After Chen Ming said these words, Liu Qin's already nervous mood was brought up again.

Suddenly, she felt that this job might not be a good job.

In contact with an existence that has mastered mysterious and unknown power, she has no experience and cannot have experience!

"She looks very young. After the initial contact with her, one would think that her mental age is younger than her actual age, and she will occasionally do some childish things. But there is no doubt that she has absolute

A mature mind can't treat her as a child at any time, but it can't simply treat her as an adult.Simply put, it's about adapting. "

After Chen Ming said this, he looked at Liu Qin very seriously, and then said: "In any case, remember two principles, the first is to take her thoughts as the core, and the second is not to provoke any anger at any time. she."

"I see."

All of a sudden, an unprecedented sense of historical mission flooded Liu Qin's heart.

"Alright, Su Bai lives here now."

At this time, Chen Ming also brought Liu Qin outside Su Bai's residence.

I don't know if it's a psychological effect. It's obviously just a relatively ordinary high-end villa, but in her eyes, it seems to reveal a little mystery.

Especially after Chen Ming stretched out his hand to ring the doorbell, but the door of Su Bai's house opened automatically, and there was no one at the door, the sense of mystery struck again.

"**I'm not finished with you! Today's hot pot, it must be a spicy pot!"

Actually, it’s not that there was no one there. After the door was opened, Chen Ming, Liu Qin, and the remaining two TV station staff who were standing at the door heard an immature voice coming from the room, as if they were talking with each other. who

quarrel.However, this person's name was automatically silenced.

After the four of them looked at each other, they chose to go into Su Bai's house.

"Su Bai, here we come."

After Chen Ming stepped into Su Bai's home, he said something.

"**Do you understand, spicy pot is the soul of hot pot!"

Su Bai didn't answer, he still seemed to be arguing with someone, his voice was loud, but the name of that existence was automatically muted, so he couldn't know what it was called.

At the same time that Su Bai said these words, the shoe cabinet at the entrance opened automatically, and the four pairs of slippers flew out of the shoe cabinet.

Seeing this, Liu Qin and the remaining two TV station staff were startled. Only Chen Ming remained calm, put on his slippers, followed the direction of Su Bai's voice, and brought the four of them to the kitchen.

"so cute!"

After coming to the kitchen, Liu Qin couldn't help saying,

Su Bai in the kitchen is wearing a pink maid outfit with a rabbit ear headband on his head, it's not too cute.

"Ah, you're here. I've prepared the hot pot. Put down the bottom of the hot pot and it's ready to eat. Wait a minute."

As Su Bai said, he went out of the refrigerator and took out a pack of hot pot ingredients.

Chen Ming paid attention at this time, there was no trace of the second person in the kitchen, and the bag of hot pot base that Su Bai took out from the refrigerator was from the spicy pot.

However, the moment Su Bai tore open the package and poured the package of hot pot base ingredients into the hot pot on the dining table, the package of hot pot base ingredients for the spicy pot became the hot pot base ingredients for the clear soup pot.

The hot pot base material that entered the boiled pot quickly melted and turned into a fragrant bone broth base.

"Tsk~ Forget it, the clear soup pot is fine!"

Seeing this, Su Bai felt a little depressed, but he still looked at Chen Ming and said, and also looked at Liu Qin twice.

Well, a young lady who looks a little quiet and has a bit of a scholarly atmosphere, perfectly fits her aesthetics, and immediately relieves her depressed mood.

"No problem, we can eat any pot bottom."

Seeing this, Chen Ming said calmly.

"Yes, for hot pot, no matter what the bottom of the pot is, it's delicious."

Seeing this, Liu Qin also responded, but he was actually very flustered.

After all, Su Bai showed his mystery in front of her without any concealment, which made her feel that Su Bai was a witch in western legends.

"Only spicy pot is the soul of hot pot. The bottom of the bone soup pot is heresy!"

At this time, Su Bai said indignantly.

After Su Bai said this, Liu Qin subconsciously thought that he had said something wrong, looked at Chen Ming in a panic, and found that Chen Ming didn't respond, and also realized that Su Bai didn't say this while looking at her ,it seems that

After arguing with someone, I felt a little relieved.

"I'm going to change my clothes. There is a pervert who always likes to make people cook in maid outfits, and I don't know what's wrong with it. You guys eat first, and if you have something to do, we will talk after eating."

After letting Chen Ming and the others take their seats, Su Bai took off the rabbit ear headband on his head and said, after speaking, he ignored Chen Ming and the others, turned around and went to his bedroom on the second floor to change clothes.

After Su Bai left, Liu Qin and the two staff members of the TV station looked at Chen Ming in a panic, a little at a loss as they faced a table of delicacies.

"What do you see me doing? Just treat it as a guest at someone's house, and just eat."

Compared to the flustered Liu Qin and the TV station staff, Chen Ming was much calmer. He picked up half a lobster and put it into the hot pot.

ps: It's a little bit late, but it's not a big problem.The fourth update will be updated soon.


push book

"My Extra Life in Tokyo"

Lin Yuansheng travels to a weird Tokyo

surface, world peace

On the back, there are demons dancing wildly

Cursed spirits, ghosts, destructive beasts, parasitic beasts, demi-humans, God of Disobedience

The civilization built by human beings is just a fragile sandcastle on the beach

There is no order in this world, people don't know why they live, and they don't know why they die

Lin Yuansheng finally understood the meaning of his time travel

"If there is no order, I am the only order!"

Chapter 46 Human Immune Reconstitution Drugs (Fourth Change)

Although, after Liu Qin came to Su Bai's house, Su Bai undisguisedly showed her mystery in front of her, which made her very nervous.

However, after seeing Chen Ming eating hot pot without any scruples, she still started to eat it, and then she was surprised to find that the hot pot cooked by Su Bai was really not so good eat.

After eating the first piece of shabu-shabu belly, Liu Qin gradually forgot the tension in his heart. While eating hot pot, he also cooked two bowls of rice, and he was still a little dissatisfied when he was full.

However, after seeing that Su Bai had also finished eating, he restrained himself and entered the working state.

"The process of the whole event, I think it is like this. Before the start of each phase, we will go to the airport and go to any place in the country through random drawing. After arriving at that place, we will pass

By way of random lottery, three patients who need help at that location are selected from the platform of Little Love. "

"If it is the kind of hopeless person, we will provide certain financial assistance so that he can spend the last period of his life relatively easily. If there is still hope of salvation, then I will personally help he

treat. "

"I'm not a professional in live broadcasting, so you will be responsible for this aspect. I only have one request, that is, the process should be more attractive, and try to attract as many people as possible to pay attention to this event."

After Su Bai finished his meal, he briefly stated his request.

Liu Qin and the staff of the TV station also took note of Su Bai's request.

"During the live broadcast, should we open a rewarding channel, and should we find sponsors?"

After Su Bai finished speaking, the staff of the TV station asked.

Although the funds have been approved by the above, if they can be self-sufficient, they should try their best to move closer to profitability and reduce the financial pressure on the country.

The most important thing is that the cost of treatment of some difficult diseases is not cheap.If it is really done as Su Bai said, it is normal for a program to cost several million.

"Don't! No one can help other people through me!"

After hearing this, Su Bai said stubbornly.

"This, that's good."

After hearing Su Bai's words, the staff of the TV station just hesitated for a while, but didn't say anything more.

"You don't need to pay for the money. For the activities I plan, I can pay for it myself. Come with me."

As Su Bai said, he led Chen Ming and the others out of the living room and came to the basement.

After opening a secret door, a small biological laboratory that did not exist in the design drawings of this villa appeared there.

This time, it was the turn of Liu Qin and the others to calm down, while a trace of shock flashed in Chen Ming's eyes.

"This is a human immune remodeling agent made according to the specialized remodeling cells of the mother and fetus. A complete course of treatment is three to four injections, which varies from person to person. The cost of one injection is around [-]. With some other expenses, the cost of a course of treatment

This is about [-], and it will not exceed [-] at most. "

"The effect is that it can reconstruct an immune system in the human body. The disadvantage is also obvious, it will destroy the original immune system in the body, and it is about 20.00% weaker than the original immune system."

After Su Bai took out a bottle of blue potion from a freezer in the laboratory, he spoke.

"Will destroy the body's original immune system? Then what is the use of this medicine?"

Seeing this, a staff member of the TV station was confused.

"Simply put, an alternative solution to AIDS."

Before Su Bai could answer, Chen Ming spoke directly, and then regretted why he didn't call an expert to come with him.

"The scientific name of AIDS is Human Immunodeficiency Virus. It is not fatal, but it will destroy the body's immune system. Therefore, none of the people who have AIDS died of AIDS. Basically, they all got a cold or something.

dead. "

Liu Qin also spoke at this time.

Her own graduation project was to interview the AIDS group, so she still has a deep understanding of this.

AIDS is not terrible, what is terrible is that after the autoimmune system is paralyzed, I get other diseases.Even just a small cold is extremely fatal for AIDS patients.

Human medicine is currently unable to cure colds.

"Well, I remember that there should be a lot of AIDS patients in the world, so it should be quite profitable."

Seeing this, Su Bai said.

She has a lot of things to do next, and it's fine if she keeps asking the system to take money, but it may cause some trouble in the end.

Under such circumstances, Su Bai asked the system to help her prepare a biological laboratory, downgraded and simplified the medicine used to treat Zhou Xue before, and obtained this human immune reconstruction medicine.

For ordinary people, this potion is a deadly poison, but for others, this potion is the last straw.

"In terms of pricing, do you have any requirements? Or should I arrange for someone to come and contact you later?"

Chen Ming looked at Su Bai very solemnly and said.

His previous guess was correct, as long as he showed kindness to Su Bai, then Su Bai would also show his kindness to him.

It is said that it is used to make money, but this potion will become the last hope of many people who are in despair.

"You decide on your own. You don't need to give me this money. I have enough money to spend myself. Thinking about making money is a headache."

Su Bai said indifferently.

Before the system, she wished she had money.And how much money do you need? It’s very simple, enough is enough, and any more is useless.

This potion was used to make money to raise funds for her to continue to do things in the future.

"By the way, this is the information."

As Su Bai said, he picked up a mobile hard disk from the table beside him and handed it to Chen Ming.

After handing over the mobile hard disk to Chen Ming, what Su Bai had to do today was done.So, she decisively started to chase people away.

"System, I have planted the seeds of a new bullying project, and it should start soon. It will be fun then!"

After driving Chen Ming and the others away, Su Bai said happily.

The human immune reconstruction drug is a means for her to raise funds for her follow-up plan, but as a villain, would she be so kind?

Of course not! There is no problem with the human immune reconstruction medicine, the problem lies in the mobile hard disk she gave.

Next, she will use this mobile hard drive to bully Huaguo's biologists and medical scientists.

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