For example, if there is a different story development direction or ending, then it should be regarded as my beautiful fantasy of that tragedy. (Yes, because too many real cases are too cruel, so cruel that I dare not write novels.)

Finally, thank you for liking my story, and thank you for liking the Su Bai portrayed in my story who likes to "bully" other people.

If the grades are good enough, I will contact a better artist and draw Su Bai.

Finally, let me promote the book friend group: 180545394 If you are interested, you can come in and have a look. The author's bacteria bubble up from time to time.It doesn't matter much if you don't come.

Chapter 62 Su Bailiu's homework (first update

"I'm dying of laughter. I used to laugh at others not knowing that uremia can't be cured. Now I'm suffering from it. Is this also eligible to be nominated as an academician?"

"That's right, she said it's not too difficult. Does she think that a small cell she took out is omnipotent? People from other countries don't pay much attention to it."

"The country is really going back more and more. Now that everyone is pushing up, it's better to pay attention to my Lulu, at least my brother will say good night to us every day."

After the live broadcast ended, this live broadcast immediately caused an uproar on the Internet.

When everyone thought that Su Bai's rescue plan for Wu Ting, a poor uremic patient, was to provide funds and do the last humanitarian care, Su Bai chose to cure her.

In other words, afterward, Su Bai personally said that he wanted to cure the uremia that he had determined before and could not be cured.

I don't know why, but the discussion on this point on the Internet is so hot that it even overshadowed the couple who cheated on donations in the live broadcast, and it also made people who should have focused their attention on the serious fraudulent donations on the Little Love platform.

The person who had the problem turned his attention away.

Under the turbulent situation in the outside world, Su Bai seemed very calm.

"Can uremia really be cured?"

In a high-level biological laboratory in the capital of Yunnan Province, an old medical academician stood beside Su Bai and asked, still with a little worry in his heart

He originally thought that the rescue plan adopted by the first target was to give the family enough money so that the girl could live more comfortably in the last days of her life.

In the end, Su Bai didn't think about this kind of solution at all, and the measures she took were to cure it.

If someone is replaced casually, the experts accompanying the team will start scolding them.But the problem is, the person who made this decision is Su Bai.And the maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells that Su Bai took out a while ago really have the possibility of curing uremia

"Uremia is actually a clinical syndrome caused by the failure of various body organs. As long as the congenital kidney disease gene in her gene is removed, and then her exhausted body organs are reactivated

and fixes.The degree of difficulty is not high, at least not as big as Zhou Xue's child. "

Seeing this, Su Bai spoke lightly.

Zhou Xue has a variety of congenital diseases, and those congenital diseases check and balance each other, making it impossible to use the knife easily.

However, Wu Ting's side is much simpler, as long as the congenital kidney disease is removed, and then the mother-fetal specialized remodeling cells are used to program a one-off cell with the self-repairing ability of internal organs, and everything is alive.

The most important thing is that Su Bai's medical technology has also improved a lot, and it is more convenient to do it

"The voices from the outside world are loud now, thinking that you are deliberately consuming an innocent uremic patient who is about to die. First give hope, and then use a sentence of treatment failure to make her despair."

Another old academician expressed his even more worrying point.

The first live broadcast set off a huge wave of discussions on the Internet within a short period of time.

I don't know who brought the rhythm, saying that Su Bai was deliberately consuming a dying uremic patient.

Give someone hope first, and then let her despair.There is nothing in the world that is more tormenting than this.

"I'll take care of it. You don't need to care about this. As a scholar, why care so much about politics and reputation? That kind of dispensable thing. There is only one thing that a scholar should care about, and that is study and research.

Su Bai looked relaxed. After picking up the first test tube, looking at these old professors, he remembered those remarks on the Internet.

Well, she is indeed very angry now, so she must find someone to bully her to discourage her.And these old professors are the best targets for discouragement.

"Since you want to observe the whole process, after watching it and before I perform Wu Ting's first surgery, each of you must submit a professional impression to me, no less than [-] words. this is for me

The homework you left behind. "

Hmm, I thought she wouldn't dare to bully them because the average age was 70+? As the saying goes, "Live and learn, Su Bai is here to let these old academicians know what the horror of being dominated by homework is, so that they can also feel the reality."

In the pain of the students.

The most important thing is that it is so cool to bully these academicians who are usually aloof!

After hearing Su Bai's words, the old academicians in the laboratory looked at each other dumbfounded, and then showed firm expressions.

How can they say that they are also the small group of people standing at the pinnacle of the medical field. Isn't it simple to write a professional analysis report? What's more, this thing is what they will write in the future, and they will write an extra copy for Su

Bai, it's not easy.


"What did I see?"

In the early morning of the next day, several academicians sat in the corridor outside the laboratory in a daze, with a little emptiness in their eyes.

In one night, Su Bai completed the programming of maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells, and two new drugs were born: "Congenital Nephropathy Gene Modulation Agent" and "Reactivation of Kidney Function and Slight Repair of Multiple Organs in the Body"


For one night, they didn't help Su Bai with any other favors except for handing over some equipment to Su Bai.The way Su Bai programmed the mother-fetal specialized remodeling cells looked like magic.

The most important thing is not that they don't understand at all, but that they understand a little.

They can still understand a little bit of the various methods used by Su Bai in the editing process.

This also caused them to feel uncomfortable all night.

They are obviously standing at the top of the earth's medical field. After one night, they wondered if they had fed all the things they had learned in most of their lives to the dogs.

"However, it still provides us with a variety of ideas for studying maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells. The gap between our level and her level may not be as simple as an era. First study and understand what we understand, and then go

Conquer what we don't understand.You can't become fat if you eat in one go, and you can't chew too much. "

After a short break, one of the professors spoke.

Although in front of Su Bai, they felt a serious sense of frustration.But one night, they also gained a lot.At least they have some ideas for solving many problems that once troubled them.

"But the main question now is, did you do the homework she gave?

An academician asked

The next moment, the entire corridor was silent.

About five seconds later, an academician silently took out his mobile phone: "Hey~ Chief No. [-]? Can you gather all the trustworthy medical academicians or academicians in biology in China?

Because of the research aspect, the human body aspect can also join in the fun.We may have encountered a little trouble...It's not really a big//Trouble...It's just... Su Bai she gave us a homework assignment, and it was difficult for the few of us to complete

It's a bit big..."

ps: Only the four chapters were saved, and they were coded overnight. I can code as much as I can today.Guaranteed to update more than eight chapters

Chapter 63 No one will give the answer and don't know how to copy it (second update

What these medical professionals and biologists in Huaguo didn't expect was that after going through the most difficult period after the founding of the People's Republic of China, one day they would be stumped by a homework assignment from a little girl.

If you make a simple difficulty judgment for the homework given by Su Bai.The difficulty of the college entrance examination is one, and the difficulty of this homework is one hundred thousand.

If it is refined into a paper, the first and simplest multiple-choice question will probably require experts from all related fields in Huaguo to gather and discuss for a long time before it is possible to get it right. Yes, it is possible, not Save

Proven to be right.

After the experts in Yunnan Province sent a request to the country for help, in less than three days, experts in related fields across the country basically all came to Yunnan Province as long as they could spare time.

Among them, a considerable number of people seemed a little relaxed before they came. Isn’t it just a collection of experimental video and audio recordings of one person? With full data support, and the other party also gave relevant theoretical references and most of the theories.

reckoning process.

Isn't this the case of an open-book exam, and the answer is given to you?

No one will look at the answer and copy it, right?

"I have a headache, I'll go out first."

In the conference room, Song Qiuyi, a biologist second only to Wei Jianming in Huaguo, felt that he was using his brain too much and needed to take a break after studying for a long time a piece of manuscript paper with a complete calculation idea.

"It's kind of nonsense, I suddenly thought of the situation when my tutor threw me a world-class subject to help with the calculation when I was just getting started. It was also the difficulty of open-book exams, and I

The instructor also taught by hand, and I almost didn't learn it at that time.Then, the difficulty of this one is even more perverted than that, it's a bit too difficult!"

After the academician went out to rest, an academician who was already resting outside the door couldn't help but complain.

"Fortunately, someone has already completed the calculation for us. Now we only need to check the calculation and then compare the relevant theories that have been told to us. Otherwise, within a year, we don't want to make any big discoveries."

Seeing this, a professor also said that he is also a top medical scientist qualified to become an academician.As a result, now, I can't understand that the questions that others ask when they give the answers to open-book exams are still one of the simplest questions.

One ◎

He is really aggrieved now.

No one has an idea of ​​the complicated method Su Bai used in the process of programming genes.Then, the information left by Su Bai with complex methods is the most thorough.

But if you don't understand it, you don't understand it.

In fact, not only these experts, but also these materials were distributed to many domestic research institutes.Wei Jianming in Kyoto also watched it, and is now studying it, and his current reaction is...

"Xiao Yang, haven't I run today? I'll go for a run.

Well, it's not that Wei Jianming can't learn, he just wants to drop out of school.

When Su Bai gave this homework assignment, it was clear that he was throwing calculus in front of junior high school students.At first glance, it seems that they know how to do it, but after in-depth research, it is found that they also know what they know.

Regarding this, Wei Jianming's assistant looked at Wei Jianming calmly, but did not speak.

And Wei Jianming didn't really want to go for a run. After walking around in his room twice, he picked up the video call that he hadn't hung up since he dialed, and said, "You guys can't ask that Xiaoni Son?

?Let her give some pointers!"

"The one she gave is about the modification of a gene and the reactivation of the regeneration function of the internal organ cells. These two are still separate. They are the simplest and basic usage of maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells. Do you understand the basics? You No

Has it always been called one of the biological bipolars in the world? You are lofty, you are powerful, you are amazing, why don’t you come and explain it to us? And ask a little girl for help? Are you ashamed? "

On the other end of the video call, Academician Song Qiuyi directly retorted.

"I... you solve it for me now! If I solve it, I will send a news and tell the whole world that you are better than me!"

Wei Jianming also responded directly.

However, after the end of mutual tolerance, both sides ceased fire.

"We still have to deal with that little girl with the greatest respect. Let's solve what can be solved first. If you can't solve it, at worst, you will be criticized like a student who hasn't done their homework."

When Wei Jianming said these words, he felt a little relaxed.

Well, it wasn't him who was criticized anyway.

"You're so easy to say, I'm going to lose my face if I'm criticized by a little girl."

Academician Song Qiuyi muttered something, after he finished speaking, he was silent for a while, and continued: "How is the progress on your side?"

Wei Jianming was the first group of people in China who came into contact with specialized maternal-fetal remodeling cells, and the state also allocated a lot of funds to Wei Jianming, so the experts in Yunnan Province put great hopes on Wei Jianming of


"At first I thought this thing was nearly a century ahead of us. Then I found out that the degree of completion of this thing is a bit scary. The more I research, the more I feel that the gap between our current technology and its technology is beyond imagination. Special

Not least after seeing that little girl easily used this thing to complete the regeneration of internal organ cells, I was even more sure of this.If I don't ask her for help, it will take at least three years before I can come up with something for us

, significant fur out. "

Seeing this, Wei Jianming said.

Seven or eighty years later, human civilization may be able to come up with something similar, but it must be an extremely degraded version.And what Su Bai gave may be a complete body.

"Then after you're done with your work, come here directly. These materials should be used by this little girl to give us a basic understanding. We don't dare to speculate why she helped us now. But we only need to know one thing,

She wants to use this cell to destroy human civilization. I am afraid that it is enough for us to cease to exist. "

Seeing this, Song Qiuyi said.

Maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells can help the biotechnology of human civilization to soar, but it can also easily destroy human civilization.


When a group of academicians in Huaguo fell into the terrible purgatory torture named Su Bailiu's homework, Chen Ming found Su Bai here.

"Do you want me to deal with the public opinion about you on the Internet?"

After the first live broadcast ended, public opinion on the Internet continued to ferment.

Chen Ming already has enough evidence to prove that it was the work of some foreign organizations.They have controlled the intensity of discussions to a certain extent, but they have not ended up controlling public opinion on a large scale.

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