"Yeah, it's broken, it's really broken."

There is a problem with the boss, that Chen Ming just stared at the crotch and beat him. '

"I peed, I can't control it, this phantom pain..."

"Boss, there is a ghost! It hurts so much... I was rubbed a little bit"

Returning to the familiar position again, Caesar looked like maggots, and the four team members curled up beside him were completely bewildered.

Same plot, different development.

At a distance of five meters, in less than a second, they can still smash the eggs of four people. Is the reaction speed of a genetically enhanced soldier so fast?

"Take off your camouflage, drop your weapon, and run!"

After thinking for a few seconds, Nishizawa looked at the vibrating watch in his hand and gritted his teeth.

Weird, too weird.I don't know what happened to the other teams, but I can't try again.They seem to be in a weird cycle.Have to try something else and see what happens.

Then, after seven seconds, Caesar stared at the gun in his hand and the familiar bathroom.

"Fortunately, the egg is not broken this time."

Compared with the autistic Nishizawa here, a brother who broke eggs twice in a row said a little fortunately.

"Uh~ this...really...really broken"

As soon as he finished speaking, he felt something hit his crotch, and he curled up on the bathroom floor like a shrimp.

Different from the fleeting phantom pain before, this time the pain is a little longer, it doesn't seem to be fake.


After seeing this scene, Nishizawa immediately realized that something was wrong, picked up the weapon, and together with the remaining five able-bodied team members, surrounded the injured team member, looked around nervously, but couldn't see anything less than.

Chapter 320 They Started the Seventh Chapter

"Mom, these and that feet... hurt, right?"

"It should hurt. So, aren't these people actors?"

"It can't really be the attacker?"

"It looks like some kind of illusion, magic?"

"Magic fart, it should be a hallucinogen for self-defense. After all, things like mother-fetal specialized remodeling cells can really make this level of hallucinogen."

On the side of the escalator on the fourth floor of the shopping mall, a large group of people surrounded ten people who didn't look like they were from Daxia, and they were dressed like robbers, watching a show and eating melons.Some of them even took out their mobile phones and started a live broadcast.

At the beginning, these people thought it was a propaganda activity, but after Su Bai went up and kicked one of them firmly in the crotch, the others discovered the problem.

Although Su Bai doesn't have much strength, it doesn't take much strength to kick at that kind of place, and it can make people lose the ability to resist in an instant.

It also let the onlookers know that it might not be a performance, but a real attack.

But after thinking about it, I felt a little unbelievable.

After all, these people would suddenly turn into robots every ten seconds, walk back to their original positions, and then start plotting loudly, saying that they entered a time loop and needed to contact another group of people, what, what, what, It looks like something happened.

The problem is that when they talk about how to contact another group of people, the other group of people is less than ten meters away from them.

By the way, another group of people is doing similar things.

"Uncle Chen Ming, do you think I should let them do a striptease?"

With a lollipop in his mouth, Su Bai said, he didn't care about other people's onlookers, but felt that it was a bit boring for these people to play a one-man show.

To be reasonable, to some extent, these people did enter the time loop.But it's not their physical body that enters the time loop, it's their spirit and will.

This is the ability to reflect reality, dragging one's cognitive view into a reflection that is completely indistinguishable from reality.Although the body will still perform some corresponding behaviors due to cognitive reasons, it will be controlled by the shaper of the reflection of reality as a whole.

However, it was the first time for Su Bai to use the reflection of reality, and Saint Si just helped Su Bai expand the scale of the reflection of reality, and did not strengthen it.Therefore, the reflection of reality may also be broken through.

As for the conditions for a breakthrough?It's very simple, if Su Bai drags Chen Ming into the reflection of reality, as long as Chen Ming realizes the essence of the reflection space of reality, he can decipher it within 5 minutes.

It's a pity that Nishizawa, the strongest soldier of mankind, has only level 4.5 of the skill battlefield emergency calm thinking that can crack the reflection of reality, and at least level 4.98 is needed to crack the reflection of reality.

The difference of 0.48 level means that he is just Su Bai's toy.

"It's too eye-catching, and striptease is not good, but you can dance this."

As Chen Ming said, he turned on his mobile phone and showed Su Bai a video his wife had sent him.

This video is simply a video of Chen Ming's daughter, who is currently in the second grade of middle school, learning house dance.

Not to mention, the little girl looks very cute when she cooperates with the house dance, and it is also a precious black history of her daughter.Let her watch it when she grows up.

As a father, Chen Ming still thinks about his daughter.

"Uncle Chen Ming, your daughter is so cute~"

Su Bai sighed after watching this house dance video.

In ancient times, there was Cao Cao who loved his wife, but now there is Su Bai who loves loli.

"She goes to school in Kyoto. If there is a chance, I will introduce her to you."

As Chen Ming said, he quickly put away his mobile phone.

"Shall I strengthen you?"

At this time, Shengsi looked at Su Bai and said quietly.

Su Bai's grasp of the ability of reality reflection is too weak now, and there is no problem with impromptu dances such as striptease.But if you want to do some specified dances, there is a problem.

Because, under normal circumstances, people caught in the reflection of reality will not do things other than their own cognitive views.

"You must disgust that old Harry!"

After hearing Sheng Si's words, Su Bai muttered to himself, struggling a little.

But if he wanted to make Harry angry, Su Bai still felt that he had made a profit, then he gritted his teeth and said, "What's the condition? Don't go too far!"

"No conditions~ I'm not a villain in this system. Isn't it just to help my cute little host? How dare I make conditions?"

Sheng Si said with a gentle smile on his face, and after finishing speaking, he lightly touched Su Bai's shoulder, and the advanced usage of reality reflection appeared in Su Bai's mind.

"The weasel has no good intentions in wishing the chicken a New Year greeting!"

After Su Bai looked at this advanced usage, he looked at Shengsi fiercely and said.

Well, Shengsi didn't make any more requests, but this advanced usage is that Su Bai directly controls the bodies of these people, so that these people can make exactly the same movements as himself.

In other words, if she wants to control these people to dance the house dance, she will do it too!

This is Sheng Si's conspiracy!

"I didn't force you to dance."

After hearing Su Bai's words, Shengsi said directly.

"Don't think I can't do it!"

As Su Bai said, a dim black triangle appeared in Su Bai's hand.

The moment he appeared, Su Bai directly pressed into Sheng Si's abdomen.

"Heh~ I'm an artificial intelligence, and artificial intelligence has no concept of shame. If you come together, come together, whoever is afraid of whom!"

After seeing this scene, Saint Si spoke directly.

That dim black triangle is another general control of this reflection of reality.

Although the master control is still on Su Bai's side, if Su Bai turns on the body control later, if she moves, and the other half of Shengsi doesn't do similar actions, then the controlled body's reaction will be very weak.

Well, to put it simply, Su Bai wants Sheng Si to dance the house dance together.

She can't die alone!

Shengsi's side is even less cowardly, as long as Su Bai is willing to dance, she doesn't care.

"Uncle Chen Ming, didn't some people be arrested on the other side? Bring them up too, what a crowd!"

He kept on doing nothing, and in line with the principle that everyone has come, Su Bai simply took everyone who was arrested this time with him.

"The master swordsman has not been caught yet. Of course, if necessary, he can be caught now."

Chen Ming said after hearing Su Bai's words.

Although, there is indeed a bit of nonsense in it.But America's side made the first move, so Chen Ming's side couldn't be blamed for actively cooperating with Su Bai.

"There's no rush over there, just bring everyone you catch."

Seeing this, Su Bai said.

Chapter 320 Courage is the hymn of mankind, but ignorance is not (3500)

"It seems that the time has come."

On the second floor of an unfinished building about 500 meters away from the shopping mall, with his watch trembling slightly, Segawa stopped his escape.

According to their previous agreement, the time and time must be evacuated no matter what.

However, he has another understanding of this sentence, that is, no matter what, he must delay the genetically enhanced fighter he is responsible for until this time.As long as he successfully delays until this time, the time after that can be freely arranged by him.

"Finally stopped running?

Feng Fei, who had been following Segawa before, saw that Segawa finally stopped and stopped running, so he said directly

Ma Fei's words made Segawa slightly frowned.

He actually felt something was wrong just now.According to the previous understanding of the gene-enhanced fighters, it would be easy for the gene-enhanced fighters to catch up to him.His strategy to delay Feng Fei should be to use his identity as a paparazzi to forcibly delay.

However, when Feng Fei was chasing him, he felt that Feng Fei seemed to deliberately not catch up with him.

Feng Fei's previous actions, combined with his current words, seem to mean that Feng Fei has long known that there is a big problem with his identity.

Well, stop running.

Lazy responded in his not-so-standard Chinese, and pulled out two sticks from behind after speaking.

The two sticks were put together, and after tightening, one end of the stick popped out, and he pulled out a long double-edged sword

Although he was a little worried about the success of the plan in his heart, it was not the time for him to be concerned about this matter.

"Segawa means bravery. My father hoped that I could become a brave child, inherit his kendo, and carry forward his kendo. Also because of his strictness, I have had an attitude that does not conform to the trend of the times since I was a child." interest, that is to challenge the strong

When Segawa said this, he saw Feng Fei standing there quietly, looking at him with ease, took out a handkerchief from his arms, and gently wiped the blade , making the double-edged long sword in his hand shine even more.

After throwing away the handkerchief in his hand, Segawa's eyes flashed with a strong fighting spirit, and he looked at Feng Fei and said, "My swordsmanship has been surpassed by no one, even my one who was once known as the number one swordsman in my country father, neither

my opponent.Except for guns, my sword can easily defeat everyone.So, I really want to know, who is more powerful than the sword in my hand, you who are known as superhumans.I wonder if sheer skill beats sheer power

Compared with the reward of [-] million for this mission, the real reason why he took the mission was that he wanted to use his invincible swordsmanship to measure the strength of genetically enhanced fighters. Reinforced fighters are not for nothing.

"It's very energetic, very good.

Feng Fei only responded lightly to what Segawa said.

To be reasonable, he felt that what Segawa said was quite secondary.

In fact, he carried a portable firearm, and it was a special version for genetically enhanced soldiers.If they follow the style of their Emergency Management Bureau to deal with people who want to hurt Su Bai, Segawa now has at least two holes in his forehead.

But Su Bai said something, he should be gentle with the other party, so the gun can't be used

As for the competition of strength and skills between top swordsmen and genetically enhanced fighters?

He really wanted to say that he should not be as powerful as the opponent with a sword, but in terms of fighting skills, the two sides should not be on the same level. Single-handedly fighting with Segawa is really purely bullying the opponent.Even if the opponent's swordsmanship is very powerful

Well, sorry! "

Segawa didn't know what Feng Fei was thinking, and he was a little confused why Feng Fei kept waiting for him, and even listened to his nonsense, but because of this, Segawa had an idea that he should be able to do well this time. Enjoy the rest of the fight.

If possible, he wants to be the first ordinary human being to defeat the genetically enhanced warrior by himself. He wants to continue writing the hymn of human courage. He wants to prove to the world that the so-called genetically enhanced warrior is just a show. With the confidence to win and the belief in his own swordsmanship, he rushed towards Feng Fei holding the sharp sword that he regarded as the other half of his life.

After Feng Fei saw this scene, he chose to raise his left hand, and at the moment when Segawa rushed to Feng Fei and was about to swing the sharp sword in his hand to attack Feng Fei, he felt a black shadow flash in front of his eyes , the whole head turned [-] degrees uncontrollably, and then the cheeks were hot


He spat out lightly, a tooth mixed with blood was spit out by him

Turning his head to look at Feng Fei in a daze, his head was a little overwhelmed.

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