Inside, Bernie thinks she's an adult, and she's an adult, too.However, the more she thinks this way, the more suppressed childlike innocence she has in her heart.

And what Su Bai wants to do is to release this childlike innocence? No, a real bully doesn't bother to do this kind of thing, she wants to make Benny completely degenerate in the midst of social death!

"This...what do you want me to do? long as I don't betray my country, I promise!"

Benny bit her lip and said, the last promise was almost said through gritted teeth

"This is what you said!"

After Su Bai heard what Bei Ni said, he became excited all of a sudden, threw the pen in his hand aside, then got up, patted Zuo Ming's buttocks, and said, "Come on, let's go out to play." .”

After finishing speaking, Su Bai picked up the dog leash from the table.

After seeing this scene, Benny trembled in her heart. Isn't this level...excessive! her mind, she couldn't help but imagined that she was being led by Su Bai on a dog leash, The scenes of shuttles.

I don't know why amidst the shame, there is still a tinge of excitement. The most important thing is that this was forced by Su Bai, not voluntary! She was forced!

Then...she saw Su Bai put the dog leash around Erha's neck.

"Sister Bernie, what are you looking forward to?"

Zhou Xue looked at Benny who had a look of disappointment on her face and said.

Chapter 280 VII Shopping Seems Not Bad

What is the happiness of adults? This question has been thought about by Bernie in the past, but there has been no answer.

It cannot be said that there is no answer. To be precise, everyone has their own happiness.Happiness varies from person to person.

When Su Bai took her out to play, Benny was still quite nervous.

After all, Su Bai is a devil in chaos.In the past, she only looked at intelligence, and she also believed that this description was a dereliction of duty by intelligence personnel.How could an era-level super scientist be so naive

However, after a few days of small contact, it became clear to her that the intelligence officer was right, and even conservative.What kind of bear is Su Bai? She is even more bearish than a bear. It can even be said that if Su Bai is just a bear

Boy, that would be thankful for that.

Relying on the huge power and capital he possesses, this guy has no bottom line to challenge the lower limit of others.Under such circumstances, the challenged can only keep lowering their lower limit and acquiesce to Su Bai's bottomless challenge.

As for not acquiescing, is it okay to fight back? The answer is yes, but the price paid is absolutely unbearable for anyone.

However, it cannot be simply said that Su Bai has no merits at all, such as now.

"Look, my ice cream ball is bigger than yours! Your ice cream ball is so small~"

In front of a milk tea shop selling ice cream balls in the shopping mall, Su Bai piled up four balls in his hand, and one ice cream was worth at least three or four ice creams, showing off in front of Benny.

Regarding this, Benny silently glanced at the pretty young lady in charge of selling ice cream

Miss Sister was beautiful, but the tendons beneath her uniform told Bernie one thing.That is, this guy can never beat her to tears with a punch, he will only kill her! Therefore, it is absolutely impossible for her to really sell milk tea.

"Do you like playing with blocks?"

Benny didn't show off like you would Su Bai, but took a look at the big bag of building blocks in the hands of Chen Ming who was following Su Bai.

Let the head of a top department directly under the central government in the Great Xia regime be his bodyguard, probably only Su Bai can do it in the world.You know, when you look at the level, Chen Ming's level is higher than her level in Great Britain.

"No, I plan to build a building block house for my goldfish. They don't seem to be in a good mood recently. I don't know why, and they often swim on their backs. Erha is also picky eaters recently. I think it should be a problem with the living environment."

After Su Bai heard Benny's words, he said

After hearing Su Bai's words, Benny was puzzled for a moment. Doesn't that mean that a goldfish is swimming on its back? Doesn't that mean that it is about to die? Is Su Bai's skill in raising goldfish so poor?

As for Erha being a picky eater? Is there any? Along the way, Benny saw that Erha was handed over by Su Bai, and he ate everything.

Well, Su Bai bought a bunch of food along the way, but basically he stopped eating after two bites. Some of them should have been thrown away by Su Bai while she was not paying attention, and some of them were directly eaten by Su Bai. Throw it to Erha to eat.

Su Bai's ridiculously big Erha would not refuse anyone, and would eat anything.Does that count as a bad appetite?

It's not just about food, all comers are welcome, after Su Bai was tired from walking, Su Bai rode directly on it.

To be fair, dogs are not suitable for being ridden by people.But it seems that because Su Bai is light enough, there is no problem with the Erha carrying Su Bai.

The more important thing is not to resist. When did Erha have this level of execution?

Then, she saw that Su Bai didn't take a bite after taking a few mouthfuls of ice cream, and handed Erha the ice cream with only two scoops left.

For the first time, Erha showed picky eating and refused to eat.However, what Erha didn't eat was to hold the ice cream in his mouth, come to the trash can, and throw it in.

After seeing this scene, she was shocked. Is this Erha and not Bian Mu?

Erha seemed to have noticed something, and turned his head to look at Benny with a contemptuous look.That look seemed to be saying: "A mere mortal, dare to compete with me in IQ?"

Yes, she will never be wrong, she was despised by a Erha!

"Forget it, why am I competing with a dog.

In this regard, Benny can only comfort himself.

"Actually, you can compete with it, it understands."

At this time, Zhou Xue who was beside Benny spoke seriously.

Well, this Erhu is very smart.How smart is it exactly? When she usually sweeps the floor, she doesn't even need to use a dustpan. Erha will come to help with a dustpan.Sometimes, when doing homework, I find that the draft paper is used up, just take two

Ha's ass, it knows it, and will take the initiative to help get it.

Even, sometimes, it is fine to ask Erha to help get some textbooks.It's just that when holding this kind of thing, I often take it wrong, which proves that it is still a dog.


After hearing Zhou Xue's words, Bei Ni glanced at Zhou Xue speechlessly.

Competing with a dog? Is Zhou Xue praising Erha for being smart? Or is it because she can only compare with a dog?

However, looking at Zhou Xue's innocent expression that day, Bei Ni could only comfort her psychologically. What is she competing with a child for?

More importantly, although Zhou Xue was just a patient of Su Bai in the past.However, in the intelligence analysis of various countries, she was analyzed as an extremely important existence around Su Bai.

Especially after Zhou Xue took classes at Shanghai University of Science and Technology, this was confirmed even more.

Under such circumstances, if she wants to have a good relationship with Su Bai, she must please Zhou Xue.

"It's almost time to eat, let's go to a fun place to play for a while."

At this moment, Su Bai said to Benny.

"Well, okay, where are we going to play?"

After hearing Su Bai's words, Bei Ni spoke without any precautions.

At first she thought that Su Bai was going to fuck her again, but it turned out that it was just ordinary shopping.

To be fair, after becoming an MP, she had little experience of this kind of ordinary life.

Normally, you can ask the family servants to do the shopping, but she only needs to do her own studies and political work well.

Well, studying, except for politics, she has already taken two doctoral certificates.Not the gold-plated doctoral certificate, but the one full of gold.

In her opinion, even if politicians only need to issue orders there, it is best to have awareness in the field of their own management, at least to understand what the things they do will lead to the results.

"There's an amusement park on the fifth floor, it's really fun there! I have their annual membership card there."

At this time, Su Bai took out a children's playground annual membership card that looked like a government certificate and said.

"An amusement park? Oh, okay, let's go there then."

Seeing this, Benny said that she has not yet realized the seriousness of the problem.

Chapter 280: The Devil Boy of the Confused World or the Miracle Doctor of the World?

"Zhang Tai, did you make a mistake today? There will be no big news here. Even if Su Bai comes today, it won't be broadcast after filming."

In the rest area of ​​the Children's Paradise on the fifth floor of the shopping mall, reporter Wang Chang said speechlessly while holding a few dolls that were just pulled out of the claw machine.

Just over two hours ago, his director told him that there would be a big news later, and he was asked to film it together.

After hearing that it was big news, he didn't even think about it, he directly followed his girlfriend's date and came here.

As a result, the two old men clamped the doll here for more than an hour, and nothing happened.

There is one thing to say, although I didn't come here with my girlfriend, but sometimes the two old men are more topical.

However, after more than an hour of clipping, I was also tired.He began to think that the director of the Chinese-American station was crooked, and deliberately made excuses to come out with himself.

"It can be reported today, but I don't know the specifics. But Su Bai will definitely come today."

At this time, the director spoke.

Su Bai's most frequent haunt is this shopping mall, and it seems that because of Su Bai, the children's playground on the fifth floor of this shopping mall that is about to close down has a new spring.Not only did he survive, he even took over the entire floor

, making it a children's playground.

Many journalists know about this incident. As for why they did not report it, it is very simple. A reporter did it and was arrested for leaking state secrets.

To kill a chicken and become a monkey, if you want to shoot it, you can do it, but don’t stop it. If you dare to report it after you shoot it, that is a leak.

So, since then, even some stunned young reporters know that Su Bai can't take pictures casually.

As for the journalists from abroad? After the filming, the journalist visas of the entire country will be cancelled. Journalists from many countries in the West have tried it.

However, this point was canceled a few months ago. Secret filming and covert reporting will not cancel the reporter visa, but will only reduce the number of medical visas.

Nevermind, this is more useful.

"Can I shoot Su Bai? Shouldn't I be shooting Su Bai, but other people?"

After Wang Zhang heard the director's words, he was not blindly happy.

It is probably impossible to shoot Su Bai playing in the children's playground like a child.But why is it a special case today? There is only one possibility, and that is that Su Bai will bring other people here today.The one who was brought

is to be reported.

"It should be, this news will be reviewed at that time. So, it's time to shoot more, and don't stare at Su Bai. Take more pictures of the people around Su Bai."

The director also agreed with Wang Zhang's opinion.

Although, the whole world knows that Su Bai is his cynical brat.But there are still some impacts taken into account.

Therefore, some principles will not be broken.

"It's probably to play with Su Bai again. However, Su Bai had a good time. We got the news, a win-win situation. Everyone is happy."

When the situation happened, a person sitting on the chair behind Wang Zhang spoke.

He is from the TV station next door, and they have received a similar notice.

Finally, I can shoot Su Bai openly, not to mention how happy they are, but when the fun is over, after calming down and thinking about it, I am afraid that there will be no pictures of Su Bai when it is broadcast.

However, I am still very happy to be able to take pictures of Su Bai. These photos are preserved, and after decades, they may become extremely precious historical photos.

Of course, the most important thing is... Although the photos of Su Bai playing in the amusement park are not allowed to be reported on the above, in fact, similar photos have already occupied the emoji world.

There is no way, Su Bai's face value is too high, really just take out a random photo, it can be used as a meme.

Because Su Bai himself doesn't care about it at all, and even plays with his own emoticons very vigorously, so there is no need to ban it.

These two reporters were not the only ones present. In fact, there were at least ten reporters present.Because this children's paradise is very popular after the expansion, these ten reporters will not appear very obvious after mixing in the crowd.


After waiting for a long time, they finally got the person they were waiting for.

At least, before they got close, a little accident happened.

"Excuse me, is this Academician Su Bai?"

As soon as he came out of the elevator happily, Su Bai was stopped by a gentle-looking elder sister.


After Su Bai responded, he almost subconsciously took a step back.

It also confused Bernie a bit.A lot of information shows that Su Bai has a strong affinity for some pretty girls.Often will take the initiative to move up.And the person in front of him looks absolutely good-looking, why would Su Bai

Make the gesture of stepping back in fear?

"Well, I came here specially to thank you, and I didn't buy anything expensive. This is a glutinous rice dumpling made by myself, and I hope you can accept it."

As the polite big sister said, she handed out the beautifully packaged gift box in her hand to Su Bai, and then bent down and bowed sincerely.

"She was a dancer before, but her limb was amputated due to a car accident. After we ate the technology of limb regeneration surgery. She was the first batch and has recovered and been discharged from the hospital."

At this time, Chen Ming talked to Su Bai.

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