As Su Bai's immature voice echoed throughout the exhibition center, Benny's head was buzzing, she looked at Su Bai in surprise, and felt a strong sense of powerlessness in her heart.

"What are you looking at me for? If you don't dance, it will be doubled~ I, Su Bai, have always been known as a gentleman. Once a gentleman speaks, it's hard to catch up."

After seeing Benny looking at him in a daze, Su Bai said.

Chapter 170 Six This Matters to Great Britain's Dignity!

"Are you sure you want to do this? I am the representative of Great Britain!"

On Benny's side, after confirming that Su Bai really told her to dance on the dance machine, her whole face turned dark.

If it's a private gathering of friends, no problem.In order to cater to Su Bai, don't talk about dancing on the dance machine, let her choose a striptease, since they are girls anyway.According to Su Bai's current status in China, and the current

In Huaguo, you are as powerful as suffocating, and if you can fight for more benefits for Great Britain, she is willing to give.

The problem now is that Su Bai didn't come here in private, but a complete act of throwing Daying's face on the ground and stepping on it.

Most importantly, she knew she couldn't refuse.Don't look at just doubling a chip, but it is enough to make their country's companies and technology products directly lose their price competitiveness internationally.

This is extremely scary, especially now that it is obvious that a great era of science and technology has begun.If you want to board a new-age ship, you need a ticket.Huaguo is currently the only one that has a boat ticket.

It's just that, in order to board the ship, trample on the national dignity of Britain, such behavior... She really can't stand it!

They used to be brilliant, and they used to be the masters of the world.Is it really worth sacrificing so much for profit now?

"I thought it was the sun never sets, the representative of the ruler of the world. Do you want to dance or not?"

After Su Bai heard Benny's words, he said directly

As for the difference between Sun Never Sets and Daying? It’s very simple. The former was a behemoth who once ruled the world, even America and the fallen giant.The so-called sun never sets means that the sun cannot

Only the ground falls, but the sun never sets.

As for Great Britain? It’s just curled up on top of a small pirate, relying on the wealth accumulated by his ancestors to be a little bit arrogant in the world, but now it’s a defense that even a powerful country wants to wrestle with it.

Tomb man.

It is hard to say whether it can maintain its current international status after the last sun never sets.

After all, if a country without strategic depth encounters modern warfare.It is not impossible for the entire country to be reduced to scorched earth in an instant.


After hearing Su Bai's words, Bei Ni wanted to refute.

However, she couldn't refute it all at once.After all, she was facing Hua Guo.If you want to compare the glorious history, then Huaguo has too many.

It's just that in modern times, it has encountered a century of humiliation, but it has once again stood on top of the world.And what about Great Britain?

Not to mention the reappearance of the glory of the never-setting sun, it may be possible to be thankful if it can not continue to decline.

"Of course, I can give you a choice."

After Su Bai saw that Benny was unwilling to dance, he still expressed that he was a considerate person.Giving only one choice is too strong, and it will make people think that she is forcing Bernie.But given another option,

Then people can know that she is really forcing.

"What choice?"

Benny wasn't being stupid at this time, she just chose another one.

After all, according to the reality of Su Bai's materials she saw, Su Bai's stubbornness was beyond imagination, and he was an obvious master who definitely didn't take too much trouble.

Then, under Benny's confused gaze, Su Bai reached behind his back and took out the pet collar.

"When to dance? What to dance? You decide."

Bei Ni hardly hesitated, and didn't even give Su Bai a chance to speak.

Although I don't know when Su Bai had a pet collar on his body, but this is not the point.The point is that she suddenly felt that she still loves dancing.Dancing is good for your health, it's pretty good.

"Are you sure you don't want to try this? It's very relaxing, how tiring dancing is.

On Su Bai's side, he reached out and shook the pet collar in his hand.

Well, what she meant was very simple, just put on a collar and go shopping with her.

Is this not too much? Compared to dancing in full view, this kind of behavior may not be seen by many people, just walking, how easy it is!

"No need at all, I still like to dance.

When Benny said this, she glanced at the pet collar in Su Bai's hand again.

To be reasonable, she has the heart to kill at this time.

If you are stubborn, you should have a pet! Su Bai really dares to trample on the dignity of a country like this! The most important thing is one thing, she can't refuse.

As for hurting Su Bai?

She saw Chen Ming not far behind Su Bai, who was carrying Su Bai's own lop-eared rabbit backpack.

How many genetically enhanced fighters Su Bai has around him? Currently, the intelligence agencies of various countries have different guesses, but there is one person that is obvious, and that is Chen Ming.Chen Ming is one of the few people around Su Bai who has shown his true strength.

The jumping ability and strength that are so terrifying that they shouldn't belong to humans are, to a certain extent, suffocating.

"I thought you'd like it. You look cute, too, after all."

At this time, Su Bai seemed a little sad. Sure enough, she was a considerate person after all. Seeing that Benny was in such a difficult situation, she still chose to compromise.

"Boss, if you do this...will nothing happen?"

On the other side, after hearing Su Bai's broadcast, Chen Ming's subordinates were completely taken aback.

If Su Bai usually invites someone to play on the dancing machine, that's fine.But the problem is that the current time and place and the status of the one-second task are a bit special.

Doing so is prone to diplomatic accidents, and it is a particularly serious kind of diplomatic accident.

"Su Bai gave us technology, and we solved the troubles she caused. There is no such thing as a free lunch."

Seeing this, Chen Ming said

In fact, he has a headache now. This is not an accident, but an accident.But what else can I do? Wipe Su Bai's ass.

As long as they don't want to tear their skins apart with Su Bai, as long as Su Bai doesn't do something like destroy all human beings, they will have to deal with it bravely, and deal with it if they can't.

In fact, there was another headache present than Chen Ming, and that was Chloe, another representative of Daying.

After hearing the broadcast, her head was buzzing, followed by anger, the anger of being humiliated.

Under the circumstances that all countries have sent representatives to come here, if Benny did this, how shameless would they be?

"Go to Bernie. It looks like she didn't handle it well."

In this way, Chloe immediately set off with the others and walked towards the place where Benny was. No matter what, she couldn't let this happen!

This is related to the dignity of Great Britain and the British royal family, and the dignity of Great Britain and the British royal family will never be allowed to be desecrated by anyone

Chapter 270 Seven What Is A Great Kind Person?

"Benny, what's going on?"

When Chloe found Benny, there was an extra bottle of milk tea in Benny's hand, and she sat silently on a chair in the corner, with a gift from Su Bai in her arms, um , that collar.

"What else can happen? She knew I was coming before I arrived. Pretending to be tender is really useful, at least she will be willing to communicate with me."

Facing Chloe's questioning, Benny couldn't help clenching the hand holding the milk tea.But there is one thing to say, the quality of the cup of milk tea that Su Bai gave her is really good, at least it won't burst when squeezed.Also because of this

, that's why she exerted so much effort.

"The result of your communication is to trample on the dignity of our Great Britain? If you do this, will our Great Britain still have dignity? After we go back, how will we explain to the Parliament? How to explain to the Queen? How to explain to the voters


After hearing what Benny said, Chloe showed a little anger on her face.

She firmly disagrees with this practice of trampling on the dignity of Great Britain!

"You don't have to dance, you have to bear the consequences. Remember, when you asked me to contact Su Bai, this scene has already been decided. It's okay not to dance, I'm quite happy. But you bear the price yourself!"

After hearing what Chloe said, Bernie said

Anyone can say sarcastic remarks, but if she had a choice, she would never dance.Oh~ I won't be tied up by Su Bai with a pet chain.

But the question now is, is there a choice? Did Su Bai give her a choice? The answer is no, Su Bai did not give her a choice

"I'm going to negotiate with Su Bai. I can't even do this kind of thing. What's the use of you?"

Seeing this, Chloe stared at Benny and said.

On Benny's side, after hearing what Chloe said, she silently picked up the straw and inserted it into the milk tea, taking a sip.

Although I'm in a bad mood now, don't say it, the taste of this milk tea is really good.

Seeing that Benny ignored her, Chloe didn't say anything more, looked at Su Bai who was holding a candy in the distance, who seemed to be teasing a little loli, and then walked over.

so call~

"In response to the strong request of the old aunt Chloe on behalf of Daying, she will dance with Miss Benny later, please look forward to it~"

After Chloe, who was also holding a cup of milk tea, returned to Benny's side, her eyes flickered with a little dullness.


Benny was like this, and after seeing that the milk tea in Chloe's hand hadn't been drunk, she asked a question.

To be fair, she was in a pretty good mood at this time.

After all, it's not just my own side that has a problem.

Moreover, after listening to Su Bai's announcement just now, adding the word "old" to the prefix of the words, and using the word "auntie" to describe it, I feel even better.

To be reasonable, I came this time because I considered the possibility of getting in touch with Su Bai.So when selecting candidates, I paid special attention.Eliminate all those old men and the like, and choose two youngest who are within the scope of outstanding abilities.

The light ones are her and Chloe.

And Chloe is four years older than her, but because she is well maintained, she only looks like 23 now.

Under such circumstances, being described by Su Bai as an old aunt, it can only be said that Chloe's process of getting in touch with Su Bai may have been extremely difficult.

"So, Uncle Chen Ming, why are there such confident people?"

With Su Bai like this, he looked at Chen Ming with a slightly confused expression and said.

During the process, when Chloe came over, she was super confident and strong, and she was the one who took a fancy to her, and she was molesting...ah, no, she was abducting...not right.Anyway, it's not her, but a little loli I like

Scared off.

In that situation, Su Bai said that she showed a wave how to make a strong woman kneel down to herself in three sentences.

In the first sentence, she said: "I'm in a bad mood right now, you'd better not mess with me!"

Well, this is a warning. Su Bai said that as a good person, he cannot punish others indiscriminately.At most, after returning home, Great Britain is prohibited from buying chips.

Well, not only did Daying not use several times the price to force the other party to submit just because Daying made her angry, but it also helped the other party save a lot of expenses for buying chips every year.

What is a sage? What is a good person! At that moment, Su Bai was almost moved by himself.

However, there is a saying that is good, good people are bullied.Chloe Yiming didn't appreciate it.

"Are you in a bad mood now? Is this the reason why you insulted my dignity? You warned me, and I will warn you now. It is best to take back what you said before, otherwise it will only turn this trivial matter into an international one."

diplomatic events. "

Well, confident, strong, using their own country's international status to put pressure on Su Bai.

Under such circumstances, Su Bai said the second sentence: "Is it wrong to do this?"

It seems to be a question, but Su Bai said that she was still thinking about the other party at this time, and she didn't use other things to embarrass Chloe, and she didn't even ask the system for a dog chain. How kind? Nobel won't award her

Giving out an award for the kindest person in the world is considered dereliction of duty

However, at this time, Chloe misunderstood Su Bai's meaning, so she said: "This kind of behavior that desecrates the dignity of my British will inevitably be baptized by my British anger. You are just a scientist. You

Think you can rely on technology to threaten the whole world? Without Huaguo, you are nothing!"

Reasonable, after hearing this speech, Su Bai felt that what the other party said was very reasonable.

Daying, one of the five benevolent people, the second of the two constants! An existence that ranks fifth on the list of the world's five benevolent people.

Terrible so!

So, she said the third sentence: "Sorry, I was wrong."

Well, admitting mistakes is the basic professional ethics of a good person.

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