A civilization without competition and greed is a dead civilization, and competition must exist for the development of civilization.

Of course, such a world business model will inevitably be resisted by most countries. Under such circumstances, Daxia was not in a hurry to appease the emotions of those restless countries, but proposed the concept of four comprehensive main development zones.

To put it bluntly, it is the integration of the four countries and regions with the largest consumption potential and military potential in the world.These four countries and regions are also the basis for the World Business Federation to be qualified to judge other countries, and they can also lay the foundation for the friendly development of most countries in the world in the future.

As for those four countries and regions?It's very simple, Daxia, America, Maoxiong, and the European Union.By the way, the UK is to be added to the European Union. Although it is not in the EU now, when the Great Xia was divided, it was directly divided into it.

As for whether Daying agrees or not?

If it is only divided into it, of course I disagree.It took them so long to get out of the shit jar of the EU, and now let them in?Are they losing face?

But Daxia said that it is okay not to go in, so it will be treated as an ordinary area.

Well, then Dae-young agrees

The process of the meeting went smoothly, but after the meeting, whether those countries implement it or not is another matter

However, with the continuous technological explosion of Daxia, especially after the emergence of nuclear energy completely announced the advent of the era of clean energy, other countries in the world have become weaker and weaker in front of Daxia.

Great Britain at its peak when the sun never sets claimed to be 100 years ahead of the world.And the current Great Xia is at least 500 years ahead of the world!

With the reassuring and powerful genetically enhanced soldiers descending from the giant transport plane, after the chaos in the Middle East was completely quelled in an instant, the integration process of the world stock market began to accelerate.

First came America, which had just ended its civil war, then Great Britain, and then the nations of Europe.

Four years after the founding of the World Business Federation, world stock markets were unified

Three years later, after a roaring warplane flying across the sky at seven times the speed of sound, the concept of the four comprehensive development zones was emphatically put on the table for discussion.

Another five years later, after the establishment of the Earth-Moon Transit Center was completed, and the plan for building an efficient space transportation ladder was proposed by Da Xia, a large number of countries began to discuss and compete for the regional development preferential system that had not been taken seriously before.

With the completion of the construction of the first ground fire material transfer spacecraft, all doubts about the World Business Federation disappeared.

Sometimes, simple threat of force is not the best way to solve the problem, but it is very effective.

For example, after a meteorite that might threaten the transfer center of lunar materials was exploded by the material collapse bomb developed by Daxia's chief scientist Zuo Ming, all fear of Daxia disappeared.

Some people questioned why a small meteorite should be solved with a material collapse bomb.They don't understand, but I call this approach efficient!Just a small bomb can solve the meteorite and its possible derivative disasters once and for all, how convenient! "

After the matter collapse bomb exploded, Zuo Ming responded to the reporter's questioning, with indifference and ruthlessness flashing on his face.

It is true that the possibility of the meteorite threatening the transit center of the lunar material is unlikely, but the cost of a material collapse bomb is not expensive.The most important thing is that Daxia doesn't need to explain things to others now. The reason why he explains the reason is because of kindness.

Well, to invent a reason to explain it is a very merciful thing in itself.

Otherwise, Ming said: "I just want you to see how powerful this bomb that you have been careful about is." If this is the case, the children will be blinded.

After finishing the press conference, Zuo Ming got on the intraplanet high-speed passenger plane bound for America.

"It's a little late, the funeral is over

When Zuo Ming arrived at a cemetery, he happened to see Su Bai put a bunch of white flowers in front of a tombstone.

120 Four years old... I didn't expect that you would really be willing not to torment him. "

Zuo Ming looked at the tombstone and sighed.

"Harry's words. At least he is worthy of the people of America."

At this time, a small and exquisite 16-year-old girl standing beside Su Bai spoke.

She is Zhou Xue when she grows up, although her actual age is more than double her appearance.But with Su Bai constantly forcibly promoting human life extension technology, her current body is no different from that of a 16-year-old girl.

As for the funeral, well, it's Harry himself.

Not long after Harry refused the life-extending operation, he announced the end of his life in the hospital, and also thoroughly declared that this capital world called the biggest traitor in their history, and the last old man in the capital world has become a complete History

"I'm sorry for a few people, but at least I'm sorry for the majority. This era is not what I want. I hope my new life does not have Su Bai."

This is Harry's tombstone.

Well, even if it is death, Harry will wear Su Bai's name

"=(.`*)) Sigh~ He is such an interesting old man, you don’t know how interesting he is, especially the powerlessness, apprehension, despair, and final resignation before signing America’s universal employment development It's not too interesting to change his mentality. It's just that he is completely tired after playing too much, so let him have a good rest.

Su Bai sighed at this moment, and she still kept in mind the truth to Harry, this time she was really willing to give Harry the surgery for free, after all, Harry is so much fun.She was afraid that after Harry left, she would never meet such a fun person as Harry again.

It's a pity that Harry lost the motivation to continue fighting after he saw America's recent polls showing that 60.00% of the public said that letting the World Federation of Commerce replace the federal government would make America better. .

After the life of the capitalist world was ended by himself, he was still unable to prevent the establishment of a world unified structure.That kind of despair was even more uncomfortable than the decision he made when he was forced by the capital to turn America into red.

Under such circumstances, Su Bai also gave up the idea of ​​continuing to torment this old man whom she had tormented for more than 30 years, and let him rest in peace.

After all, the next direction of the world will definitely not make Harry feel good.Although he is called the biggest traitor in the history of capital by the capital world, he has been loyal to capital from the beginning to the end, but he was forced by his own people to betray capital.

This may be the biggest joke.The biggest traitor in the capital world wants to restore the glory of the capital world before he dies.

"Harry, the funny old man, is gone, so who are we going to play with next? How about Benny? She just took office as the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom recently, and she is also the chairman of the European Comprehensive Main Development Area in the European region. Let's mess with her Please trouble!"

As Su Bai spoke, Zhou Xue and Zuo Ming turned and left Harry's cemetery.

"Be yourself, sister Su Bai

Zhou Xue complained, but didn't say anything more, just silently looked up at the sky.

At the same time, on the dome stand of the space factory in the outer orbit of the earth, Sonus watched an extremely large space material transport ship that had just been completed in the space factory and left the space factory and flew towards Mars. There was a little emotion in his eyes.

"A new history of the Pilgrims has officially begun."

After a simple self-examination, Sheng Si took a step back, and then appeared behind Su Bai who had left the cemetery and came to the personal lounge of the airport, and immediately hugged the unprepared Su Bai Get up, and then said: "Little master, I'm back, did you wear my favorite strawberry pattern today?"

"You pervert, go away!

Su Bai exclaimed and struggled a few times, then escaped from Shengsi's embrace

After fleeing from Shengsi's embrace, Su Bai stepped on Shengsi's toes.

"Beating is kindness, scolding is love. Little master, you beat and scold me, do you love me so much? Don't run away, wait for me~"

Sheng Si, whose toes were stepped on by Su Bai, showed an expression of enjoyment and said.

"You pervert, stay away from me!"

When Su Bai heard this, he ran away.

"Sigh~ Sister Su Bai is always so youthful and energetic. Unlike me, I don't have the courage to go to the children's playground with her now. Before I know it, I'm over 40..."

Zhou Xue looked at Su Bai, who was full of childlike innocence and happiness even though she called Sheng Si abnormal, and sighed, the time flies so fast

"That's not necessarily the case~"

Zuo Ming tilted his head and said.

"Old women in their 50s, stay away from me."

After Zhou Xue heard Zuo Ming's words, she was three meters away from Zuo Ming.

Old lady, more than 50 farts!He also said that when he grew up, he must still be wearing cartoon patterns now!let me see. "

"No, get out!"

As Zhou Xue said, she turned around and was about to run, but when she turned her head, she saw Su Bai who had appeared by her side at some point and rushed towards her.

"It's a red panda pattern, I saw it this morning!"

Su Bai said.

Amidst the frolicking, the girls continued their youthful childhood that they did not know was over.

ps: It's over, sprinkle flowers

Closing remarks

To be reasonable, when the last piece was released, the whole person relaxed.

Many people have told me that the story of this book seems to be just unfolding.I don’t think so, because at the beginning of this book, the plan was to write about the event that the Great Xia of this world completed the great unification of the world with the help of Su Bai.At present, the outline I wrote by myself is complete. Except for the plot of the business association, which has not been fully explained, everything else has been explained clearly.

Let’s talk about the current problems of this book.I know many people say that after 40, this book has changed a bit.As for the reason, it is because when I opened this book, I actually didn't think clearly about what to write.

After the failure of the last book, I thought about it for a long time and was quite depressed, so I wanted to write a book that I simply liked, so I came up with Su Bai, a cynical sage.

In terms of what Su Bai did, it is not too much to call her a sage, although her personality is a bit bad.

When writing this book, I have always followed the idea of ​​writing what I like as the first starting point.In the beginning, I wrote about medicine, and later I wrote about the country. They are all things that I am interested in, and I follow the principle of writing as comfortable as possible.

Here I would also like to thank the readers who saw the end, they will like the story I wrote that should not be so qualified.Because I was really a little too capricious when I wrote this book.

As for why the plot of the Chamber of Commerce was castrated and ended quickly, it is because after 80 words, the mentality of writing a book is different.

The stories in the book will not be affected by reality, but the author will.

So after the 80-word plot was written, I was completely at a loss and didn't know how to continue writing.When I wrote the following 20, I really wrote it in confusion.

Originally, I wanted to force myself to finish writing all the plots, but my mentality was too bad.I know some things are right, but I can't help but think in the wrong direction, and make myself confused.

Finally, let’s talk about women’s clothing. I fulfilled my promise, but because I really gained weight in the past year and my body has lost its shape, the photo was not good. I only took one photo and did not take any follow-up photos. (But I still have to complain that Xinhai's cosplay is really too difficult to control, it is the most difficult to control cosplay I have ever worn.)

In the end, I would like to thank you all for your support. It may be my greatest luck that this self-willed book can be liked by everyone.

The next book I want to write is a sweet love story between innocent girls.Hope you all enjoy it then.

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