For example, nationals of some European countries can enjoy a bottle of high-quality rapid treatment spray for five hundred dollars.By the way, the weight and packaging are exactly the same as those in other countries.It's just that their internal promotion is called Premium Quick Healing Spray.

As for the high-quality quick treatment spray of [-] dollars, how much can Daxia earn? The answer is [-] dollars.

Well, except for Daxia domestically, the global price is unified.Neither Da Xia nor Ding Yi's company will intervene in the follow-up pricing.

This has also caused dissatisfaction among other shareholders, who feel that they can take a [-]% commission to earn more profits.

In terms of agent qualifications, they agree with a single agent, but they do not agree to allow companies from other countries to intervene in this matter.After all, the lack of competition will damage their interests.

"Let me write down this issue that I haven't discussed yet."

Su Bai said seriously.

After seeing this scene, other people's eyes brightened.Su Bai has been memorizing things since they talked, so Su Bai really came to solve the problem, not to give Ding Yi a platform as they imagined.

Of course, if someone of them stands beside Su Bai at this time, they will find that Su Bai is not taking notes, but she is drawing on the materials that Ding Yi has integrated.

To be reasonable, Su Bai's paintings are not very good-looking. After all, modern painting LV4, the skills given to her by the system will always be useful when she doesn't expect it.

As for what is the painting? To be honest, it is a bit scary. On a street, there is a person hanging on every street lamp.

Well, that's the scenario.

A road sign was also drawn, which said Rich People's Avenue.

After drawing the street sign, Su Bai turned the information to the second page, and said: "The last problem is not so easy to deal with, so let's talk about the second suggestion first, that is, you also have opinions on the domestic sales price. ?”

After saying this sentence, Su Bai started to "take notes" again. This time, he did not draw street lamps. Instead, he drew a picture of a wealthy family singing and singing in a mansion. Outside the mansion, in the cold winter, there are Frozen and starved people.

Of course, those directors couldn't see this from their perspective. They also felt that Su Bai was really here to solve the problem at this moment, and they were willing to listen to them, and Su Bai also said just now: "The earnings are indeed much less."

What does this represent? It means that Su Bai also saw the problem with Ding Yi's plan and expressed dissatisfaction with Ding Yi. It also means that if they handle it well in the future, they can even directly drive Ding Yi out of office, thus Get more benefits.

"In terms of domestic price positioning, it is too compromised with consumers. In addition to not talking about the price of the high-efficiency treatment spray, it is just the Suxiao Jiuxin Pill that has just been launched recently. Take ten pills at a time, and a bottle can be eaten up to ten times. The effect is better than once. Heart surgery in the past was fine, but the price was less than 1000 yuan. This price, adding two zeros, is reasonable.

"Yes, the effect of this medicine is so good that after the first wave of sales is over, the sales volume drops sharply, and the benefits we can get are greatly reduced. This is not selling medicine, it is clearly killing the market."

"The price and dosage of this drug must be changed. Otherwise, within five years, this drug will become a marginal drug and lose the possibility of profitability."

"The domestic price is unreasonable and messy. It costs 100 yuan a can. Each can has high-efficiency disinfection and rapid healing capabilities. The healing effect is not like emergency use, and it is no different from complete recovery. There are too many uses. Without compromising the potency, prices have to go up and portions have to go down."

"Yes, the domestic market is currently open, but basically you can't make much money. 50.00% of the domestic market's profits and 30.00% of the international market's profits must be directly filled into the medical insurance system to maintain the normal health of the medical insurance system. It works. Contributing to the country is fine with us, but don’t you think this share is a bit too much?”

"The effect of Qingcheng is really easy to use."

After the others opened their mouths and spoke freely, Su Bai spoke up.


At this time, the others seemed to have heard what Su Bai said, and they all stopped, looked at Su Bai, and asked, "Do you have any other opinions on this?"

"No, I think what you said is quite reasonable."

Seeing that the others did not continue to speak freely, Su Bai looked at them with some thoughtful eyes and said.


At this time, Ding Yi who was sitting next to Su Bai sighed.

He originally thought that his methods were ruthless enough, but compared with Su Bai, he is simply a saint in this world, the savior of these people.

His methods cost them their fortunes at most, but they are still alive.And what Su Bai is doing now...they will probably know later that death is sometimes a luxury.

Ding Yi's sigh was also seen by others.

In their eyes, Ding Yi's sigh was helpless.Seeing them suing here, but I can't refute anything, I can only let them slaughter the performance.

"So, to put it bluntly, do you mean that the prices of these domestic drugs will increase?"

At this time, Su Bai briefly summarized their previous speeches.

"It's not a simple price increase, it's re-pricing and repackaging. For example, my price was an experimental launch price before, and now that the experimental period is over, I have to restore the normal price and portion."

"Gene enhancement drugs are completely monopolized by us, and the pricing power is completely in our hands. We are a complete seller's market."

"If possible, I hope that the qualification of genetically enhanced internal therapy surgery can also be handed over to us. The pricing of the country is simply outrageous. An immune system reconstruction surgery worth millions can be done for only [-] yuan. , I don’t even know how to make money.”

"Tsk~ So, what do you mean to say, these are completely unreasonable?"

At this time, Su Bai interrupted other people's free speech, and then summed up.


With little hesitation, the others responded upon seeing this.

After they finished speaking, Su Bai pouted slightly and said, "But, these are actually formulated by me, and Uncle Ding Yi is only responsible for perfecting and implementing them."

After Su Bai finished speaking, the entire conference room fell silent.

At this moment, all the directors immediately sensed that something was wrong, and looked at Su Bai in horror.

"Are you kidding? Didn't you say that these are all Ding Yi's plans?"

A director forced a smile, looked at Su Bai and said.

"It was formulated by Uncle Ding Yi, but I told Aunt Feng Yufang first, and then Aunt Feng Yufang passed it on to Uncle Ding Yi. In the end, Uncle Ding Yi perfected it into a plan that I am very satisfied with, and finally implemented it."

After Su Bai finished speaking, he glanced at Ding Yi who was standing beside him.

And Ding Yi also nodded in cooperation and said: "Without Su Bai's instruction, I would not take such measures lightly."

After talking about this plan, he took out a new file and said: "The international single agent system is for the fastest global deployment, and to quickly occupy the global market while ensuring the stability of our own interests. The benefits are incidental, and the main purpose is to quickly occupy and cultivate the market."

"As for the domestic situation, it is entirely because Su Bai considered the national conditions and chose to give up his interests almost completely. The money he can earn internationally is enough for our follow-up development, and there is no need for ordinary people in China to pay more. burden, and solve the problem of expensive and difficult medical treatment in China from the economic and technical aspects.”

"If one day, the drug developed by Su Bai is marginalized because of losing the target market, then I believe Su Bai should be very happy. Because for a doctor, the greatest happiness is to have no patients!"

In a few sentences, he briefly explained Su Bai's thoughts on these plans, and even praised Su Bai.

As for why you want to give Su Bai a thumbs up? Sunsi, after Ding Yi finished speaking, took out a miniature high-definition camera from his wrist and pointed it at the other directors in the conference room. .

After doing this, Sonus reached out and turned off the signal jammer.

"Drip drop~"

The moment the signal jammer was turned off, the phones of all directors present rang.

And after checking the information on the mobile phone or directly connecting the phone, they all got the same information, that is... the whole process of the meeting was broadcast live on the Internet.

Now, tens of millions of people are watching their meeting! What they said just now has been seen by at least tens of millions of people!

"Well, I know that hanging a strange sorghum on a street lamp for no reason will cause a lot of trouble. I am afraid of trouble, so I can only create some other topics to divert attention. All uncles and grandfathers , you shouldn't blame me, right?"

Seeing that other people knew this, Su Bai said innocently.

Well, she still knows what a huge public opinion effect it will cause if she hangs a person on the street lamp for no reason in her own capacity.

Therefore, in order to avoid the fermentation of public opinion, Su Bai came up with an excellent solution, that is to create another topic of public opinion, and just cover this matter up.

She is simply a genius!

Chapter 310 Five Belated Super Big Melon (3000)

"Su Bai started the live broadcast?"

On a certain fish platform, the anchor Zhang Ning, who was preparing to start the next game, was stunned for a moment when he saw a barrage, and then replied: "I haven't seen Luo Chen's plan to restart the medical tour recently. Said Su Bai is very busy recently."

He still has some understanding of Su Bai. After all, his mother just had a liver resuscitation operation a while ago. Before the operation, she needed help from the first floor to the second floor. Rice went up to the tenth floor without panting.

For Su Bai who invented this technology, he has deep admiration and gratitude from the bottom of his heart.

There are also many voices on the Internet petitioning to restart the medical tour plan, but after hearing that Su Bai devoted himself to the development of new technologies after the medical tour ended, most people can understand.

After all, whether it is the development of the Ming chip or the reconstruction of the new physics and mathematics technology tree in the follow-up, it can show that Su Bai is really developing new technologies.

Su Bai mentioned it frequently in the news, but the frequency of exposure was not high, and related interviews were pitifully few.

Therefore, he was a little curious about Su Bai's live broadcast.

"I'll take a look at what's going on."

Zhang Ning temporarily clicked off the matchmaking of the next game, opened his own platform from the second computer screen, and saw on the homepage of the platform that the previous live broadcast room of the Luochen program group had started, and its popularity had exceeded [-] million. rising at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After clicking into the live broadcast room, what he saw was inside the elevator. Half of the screen was blocked by a piece of clothing. From the remaining half, he could see a small hand holding a cup of ice cream and Ding Ding as the background board. easy.

"Are you going to decorate the street lamps today?"

After seeing Ding Yi, Zhang Ning noticed the title of the live broadcast room and was confused.

Decorate street lights? I haven't heard of any large international conferences recently that need to decorate street lights. Small things like decorating street lights are worth Su Bai's live broadcast?

With such confusion, Zhang Ning continued to watch the live broadcast.

The moment the elevator door opened, Ding Yi trotted out, and the camera followed Ding Yi's direction, seeing that Ding Yi finally opened the door of a room and went in.

At this time, he also noticed that the person in charge of shooting seemed unprofessional, and the lens seemed to shake a bit.

The main angle of view is a bit strange. As for what is strange? It is very simple. From this angle of view, you can see the sandals Su Bai is wearing.

Although I can't see the main picture, but after a little thought, I can imagine that someone is holding Su Bai, eating ice cream while holding him, and enjoying it a little bit.

"Yes, yes, our richest man doesn't want to continue to curry favor with Su Bai, so he comes to deal with us, isn't it a bit of a big deal?"

At this moment, the person holding Su Bai came to the door of the room that Ding Yi had entered before.

The door was not locked tightly, so after coming to the door, a voice came from the door.

After hearing this voice, Zhang Ning froze for a moment.

"There are melons! It's still big melons!"


Just as this idea popped up, his chat box rang. After looking at it, it was the person in charge of his union.

And the person in charge of his trade union only sent one sentence at this time: "Rebroadcast Su Bai's live broadcast."

"Everyone, I feel like we can eat a super big melon together!"

After seeing this sentence, Zhang Ning did not hesitate, and directly opened Su Bai's live broadcast room in his own live broadcast room.

"It's quite enjoyable~ I didn't know that I thought you were some kind of dwarf who needed a pillow to prop you up."

At the same time as the live broadcast room opened, another sentence with a slightly mocking tone came from the conference room.

At this time, Ding Yi could also be seen on the camera, holding a pillow and padded his seat.


Zhang Ning was stupid at this time.Although it has never been officially admitted, there is a gossip that is generally recognized by everyone, that is, Su Bai doesn't like people saying that she is short!

Now that Su Bai is at the door, she also heard this sentence, this is simply breaking ground on Tai Sui's head, it is true that she is tired of work.

The little feet that were swaying in the camera lens did not sway at this time.There was no surprise, Su Bai definitely heard it.

Then it can be seen that the person holding Su Bai entered the conference room.


After entering the meeting room, Zhang Ning took a breath.

There are more than a dozen people in the entire conference room. Although Zhang Ning does not know who many of them are, he knows some of them. The top financial giants in the country belong to the small group of people standing at the top of the pyramid. .

When Ding Yi Company delisted before, I heard that it encountered huge resistance. Under such circumstances, a group of people in the financial industry were liquidated.

In the liquidation that was said to be ordered by Su Bai, the financial giants involved could still protect themselves.Although they all suffered losses to a certain extent, some of them are still missing.

For some people, it is already very powerful.

Not to mention, in the subsequent disaster of the global financial crisis, the wealth of some of them has been greatly improved, and the losses caused by the delisting before can be almost ignored.

"Uncle, do you know how rich people show that they are rich?"

"I just took a picture of a blue crystal the size of a pigeon's egg from Franci a while ago. It's called the Tears of Eden. I think it's only you..."

"It's disgusting, Uncle Chen Ming, he will like the scenery on the street lamp at the door."

After all, some expected things happened, and those rumors turned out to be true.

The person who had unintentionally mocked Su Bai before was like a chicken, and Chen Ming, who they had identified as Su Bai's exclusive bodyguard, lifted it up with one hand, ignoring his pleas and threats, and directly lifted it out of the conference room.

After this scene happened, Zhang Ning saw that the barrage in both his live broadcast room and Su Bai's live broadcast room had increased several times.

Some people said it was good, while others said that what Su Bai did was a little too much.

To be reasonable, Zhang Ning also felt that Su Bai had gone too far.Although it's wrong to mock someone, but that person didn't really want to mock Su Bai, and Su Bai didn't give him a chance.

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