But he also knew that he could still afford those things.Compared with refusing what Su Bai might suffer, giving those dead things is the cheapest way.

Harry's whole body relaxed after hearing this sentence.As long as Su Bai is not around, everything will be fine.

As for why Su Bai gave up the chance to cheat Harry on the plane?It's very simple, she was afraid that Daxia's military exercise this time would not be exciting enough, so she came to the headquarters of the red and blue sides ahead of time to teach the generals of the two sides who directed this exercise.

Star-level military theory V6, this is the top-level small-class skill that Su Bai paid a huge price for renewing his qualification to wash his own clothes and sleeping in Sheng Si's arms every day for the next month.

"Replace me with your conventional thinking of modernized warfare. Although Daxia is the strongest infantry in the world, in future wars, infantry will play less and less role, at least in the case of genetically enhanced fighters. Down, the infantry is not fit to live."

"Under such circumstances, all of them should be replaced with heavy machinery."

"The biggest feature of the seemingly modern combat method of missile opening is that it is expensive! Therefore, there is no need to do this kind of thing if it is not necessary."

"The most important thing is that Nuwa's Haotian air defense calculation network has been developed. Without fully occupying air supremacy, no conventional missiles can land except intercontinental missiles."

"Pour out all the tactics that you didn't have in your mind, and then think about how you should destroy the enemy with invincible tanks and heavy infantry."

"And the most important point is that this exercise is not about which side of you can win. Of course, it is important for you which side wins, but for me it is more important to have a cool war. So put your formula I also remove the God of Grass from the second battlefield. Because those things can’t be seen, and those things that can’t be seen are not cool at all.”

"See clearly, I will only demonstrate these things once, if you can't learn them, then you can't blame me!"

In the projection of Su Bai's memory palace, the generals of the red and blue sides who were in charge of this exercise did not dare to stop their eyes even for a second when they watched the real-time calculation screen of the battlefield projected by Su Bai.

When they first heard that Su Bai was coming to give guidance, they all seemed very disdainful.

It's not that they are dissatisfied with Su Bai, the strongest genius in human history, it's simply that they don't think that a researcher can't command a battle.

Professional matters should be left to professional people. They are definitely inferior to Su Bai in terms of scientific research, but when it comes to fighting, they really don't think they are inferior to Su Bai.

However, after Su Bai unfolded the projection of the memory palace in front of them, they knew that things were not that simple.

And after Su Bai entered the equipment data and personnel data of both sides into the projection screen of the memory palace and started the war simulation, they were completely convinced, and they almost knelt down to Su Bai.

Su Bai performed calculations for them [-] times in total, among which the red and blue teams each won five times.The remaining ten times were disastrous victories in which there was no difference between the two sides playing a draw, and they were basically the ones in which only a small number of people on the winning side were still panting.

And in these [-] calculations in public, Su Bai can be said to have maximized the potential of all the existing equipment in Daxia, and even the extreme method of air-exploding nuclear bombs to produce super-strong electromagnetic pulses that affect the network communication of the entire battlefield is reasonable. In their opinion, this kind of method is already extreme enough. Among the various tactics Su Bai handed over to them, it can only be regarded as relatively conventional. There is a new round of cognition in combat effectiveness.

The simple description is that before the calculation, they think: "I am the strongest!"

And after the calculation, their perception of themselves is: "So I'm so fucking strong?"

Chapter 440 It’s Just a Routine Exercise (4000 words)

The day the exercise started, the weather was fine.During the last exercise, Da Xia tossed the reporters who came to interview so much that many reporters had lingering fears.

But this time it seems that because of the different identities of the observation group, Da Xia did not continue to embarrass the reporters. Except that they were not allowed to use their own cars, they all provided vehicles with extremely high off-road performance and comfort, so that the observation group could do Quick shuttle among the different observation points of the exhibitors.

"It's okay that Su Bai isn't here."

After arriving at the first observation point, Harry breathed a sigh of relief when he didn't see an eye-catching little white-haired puppy, and then set his sights on the field of this exercise.

Most of the exercise site this time is a hilly area, but there is a large plain terrain in the center of the hilly area.

On this plain, the entire exercise site was divided into two areas with little difference.

At this time, this area still maintains a beautiful and peaceful natural scenery, and has the potential to be developed into a tourist area.

However, judging from the ready-to-go red and blue camps displayed on the vehicle display screen, the time when this area was developed into a tourist area may have to be set back by more than ten or twenty years.

"She's there. So, is the blue side destined to win this big summer?"

At this time, Joel, who was sitting next to Harry, keenly observed Su Bai, who was jumping and playing with an ice cream in the front of the blue team's main force when the blue team general was lecturing.

To be reasonable, on such a serious occasion, Su Bai's actions are really a bit dissatisfied.

"Not necessarily, her goal is this."

As Harry spoke, he stretched out his hand and tapped the screen, pointing to the little loli of General Daxia who was in the corner of the barracks, holding the door open, and watching the speech on the rostrum.

Although I don't know the identity of that little lolita, but it should be the general's daughter or something, and she looks quite juicy and cute.

After combining Su Bai's personality traits, Harry knew that Su Bai should be attracted by this little lolita, so he stayed in the blue side.

As for who will win this military exercise?This Harry couldn't be sure about.


At this time, the air defense siren sounded suddenly, and the generals of the red and blue sides, who were still lecturing, did not hesitate after hearing it, turned around and rushed to the mobile command vehicle in the distance, and all the personnel of the command headquarters also left immediately command center.

Not only the people in the headquarters, but also the soldiers in the barracks had completed their deployment in less than 3 minutes and left the camp in an orderly manner.

The most striking of these is an infantry unit in full duplex armor with camouflage.

This is the first time Harry has seen the appearance of the ceramic steel armor after it was officially installed in the army.

What surprised Harry the most was that, compared with other ordinary soldiers who had to rely on vehicles to move quickly, the only way for genetically enhanced soldiers to move was their legs besides airplanes!

As for why not use vehicles to move?Because...in the mountains, genetically enhanced soldiers can run faster than cars!

No conversation, no communication, like a group of silent beasts rushing forward in the forest like a torrent of steel, accidentally bumped into some small trees, and did not slow down their progress, even some of the thick trees were genetically strengthened The soldier broke directly.

This is human?Some people may believe that they are a group of robots.

And 5 minutes after the start of the battle, the answer to why the red and blue headquarters left the camp in the first place was also revealed.

Because, after 5 minutes, the red and blue sides that completed the covert deployment respectively carried out saturation strikes on the positions where the opponent's command center might be hidden.

Under the circumstances that the combat effectiveness of the two sides is similar, whoever can destroy the other party's command system faster will take the initiative on the battlefield.

Both the red and blue sides obviously considered it, and they both took precautions, which made the other party's tricks come to nothing.

This is not surprising at all, and it is not worth paying attention to.

Because if it was America, she would do the same.

Even if it is clear that the opponent's headquarters is not in those places, it will strike when it is saturated.

If you win the lottery, you win directly.

What really surprised Harry was that within a few minutes after the saturation strike ended, there was a lot of roaring in the sky.

Those roars are not like cannonballs, but more like sonic booms, continuous and massive sonic booms.

But if you look up, you will find that in the sky, dozens of shuttle-shaped aircraft flying at incredible speeds draw a beautiful arc on the edge of the sky, straight into the opponent's rear.

"Big Xia's... sixth-generation machine? Impossible!"

An American general brought by Harry looked at the fusiform aircraft that disappeared all over the sky with incredible eyes and said.

They knew that Daxia was developing a sixth-generation aircraft that surpassed their knowledge, but it was only in development, and there should be a long way to go before the spacecraft was put into actual combat. How could it appear on the battlefield now.

"It's not an airplane, it's some kind of disposable aircraft used to carry genetically enhanced fighters to drop behind enemy lines."

At this time, someone corrected me.

For this kind of aircraft, Daxia gave very few pictures, and they didn't even know where it came from.

Although it is not clear where it came from, there is a picture where the shuttle-shaped aircraft exploded and the genetically enhanced fighters were thrown out at an unimaginable speed. The picture of the fast buffer device used at that time landed smoothly.

Of course, the smooth landing mentioned here refers to the smooth landing of genetically strengthened fighters.

Even with the screen on, the observers could feel the tremors on the ground.

After both the red and blue sides have completed the attack on the opposing headquarters and the deployment of combat troops behind the enemy, the frontal battlefield has officially begun.

On the great plain at the center of the exercise site, the fully mechanized troops of both sides who arrived across the hills lined up. Before the official contact, the endless artillery bombardment had already begun.

At this time, the incredible defensive capabilities of tanks equipped with ceramic steel armor were brought into full play.

Even under endless artillery fire, it can still gallop on the battlefield of gunpowder with only a small price.

The collision of steel and gunpowder is always a beauty that no artist can describe.

"What are they doing?"

At this time, Harry was keenly aware that although there was artillery bombardment, none of the tanks and the genetically enhanced fighters between the tanks fired, and even if they did, it was only a symbolic cover shooting.

"Big Xia named the protective material they used on a large scale in the military as pottery steel. This material has strong energy-absorbing properties. If it only appears on one side of the battlefield, it will have an absolute advantage in crushing. But now both sides have it, and they should know Taogang's characteristics and weaknesses."

"Ordinary artillery fire is ineffective. The Haotian air defense calculation network developed by Daxia based on the Nuwa system can also intercept most of the missiles that can cause damage to these tanks and genetically enhanced fighters. It is too expensive to use intercontinental missiles, let alone The two sides have been in contact, and blind use will only lead to a large number of accidental injuries."

A general on America's side has his own rich experience in warfare, where he deduces the tactics of the red and blue commanders.

What modern warfare pays attention to is beyond visual range combat.However, in the case of limited space and indestructible protection on both sides, even if beyond visual range combat can be successful, the price paid is too expensive.

Although it sounds ugly, on the battlefield, the precious lives of soldiers are just consumables.

and so…

"Designed at close range to maximize the power of artillery fire. Future warfare. Is it used to return to the mode of World War I and World War II?"

The general said forgetfully.

Although the drills were all drills because of the drills, what the tanks that were about to come into contact with next proved his guess.

Simple long-range shooting can't help tanks equipped with ceramic steel reactive armor, but there is no problem at close range.It's not how much the short-range power can be increased, but after the short-range range reaches the upper limit of the ceramic steel reactive armor, those tanks have no time to hide behind.

As for the unloading device?That thing tank can indeed be used, but it can't be used all the time. Every time it is used, it needs a long cooling time.

Civilized warfare is perhaps the most barbaric thing.

But just when this general of America thought that the way of war in Daxia was just like this, he saw a few gene-enhanced fighters in unusually bloated clothes behind the front line tanks, without fighting or defense, just It seemed a little strange to walk around there.

And their role was soon revealed.

As the strength of the ceramic steel reactive armor of the first tank was about to reach the upper limit, three genetically enhanced fighters who looked very bloated appeared in front of this tank, unfolding the armor combination on their bodies and turning them into one side. Impassable ceramic steel wall.

In such a fierce battle, tanks are nothing more than consumables, but even if they are only consumables, we must try our best to ensure their combat effectiveness.

And the role of this seemingly bloated genetically enhanced fighter who has no weapons other than melee weapons is to cover the tanks and retreat to the rear, ensuring that the vital force can be continuously invested in the battlefield to the greatest extent.

"If the other side of the battle is our troops, how long can we last?"

After watching the collision of steel and the roar of artillery on the plain, Harry said with ecstasy.

Although this fighting method was barbaric, Harry couldn't imagine how America's army could stop the advancement of such a shocking torrent of steel.

You know, they can ignore the artillery fire.

"The speed at which they are advancing is probably as long as we persist."

When a general of America said these words, endless helplessness flickered in the words.

Is it really over?Is the era of the West and America really over?

"It's not necessarily true. Whether it's a genetically enhanced fighter or Daxia's tank equipped with their ceramic steel reactive armor, they all rely on the strong artificial intelligence they developed. For example, when the ceramic steel's endurance reaches its limit, When to retreat, this requires the deployment of powerful artificial intelligence at any time. If results can be achieved in electronic warfare."

At this time, a general on the European side spoke his mind.

Although Daxia's current combat power is terrifying, it is not impeccable.

Although I don't know what Daxia is using as the electronic communication medium on the battlefield, but if we can win in electronic warfare, the combat effectiveness of Daxia's current army will be reduced by more than 30.00%.

And weakened by 30.00%, in his opinion, it can change from invincible to hopeful.

This is definitely an incomparably huge progress.

However, before he could finish his sentence, he discovered that behind the red camp, two genetically enhanced fighters who had never been on the front line were suddenly judged to have lost their main combat capabilities.

Although they were not judged to be killed in battle, after being judged to have lost their main combat capabilities, they rushed directly to the rear without any hesitation.

While the two genetically enhanced fighters were retreating, the entire red team seemed to be in disarray, and many tanks were judged dead because they did not have time to retreat.

Not just tanks, but also some genetically enhanced fighters, who didn't have time to find that their ceramic steel armor had reached the upper limit.

Although, in a real battle, the pottery-steel armor exploded, the genetically enhanced fighters still had combat effectiveness.But this time it was just a drill, so it was directly judged to be killed in action.

"Is the core of the electronic warfare of the ground forces genetically enhanced fighters?"

The European general who discovered this scene was a little desperate when he said this sentence.

The most terrifying thing about genetically enhanced fighters is not their combat power, but their flexibility.

In the face of bombardment, genetically enhanced fighters cannot defeat tanks, but genetically enhanced fighters are too flexible, and without a large number of tanks, it is difficult to hit the genetically enhanced fighters head-on.

And on the battlefield, it is not so difficult for their people to kill a genetically enhanced soldier who just wants to escape.

"But this weakness comes up ... and that means success is possible."

At this time, the European general still did not give up.

Although I don't know how the blue team defeated the red team's electronic warfare genetically enhanced fighters hiding in the rear.But didn't this scene happen?Since it appeared, it represented the possibility of Bai defeating.

However, as soon as his words fell, a black shadow crossed the sky, and the shuttle-shaped aircraft used to launch some genetically enhanced fighters to the enemy's rear for decapitation appeared again, and it also brought these still delusional Western world The soldiers led to complete despair!

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