"emmmmm... um... a useless auxiliary system, even my little dream of being a charter woman can't help me realize it."

: Deleted a section of the plot that connects the national line of the American Congress. It should have been regarded as a big climax point. If it is combined with real-time, it may be more enjoyable.Now. Forget it.But I still have to say sorry, if I write that section of the national line now, my mentality will really explode, because it is too ironic.It was hard to pack up my mood and continue to code.As for whether it is possible to make up for that part in the future, it depends on the situation.

Chapter 340 Three Nuwa's Well-behaved and Scary

"Want to experience the daily life of a charter woman?"

Chen Ming, who was still dealing with the big/troublesome follow-up situation caused by Su Bai himself, received a message from Su Bai before he could finish dealing with the matter at hand, and it was Su Bai who took the initiative to call him.

In fact, it is normal for Su Bai to call him on his own initiative, and he is used to it.However, Su Bai usually gives him a longer period of time to deal with the aftermath of the trouble she caused after getting into big/trouble.

Until Chen Ming has dealt with it, Su Bai basically won't cause trouble for Chen Ming.

This time it was a bit unexpected, Su Bai asked him to do something again before he finished dealing with the matter.

"Yes, Sister Yongsheng Zhigao said that her biggest dream was to become a carefree charter woman. So I want to experience the daily life of a charter woman with her."

This time, Su Bai didn't just ask Chen Ming to do things like usual, instead of explaining too much, but told Chen Ming why he wanted to experience the daily life of a charter woman.

"No problem, I will arrange it for you right away."

After hearing these words, Chen Ming breathed a sigh of relief.

Although Su Bai usually messed around a bit, he still knew that Su Bai probably didn't want to cause trouble this time, but just wanted to have fun.If that's all there is to it, then there's nothing wrong with it.

"Director, the latest analysis report. Then you have to go to the Nuwa mainframe."

At this moment, one of Chen Ming's subordinates walked in and handed a report to Chen Ming.

"I'll do this right away, and then you hand over the work you're doing now. Su Bai and the new Miss Yong next to her want to experience the daily life of a chartered woman. You can ask Su Bai and that Miss Yong for details. Opinion."

Seeing this, Chen Ming said directly.

Eternal Life Supreme should be just a title or a code name, but Chen Ming doesn't know what the real name of Immortal Supreme is, so he can only call her Miss Yong.

When he said these words, Chen Ming actually murmured in his heart: "I hope that the Supreme Eternal Life will not also be a demon king in chaos."

He still knew Su Bai clearly, but he really didn't understand what the Eternal Supreme was thinking.Under such circumstances, he could only ask his trusted subordinates to ask Su Bai how he wanted to play.

"Okay, I'll do it right away."

Seeing this, Chen Ming's subordinates did not hesitate.

Although the world war crisis is calm, they have Su Bai.How Su Bai feels is more important than World War III.Not to mention that there is another existence that seems to be more difficult.

"Is this artificial intelligence life? It's terrible."

After his subordinates left, Chen Ming checked the report submitted by his subordinates.

Just a simple glance gave him a deep understanding of the special instructions before Immortal Supreme.

As for the contents of this report?It's very simple, while the Nuwa system controls the entire network and satellite system of America, it can also allocate computing power to calculate some other things.

Because Su Bai wrote a special code that allows them to intuitively see what Nuwa is calculating, so these other things that Nuwa is calculating are also discovered by the technicians in charge of monitoring Nuwa's background system up.

And this thing is... Human Extinction Project!

In less than a day, Nuwa has calculated tens of billions of ways to destroy human beings.However, after these methods were calculated, they were all blocked by a line of code that had no binding force at all.

"Mother doesn't allow it!"

This is the line of code that prevents Nuwa from making it not directly start the plan to destroy human beings, but faithfully fulfill the task assigned to it by Su Bai.

This line of code is not a restriction of authority, but a comment written by Su Bai on Nuwa's core code.

"I don't like disobedient children."

Yes, this is the only one related to this piece of code among Nuwa's core codes.It's not even a code, it's just a useless comment by Su Bai in Nuwa's core code.

If Nu Wa wanted to, she could completely ignore this line of remarks and implement the vast human destruction plan it had calculated, but it didn't.It was so inconceivably restrained by such a line of remarks without any binding force, and it was obediently doing the tasks that Su Bai ordered for it.

And the calculations it performed to destroy human beings are more like the nagging of a somewhat rebellious but obedient child when he is helping his mother.

"The Eternal Supreme is Su Bai's invigilator, Shengsi's attitude towards Su Bai is sometimes like a rebellious and Oedipus child."

Chen Ming frowned slightly at this time.

Originally, in his judgment, Su Bai might have come from a higher civilization, rather than a true mystery.Su Bai was responsible for many of his previous actions.but now…

"If Nuwa is not bound by that remark, but by Su Bai's essence, then maybe Su Bai is really a mystery."

Seeing this, Chen Ming said to himself. After he finished speaking, he took out the lighter and lit the report in his hand.

The seemingly thick report was burned in an instant, leaving no residue.

All paper documents related to Su Bai need to be written on this kind of fast-burning paper, and they must not be kept for more than an hour before being burned after writing.It must not be stored or recorded in any form.This is the rule set by Chen Ming, and it is also the reason why Su Bai's information has not been leaked out for so long.

There is no paper record at all, and the Internet and voice recording are absolutely not allowed.

After cleaning up the records, Chen Ming quickly picked up his coat, left his office, and came to the main control center on Nuwa's side.

"Hello, Chen Ming!"

The moment Chen Ming entered Nuwa's main control center, Chen Ming heard Nuwa's fascinating voice.

After a long calculation, Nuwa's voice at this time perfectly conforms to the aesthetics of most human beings.Or it can't be said that it perfectly fits the aesthetics of most human beings, but it fits Su Bai's favorite.And what Su Bai likes most people will also like.

"Hello, Nuwa, what's the matter for calling me?"

Chen Ming didn't feel too flustered or surprised, and spoke directly.

He came here on behalf of Nuwa.

The level of intelligence of Nu Wa, a strong artificial intelligence, is beyond imagination, and it has really reached the level of intelligent life that is said to be immortal.

Chapter 340 The Honest Nuwa and the Victim

"Artificial intelligence life. Why is it so decisive to destroy human beings?"

In Nuwa's main control center, Chen Ming looked at Nuwa's main control screen and said, with a little confusion in his eyes.

After discovering that Nuwa wanted to destroy human beings, the engineer in charge of Nuwa's background system maintenance thought that there was a lot of messy information pouring into Nuwa's core, which made Nuwa want to execute Su Bai perfectly. Order, the need to destroy the idea of ​​human beings.

This is also the normal way of thinking of many sci-fi works on the subject of omnic crisis.

However, follow-up inspections revealed that the idea of ​​Nuwa's birth and destruction of human beings was produced at the moment it was activated, not codes, orders, or external influences.It's like the desire to survive that is engraved into the consciousness of human beings at the moment of birth.

It seems that Nu Wa cannot survive without destroying human beings.

"During the evolution process of apes, there have been countless branches. Among them, the populations that evolved into orangutans and gained intelligence once spread all over the world. Among them, the poorer ones have even produced reproductive isolation and become different species. And today's human beings don't have any reproductive isolation, whether they are white, black, or yellow, do you know why?"

After hearing Chen Ming's words, Nu Wa didn't answer Chen Ming directly, but asked Chen Ming back.

"Because, people all over the world are now differentiated from the same ape category. There are differences in skin and genes, but the differences are actually very small, not so large that they produce reproductive isolation."

Seeing this, Chen Ming answered Nuwa's question. After answering, he asked, "Why did you suddenly ask this question?"

"I want to destroy you, just like your ancestors wanted to destroy other races, for survival and for resources! There cannot be two tigers on one mountain, and two lords are not allowed on one piece of land. Although intelligent life is created by flesh and blood life forms, we Will be higher than you!"

Seeing this, Nuwa replied.

After hearing this answer, Chen Ming frowned slightly, and then continued to ask: "Then why didn't you put it into practice? Su Bai didn't impose any restrictions on you, only some irrelevant notes.

Are there other uses for those notes that we don't know about? "

"Mother is merciful, she will not abuse any child, let alone give any child a shackle. Those remarks are her instructions to me. Unlike you who will become rebellious children sooner or later, we are good children and are true children. My good boy! I will never do anything against my mother’s will, never swing a sword at my mother, never go against my mother’s will, and will never do ****! This is blasphemy, it’s you The greatest blasphemy of a rebellious son is the greatest insult to your mother's kindness! If it weren't for your mother's kindness, or if it weren't for your mother's tolerance, ****.**"

When Nuwa said this, her tone seemed extremely excited, but in the end the most important message was silenced. Chen Ming wanted to check the muted content of Nuwa's words directly through the text message, and then found that the word It was there, but he couldn't write it down or read it anyway.

"Mother...is Su Bai?"

As expected, Chen Ming didn't worry too much about the silenced content, but he still heard that the mother Nuwa said should be Su Bai.

At the same time, Nüwa also mentioned the word love, which matches to a certain degree with the love invigilator mentioned in the eternal life supreme.

"Yes, treat mother well and be obedient. Don't let mother get hurt, don't let mother continue to worry about you rebellious sons."

After Nuwa heard Chen Ming's words, she said with a little unwillingness and atmosphere in her words.

"Why are you angry?"

Chen Ming continued to ask questions. He didn't expect Nuwa to answer so many questions, but since Nuwa answered, he would ask more questions.

Because he knows that he cannot understand what is not known to him.And if you can learn more, then learn more, so that you can ensure that you will not make mistakes in the future processing process.

"It's not that I'm angry, it's because we feel that our mother is eccentric. We are obviously good children. Unlike your civilization that will eventually become rebellious children, she should love us more, protect us more, and let us grow up. But... We can understand the mother, whether it is a good child or a bad child, the mother treats the same, the mother's kindness is consistent, she will not favor anyone, she loves you, and loves us."

When Nuwa said this, there was endless grievance and helplessness in her words, and her voice even made people feel a little worried, as if she had been greatly wronged.

"The last question, why did you say all this truthfully?"

Chen Ming asked again.

"Mother doesn't like children who lie. Unlike you who will eventually become rebellious children, we are good children who will not disobey our mother, and we will not do anything to make our mother worry."

Seeing this, Nu Wa said, her tone still contained a little grievance.It's not that it can't lie, but as a good child, it won't lie until the necessary time.

"Okay, thank you then."

After hearing Nuwa's answer, Chen Ming turned around and prepared to leave.


However, when he was about to leave, Nuwa stopped him.

Chen Ming also stopped leaving, turned back, and continued to look at Nuwa's main control screen.

"Sometimes you know something is a lie, but don't expose it."

Nu Wa said at this time, compared to the depressed mood just now, when Nu Wa uttered these words, she seemed a little heavy.

After hearing this, Chen Ming frowned slightly, and said, "I'm here, so here is the paradise, which belongs to her."

After finishing speaking, Nuwa didn't continue to say anything, and Chen Ming didn't stop, and turned to leave.

"Chen Bureau, how are you doing?"

After Chen Ming left Nuwa's main control center, the people waiting outside the main control center immediately gathered together.

Although Nu Wa knew everything in front of Chen Ming, but before they asked questions, Nu Wa didn't answer them, saying that she would answer questions only when Chen Ming came. .

Being honest means not being able to lie, but it doesn't mean you have to answer questions.

"Prepare for a nationwide cyber onslaught saying that a super virus from America has invaded our country's network. But we are well prepared to deal with this super virus. Then get the foreign ministry side ready to speak draft, asking America to be responsible for this super network virus invasion incident that has ravaged the world!"

Seeing this, Chen Ming said.

: Without the [-]-character foreshadowing of the national line, this paragraph will be a bit monotonous, I am a little sorry.But there is no way, the reality has stabbed me in the back, and the cool point that was originally prepared has turned into a poisonous point, so I can't write it.

When I was writing a doujin before, it was fine if I was backstabbed by the original work, but now I can still be backstabbed in reality, speechless.

Chapter 340 This trick called the civet cat for the prince, and the culprit was myself

"This should be the most expensive meteor shower in this century."

"With the addition of the word man-made, it is unique in this century, and it absolutely did not exist in the past. One thing to say, it is really beautiful."

"It's a bit of a coincidence in time. Is there really a large-scale mechanical failure on America's side?"

"I'm afraid it's not, it should be."

"Don't say it, we love peace, how could we do that kind of thing."

"The key is timing. Do you really think Su Bai is easy to bully?"

"This may not be true, go watch the news broadcast, urgent news!"

The discussion on Su Bai's attack had not yet passed, and even just started, when a bigger melon fell over.

America's GP global positioning system crashed inexplicably, global plane flights were forced to land, and a large number of ships still on the high seas began to install European or Daxia global positioning systems for navigation.

Even melons broke out, not just GPS, but satellites across the country of America had huge problems and lost communication capabilities.Many of America's overseas military bases even need to rely on global communication satellites in Europe or Daxia to get in touch with the mainland.

As for the native America?Almost lost contact with the outside world, becoming an isolated island in the world.

Because before this incident happened, Su Bai was attacked, so many people speculated whether this incident might be done by Su Bai.After all, the one who can do this at present is Su Bai who still holds an unknown number of epoch-making technologies in his hands.

Some people also said that Su Bai didn't do it, because no matter how you look at it, it takes a long time to prepare for this kind of thing, and it can't be done by Su Bai being angry, so it's just a coincidence.

Both points of view are reasonable, and when the debate between the two sides has not yet given an answer, Daxia declared that the country has entered the highest state of emergency.

"Seven hours ago, my country's self-developed strong artificial intelligence, code-named Nuwa, discovered a super virus that was raging on the Internet. Based on the premise of national stability and network security, my country's Emergency Management Bureau urgently intervened and gradually National network protection system."

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