asked someone to transfer a relatively confidential electronic file.

The classmate Chen Ming mentioned was his classmate at the National Defense University.

Well, don't look at Chen Ming's five-year-old and three-year-old, he is a top student.He was the second place in the college entrance examination that year, and he was only five points away from the number one in the college entrance examination.

University of Defense Technology.

However, after enlisting in the army, he seemed to have committed some wrong things. He was discharged early, was assigned to the police system, and later entered the national security system.But Chen Ming's ability of rational thinking also started to develop amazingly at that time.

The speed was upgraded and reached level 4.99, and finally on Su Bai's side, the final breakthrough was achieved, reaching level 5.0.

And the person recommended by Chen Ming, named Ren Zhenglong, seemed to have made mistakes with him at the beginning, and was also assigned to the police system together.It's just that compared with Chen Ming who went to Guoan later, Ren Zhenglong entered the anti-corruption bureau.

However, Ren Zhenglong only worked in the Anti-Corruption Bureau for five years, and then voluntarily applied for resignation and became an official anti-drug propaganda ambassador of Daxia.

"It's him!"

After Su Bai saw Ren Zhenglong's information, he realized that he had watched his video.It is a person who can tell the relevant knowledge about the hazards of drugs in a more interesting way, so that people who have watched his videos, in a subtle way, realize that drugs/

/ product hazards and take the initiative to stay away.A man of great ability.

What Su Bai didn't expect was that such a person was not anti-drug in the past, but anti-corruption.

As for his ability? Not to mention how many people have been arrested, but to talk about funds, Renzhenglong has been fighting corruption for five years, and the funds he recovered from those corrupt officials for Daxia exceeded tens of billions! will do it myself,

Xiao Xiami in a position of real power at the grassroots level.

The tens of billions mentioned here are not the current tens of billions, but more than ten years ago.

As for the reasons why he left the Anti-Corruption Bureau? There are two reasons, one is that he offended too many people, and the other is that he has touched his upper limit.

He didn't want to join forces with others, and he didn't want to be corrupted, so he chose to leave decisively and expose himself to the sun.Use the sunlight that is enough to disperse all darkness as your own greatest protection umbrella.

"They are also the descendants of martyrs. People are more popular than others."

Su Bai sighed at this moment.

Ren Zhenglong's grandparents were the sages who founded the country, his father participated in the last war in Daxia's modern era, and later retired to become an anti-narcotics policeman, and his mother was a criminal investigation policeman.He grew up in such a family after he was discharged from the army

Became a policeman and entered the Anti-Corruption Bureau.Later, he left the Anti-Corruption Bureau and became the country's anti-drug propaganda ambassador because of his wife, who is an anti-drug policeman.

Under such circumstances, Ren Zhenglong also has a son who is currently serving in the army and has been stationed in the border area for some time.

Look at this Ren Zhenglong, thinking about that Ke Zheng just now.The gap between people is sometimes unbelievably large.

"Glory is glory, but it's a pity... oh~"

After Chen Ming heard Su Bai's words, he was not happy for his classmates.As for the reason? It can only be full of loyalty.If Ren Zhenglong's grandparents or fathers were still alive, perhaps Ren Zhenglong would have

With some qualifications, I bit the bullet and continued to go up.

I don't know how the result will be, but besides the backing of the country, at least he has other pillars who can help him when necessary

"System, do you think he is strong or weak?

After reading these materials, Su Bai asked.

[Only looking at the individual, he is a strong man, level 4.2 in rational thinking, level 4.1 in judging the situation, level 4.3 in melee combat, and level 4.3 in gun application. Just looking at personal combat power, he is much stronger than Chen Ming before he was strengthened.but look at his

If there are no deeds, then he is undoubtedly a coward who failed.Without the courage to shake a fist at the real strong, when faced with that desperate existence, he can only choose to retreat.the weak among the weak, a loser in life

, is a coward who can only reshape his belief in another field after desecrating his own belief. 】

Seeing this, the system mercilessly belittled Ren Zhenglong

From the system's point of view, if the process of rebounding is regarded as violence before others, then Ren Zhenglong is a person who only relies on his own strength to bully the weak. Method

Go one step further.

So, he's a weakling, a weakling through and through.

"Then how about I use him, who is completely weak, to bully those strong? Facing the bullying of this weak, those strong are powerless to resist. They can only be in despair, and be betrayed by this person who they once forced to betray their beliefs." of

The weak, step by step, uncover all their ugliness, and push them completely into the abyss.

At this time, Su Bai revealed his plan!

Bullying the weak is for pleasure, and bullying the strong is for a sense of accomplishment. Wouldn't it be possible to enjoy more pleasure and a full sense of accomplishment at one time by manipulating the weak to bully the strong?

[Using the weak to push the strong into desperation, there can be no more interesting thing in this world than this.It is indeed the host that I fancy. 】

After the system heard Su Bai's words, it seemed a little excited and said, and it was completely interested

"I don't want too much, three LV6 skills, if you can use them."

After Su Bai saw that the system was indeed interested, he immediately said

[Skills can be released, speed read LV1. 】

[Speed ​​reading skills to reach LV6, unlock the speed reading LV6 memory palace. 】

[Big categories of skills enter cooldown.Duration 360 days]

"anything else?"

On Su Bai's side, after the system's notification sounded, he waited for another minute, and after finding that there was no follow-up, he spoke.

Originally, her speed reading skills had reached LV5.As a result, it is only given one level now, so don't go too far.

[You still want to charge twice for one thing! You mentioned a skill just now, not to mention, this is a large-scale skill, a large-scale skill!]

After hearing Su Bai's words, the system immediately spoke.

"Pick, pick, and search."

After Su Bai heard the system's words, he complained a bit, a little dissatisfied.It's been a while since my major skill CDs have been released, but the system doesn't make any extra compensation, which is simply too much!


Just when Su Bai was about to continue bargaining with the system, Su Bai found that there was a one-armed old police officer standing at the gate of the villa complex he was in. After seeing Su Bai's car, he did not make any movement to stop him Only

It was leaning to the side.

ps: I designed the role of Ren Zhenglong with reference to many real people. I don’t know if you will like it by then.

Chapter 240 Five A Sad Father

"I'll get out of the car."

After seeing the one-armed old police officer, Chen Ming looked at Su Bai and said.

Su Bai didn't respond, but lay on the car window curiously, looking at the old police officer whose face was full of vicissitudes.

She has already handed over the limb regeneration technology to Daxia, but Daxia still can't understand it in a short time.The second limb-rejuvenation surgery will probably not be performed again until next year.At that time, it is possible to arrange some heroes of the country to let

They come back whole.

When Chen Ming saw that Su Bai didn't respond, he didn't say much, and chose to get out of the car and came to the old police officer.

"My child...didn't cause any trouble for you?"

After seeing Chen Ming, the old police officer looked a little tired and said.After finishing speaking, the old police officer took a look at Su Bai, with a little apology flashing in his eyes.

"This... No, he is quite cooperative. But I'm sorry, what he committed is a bit big, and I can't help you much."

After Chen Ming said these words, he glanced at the old police officer's one arm, and sighed a little in his heart.

This old police officer is Ke Zheng's father, an old policeman who has retired from the anti-drug post.He has been in contact with him in the past, and he has cooperated a little bit in action. He is a very reliable and very safe person.

sensitive people.

"It's fine if you don't get into trouble..."

After hearing Chen Ming's words, the veteran police officer also knew what Chen Ming meant. Corruption and treason are two concepts that cannot be compared

After hesitating for a while, the old police officer looked at Chen Ming, and then said: "He...how big a crime he has committed, can you tell me in advance?"

Because the operation is basically over, the Shanghai Police, the Anti-Corruption Bureau and the Special Operations Bureau will hold a press conference to formally inform the outside world, so a lot of news has been released in advance to give the media and the public a psychological forecast.


Under such circumstances, it is not surprising that the old police officer knew some inside information.

What he doesn't know now is the extent of what his child has committed.

Yes, he doesn't know.If he didn't know the style of the Special Operations Bureau, he couldn't believe that his child was not only greedy, but even sold state secrets for money.

Coming here now is not to plead for mercy, but to express my apology.

"This... about [-] billion."

After hearing what the old police officer said, Chen Ming hesitated, but finally gave a number.

At present, the biggest fish caught is indeed Quai Zhengyi.However, Kui Zhengyi is not the one who gets the most money. Among them, Ke Zheng, the son of the old police officer, gets the most.

The specific amount has not been counted yet, but according to the information given by Su Bai, it is certain that it will be more than one billion.

After hearing this number, the old police officer froze on the spot for more than ten seconds before recovering slightly, then nodded his head lightly, with some tears in his eyes, and said: "Is the evidence conclusive?


"Well, the funds are still being counted. He is not the biggest mastermind, but he is also one of the core."

Chen Ming didn't hide much, and spoke.After all, in another hour or two, these things will be said, and there is no need to hide them.

"I, I'm sorry for the country, I'm not well educated..."

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