"You can't find the answer, because, at the end of our civilization, we are also looking for that answer. For that answer, we angered him. And you are going to anger another one now. Mother is more kind than him, but his

Kindness has its limits. "

Seeing this, the girl said, and after she finished speaking, she took a step back, then looked up and seemed to see something, and disappeared after a sigh.

Seeing this, the pilgrim civilization will was puzzled for a moment, then turned around to look, and saw a pair of invisible hands that were bigger than the entire universe, grasping the entire battlefield.

"Ugh! Had a nightmare again? But this nightmare...why doesn't it feel scary no matter what. Especially the last scene, which is obviously scary, but why does it make people feel so at ease?"

At Su Bai's home, Zuo Ming muttered to himself in confusion after waking up from his sleep.

She has had this dream many times, but for some reason, every time she finishes this dream, she will forget it all a few minutes later.When I have this dream again next time, I will remember that I have done it again.

this dream.

And it was the same this time, after she got up and drank the bottle of milk that was put on the bedside before going to bed, she forgot the content of the dream again.

"So, the code name of America's chip is called Brother Bai Ni!"

"No, this is too direct, don't you think?"

After drinking the milk, Zuo Ming heard a voice from the living room on the first floor, got up and got out of bed, looked from the guardrail on the second floor to the first floor, Zuo Ming saw Su Bai alone in the living room.

"***, *****, *****.

The conversation that could be heard just now has become the incomprehensible language that only appeared when Su Bai talked with that mysterious being.

To be honest, Zuo Ming always felt that she knew what Su Bai said at this time, but she couldn't understand it no matter what.

"Eh? Did you wake up from your nap? I made you a fruit bowl, which is in the refrigerator. If you want to eat, take it yourself."

At this time, Su Bai found that Zuo Ming had woken up.

"Still thinking about making trouble? You will die if you don't make trouble, Sister Su Bai."

Zuo Ming spoke at this time.

Although the specific matters of the chip conference have been discussed, the models of chips for each country are actually different.She is not very clear about the specific differences. The only thing she knows is that the naming of these chips will be rich.

Contains national characteristics.

I really don't know how special Zuo Ming is, but it was Su Bai who did the naming.

For example, the chip for Xiaori Kingdom is called Brave Boy.

Actually, it was supposed to be called the highest temperature in the world, but Su Bai felt that this was too impolite.Later, Su Bai felt that the people of Little Day Kingdom were very courageous, so he combined the two characteristics of the country's land area and courage, and named it "Brave Little".

boy.She believes that the people of Xiaori Kingdom will be very happy when Su Bai thinks of them so much.

Another example is that the chip to be given to Franci was originally called the Rising White Flag.But later, I also felt that it was too offensive to insult them because of their defeat during World War II.So, considering that I was eating

In the case of a black popsicle, name it 50.00% a black.

Well, there is no metaphor, but Su Bai's beautiful vision for the Faranxi Kingdom.

Another example is to name the chip of Bangziguo an astonishing two centimeters.

Well, Su Bai directly confirmed this point, and he wasn't implying anything.Instead, it combines the chip of the largest model to reach two centimeters.

In order to let Bangziguo understand better, Su Bai also designed the icon of this type of chip, which is a two-centimeter length drawn by two fingers.

Su Bai's warmth is touching.

"What do you mean by making trouble! There are no strings attached to the price and quantity, and I racked my brains to give them a chip name that suits their national conditions and makes them more acceptable. They should thank me!"

At this time, Su Bai expressed his indignation to Zuo Ming.

Recently, she wanted to be a sage again.Under such circumstances, she must be thinking of the people, how could she cause trouble?

"Yes, yes, you are a saint in this world. It's not good to be called Brother Bai Ni on America's side, so it's called a white pig. Promote the white-skinned pig breeding business on America's side. I eat too much beef. I think they would like to eat too

Pork. "

After Zuo Ming finished speaking, he yawned, looking a little bored.

Well, she's just a sucker anyway, so what happened has nothing to do with her.Since it has nothing to do with her, it's reasonable to clear things up.

"good idea!"

Su Bai nodded after hearing Zuo Ming's words.

Although it is said that he usually eats those high-end steaks, but Su Bai's favorite meat is pork.And America's pork consumption is not high, so Su Bai felt it was necessary to spread the word.

"Ding dong~"

At this moment, the doorbell of Su Bai's house rang.

"Eh? Did Uncle Chen Ming send something again?"

Seeing this, Zuo Ming was perplexed.

"Go and open the door, it's closer."

At this time, Su Bai raised his head and said to Zuo Ming.

Regarding this, Zuo Ming looked at Su Bai who was sitting in the living room and himself on the second floor, and looked at Su Bai speechlessly.

She is on the second floor, Su Bai is in the hall on the first floor, who is the closest!

"I'm not good at math, so you must be close."

Before Zuo Ming could speak, Su Bai added a sentence.

Under such circumstances, just as Zuo Ming wanted to argue, Su Bai added: "I feel the need to tell Aunt Feng Yufang about your diarrhea from eating too much ice cream the day before yesterday."

"I'm going to open the door right away!

Zuo Ming said immediately.

Chapter 280 The fourth act is gone, right?

In fact, Zuo Ming just went downstairs when the door opened.

"Come in, the slippers are here, you can wear whatever pair you want."

Zhou Xue's voice just came back from her own home.The person who came was none other than Bernie, who seemed a little restrained.

To be reasonable, before coming here, she took a chance to contact Chen Ming.

After all, she can be regarded as a diplomatic envoy, and she still has the idea to abduct Su Bai away.Everyone wants a scientist of Su Bai's level.

This can also be seen from the fact that Daxia himself set up a super-high-level department for Su Bai to be responsible for Su Bai's personal safety. Daxia attaches great importance to Su Bai's personal safety.

Under such circumstances, it is absolutely impossible for Chen Ming to let her contact Su Bai without any supervision!

Then, the result is...

"Well, you go."

Well, this is Chen Ming's answer.

As for worrying?

The prefix of Emergency Management Bureau is Daxia Special Incident Emergency Management Bureau.

The Emergency Management Bureau has been ridiculed that a department used to deal with emergency incidents eventually became Su Bai's personal bodyguard department.

But the reality is that the Emergency Management Bureau has not deviated from the original intention of their establishment, which is to solve all special events that may lead to the mysterious destruction of Daxia for Daxia.At present, there is only one item in Daxia that can be called

The special event that destroyed Great Xia was Su Bai!

The Emergency Response Bureau seems to be used to protect Su Bai, but its actual function is to prevent someone in the country from angering Su Bai, causing unnecessary trouble for Daxia, and even destroying it! All incidents of Su Bai need to be dealt with urgently.

Under such circumstances, as long as Su Bai doesn't make trouble, Chen Ming will keep one eye open and one eye closed.As long as Su Bai is happy and doesn't do anything outrageous to Da Xia, everything will be fine.

As for whether Su Bai will be abducted by Benny? There is no such possibility, because Chen Ming knows Su Bai well. Sometimes Su Bai seems easy to deal with, but he is still very strong in some aspects.The most important thing is Su Bai's relationship with Benny

Attitude is a toy.Everything she does is for fun.

On Daxia's side, Daxia will condone and even actively cooperate with her willfulness, while those complicated political environments in foreign countries cannot meet her requirements.

Daxia is the best playground for Su Bai!

Of course, all of this is not the main reason, the main reason is that hindering Su Bai's fun is likely to anger Su Bai.

Chen Ming didn't know the price of angering Su Bai, but he knew it must be very painful.Therefore, unless it is absolutely necessary, he will not easily go against Su Bai's wishes.

After failing to get a satisfactory answer from Chen Ming, Benny could only follow her heart and come to Su Bai's side.

To be reasonable, Daying also sent people to try to infiltrate Su Bai's residence before.However, due to various reasons, it failed in the end.

It seems a little weird.

When she came here, she also hoped that this kind of weirdness could happen, but unfortunately it didn't happen.

So, after standing in front of Su Bai's house for a full 5 minutes, she rang the doorbell.

However, what she didn't expect was that after she pressed the doorbell, Zhou Xue came back before the door was opened.

After Zhou Xue just asked her name, she opened the door and invited her in.

"Finally I'm willing to come, I thought you would struggle for a few more days."

Su Bai felt better when he saw Benny standing in front of him in a tangled state, a little restrained like a child who did something wrong.

The will of a real bully cannot be resisted, and no one can resist.

She only played some small tricks slightly, and Benny had to succumb.

As for the people from other countries who may be sent to contact her in the future?

Good-looking people are everywhere, but interesting souls are hard to find. If she simply wants to tease a little loli, she can just tell Chen Ming directly.Even if Chen Ming was in a difficult situation, he would bite the bullet and help her out.

Top politician, strong woman, LV3.7 orator, LV2.5 rational thinking, LV3.6 balance. Lv4.1 rational counterattack.

Bernie has everything it takes to grow into a hero of Britain's next era.There is only time left, and she is only short of time.

She needs the accumulation of time to complete her final transformation.

There's nothing more fun than coaching a man of the age who's about to grow up.

Imposing malice on the strong and imposing one's will on the strong, this sense of accomplishment is much more interesting than simply molesting good-looking people.

"Actually, I was only delayed because of some things. Your side is still very important, and I still attach great importance to it!"

After hearing Su Bai's words, Bei Ni bit her lip and said.

After she finished speaking, she also noticed some documents and forms in front of Su Bai, and the exposed titles of some of the documents made her very interested.

For example, "the import value list of Ming particle raw materials", or "the report of the profit ratio of Ming chips".

Although at the meeting, they also saw similar things, but those things were more what Da Xia wanted to show them, whether they were real or not, another said.After all, they don't even know how the ghost element is generated.

"Want to see it?"

Su Bai also noticed Benny's eyes at this time.

She guessed that Benny would be coming in the next few days, so she made preparations in advance, and she would definitely give Benny a big, big surprise.

She wanted to see Benny wanted to get angry later but didn't dare, so she could only grit her teeth and swallow her anger.

Nothing is more fun than this!

"Hmm! Want to see it, can you show it to me?"

After hearing Su Bai's words, Benny nodded unabashedly, not wanting to see that it was fake.

Renton sent to stay in Daxia, in addition to the deal with Su Bai, he also thought that when she was in contact with Su Bai, she could see some core secrets of Daxia, which would bring them great intelligence. political gain.

And the things on Su Bai's table are undoubtedly what she wants.

"I can show you, but what you are wearing now is too ugly. It makes me feel very bad."

After Su Bai heard Bei Ni's words, he spoke.


After hearing Su Bai's words, Bei Ni gritted her teeth and wanted to refute, but she didn't dare.

I don't want to act anymore, right? I just want to play with her! Under such circumstances, she seriously suspects that the documents on the table are all very worthless things.


"I'll change! I'll go back and change now."

However, proper bowing is the choice of a wise man.

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