Because of the joining of a large number of partners, he had a ridiculous idea, that is, there are too many ants, and even giants have to be afraid.Even an existence like Su Bai had to consider the influence, and finally had to bow to them.

In their plan, that match-fixing was just to blow the horn of war. As long as the higher-ups do not intervene to stop the subsequent series of actions, Su Bai's authority will be fundamentally shaken.

After Su Bai's authority is shaken, more people will join them.The wall fell and everyone pushed, although Su Bai could not really fall relying on her skills and knowledge, but she had to make concessions to them, and she couldn't continue the previous arrogance.

Of course, this is just a process in their fantasy.

But the current process is that they just provoked Su Bai, and Su Bai directly wanted to copy their house.

What is this equivalent to?The two groups fought, and one side made a provocative sentence, and the other side took out Gatling to sweep them all away.

Do not talk about martial arts, and use pure violence to solve everything.

Wang Chengjian was not far away to make a phone call, it was not far away.The sound of his conversation just now was also heard by other people. With the helplessness and despair on Wang Chengjian's face, the others realized what happened.

"What you just... said is true?"

He Ming glanced at Wang Chengjian's daughter and said, his breathing became heavier.

He prepared many, many backup plans, he contacted many, many backers, and he anticipated almost everything that might happen.

However, the only thing he didn't predict was what they would do if Su Bai directly sent someone to kill them.

Of course, looking at it now, at least Su Bai will not do this step, but I am afraid that he wanted to catch them all, but he was delayed by something, so he didn't do it directly.

"This... really. I tried to drive out by force, and they put the gun directly on my head."

Wang Chengjian's daughter also felt that something was wrong at this time.

Although she herself thinks that this matter will affect her father at most, how should she live here is still how to live.However, if something serious happened to her father, she would definitely be affected.

"Don't worry... don't worry, she still doesn't dare to force someone to break into the manor. She hasn't acted recklessly yet. This is Daxia, she doesn't dare to really go too far. We still have a chance!"

Although he guessed in his heart that something very bad should have happened, He Ming still didn't feel that Su Bai really dared to mess around.

In other words, at this time, he didn't dare to have other thoughts in his heart besides this one, because other thoughts really made people feel hopeless.

"Master, someone is coming in! I can't stop it."

At this time, the security guard of Wang Chengjian's home hurriedly brought the back garden and said to Wang Chengjian.

However, just as he finished speaking, a group of people followed behind him.

"Emergency Management Bureau..."

Wang Chengjian gritted his teeth and said after seeing that the group of people wore clothes that were somewhat similar to Guoan's uniform, but looked a little more handsome than Guoan's uniform, and several of them were equipped with exoskeleton robotic arms.

At present, the only internal violence agency in China that has genetically enhanced soldiers is the Emergency Response Bureau.Except for the Emergency Response Bureau, no other agency has the right to know and use genetically enhanced soldiers.

"We are only responsible for sending people over. These should be your acquaintances. You can make a confession first."

A person from the emergency management bureau said, and after he finished speaking, he moved away from his body, revealing several people standing behind him.

When Wang Chengjian saw these people, his pupils trembled suddenly, and his heart seemed to stop at this moment.

The few people standing behind the person from the Emergency Management Bureau were all people who had said before that they would participate in this plan, or were participants in this plan.

This is not what shocked Wang Chengjian the most. What shocked him the most was that one of them was one of his backers.

"What have you all done!"

One of those people who were pushed in front of Wang Chengjian gritted his teeth and stared at Wang Chengjian and said.

He is one of Wang Chengjian's backers. A few days ago, Wang Chengjian sent his son a financial company with a market value of about [-] million through some means, and arranged for a starlet he liked to play with him.

After that, if something happens to him, I hope he will stand up for him then.

He was soft on others, coupled with the temptation of beauty, so he agreed at that time.He said that as long as it wasn't such a thing as treason, he could at least say a good word for Wang Chengjian, and even accepted Wang Chengjian as his godson.

At that time, Wang Chengjian still smiled and said that he was only dealing with a competitor, because the opponent's backstage was a bit tough, so he had the confidence to find a backer.

Then, when he was woken up from the bed by the emergency management bureau, he realized that the so-called competitor was Su Bai.

Chapter 360: Greedy... Then I Greedy Myself Into It

"Su Bai, does she even dare to move you?"

"Why doesn't she dare to touch me? Do you know what the higher-ups do to Su Bai? On the same level as No. [-]!"

"On the same level as No. [-]? How is that possible! She doesn't have any political background, she's just a scientist."

"How is it possible? This is the truth! Otherwise, do you think it will be your turn?"

In the back garden of Wang Chengjian's house, Wang Chengjian's backer Xiang Tianfu, who was kidnapped with a dazed expression, yelled loudly, then sat down again looking a little decadent, with a little unwillingness and remorse shining in his eyes.

After coming here and hearing the words of several other people, he realized how serious the matter was.

These idiots don't know where the nerves in their heads are wired wrongly, but they actually think that Su Bai has a huge conflict with his superiors and has lost power, and then want to reach into Su Bai's job to grab food, and even want to kill him. Ren Zhenglong didn't say that Ren Zhenglong was one of Su Bai's cronies, but he just talked about the attitude of the higher authorities towards Su Bai.

In the case that Su Bai didn't say anything about the distribution of benefits, the higher-ups personally explained, and even repeatedly urged, to strive for the greatest benefits for Su Bai.No matter how big, how delicious and how sweet the cake that should be given to Su Bai is.Everything should be allocated to Su Bai in its entirety, and then other people will be considered.

Although Su Bai never really asked for the cake distributed to her by the superior, and most of the cake allocated to Su Bai by the superior will eventually enter the treasury, but this is a manifestation of attitude.

Su Bai didn't have to, but they had to.Not only must it not be given, but it must be given as much as possible.

If Su Bai really lost power because of some problems, it would not be the turn of these capitalists, those more greedy people who stared at Su Bai like wolves would have done it long ago, so there is no one else.

Thinking of this, he remorsefully reached out and hammered his head.Blinded by beauty, he forgot that Wang Chengjian had just provoked Su Bai, and agreed without asking.

As a result, I now put myself in it.

Seeing Xiang Tianfu sitting there with a face full of remorse, everyone present, including He Ming, was extremely surprised.

Because, the backers behind them are basically Xiang Guofu's level, even if there are higher ones, they still can't reach the top level.

As long as it doesn't reach that level, to Su Bai, it's just a jumping grasshopper, which can be trampled to death with a random kick.

This was the first time they knew about this result, or only Xiang Tianfu dared to speak out when he knew that he was hopeless.Even if other people knew about it before, they didn't dare to reveal half of it.

This is also the reason why they never knew what level Su Bai was.

"But no, if there is no conflict with Su Bai, why did Chen Ming suddenly stop taking actions against those people who offended Su Bai?"

Even at this moment, Heming still couldn't figure it out.

Su Bai had personally dealt with those capitals before, and the capitals he hit with one move were paralyzed.In that situation, Chen Ming also put on a posture of killing them all.

Because of that, many people at the helm of capital chose to be trapeze, trying to use their own death to free the existence behind them from the fate of white sanctions.

But obviously, it's useless, Chen Ming still doesn't intend to let it go.

But just as Chen Ming was about to take action, he suddenly stopped.

According to his judgment, it wasn't Chen Ming who stopped, but Chen Ming didn't know the reason, lost the ability to continue to act, and couldn't continue to mobilize a large number of personnel and political forces to deal with them and let them escape.

According to He Ming's political cognition, something must have happened to Su Bai.But Su Bai did not disappear, that is because of some reason, Su Bai's power was shaken, and part of the power was taken back by the higher authorities.

At this time, Su Bai should be completely snubbed by his superiors and thrown into the cold palace.

In this case, even ants have a chance to resist this temporarily fallen giant.

What's more, there are enough ants like them, if Su Bai cleans them up blindly, it will cause huge troubles.

"Contradictions? Fucking contradictions! Isn't the reason for Chen Ming's stop not obvious enough? It's because the fuck is simply letting you go!"

Xiang Tianfu, who is usually well-trained and educated, couldn't help but swear at this time.

These things must never be spoken out, but now he can't control so much.

Being brought here by the Emergency Management Bureau means that no one can save him.

"Impossible, for no reason, for no reason!"

He Ming still wanted to speak hard at this time, he still firmly believed that his previous judgment was correct.Everything now is an illusion, it is impossible for Su Bai to really dare to clean them up in a short time.

Now that the domestic economic situation is so turbulent, clearing them out of a large number of people at once will cause chaos in the entire market.

"Reason? Aren't you the reason? If Chen Ming doesn't do this, will you jump out? What they want to kill are not these non-threatening idiots, but a hiding poisonous snake like you!"

Xiang Tianfu was about to be laughed out of anger at this time.

As far as he knew, Chen Ming simply stopped the clean-up plan that was about to be carried out.Why stop, for what reason?

No one knew except Chen Ming himself and the top few people.

But now he figured it out.

Those capitals that escaped a catastrophe have already been exposed, and they are not a threat at all.In addition, the previous blows have already hurt them, and they are likely to be devastated, so there is no need to kill them all.

To put it bluntly, those people are just useless discarded pieces on the chessboard.

But Chen Ming's benevolent move drained the last value of these useless sacrifices, and through these useless sacrifices, those hidden poisonous snakes were drawn out.

For example, He Ming, who has benefited from Su Bai's technological revolution, should have firmly stood by Su Bai's side.

"This... yes... Am I not the fish that was hooked?"

After hearing Xiang Tianfu's words, He Ming, who thought he was very smart, slumped on the chair behind him, with a little emptiness in his eyes.

All of a sudden, he figured it out.

Indeed, under normal circumstances, Chen Ming's sudden letting go of those people is unexplainable, but from a political point of view, even if those who have been punished by Su Bai can breathe a sigh of relief later, the country will not allow them to return. At the peak, at most, he continued to live his own life.

Under such circumstances, that group of people lost their threat.And being able to use this group of people who have lost the threat to catch some people who really have deeper malice towards Su Bai is to buy and sell without money, and you can make money without losing money.

And so far, the plan appears to have been successful.

"Oh... I was the one who was stupid in the end"

Heming raised his head and glanced at everyone sitting there, a sneer of madness flashed across the corner of his mouth.

He was laughing at others, and at himself.

Greedy...and then greedy myself into it.

ps: emmm this paragraph seems to be really long, I will pay attention to it next time.

Chapter 360 Nine Tranquil Nights

"This is the last batch, the rest are small shrimps."

Two hours later, after the last group of people entered Wang Chengjian's manor under the "escort" of the Emergency Management Bureau, Ke Zhenguo came to Chen Ming's side and said.

At this time, Chen Ming was holding a bottle of pure milk in his hand, and he seemed to be drinking it comfortably, which surprised Ke Zhenguo, and said, "Modification, are you drinking pure milk?"

"It is said that drinking too much is good for the skin."

Seeing this, Chen Ming said without explaining more.

"Let's not talk about that, you are really ruthless this time. Earlier I thought why you let those people go without any reason. Now I understand, this is a skill."

Ke Zhenguo didn't worry too much about Chen Ming's sudden drinking of milk.

After Chen Mingren's benevolent mother theory was put forward, he did not continue to kill those capitals, but he made Ke Zhenguo pay close attention to those who benefited from Su Bai's technological revolution.

At the beginning, he didn't quite understand why he did this, but later he discovered that those people seemed to be showing their greedy fangs because Chen Ming's side suddenly didn't kill them all.

Compared with those who really did it, Wang Chengjian's use of match-fixing to provoke Su Bai is actually considered light.

Yes, what Wang Chengjian did is very light compared to what other people did.

As for what the others did?Reselling limited medical quotas, replacing the list of key medical subjects for the next round, attempting to steal core technology theories, instigating core scientific researchers to treason, and stealing the experimental data of the No. [-] chip.

These are not all, but the serious ones among the things they do.

Especially in medicine, it can be regarded as stepping on Su Bai's authority, throwing Su Bai's majesty on the ground as garbage.

For example, reselling limited medical quotas.Because the medical quota has been uploaded to the central processing unit and cannot be changed, they made a show operation.That is to replace the full-process medicines of some of these patients with ordinary medicines, and then sell those replaced medicines at high prices to foreigners who come to Daxia but do not have medical visas.

In this way, those foreigners will be treated, and the patients who should have been treated will be delayed beyond the best treatment period, causing huge medical accidents.

Another example is to replace the list of key medical targets for the next round.

The list of key medical targets was established by the Luochen Charity Foundation, which will provide interest-free loans and the best medical resources for some poor patients who need treatment but have no funds.

This is a non-remunerated charity project that benefits the people, it is a supplement to the government's policy, and it is also the last straw for many poor people.After the establishment of the project, more than [-] patients have been successfully rescued, and [-]% of them have successfully returned to society.

However, this plan also has a big loophole, that is, it is not included in the medical visa supervision system.If someone puts some foreigners on the rescue list, the government will not be able to find out.

Under such circumstances, some people thought that Su Bai might lose power now, so they sold the places on the list at a price of 1000 million.

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