After all, many departments of the country have begun to tighten their belts, and it is normal for scientific research funds to be cut.

However, after the 2000 billion was sent out, even the No. 20 college among the twenty colleges and universities found that it seemed that they did not have to live a hard life.

, Many stagnant projects have also been promoted, which has given Daxia's scientific research a second spring.

Under such circumstances, an eight-year-old little boy entered the campus of Modu University of Science and Technology with a cute-looking bear backpack on his back.

Well, it's Zhou Xue.

Looking at the huge campus, Zhou Xue was still a little excited.Although she is only eight years old, she is about to experience her college career in advance.

Although, it is destined to be a little different from other people's college career.

For example..

"I really didn't get lost, I went to class."

"Okay, I know you are in class, let me contact the security guard here, and he will come right away."

Zhou Xue looked at the few college students who held her back speechlessly, and then realized that she seemed to be regarded as a lost child.

Although she is really a child, she really came to class.

And, did someone come to pick her up? Why didn't she see it after entering the gate?

It's just that it doesn't matter, before she came, she had seen the layout map of Shanghai University of Science and Technology.She was not a road idiot, so she found the teaching building very easily.

But when I went to my own classroom, I encountered the current trouble.

"Professor Zhou Xue, over here, over here!"

It's just that the trouble didn't last too long. The people from the Student Union of Modu University of Science and Technology felt the scene at the first time, and were a little speechless.

Their people were waiting for Zhou Xue at the east gate, but Zhou Xue came in through the west gate.

However, it is also to blame that they just said to wait at the gate.After all, normal driving is all to the east gate. Who knows that Zhou Xue came here by taking the subway and then changing to a bus.

To be fair, this way of traveling made them feel a little bit overwhelmed.

After all, in their imagination, as one of Su Bai's playmates, they should have their own driver when traveling.It turned out that they came by themselves, they really didn't expect it.

"Is she Professor Zhou Xue?"

After the people from the student union came, the students who stopped Zhou Xue were also stunned.

In the past few days, they still knew about the news that Su Bai's playmate Zhou Xue was coming to the school to start classes. After all, this news had become the biggest hot topic in their school.

However, the school didn't say how old Zhou Xue was, and Zhou Xue hadn't been exposed in the media before, so there was even less information.

But according to their understanding of Su Bai, Su Bai is a young adult, so Su Bai's playmates should also be adults.

After all, I am here to teach mathematics. Although mathematics is very talented, but no matter how you say it, it takes time to accumulate. It cannot be too young

However, I took a look at Zhou Xue who was wearing sandals, a short skirt, a cartoon T-shirt, and carrying a bear backpack... Could it be that Su Bai's playmates are just like Su Bai, they are all legitimate lolita with childish looks ?

At this time, they also realized that what Zhou Xue said about going to class meant going to teach others, not attending classes by themselves.

"I'm eight years old this year, not too young."

Before being taken away by the students from the student union, Zhou Xue said indignantly.

She is eight years old and can already go out by herself.There is no problem at all with taking subways and buses.

After hearing this sentence, the few college students looked at each other with some doubts about life.

Eight years old... well, this really looks like eight years old

The question is, at the age of eight, teach masters, doctors, professors and academicians? Is this scientific? So, is a genius really able to do whatever he wants?

"It's really not small.

What Zhou Xue didn't know was that in the stairwell not far away, a genetically enhanced soldier from the Emergency Management Bureau who was in charge of Zhou Xue's safety made complaints silently.

It's okay for Zhou Xue to go out by herself, but it's impossible not to find someone to watch.

This is also the reason why the people who come here are the student council, not the security guards.

Although I still experienced a little bit of turmoil, I finally came to the lecture theater without any risk.

Although, due to the limitation of the size of the classrooms, the Modu University of Science and Technology only allows the relevant professional research institutes, doctoral students, professors, and a few academicians of the school to come.

If this is the case, the classroom is actually very spacious.

Then, after Zhou Xue entered the classroom, she saw that the supposedly spacious classroom was crowded with people, and many of them brought their own chairs and sat directly in the aisle.

It's not bad to have a seat to sit in. At the end of the professor, there are still a bunch of people crowded, so they can only stand.

As for why this happened? It's very simple, all the extra people are from other schools.

"If you want to go to class too...that's fine!"

This sentence was Su Bai's attitude towards Zhou Xue and Zuo Ming's classes at Shanghai University of Science and Technology after the Mathematicians Conference was over.

And because of this sentence, the people at Shanghai University of Science and Technology couldn't use Su Bai as an excuse. Instead, they were begged and sold by all kinds of old people, so they could only bite the bullet and agree, so it became what it is now.

Chapter 260 The Eighth Confident Zuo Ming

"That... hello everyone..."

On Zhou Xue's side, it was rare for Zhou Xue to show fear in the face of the vast number of people who came to listen to the class.

Originally thought that there would not be many people in the audience, Su Bai also said that in order to avoid too many people, only people with a master's degree or above will be allowed to attend the class.She will only be responsible for speaking at that time.

As a result, after entering, under the podium, the densely packed people looked at her with a little scalp numbness.

Raising the national flag in peacetime and publishing research under the national flag are two different things.

When she was usually chosen to give a speech under a state-owned enterprise, not many people in the audience were looking at her.She doesn't need to care about other people's eyes, just talk about her own.

But the situation is completely different now. Hundreds of people are all looking at her, and many of them are top leaders in the scientific world. The kind who sit there with their own aura makes her feel huge. pressure, speaking

A little fluent.

"Don't be nervous, just follow your own rhythm, don't worry about us."

Under the stage, Zhuang Li, who was sitting in the first row, was one of the few people who had contact with Zhou Xue before, so he spoke kindly.

Although I don't know why Su Bai didn't let Zuo Ming come first, but let Zhou Xue, who was only eight years old, come first.But compared to the nineteen in the information, it looks like he is eight years old, but Su Bai's actual age is actually unknown.

Zhou Xue is a real eight-year-old.

For this young genius, before the class, they informed everyone that no matter how Zhou Xue performed in class, they must give her the greatest affirmation and confidence

After all, no matter how poor Zhou Xue's class performance is, what Professor Su Bai gave her is genuine, and it is a huge asset for scientists in Daxia.

After seeing Zhuang Liren, Zhou Xue felt a little more relaxed. She took out her notebook from the bear backpack she was carrying, stepped on the booster chair, and came to the podium. ,

On the electronic blackboard behind him, he wrote down the first formula.

After the first formula was written, the small chatter under the podium instantly disappeared, leaving only the rustling sound of books turning pages.

"Sister Su Bai, is Zhou Xue really okay?"

In the courtyard of Su Bai's house, while roasting an eggplant, Zuo Ming said that he was still a little worried about Zhou Xue who was going to class.

"It's okay, it's your turn tomorrow."

On Su Bai's side, he said gloatingly.

Of course she knew what happened to Zhou Xue.

Don't think that Zhou Xue can usually handle such things as giving a speech under the national flag, but facing dozens of big bosses and hundreds of doctoral and master's students, she will be a ghost if she can handle it

Under such circumstances, Zhou Xue's application of the knowledge she has mastered is still below the level of the questions given by Su Bai.Once she gets rid of those problems, she will immediately fall into

I have too much knowledge, but I don't know which one to use to solve the dilemma.

It's not that Zhou Xue doesn't know how to use it, but that there are too many ways to solve the problem, and I don't know which one to use at once.

Simply put, it's brain overload.

Of course, another reason is that Zhou Xue is too young, and her little head can't understand that the complexity of reality is far beyond those seemingly complicated theories and formulas.

However, Su Bai did not intend to completely embarrass Zhou Xue. The things Zhou Xue was responsible for talking about were very high-end conceptual theories, and most of them could be explained according to the questions she gave before. Zhou Xuezi

I can't solve it by myself, but those people in the audience will try to solve it by themselves.

After all, those people in the audience are not really pure students. As long as Zhou Xue gives a theory, they will soon realize the problem.

"I'm not a child anymore, isn't it just lectures? I often help the teacher correct the papers.

At this time, Zuo Ming didn't realize the seriousness of the problem, so he said rashly

To this, Su Bai just showed a faint smile.

Zhou Xue was in charge of talking about relatively fixed conceptual theories, but Zuo Ming was in charge of talking about the part of applied scientific propositions that required a lot of experiments to verify, which is also the knowledge closest to this era.

It belongs to the kind that can be used in real life not long after it is said, and it is also the part closest to the backbone of the basic technology tree that Daxia currently needs.

Under such circumstances, a problem can have countless solutions, and even the right and wrong of the problem must be ruled out.

The right and wrong of some questions are meaningless to reality, only appropriate and inappropriate.

What's more complicated is that there may be multiple suitable answers to a question.

Under such circumstances, what she wants to talk about must basically get rid of the topics Su Bai gave her.

The off-topic topic is the biggest problem for Zhou Xue and Zuo Ming at present.

The professors and academicians who came to attend the lectures would not blame the two of them for their poor speech.However, both Zhou Xue and Zuo Ming have one thing in common, that is, their own business, and both of them will work hard

be the last.

Both of them belonged to people who were almost taken away by illness, and both of them cherished this hard-won new life very much.Although the attitudes towards life are different, you must do your best for what you do.

Under such circumstances, the two of them find that they can't do a job that they thought was easy, what will happen?

It's simple, strengthen yourself.

However, those high-end theories do not mean that you can strengthen yourself if you want to strengthen yourself.

Under such circumstances, Su Bai became the only way for them to strengthen themselves.

Well, if Su Bai doesn't like two people doing homework, he will take the initiative to ask him to make up for it

Thought this was over?

As a real bully, you will never let it go when you can make trouble.

Su Bai asked Zuo Ming and Zhou Xue not only to help them make up their lessons, but also to pay for it.

This is called experiencing the complexity of the adult world in advance, continuing to deprive the two of them of their childhood happiness, and transforming their painful childhood into their own happiness.

Then, wouldn't she be able to do whatever she wanted?

As expected of a devil, he can be cruel to his best friend.

"Sister Su Bai, I'm back."

When Su Bai thought of this, Zhou Xue's dejected voice came from the door, and within a few seconds, Zhou Xue, who had thrown her little bear backpack on the sofa, appeared in the backyard, and took it without any hesitation. Zuo Ming

A bunch of shiitake mushrooms that have just been grilled are eaten.

Chapter 260 Nine

"What's the matter? During class, did you encounter any trouble?"

Zuo Ming didn't care much about Zhou Xue eating the shiitake mushroom skewers he grilled, but he cared about Zhou Xue who was a little downcast.

Before going to class, Zhou Xue still had a confident look on her face, but now she looked a little listless, as if she had been tortured.

Could it be that, in class, Zhou Xue can still meet bear kids?

"There are troubles, but I did it myself.

Zhou Xue said troubledly.

Originally, she thought that being a teacher was a very happy thing. Standing on the podium, she was majestic and majestic, and everyone would be afraid of herself.

However, after actually doing it myself, I found that the gap is a bit big.

This is actually pretty good.After all, she might not be one-tenth the age of some of the people below the podium.

The real problem is that after the first theory is finished, it enters the stage of solving difficult problems.

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