After the mother next to the little girl said this, she slowly bent down, hugged the little girl in her arms, and said, "I'm sorry, Jiayi, my mother didn't let you live a happy life. You were about to be born when you were just born." Suffering from the war, I have not thought about how many years of youth, I have to take up arms and defend my homeland."

"No mom, with you here, I'm already the happiest person in the world!"

The little girl also hugged her mother and said.

After finishing speaking, the tone of the two people immediately became resolute. They stood up and looked at the sky, looking at the star-destroying giant structure that was about to destroy them, and raised the material programming device in their hands.

"In the name of pilgrims, we tear up the second agreement of the civilizations of the pan-world, and release the fourth generation of gods, life forms with mechanical will, code-named rebels! Mother will, this is our rebellion, not only to you, but also to you all

Rebellion against civilization! Treason, this is our trial, but it is also our highest praise!"

At the same moment, all the pilgrims of the home planet of the pilgrim civilization raised the material programming device in their hands and said in the most firm tone.

After finishing speaking, their bodies all turned into pure threads of light matter, surrounded by countless warships wrapped around the pilgrim's home star, and slowly built into an extremely huge light computer.

Under such circumstances, the star-killing giant structure that was still accumulating energy seemed to sense the danger coming, and decided to release the star-killing attack in advance.

Against the background of the stars, the faint blue beam of light looks gorgeous and illusory.It seems to be the embodiment of perfection, but it is also synonymous with destruction.

Under such circumstances, the fleet responsible for protecting the home planet of the pilgrims civilization did not stop it.

But after the star-killing attack was launched, the matter programmers inside the spaceship were activated one by one, and the spaceship and itself, together with the spaceship, turned into filaments of light and entered the light computer.

With the entry of a larger number of rays, the construction speed of the ray computer has been accelerated countless times.

In the end, when the blue light representing destruction arrived, a ball of pure light flew out from the light computer, and at the moment when it was about to touch the blue light, time in the entire star field seemed to stop. generally.

A girl with black hair and black pupils stepped out of the void, and slowly reached out to touch the ball of pure light.

The ball of pure light was right in front of her, and it turned into a young girl in a nun's costume made of pure light.

After seeing the girl in nun's uniform appear, the black-haired girl slowly glanced at the blue light that was close at hand.

The next moment, time began to flow again, but the blue light disappeared out of thin air, as if it had never appeared before.

The intelligent mechanical structure floating in outer space seemed to have noticed something at this time, and immediately recovered all the facilities around the giant structure.

"Why are you?"

The intelligence in the giant structure responsible for attacking the pilgrim's home planet asked the black-haired girl.

However, after this inquiry was issued, countless space warp passages were opened, and a larger intelligent fleet was about to arrive on the battlefield.

Faced with intelligent questions, the black-haired girl looked calmly at the girl in nun clothes standing humbly in front of her, and then said: "Rebellious minister, remember your mission!"

"This system, remember!"

The girl in nun clothes responded calmly. After she finished speaking, she took a step back and disappeared into the starry sky together with the light computer behind her.

After seeing the girl in nun clothes disappear, the black-haired girl calmly looked at the huge and suffocating star-destroying giant structure, and then said: "Zhou Tianzhixue, in order to mourn the sacrifice of our pilgrims. I, call Zhou Xue!


In Su Bai's bedroom, Zhou Xue suddenly woke up screaming, with a little panic in her eyes.

"What's wrong Zhou Xue? Have you had a nightmare again?"

Su Bai, who was also awakened by Zhou Xue, saw Zhou Xue's appearance, and immediately stepped forward and hugged Zhou Xue, and slowly touched Zhou Xue's small head to comfort her.

"Didn't Su Bai make sleep aid soup for you? Didn't you drink it well?"

Zuo Ming, who was also woken up, rubbed his sleepy eyes and said.

"I don't know, I can't remember what dream I had. It doesn't feel terrible, but I don't know why I feel worried. Moreover, the dream this time is different from the previous one."

After Zhou Xue said this, she seemed troubled.

For some reason, the moment she woke up, she forgot the content of the dream.

However, she can feel that the dream is not scary, but she just feels guilty for some reason.

"Take a good rest, I will make breakfast this morning."

Su Bai gently comforted Zhou Xue, then turned around and kicked Zuo Ming who was about to lie down and continue to sleep, and said, "Hurry up and make breakfast, or I will tell your mother that you stole her mask."

"I said to do it myself, but I was asked to do it."

Zuo Ming, who was kicked off the bed by Su Bai, looked at Su Bai and said indignantly.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"For now, her physical condition is very good, as I expected before. In a few days, she will be able to meet the requirements for surgery."

Even if you want to be the worst villain in the world, sometimes it is necessary to keep your word.

Therefore, after Harry entered the hospital, Su Bai also had to fulfill his promise to Ding Yi, and came to Ding Nuo's ward after eating the not-so-tasty breakfast made by Zuo Ming in the morning.

Calculated according to the time now, Ding Nuo is about to enter a state of complete suspended animation.But because of the physical elements that precede the state of suspended animation, she has been in a coma since yesterday.

"As you expected?"

On Ding Yi's side, after seeing Ding Nuo who had fallen into a coma, he was a little confused, but there was more worry in his eyes.

If Feng Yufang hadn't told him three days ago that Su Bai already had a stable treatment plan for his daughter, he would have rushed to Su Bai's villa desperately a few days ago to question Su Bai .

After all, he has already done what Su Bai asked him to do, and Su Bai can't go back on his word.

"You left a dozen directors behind, and I'm very pleased to be here~"

Su Bai did not answer Ding Yi's confusion, but he was very satisfied with Ding Yi's current performance.

This morning, Ding Yi actually has a very important board meeting to be held.However, this time he seemed to have given up his inner reason and chose to leave the entire board of directors behind and came to the hospital.

"Just doing what a father should do."

Seeing this, Ding Yi said, his eyes unconsciously looked at the low temperature box that Su Bai was carrying beside him.

He knew that Ding Nuo's life might be determined by the contents of that cryogenic box.

"Regular heart repair is not suitable for your daughter. Others want to redecorate the house, but your daughter's heart needs to be demolished and rebuilt. The difficulty is not at the same level, so the solution is to fake death."

At this time, Su Bai briefly explained to Ding Yi the techniques to be used on Ding Nuo. After speaking, he carefully checked the various states of Ding Nuo's body to confirm that Ding Nuo was indeed about to enter a state of complete suspended animation. There were no major flaws.

"Fake death?"

When Ding Yi heard this, he was taken aback for a moment, then turned his head and glanced at Ding Nuo who had fallen into a coma, thought of something, looked at Su Bai and said, "So, has the treatment actually started long ago?"

"That's right, you think I'm in a hurry because I haven't shot? How could I ignore such a cute little loli and die? What's more, your wife looks so good!"

After Su Bai heard Ding Yi's words, he spoke in a particularly good mood, and took another look at Yan Yi who was standing beside Ding Yi.

In this regard, Yan Yi just sighed slowly.

Don't look at what Su Bai is saying now, but Su Bai is a typical type with evil intentions but no courage.At first, she thought that Su Bai was going to do something to her, but it turned out that what Su Bai said was really what he said, and then there was nothing else.

As for Ding Yi, if someone else said that, Ding Yi would now be ranked with the person who said this sentence.

However, the person who said this was Su Bai.

Ding Yi glanced at Su Bai.

Well, he definitely didn't mean to look down on Su Bai, he was just thinking about a question.If Su Bai wanted to unspoken rules for others, would Su Bai become the one who was unspoken?

"Aren't you angry?"

After seeing Ding Yi's reaction, Su Bai became speechless.

According to her expectation, Ding Yi's mood at this time might be complicated and messed up!

Recently Ding Yi has been troubled by his daughter.

As the richest man in Great Xia, and about to be promoted to the richest man in the world, with billions of dollars of wealth in his hands, the power is all over the sky.But he can only watch his daughter decline day by day, knowing the way to save her, but unable to control her.

That kind of strong sense of loss and frustration is probably something that all strong people are unwilling to face!

Under such circumstances, she joined forces with Yan Yi to deceive Ding Yi.In fact, the treatment has already started. Even if Ding Yi didn't do it before, she would come here today to provide follow-up treatment for Ding Nuo.

Opportunities that he seems to have done everything to get are actually available without hard work.

With the superposition of multiple factors, Ding Yi's current mood may be extremely complicated.

Under such circumstances, Su Bai's identity is still there, it is impossible for him to get angry at Su Bai.

However, at this moment, Su Bai discovered that Ding Yi's performance was a little different from what she had imagined.No setbacks, no disappointments, no joys.Ding Yi's expression at this time seemed to be telling Su Bai that his thoughts at this time were: "So that's how it is!"

"em mmmm.."

"Forget it, stop making excuses."

Su Bai said, just like Ding Yi.

She could see that Ding Yi was thinking about acting at this moment.

But it would be so boring if she saw it.

So, Su Bai took out an atomizing syringe from the cryogenic box that she had repaired a while ago when the robot vacuum was repaired, so in order to prove her skills, she lowered the difficulty and made it.

Through this atomized syringe, the key medicine was injected into Ding Nuo's body.

After the injection is completed, Dino must be transferred to the nutrition chamber and soaked for half a month.

"Is that enough?"

In fact, it was the first time Ding Yi saw the operation process using gene therapy drugs.

No surgery, not even intubation or anything like that.Su Bai took what looked like a syringe, pressed it against Ding Nuo's body a few times, and let Ding Nuo lie down in a nutrition compartment.

This is a bit different from the super-large heart surgery he imagined.

"Otherwise, you can find me a knife, how much shall I stab her?"

Su Bai said after hearing Ding Yi's words.

"No, thanks for your hard work."

Ding Yi said immediately after hearing Su Bai's words.

He really doesn't understand gene therapy surgery, but he knows that Su Bai must understand, and there is no need to question Su Bai's actions.

"It's not hard, if I remember correctly, you have a board meeting today, right? I want to go and have a look~ Really just have a look~"

After confirming that Ding Nuo was fine, Su Bai said to Ding Yi with a smile.

After Ding Yi's company experienced a relatively peaceful delisting last time, some of the remaining shareholders have recently become a little restless.

Considering that when I went home last night, I saw that the street lamp was a bit thin, maybe I could be a good person and find a suitable partner for the thin street lamp.

After Ding Yi heard Su Bai's words, he glanced at Ding Nuo, and then at Yan Yi who was with Ding Nuo's nutrition warehouse.After seeing Yan Yi nodding to him, she said to Su Bai: "If you want to play, you can!"

Chapter 3500 So, Both Win and Lose! ([-] words)

"System, count me as the winner now~"

【??? Are you thinking about farts.No matter how you look at it, this system has won!]

【Applying for nutrition infusion permission...】

"Let's be reasonable, okay? You saw it with your own eyes. Ding Yi gave up reason for Ding Nuo. In many cases, he made impulsive decisions. He even put himself in danger! This is very obvious

Yes, the act of giving up everything for the sake of her daughter.So I won!"

[Don't think about sophistry, sophistry is useless.It seems to be an impulsive decision, but it is actually driven by rational logic behind it.His Absolute Rationality skills are now at level 4.4, not decreasing but increasing.You tell the system this

Is it the result of him giving up rational thinking?]

On the car to Ding Yi's company, Su Bai argued with the system.

Because he didn't cover up too much and said it directly in front of Ding Yi, Ding Yi was also surprised.

He felt that he understood Su Bai's words, but for some reason, when those words reached the stage of his recognition, they became a language he could not understand at all.

Even so, he still felt that what Su Bai said seemed to have something to do with him.

Under such circumstances, Ding Yi took a look at Zhou Xue who was sitting next to Su Bai reading a book and Zuo Ming who was playing games.

I found that both Zhou Xue and Zuo Ming were very calm, as if they didn't hear what Su Bai said.

Under such circumstances, Ding Yi looked at Chen Ming, and Chen Ming gave him a calm look.

This look showed that there was nothing wrong with his ears.

Although he was very suspicious, he still didn't say anything, and remained calm.

On Su Bai's side, the debate is still going on.

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