Among them, most of them are AIDS patients, and a small number of them are patients whose autoimmune system has suffered irreparable damage due to other diseases. The total number is 500.

"It's expected. After all, this drug is a regret drug for AIDS patients."

Wei Jianming was not surprised to see this.While the country is forcing this drug, for the vast majority of AIDS patients, the temptation of this drug is irresistible.Even if the new immune system is weak, it is a layer

Defense, compared to facing a serious illness without even the ability to resist, I don't know how many times better.

"Then, Xiaoxiao asked me to remind you that you played with your mobile phone for a long time today."

As Wei Jianming's assistant spoke, he reached out and grabbed Wei Jianming's cell phone.

Last night, Wei Jianming suddenly got excited and wanted to see the praise of Su Bai on the Internet.

Then, not knowing what was going on, he ran to Weibo to read it, and then not knowing what was going on, he directly contacted some people to help him get a certification.

Next, on the Internet, he endured those who questioned Su Bai intensively, and made Guoan call specifically to ask if it was Wei Jianming himself.

In the end, Wei Jianming's granddaughter found out about this matter, and asked someone to take care of it.

"I used to say that I don't understand young people, but now I understand, and you stop me. One by one, it's okay to play with mobile phones for so long every day, so why bother with me! The harm of mobile phones is not that great, I am a medical student biology

, I understand health and the human body better than you. "

Seeing this, Wei Jianming immediately got up and grabbed it.

next moment...


A voice came in from outside the door, and then Wei Jianming put the mobile phone back into his assistant's hand, took out the science magazine at his hand and read it.

ps: It took some time to sort out the follow-up plot, but I still caught up~

The number of recommended votes today is [-], tomorrow will be [-] recommended votes for three changes, and [-] recommended votes for four changes.That's two hundred more than today's amount, so it's still very easy!

Then, at the request of the group of friends, they made an outdated bet.During the period from the next to the shelf, there are more than [-] recommended votes in a single day, women's clothing.Remember, it is a single-day recommended ticket exceeding [-], not a total. (It was only [-] yesterday

Eight, very steady~)

Chapter 51 You may have misunderstood the price of cabbage

"Su Bai, female, diploma high school, the world's top nutritionist, top chef, academician-level medical researcher, the cutest in the world? You tell me, this is what you spent a lot of hard work to get from the Huaguo archives.

The information about Su Bai that I found? In a rigorous country like the Hua Kingdom, would this kind of description appear in the archives?"

While the advent of maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells stirred up the global academic world, a large number of foreign intelligence agencies also launched investigations on Su Bai, a top biologist who suddenly appeared.

Then, after investigation, it was discovered that Su Bai seemed to appear out of thin air.

All universities in Huaguo do not have Su Bai's employment or study data, and the information about Su Bai that can be searched on the Huaguo Internet is so small that it can be ignored.

Some intelligence agencies that do not give up also plan to start with academia.

Since he is a top scholar, he must have written papers in his field!

Then found out, no.At present, the only paper related to Su Bai is the one published by Wei Jianming, a giant in the field of biology in Huaguo, which introduces the specialization of maternal-fetal remodeling cells.

When they couldn't find it, the CIA of the United States spent a huge price to obtain Su Bai's personal information from Huaguo's household registration archives.

That is the outrageous information now.

After seeing this information, the person in charge of the CIA was immediately dumbfounded.

You call this information household registration information? There is no date of birth for Su Bai, nor where he lives, and even the diploma says high school.

This is not the most outrageous thing, the most outrageous thing is that in Su Bai's personal description, it says the cutest in the world.

"This information is fake!"

The personnel of the intelligence department on the CIA side made this exact guess at the first time.

Then, after making that guess, they find they can't do anything about it.

"Experts in Newdenburg's biological laboratory have given a definite reply that modern biological technology cannot develop such things as maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells, and it is even more impossible to crack the human immune system and develop the human immune system."

Reshape Potion.This is a lie. "

Under such circumstances, the CIA also obtained an inference from the domestic biological laboratory, which denied the existence of maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells.

Human beings' current biotechnology cannot artificially program such miraculous artificial cells.

"Send this information to them and let them do an evaluation."

In this regard, the intelligence officer on the CIA side took out a document and handed it to his subordinates.

And the information he handed over is very simple, that is, Huaguo has completed the reconstruction of the human immune system of the first AIDS patient

This information was not obtained by their CIA at a huge cost, it was downloaded from the Huaguo Medical website.Huaguo generously and directly disclosed various data before and after the reconstruction of the immune system of the first patient.

The biologists on their side denied the existence of specialized maternal-fetal remodeling cells and the existence of the human immune remodeling system.However, their domestic doctors confirmed that Huaguo was the first to complete the reconstruction of the immune system.

The authenticity of the patient's data.

Through this data, at least one thing can be known, that is, even if the human immune reconstruction drug is fake, Huaguo also has similar drugs or technologies, and a considerable part of this technology is related to the maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells.

Various features overlap.

To put it simply, the first patient who completed the treatment directly proved the existence of maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells, which is an ironclad evidence.

As long as maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells exist, it means that Huaguo has directly surpassed the world in the field of biology for more than 70 years.

In the eyes of the intelligence officers at the CIA, the first patient who completed treatment was not Hua Guo announcing that AIDS had been overcome by humans to a certain extent, but announcing his absolute hegemony in the biological field.

In fact, it is not only the CIA that is in distress, but also the Nobel Prize Committee.

"If she is not included in the nomination list, the next Nobel Prize winner in medicine will be the biggest joke in the world."

Last year, the Nobel Prize Committee actually completed the nominations for this year's Nobel Prize. Except that there were no scientists from Huaguo, everything was normal.

Until Huaguo announced the existence of maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells.

After Huaguo announced the existence of specialized maternal-fetal remodeling cells, the world's biological community agreed that this was a lie.With current biological technology, it is impossible to artificially program such cells.

Then, just a week later, Huaguo announced the first patient who completed the remodeling of his own immune system.

This is equivalent to stepping on the faces of all the scholars who questioned this technology in the global biological community and asking them if they are delicious and if they want to eat it.

In fact, this has nothing to do with the Nobel Prize Committee.The problem is that someone was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Medicine this year.They also determined internally that the award-winning person is an American who is engaged in human congenital

Scientists who study diseases.

A few years ago, this scientist proposed the possibility of humans overcoming congenital diseases, and provided a practical and effective idea for the treatment of congenital diseases. For biology, it is a very huge progress.

Reasonably speaking, there is no problem with him winning the award.

But at this moment, Su Bai took out the specialized maternal-fetal remodeling cells.If there is no problem with Wei Jianming's thesis, then this cell is the bane of all congenital diseases.

Even, treating congenital diseases is only the most insignificant function of this cell.

As long as technology allows, the biological community can even use this cell to program the perfect human genetic code, officially take over the authority of human evolution from the hands of nature, and surpass nature.

If the American scholar made the global biological community take a big step forward, then Su Bai completed a full marathon, which is not an order of magnitude comparison.

The Nobel Prize has ignored Huaguo's great contribution to the scientific community countless times, and if they continue to ignore this time, not only this year's Nobel Prize winners in medicine will be disgraced, but their Nobel Prize winners will also be disgraced.

will lose credibility.

"The Nobel Prize serves the global scientific community. She only benefits China, but not the whole world!"

At this time, an American member of the Nobel Prize Committee spoke.

After finishing speaking, a person below silently came to the projector and announced the latest statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Huaguo.

In fact, I did not say anything particularly important, but simply mentioned that after the completion of clinical trials of human immune reconstruction drugs, the right to purchase them will be open to countries around the world without any political conditions.

The price is only about [-] yuan per injection, which is quite cheap.

Even the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China ridiculed this as the price of cabbage.

By the way, this is the naked price without medical insurance.

ps: I still feel that the sweet daily fragrance is a little bit more, so I will write more next time.Then, there are now [-] recommendation tickets.There are only [-] copies left and the fourth one will be added~

Chapter 52 The baby is not happy

"The foreign media are really calm. Except for some academic journals that published it in a small space, there is no other publicity."

In Chen Ming's office of the Huaguo Special Events Emergency Management Bureau, Chen Ming spoke after completing the academic news reports on most of the foreign mainstream media, but there was no sign of dissatisfaction in his words, even

Even a little happy.

"They must reduce the influence of maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells. This thing is not a simple epoch-making invention, but directly from the curtain of higher civilization. The West, without knowing how we came,

They will definitely try their best to suppress the direct impact of this thing on their scientific research system.After all, this thing is simply to hand over nuclear weapons to people during World War I, and the span is even more exaggerated than this.Billy the Giant

The impact of Jian's early landing in space is not as great as this thing. "

Facing Chen Ming, Ke Zhenguo, the deputy director of the Huaguo Special Events Emergency Management Bureau who had just been appointed, said.

He is mainly responsible for the analysis of foreign public opinion and intelligence, and he has partnered with Chen Ming a little in the past.It was a small accident that Chen Ming asked him to cooperate with him this time.

After saying this, Ke Zhenguo looked at Chen Ming and said, "How can you disclose Su Bai's household registration information? Is there really no problem? I feel bad for exchanging Su Bai's household registration information for a high-level ghost." gone."

Su Bai's household registration information has long been classified as top secret

In this state, theoretically no one can know Su Bai's accurate household registration information.

However, not long ago, Chen Ming suddenly lifted Su Bai's household registration information top-secret protection procedure.

Not long after disabling this program, the CIA activated an inner ghost who had been lurking for many years and obtained this information.

Ke Zhenguo had worked with Chen Ming before, and he knew what Chen Ming was capable of.But he was still puzzled by the fact that Chen Ming took the initiative to release Su Bai's household registration information.

That ghost is indeed very dangerous, but according to Su Bai's current value, finding that ghost is not as important as Su Bai's household registration information.

"You don't know what is going on with Su Bai's household registration information, so you are confused. If you see it, you should make a judgment similar to mine. In my opinion, use Su Bai's household registration information to exchange that ghost , is blood earned

.What's more, blocking is worse than combing.Su Bai is not a person who will keep his own place, and her information cannot be hidden.Since they can't hide it, let them pay some tuition fees, so as not to receive any tuition fees. "

Seeing this, Chen Ming felt a little relieved.

No one will believe that Su Bai's household registration information is true without knowing what happened to Su Bai.

What's more, many things Su Bai is doing are actively exposing himself.Under such circumstances, it is meaningless to completely hide it. It is better to let the enemy pay some tuition fees while they are still unclear about the situation.

"It's good for you to be sure. Then, your understanding of Su Bai is the deepest among us. You think that under the circumstances that foreign media highly block Su Bai's contribution in biology, we need to break their Public opinion

About the blockade?"

Ke Zhenguo didn't continue to worry about why Chen Ming took the initiative to expose Su Bai's household registration information, but talked about the propaganda aspect.

The meaning of those contributions made by Su Bai above is to praise as much as you want, and you can't be stingy.

After all, the academician nomination has already been finalized.This level of emphasis is unprecedented.

However, Su Bai does have this qualification.

In the face of an unknown master of mystery, appearance and age can no longer be the reference for judging her knowledge background and accumulation.

"Break through the blockade of foreign public opinion? I don't think it's urgent. Su Bai's charity medical tour will start soon. Let's see what she means. I feel that if she wants to, she will definitely pay attention to it.

After Chen Ming said these words, he frowned slightly.

Even though he has been in contact with Su Bai for a month, but he really doesn't dare to make decisions on his own right now.After all, he can't really speculate on Su Bai as an ordinary human little girl, and he doesn't even know what Su Bai is like now.

Whether it is human beings dare not make a conclusion.

[A night running exercise cycle is over, and the skill nutritionist LV1 is obtained]

[Nutritionist can be promoted to LV6 and get the technology-side skill nutrition reconciliation formula]

"It's not a big category of skills. After LV6, what you get is knowledge-type abilities?"

In the park near his home, after Su Bai sat on a park bench to rest, he asked a question.

Nutritionist is her third LV6 skill.However, she felt useless.The reason is also very simple. The two skills of modern medicine and cooking have a considerable part of the skill characteristics of a nutritionist.

Even without the skill of a nutritionist, she herself has mastered the skill of a nutritionist at around LV5.5, and she is just a little more proficient now.

And the nutrient reconciliation formula provided by this skill is based on a nutrient reconciliation formula compiled by the earth based on the nutrients found on the earth.

She can easily use this blending formula to prepare the most nutritious food.Of course, it can also be reversed, and the most poisonous poison in the world can be prepared.

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