"Be in awe."

After the white-robed girl finished speaking, her figure became unreal.

"Come out quickly, if you can't talk, it doesn't count. Remember, you must wear a maid outfit and have cat ears! You will still call me master in the future!"

At this moment, Su Bai's immature voice echoed in this space again.

The white-robed girl who was about to disappear seemed to feel something, and waved her hand gently.In this area where wind is absolutely impossible, a breeze blows.

The hood of the unprepared girl in nun costume was blown off by the breeze, revealing the cute cat ears on her head.

"What are you doing! It's too much!"

Immediately after putting the hood back on, the girl in nun's costume looked extremely ashamed and shouted at the girl in white robe.

"It seems that the character you provoked is a bit too bad. No wonder you don't call her mother, but the name mother is more suitable for her. Civilization is not suitable."

The white-robed girl smiled and said, her figure continued to fade, and even looked completely transparent.

"According to what you said, then the title of daughter is also suitable for her. As for her character... are you ashamed to say it? Is it your fault that it has become like this now! The gentle and kind mother has become a naughty bear child .”

When the girl in the nun's suit said these words, she felt so angry that she even wanted to rush up and beat the white-robed girl.

"Blame me? No, it's your own choice, the pilgrims! Mother is still gentle and kind, and she can even meet your needs when you have done so much. Love her like a mother, like a daughter Dote on her. At least she is not a dangerous existence for the civilizations of the worlds. Of course, messing around like you pilgrims, another way."

After the white-robed girl finished speaking, she completely disappeared into this space.


After the white-robed girl disappeared, the nun-clothed girl sighed slowly, and said, "Come on, come right away. This place I'm in..."

When the girl in nun clothes said this, she looked at this space again, and then lost any nostalgia, and continued: "I am here, and I have packed it."

After the words fell, she completely disappeared in this space.

Chapter 310 Su Sansi, the Nun with Cat Ears (3000 words)

"So, does this also belong to the normal abnormality that needs to be kept calm?"

On the car to Ding Yi's company, Ding Yi could not help leaning back when he saw a space distortion area that suddenly appeared in front of Su Bai and shone with strange lights.

Chen Ming told him before that when meeting Su Bai, if you encounter some abnormalities that cannot be explained by science, you should keep calm.


Chen Ming was also shocked here, he didn't know what to say when he saw Su Bai was there all the time.But Chen Ming thought it was just a normal and mysterious conversation with the other person behind Su Bai.

Su Bai did this kind of thing too much, and occasionally when he went out shopping in the mall to buy food, he would often quarrel with that person, so he didn't take it to heart.

But now, things seem to be different.

After Chen Ming saw that Su Bai looked excitedly at the grotesque space distortion area in front of him, he still said, "Keep calm."

"What is this new trick?"

Compared with Ding Yi and Chen Ming, Zuo Ming was the calmest.

When he was at home, Su Bai used the ability of the memory palace to scare her, so Zuo Ming thought it was the new ability of the memory palace that Su Bai was bored contacting.

On the other side of Su Bai, Zhou Xue didn't speak, but stretched out her curious little hand, wanting to touch it.

"Good kids don't mess with things that look dangerous!"

Just when Zhou Xue was about to touch the grotesque space distortion area, a white and slender hand stretched out from it and grabbed Zhou Xue's hand.

The next moment, the grotesque space distortion area was enlarged and disappeared in an instant.

After the grotesque space distortion area disappeared, a girl in a nun's costume, with white hair as beautiful as a galaxy, and the ends of her hair gradually turned into a beautiful starlight like a starry sky, bent her waist gently, Appeared in the carriage.

The appearance of this girl made the atmosphere in the carriage quiet down.

Ding Yi looked at Chen Ming in bewilderment.

Chen Ming told him before that Su Bai likes to carry some gadgets with him, so don't be too surprised when he sees some strange things, they are just the product of holographic technology under test.

And now, with a big change, tell him this is holographic technology?

Chen Ming was also stunned at this time, but his rationality made him recover immediately, and he observed the girl a little bit.

The girl is about 1.6 meters tall, with white hair, and the ends of her hair gradually turned into a starry sky.Yes, the starry sky, the style of the end of her hair is not fixed, it will change with different viewing angles, as well as her own changes

And change.

But no matter how it changes, what is displayed is a starry sky that looks extremely beautiful and bright.

In addition to that strange hair, there is a strange-looking shackle on the girl's left hand.I don't know why, but just looking at the shackles, Chen Ming's sense of crisis was immediately full. There was a feeling that he would die at any time just by standing next to this girl.

The nun's clothes on her body are also somewhat different from the western ones, but the difference is not big.

When I looked at the feet, I found that the girl was standing on the ground barefoot.

No, she looks like she is standing on the ground, but she is actually floating. There is a very small gap between her feet and the ground. If you don't observe carefully, you can't find it at all.

Under such circumstances, Chen Ming was sure that this girl should not be human.

The reason is the girl's blue eyes.The eyes are beautiful, but there is an hour hand and a minute hand in the two pupils.The rotation of the hour hand cannot be seen, but through the powerful senses of the genetically enhanced warrior, he can feel the minute hand rotating at an extremely slow speed.

The nun's clothes, white hair, the strange starry sky at the end of the hair, the left hand with strange shackles, the bare feet, the eyes that do not belong to humans, and the looming sacred aura on his body, all of these are telling the truth of the person in front of Chen Ming. extraordinary.

And after this girl appeared, she slowly let go of Zhou Xue who was staring blankly at her, showing a warm smile that seemed to melt the winter ice and snow, looked at Su Bai, and then reached out and grabbed the meat in Su Bai's mouth. Pulling out the lollipop from Su Bai's mouth, sticking out his tongue, and licking the saliva that was still on the outside of the lollipop, he put it into his own mouth. Enjoy and be content.

"System, you are a pervert!"

At this moment, Su Bai came to his senses, and after seeing the lollipop in the girl's mouth, he said furiously.

"This kind of sugar is sweeter, this is called enjoying life, do you understand~"

The girl said lightly, and after finishing speaking, regardless of Su Bai's resistance, she stretched out her hand to hug Su Bai in her arms, and then sat on Su Bai's seat.

Forcibly pressed down the restless Su Bai, buried Su Bai's small head in the tender village where he had reached E level, looked at Chen Ming who was sitting opposite, and said with a smile: "My name is Su Shengsi, you guys You can just call me Sheng Si, my little master is a little naughty, I couldn't come here to take care of her because of some things, so I troubled you before."

"e mmmm... no trouble, this is what I should do."

Chen Ming still maintained his calm response as a rational thinker.

When this sentence appeared, one thing was basically affirmed, that is, the girl in front of her who called herself Su Shengsi was another mystery that had been hiding behind Su Bai before.

From her behavior of snatching Su Bai's half-eaten lollipop just now, and completely ignoring other people, she directly stuffed Su Bai's head into her tender place, she explained one thing to Chen Ming, that is the character of this guy Compared with Su Bai, I am afraid it is even worse.

Anyway, it will be very bad.

In addition, Su Bai's words just now were not blocked, and he clearly heard Su Bai call Sheng Si a system.

Combined with Shengsi's strange pupils, it seems to imply Su Shengsi's identity.And Sheng Si directly called Su Bai the little master, which almost clarified with Chen Ming that the two were master and servant.

At this time, Sheng Si finally stopped pressing Su Bai's head forcibly, and after Su Bai slowly raised his head, he let out an angry cry: "Ah~ it smells so good!"

After hearing these words, Chen Ming, Ding Yi, and Zuo Ming couldn't help covering their foreheads, feeling a little headache.

Some things can't be said so directly!

"Then what about the maid outfit? What about the maid outfit that you promised?"

After roaring all over, Su Bai noticed that the clothes on Saint Si's body looked like nuns' clothes, not maid's clothes.

"Don't push yourself too far!"

As Shengsi said, he stretched out his hand and softened Su Bai's face.

"This is called fair trade!"

As Su Bai said, he stretched out a hand unwillingly, trying to pinch Shengsi's cheek.

However, when she dared to pinch it, Shengsi showed Su Bai what is called a woman's small cherry mouth. Sometimes it is inclusive.

All I saw was that Shengsi opened his big mouth and took Su Bai's little hand into his mouth.

"Wow~ There's a pervert, Xiaoxue Zuoming, save me! This guy is a pervert! Ah! You pervert still lick!"

On Su Bai's side, he wanted to pull his hand out, but it was too late.How could Su Bai's strength be compared with Sheng Si's?

As for Zhou Xue and Zuo Ming?

The two silently moved a little beside each other, making room for a little bit.

"Well, the little master's smell is really delicious."

After finally letting go of Su Bai's hand, Shengsi seemed to be a little unsatisfied and said.

"So, you really are a pervert, you didn't admit it before, but now the evidence is solid..."

"Yeah, what's wrong with me being a bit perverted?"

Before Su Bai could finish speaking, Shengsi looked at Su Bai calmly and said, he would not be able to deal with Su Bai directly, and suddenly he didn't know how to talk.

"Wow~ cat ears!"

At this moment, Zhou Xue didn't know what to think, and quietly reached out and pulled down the hood of Shengsi's hair, and found a pair of particularly cute-looking white cat ears hidden under the hood.

It has been hidden in the white hair before, and it is not easy to be seen.However, after taking off the hood, you can see it clearly, and it is cute.

"Children's family, don't touch your hands!"

Shengsi, who was still fighting with Su Bai, immediately put his hood back on after being taken off by Zhou Xue, looking a little guilty.

After seeing this scene, Zhou Xue glanced at Su Bai calmly, and then Bai calmly took out a lollipop from his back pocket and put it in his mouth, Zuo Ming silently put away his phone, and...


"Touch me quickly!"

"You are the guy who has been stealing my ice cream, kill you!"

"You three against one is too much!"

"Too fart, this gang fight called justice!"

"The ears are so soft, the cat girl in reality!"

"Where's the tail? Why isn't there a tail?"

"Tell me, do you still dare to eat my ice cream in the future!"

"Wait, don't give me a chance!"

"Chance shit! Say, why no tail?"

"The ears are so soft! How happy they are!"

"Nonoko is so big, how many sweets did you steal from me!"

In the carriage, Ding Yi, who had turned his seat to the other side, silently handed a cigarette to Chen Ming,

Chen Ming took advantage of the situation and planned to take it.

"No smoking!"

However, when using the smoke, Su Bai didn't know what happened, so he jumped out, snatched the cigarette from Ding Yi's hand, threw it on the ground, and then went back to rejoin the melee.

"It's nice to be young."

Chen Ming sighed, but he could only silently look out of the car window.

As for what happened behind him? He was worried that he would be killed if he saw it.Sometimes, don't watch what you shouldn't watch.

Chapter 310 The Best Way for the Rich to Show off Their Wealth

"This Ding Yi is getting more and more excessive, and his figure has been put on, and he doesn't take us seriously."

"People now have Su Bai as their backer. Some people outside still think that Su Bai is just a small scientist. Some even think that Ding Yi is Su Bai's backer, laughing to death."

"Is Su Bai his backer? It's just good luck. If Su Bai really likes him, he still has to run around because of his daughter's illness?"

"Speak less, and be careful that people directly ask someone to come to check the water meter."

"Just him? The last time was ordered by the higher-ups, he has the right to fart. Su Bai's puppet."

In the conference room of Ding Yi Company, several shareholders of Ding Yi Company said lightly.

When Ding Yi asked the company to delist last time, he encountered opposition from most of the company, and a small number of people who did not object only had reservations.

However, at that time, because the national conflicts between Daxia and America had intensified to the extreme, the world economy was on the verge of collapse, and most of them were directly linked to some domestic economic markets.Therefore, when the country took action, it adopted the method of killing chickens and acting like monkeys, catching a few big ones and a few small ones for investigation.

After those few directly entered, the others already understood the attitude of the higher-ups, so they could only admit it with a pinch of their noses, allowing Ding Yi to successfully delist the company.

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