"Ding! Boom!"

"Congratulations on getting Judas' oath!"

Well, the once glorious God's Key, a good thing, it is my duty to recast the glory of Judah.

But why did the courier Teresa kick open the office door, hit Judas on my face, and shouted, "There is no prince in his 40s in the world!"

"Congratulations on getting the Heavenly Fire Sacred Judgment!"

Well, the God's Key with the strongest firepower is a good thing.

But why the way to receive it is to beat Siegfried violently, and then take away his sky fire?

How can such a kind person like me steal other people's things?

"Congratulations on drawing Cecilia Shaniat!"


Don't leave Siegfried over there, you still have something to give me

Chapter 330

"Su Bai... really should have done a bigger job for us..."

The turmoil of Su Bai's live broadcast of the super high-level meeting of Ding Yi's capital has not yet passed. Before everyone thinks that this matter has not been completely settled, Su Bai should be more stable.

Under such circumstances, Su Bai gave them a bigger task.

On the screen, Su Bai, who was wearing a gothic dress similar to a maid's outfit, and Shengsi, who was wearing a nun's outfit, danced cute and cute dance steps under cheerful music, which made people feel pleasing to the eye, but in In such a desperate situation, behind Su Bai, there is a group of middle-aged men with an average age of at least 3+, who are also walking at the same pace as Su Bai, dancing their bodies.

The strong fragmentation of this style of painting made countless people watching the live broadcast feel like complaining but didn't know where to start complaining.

However, Su Bai who is dancing and those middle-aged uncles dancing with Su Bai are not the most attractive parts in the picture.

What really attracted the attention of those who were watching the live broadcast were those standing among the crowd who were equipped with an exoskeleton robotic arm.

Although these people didn't wear any standard clothing, judging by the weight of the mechanical arm, it was not something ordinary people could carry. Even some strong men would find it difficult to wear it.

And those people didn't seem to be struggling at all, they were even relaxed, and they were talking and laughing.

And the appearance of these people made a word that gradually faded out of the public eye, and was remembered by those who were watching the live broadcast, that is, genetically enhanced warrior!

Only genetically enhanced fighters who actually exist but have not been officially recognized by Daxia can wear this kind of heavy-looking exoskeleton mechanical arm as if nothing.

And through different live broadcast rooms and different angles of view, you will find that the number of genetically enhanced fighters present is about twenty.

In addition to these 20 people, through the live broadcast perspective of some people who did not rush to the front row and could only shoot on the fifth floor, we can also see that there are hundreds of people behind the large group of onlookers who did not forcefully join in the fun, but also No one left.

The point is, in places like shopping malls where the proportion of women is extremely high, [-]% of the hundreds of people are men.

It takes almost no guesswork to be sure that most of those people are plainclothes.

More than 20 gene-enhanced soldiers and hundreds of plainclothes were dispatched in one breath. According to what I saw at the beginning of the live broadcast, the homemade firearms and sharpened swords have now been confiscated.

An incredible truth seems to have been revealed.

Those middle-aged uncles who were standing behind Su Bai, dancing the house dance happily, came to attack Su Bai, but Su Bai did not know what method they used to control him.

Especially after the pig-headed man who was beaten was brought over, this guess was even more confirmed.

Those who are dancing should be controlled by something, and the one who was beaten like a pig's head should not be controlled for some reason, so they can only be controlled by some physical means of.

This is not a guess, but after the beaten pig-headed person woke up and moved a few times, the person who brought the person up just now tried to make him stand up, as if he wanted to put him Push it into the crowd of dancers and let him dance together.

However, the man who was beaten like a pig's head seemed to be too injured to stand up.

"He's a devil!"

When they saw that Chen Ming took out a bottle of Quick Healing Spray, the audience watching the live broadcast were all stunned.

However, for some reason, in the end Chen Ming didn't let him use it and let him lie on the ground.

"A while ago, some people were worried that someone would assassinate Su Bai. Now Su Bai has shown an alternative way to deal with assassins."

"One thing to say, Su Bai's dancing is so cute, even better than some UP masters who are professional house dancers."

"When God created man, he used more than one ton of various talent materials. Then he gave all the remaining nine tons to Su Bai."

"Do you understand the gold content of the national daughter!"

"My Su Bai is so cute, I really want to take her home and hold her high!"

"Open the door and check the water meter!"

Although the people watching the live broadcast didn't know who sent these attackers, but after Su Bai played a trick a few days ago, there were indeed concerns about Su Bai's life safety on the Internet.

After all, Su Bai did a bit of a trick that time, and on the second day after the accident, some people were forced to play high-altitude cordless disco.There are still some people who are currently fine, but their company and financial situation have problems, and they have reached the limit of endurance.

Rabbits bite people when they are in a hurry, let alone those capitalists.

Under such circumstances, some people are worried that those capitalists who are pushed into a hurry will jump over the wall in a hurry, which is not good for Su Bai.

If it is other academicians, this kind of worry will not be too much.The point is, after Su Bai went from behind the scenes to the front of the stage, her activities were too free.

Apart from staying at home, his daily activity track spreads all over the entire Shanghai. He is a frequent visitor to many amusement parks and children's playgrounds in Shanghai. He witnesses Su Bai everywhere in Shanghai every day.

Even sometimes, Su Bai would go to some cities around the magic capital to play.

Sometimes, it even gives people the feeling that Su Bai is a street guy.

Under such circumstances, this little loli who seems to be doing nothing is still exuding immeasurable influence and contribution to the scientific community of Daxia and even the whole world at all times, fundamentally improving the common people of Daxia. life.

Su Bai's concern for ordinary people in Daxia is something they can feel personally.

It is a great honor for Daxia to have such a century-level super academician who cares about them, is cute, cheerful, optimistic and lively, even younger than most of them.But also because she is too cheerful and lively, many people worry about her safety.

There are too many opportunities to attack Su Bai.

Under such circumstances, Su Bai once again demonstrated the correct way to deal with assassins that shocked the melon-eaters for 100 years.

That is... dancing with the assassin, and dancing the house dance, and it was the kind of dance that he led.

Can the leaders or scientists of other people's families do it?They can't do it!

"This... is really messy. It's so messy that it makes people lose their temper."

Some people watching the live broadcast complained.

Although dancing with the person who assassinated him is very messy, it is also the most direct warning to those who try to threaten Su Bai.

Chapter 330 Su Bai is also obedient today~

"The 170th time..."

Cizemer counted the number of time reincarnations. Looking at the familiar scene, endless despair shone in his eyes, and his spirit was on the verge of collapse.

He actually didn't know how long it had been.Every reincarnation, everything on him will be reset, there is nothing that can record the time, the only thing that can be used as a reference is the number of resets that only he is remembering.

As for why he is the only one remembering?

Slightly looking at his team members curled up in the corner beside him, Caesar gritted his teeth.

They have experienced the most desperate battlefields, and they have also experienced the predicament of almost ten deaths and no lives.None of that ordeal broke the spirits of his own players.But these few hours had caused his team members to completely collapse and become hysterical.

He can totally understand why his players are like this.

From the seventh reincarnation, Chen Ming was able to kill four people within seven seconds, threatening the lives of the remaining two people.And after the tenth time, every reincarnation, the six people responsible for delaying Chen Ming would be decisively killed by Chen Ming.

And after No. 30 times, no matter what method is used, it is difficult to delay Chen Ming's pace.

At this time, he also discovered one thing, that is, in repeated reincarnations, although the two gene-enhanced fighters responsible for protecting Su Bai are both growing, the growth curves of Chen Ming and the other one are not at the same level at all. .

The genetically enhanced fighters on the other side could also decisively deal with the four people who dealt with him within seven seconds, but they were unable to deal with him.

And because Chen Ming was a little closer, coupled with even more terrifying strength, speed and reaction, he was able to influence him from the No. 40 start.

This is not the worst. The worst thing is that his team members have collapsed after dozens of deaths, and their will to fight has been reduced to the extreme.

It is not fear of death, nor fear of pain, but the disgust of death itself, the confusion of the unknown, and the hopelessness of life are enough to destroy the strong will of any soldier.

But I don't know if it's the characteristics of this space, or his players are strong enough.As long as he rushed out, they would definitely follow.Even if the combat power is reduced due to the influence of the will to fight, at least it can provide him with the minimum help.

Coupled with his own rich combat experience, he experienced his first death around 73 times.

It was only when he experienced his first death that he realized that this was different from narrow escapes in the past, and it was also different from being rescued from hell on the operating bed.That is enough fear to crush anyone's will, just one time can completely break down the spirit of an ordinary person.

It took his team members more than a dozen times to break down, which is already very remarkable, and has already demonstrated the super high quality of being a veteran of the anti-war.

Because he was the last one who remained sane, so in order to avoid being crazy himself, in the subsequent reincarnations, he tried more possibilities to break the cycle besides attacking Su Bai.

But without exception, all failed.

Even though he has extremely rich combat experience, from the first death to now, he has tried his best to die 29 times, and his own fighting will has been reduced to the extreme.Only the survival instinct is left to support his will not collapse.

But if he died one or two more times, he couldn't guarantee whether his sanity could continue to be maintained.

"Su Bai's dancing is not bad, actually."

"It's so cute, I love it, I'm completely fancied by Su Bai."

"He is not a celebrity. Ordinary celebrities are not enough to lift Su Bai's shoes."

Just when Caesar was struggling to think about whether to try again, a loud voice came.

With puzzled eyes, Caesar raised his head slightly.

But before he could figure out what was going on, a huge force knocked him to the ground.

"Don't move!"

"Looks stupid? Just handcuff him."

"It's quite powerful."

"Don't talk nonsense, control all people, don't let them have a chance to hurt others."

"Let's break up and let's work together."

In the circled eyes of Cizemont, he who was pushed to the ground heard the surrounding voices, and glanced around with the corner of his eyes, and found that this was the one he was familiar with and could no longer be familiar with, which made him fall into endless Samsara's escalator entrance.

There are a large number of ordinary people in Daxia around, but they evacuate in an orderly manner under the control of the people from the Emergency Management Bureau.

"Finally... have you left reincarnation?"

Although he didn't know what was going on, the appearance of these things made him feel relieved.

Finally out of that damn time loop.Although, this also represented the failure of his mission, but... nearly thirty deaths made him completely fear that time loop from the depths of his soul.

"Eh? Segawa... he... But, that should be a kind of luck."

At this moment, out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of Segawa who looked like a dead pig not far away, and also saw the face that had been beaten in a circle like a pig's head.

Although he was beaten badly, this should mean that Segawa was not caught in the time loop.There was still light breathing, which proved that he was still alive, but he was seriously injured, which made Caesar a little envious.

"Get up, this is not stupid? Be honest, kneel down!"

At this moment, he was picked up by the genetically enhanced soldier who controlled him.

Caesar still wanted to resist a little bit, and then was forced to kneel down.

Taking advantage of this time, he looked around and behind him, and then saw that the people in charge of the first, second, third and fourth teams were all there, and they were taken over in one go.

Moreover, looking at the weird mental state of the others, Nishizawa came up with an answer that made him completely regret taking this mission, that is, Segawa was the only one among them who did not fall into the time loop.

Except for him who still retains his sanity, the sanity of his team members has collapsed, and a small part of them is like a puppet without a soul, only the instincts of breathing and blinking are left.

As for the culprit of the weird time loop that got him stuck...

In front of Caesar, he was holding a large box of ice milk in his hands, with a few beads of sweat hanging on his forehead, and he looked a little cute. Su Bai was smiling with a sweet smile that only the purest angels would have. Looking at him, he said, "Uncle, is it fun?"

Such a cute and holy smile, but in Caesar's eyes, it is the most terrifying expression in the world, which is ten thousand times more terrifying than Satan's evil smile!

Chapter 330 Two The Calm Before The Storm

"Mom, look, I got an A today. Dad said if I got an A, he'd buy me... the newest Barbie doll."

In a small villa next to the water in the suburbs of America, Dorothea happily rushed to her mother's room with her A test paper, wanting to show off to her mother and get what she thought should be The reward that belongs to her.

However, after rushing to her room, she saw that she was wiping tears with her mobile phone.

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