"Skip a good breakfast."

However, at this time, Zhou Xue said that she held a grudge!

He put down the breakfast in his hand and rushed over, then pressed it on Zuo Ming's body.

Well, true girlfriends are just taking advantage of others' danger to hit two!

"Are you late again today?"

"Well, it's all Sister Su Bai's fault. It's all her fault. I woke up at six o'clock."

Well, so, two hours later, Zhou Xue, who was standing on the playground, stood in front of Zhuang Liren, the new deputy director of the temporary teaching office of their school, with a face full of shame.

Well, don't ask why an academician came to a primary school to be the deputy director of the teaching department, and don't ask why there is a deputy director in the teaching department, it's because Zhuang Li has a thick skin.

He was not allowed to contact Su Bai, so he had to contact Zhou Xue and Zuo Ming, two students taught by Su Bai.

To be reasonable, Zhou Xue and Zuo Ming couldn't understand some mathematical principles, but they both knew a lot of formulas!

Although these two big babies in the mathematics world are not well known to the outside world, their occasional small discussion between the two of them is a major breakthrough at the century level for today's mathematics world.

Pet a little, is it wrong?

"It's okay, anyway, the first period is just an English class, it doesn't matter if you don't learn a foreign language."

Zhuang Li said calmly.

Well, if other people heard him saying such things as an academician, they might be criticized, but Zhuang Li's principle is that as long as he has a thick skin, he will praise Zhou Xue to death.As long as Zhou Xue doesn't make some principled mistakes

Mistakes can be forgiven or even praised.

"But, Grandpa Zhuang, it doesn't matter if you still spoke Chinese last time. I still have a lot of words to learn. Sometimes I have to look up words in the dictionary when I do my homework or something, which is very troublesome."

Seeing this, Zhou Xue said.

Because she went to school too fast, she did not know many common words.This also caused her Chinese to be relatively poor, and she could only take 95 out of [-]. She was often deducted a few points for typos, which made her very unhappy.

"You are already very good. Sometimes you need to combine work and rest. Come, grandpa bought you a roast sausage and a cup of your favorite milk tea. You have worked hard on the way to school, and you need to replenish your energy. "

As Zhuang Li said, he took out a roast sausage and a cup of milk tea from the milk tea shop opposite the school from behind and handed them to Zhou Xue.

"Thank you, Grandpa Zhuang~ By the way, Grandpa Zhuang, Sister Su Bai fooled me and Sister Zuoming again yesterday. What to say to solve the problem, it is only 0.0001% away from solving the Riemann conjecture, and it turns out that 0.0001 needs to solve the problem step

This step is even more overwhelming than the problems that Sister Zuo Ming and I solved earlier. 99

Zhou Xue said indignantly at this time.

A month ago, Su Bai said that he almost solved the Riemann conjecture.And now? It's still a little bit close, which makes Zhou Xue feel that she will never be able to solve the last point in her life.

"Mathematics is like this, the last point is the most difficult. What's more, the answer to Riemann's conjecture may not be important, what is important is the process of cracking it!"

Seeing this, Zhuang Liren said.

This time he was telling the truth.

The most difficult part of solving some difficult problems in the field of mathematics is the final kick.I don't know how many geniuses have been unable to kick that kick throughout their lives.

This is not sad, the saddest thing is that some geniuses kicked that kick, and then found that the last point that they spent their whole life to crack, did not have the contribution to science of their previous cracking process


Of course, its final answer may continue to shine in another field after a hundred years, but as far as the era in which he himself survives, it may be a kind of irony.

"That's right. When doing a lot of questions, the answer is written wrong, but as long as the process is correct, the teacher will give points. Even if the final answer is wrong, the deduction of points is the least. Is it the same as this reason? ah

Zhou Xue understood Zhuang Liren's words.

"That's understandable."

Seeing this, Zhuang Liren said, and after he finished speaking, he looked at Zhou Xue and asked one more question: "In a few days, the Demon City will hold the largest mathematician conference in the history of the country. Do you want to join in the fun?"

Well, that's why he was waiting for Zhou Xue at the door early this morning.

This question is not simply to take Zhou Xue there, but to see if he can pass Zhou Xue to know whether Su Bai will go or not.

"I'll ask Elder Sister Su Bai about this when the time comes. She seems to have said it a few days ago."

Seeing this, Zhou Xue replied.

Chapter 250 Unity of the Four Fundamental Forces

"According to what the little girl Zhou Xue said, Su Bai is paying attention to the mathematics conference. Is the progress on your side really scary to that point?"

After sending Zhou Xue into the classroom, Zhuang Liren didn't really do what a deputy dean should do, but took out his phone and called Li Shu.

While Su Bai asked Li Shu to solve the problem, he also gave Li Shu a lot of calculation process of the exercises that Zhou Xue and Zuo Ming usually do.

These practice questions have nothing to do with deciphering the Riemann Hypothesis. They are completely using the set of mathematical theories that Su Bai taught Zhou Xue and Zuo Ming to solve some problems that seem to be somewhat similar to advanced mathematics, but are actually completely different.

These questions were difficult for Zhou Xue and Zuo Ming at the beginning, but after getting familiar with the formulas, they were still easy.

Under such circumstances, Zuo Ming and Zhou Xue did not realize how difficult these questions were.

At first, Li Shu thought that he would solve the problem according to the mathematical system on the earth.At that time, although he realized that the question given by Su Bai might shake the established mathematics world on earth.

Xia, but he didn't realize that the development of things might exceed his expectations.

Then, after solving the problem given by Su Bai by relying on the practice problems of Zhou Xue and Zuo Ming, several physicists who solved the problem with him split up on the spot.

Well, a good mathematician is not necessarily a good physicist.However, a good physicist must be very good at mathematics.

Therefore, in the matter of helping him solve the problem together, Li Shu also found a few mathematicians who were relatively young but had certain attainments in mathematics.Several of them were also physicists.

At the beginning of problem-solving, the easiest ones are the physicists.Although mathematics is also an area they are good at, they can still see that although the mathematical theory given by Su Bai is a bit rebellious, it has a great impact on the physical world.

For science, it is a better research tool, and it is beneficial for studying physics.

Of course, the most important thing is that the main achievements of several of them are not concentrated in the field of mathematics.

It's nothing to do with yourself, hang it high, don't disturb your heart.

Watching those mathematicians continue to solve problems while criticizing the new mathematical system given by Su Bai every day is simply a kind of enjoyment.

Sometimes black belly is contagious.

This continued until the final answer was revealed.In the field of physics, a few physicists with highly sensitive intuitions spent only five hours building a mathematical model based on that answer.Then

, according to the calculation of this mathematical model, the four fundamental forces are unified...

Yes, the solution to the question given by Su Bai is a mathematical model, and the role of this mathematical model is to unify the four major physics forces of gravitation, electromagnetic interaction, weak interaction, and strong interaction.


Numerous physicists in modern times wanted to do this, to unify the four fundamental forces, to find out the fundamental law of the motion of the universe, and to achieve this amazing achievement that has never been seen before or since.

Then, this achievement that would shake the entire physics world was so easily placed in front of them.

Reasonably speaking, they should be happy. The four fundamental forces of nature have been unified, and a century-old problem has been solved, and they are all witnesses.

Another reason for the split on the spot is that without theoretical support, they built a sky garden in a daze.

Almost on the spot, they confirmed the fact that Su Bai was wrong!

Although I don't know why the brand-new mathematical system constructed by Su Bai is so perfect and exquisite, but without theoretical support, it is unrealistic to unify the four major forces.

However, their steadfastness did not persist for a few minutes. A scientist present who participated in the theoretical research of the ghost chip explained to them the existence of the ghost element and the ghost chip after applying for the approval of the above.

As for why you need to mention the chip? Although the existing chip technology can be directly used on the chip, it is not suitable.

If a silicon chip is compared to a helicopter, then the ghost chip is a fighter jet.Now Daxia is putting the propeller of the helicopter on the fighter jet to force the fighter jet to fly.

Although it can fly, it is not suitable.

In the beginning, the scientists responsible for the technical public relations of the Ming chip thought that they had to modify the existing transistor structure to find out the transistor structure that was really suitable for the Ming chip.

But after the four fundamental forces were unified, the physicist realized that it was not a problem of structure, but a problem of information transmission media.

The information transmission method of the Ming chip is no longer electric discharge, but the basic force of nature after the four basic forces are unified.

After putting the situation of the Ming chip into this mathematical model, the calculation is directly passed. The computing power of the 20nm Ming chip has once again increased by [-] times.

This is not the key point. The key point is that because the basic forces of nature do not have the problems of silicon chips, entering the microscopic field is only a matter of course.

With the unification of the four basic forces, many problems that plagued the chip developers before were all solved.

Well, for the physics community, the question given by Su Bai is a hanging garden that should not exist. There is no theoretical support, and it is calculated purely by mathematics. It is unrealistic, and it is a veritable clown behavior.

However, the existence of the Ming chip proves the existence of this mathematical model and the correctness of the new mathematical structure she proposed.

Of course, all of this is theory, and theory is not equal to reality.

"The laboratory test has passed, the four basic forces have been unified, the Ming chip has been completely perfected, and the country is also modifying the production line of the Ming chip. The modification is not large, and the extraction of the basic forces of nature is better than imagined."

Keep it simple... At least with the technique given by Su Bai, it's not too difficult. "

Li Shu's answer was very flat, giving people a calm feeling.

As for why? After all, he has been shocked so many times these days that he is indifferent, and even has a slight urge to laugh.

Li Shu's information about Su Bai is less than that of Chen Ming, and more than that of Wei Jianming and others.Therefore, he will not question Su Bai at all now.

"Then it's going to be fun."

After Zhuang Liren heard it, he opened a news app on his mobile phone. The headline of the news now is the "Comprehensive Sanctions Act on Daxia Science and Technology" recently passed by the American Congress.

America plans to have a hard time, and comprehensively sanction Daxia's high-tech fields, the most serious of which is high-end commercial chips.

"We want to set back Daxia's commercial chip technology by 20 years!"

This is the slogan shouted by America!

Chapter 250 The third octopus is dead and the net is broken!

"Irving can't spend like that anymore. No matter how much money there is, he can't afford to spend like that."

On America's side, after Harry saw the bill from Owen's laboratory, he felt his heart was not feeling well again.

It took only two months to get back the specialized remodeling cells of the mother and fetus, and Owen burned 300 billion U.S. dollars in the laboratory

That is 300 billion US dollars! A total of 300 billion! The total investment of some super large projects has not yet reached this figure, but it was burned by Owen.

In fact, if the maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells can really help Harry achieve his goal, he can barely accept this way of burning money.

After all, a large part of the 300 billion is equipment expenditure, and it may reach nearly [-] billion US dollars in subsequent months, but it will not be as exaggerated as these two months.

The problem is that every penny spent on maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells is a penny lost, and it is impossible to continue to lose like this.

"The 200 billion research funds from Congress this month have already arrived, and Irving is also urging them. Do we want to continue to add more?"

Well, Owen burned 300 billion in two months, but Harry reported to Congress that he burned 500 billion.

As for where did the extra 200 billion come from? That's called sophistication, and it's a necessary expense.He has lost so much for Amelie, although it is said that those losses were passed on to Europe in the end.

But for him, there is no way to get back so much money in a short time and use it to make more money.If he didn’t make any money, he would definitely lose money! He’s already lost so much, so it’s not too much to earn a little in research.

After hearing what the assistant said, Harry seemed to have a headache.

Afterwards, Owen will be responsible for the mother-fetal specialization to reshape the cell explosion. If the funds are cut now, Owen will definitely not be blamed in the future.But if you spend tens of billions a month to raise a scapegoat, isn't the price a bit high?

"Give it first, but tell Owen not to go too far."

Seeing this, Harry said that he felt a little headache, but there was really nothing he could do about Owen at the moment.

He is not the only one who stands behind Owen, and he really does not dare to play tricks on Owen.What's more, Lei, who specializes in maternal-fetal remodeling cells, can't explode yet.

Compared with this question, what really bothered him was another question.

"The number of genetically enhanced fighters in Daxia should be more than 3000, and they are forming combat effectiveness. Various supporting exclusive equipment are also being installed at an astonishing speed, and the growth rate is faster than we imagined."

Great Xia has taken confidentiality measures in regards to gene-enhanced fighters, but the level of confidentiality is not very high, plus a lot of combat training and application testing of gene-enhanced fighters in modern warfare, exposure is inevitable


However, in the past two months, the growth rate of Daxia's genetically enhanced fighters has been a bit too fast.Obviously before, they kept the scale of 100 people, and they couldn't detect it even if they tried to detect it. Recently, they wanted to hide it completely, but they couldn't hide it.

The number of people detected by them reached 3000.Moreover, there is a clear difference from the equipment at the time of the first exposure.

Received from the secretary a few photos that they had obtained at the expense of exposing multiple spies.

The content in the first photo is in a dense forest, a large group of burly soldiers resting in the dense forest.

Most of these soldiers are holding a futuristic firearm that looks a little exaggerated in size.

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