Seeing Song Qiuyi's trembling steps, Wei Jianming continued in a good mood.

He and Song Qiuyi are real friends and academic enemies.After seeing that Song Qiuyi was about to be criticized by a little lolita, he was in a great mood, and even asked someone to buy a mobile phone with the best pixels. Wait a minute

This scene is about to be filmed.

Regarding this, Song Qiuyi glanced at Wei Jianming resentfully, but didn't say anything.

Every day at noon, Su Bai would go to an unused laboratory building opposite the laboratory building to watch Zhou Xue's study, and then take Zhou Xue home for dinner.

Song Qiuyi was looking for this opportunity. He had already told the teacher who taught Zhou Xue this morning in advance that no matter how Zhou Xue performed today, he praised Zhou Xue vigorously in front of Su Bai.

Well, let Su Bai feel better first, and then go up.Maybe Su Bai won't be angry because of their discovery.

In this regard, the teacher who came to class today was a little speechless. Zhou Xue was usually obedient and self-conscious enough, and his learning speed was amazing.How else can she boast?


Su Bai, who originally planned to take Zhou Xue home, was stunned for a moment when he saw a bunch of experts walking towards her with a bunch of papers.

Then he said to Zhou Xue: "I've prepared the ingredients for today's lunch, you go home and cook it yourself, and then eat with Wu Ting."


Zhou Xue didn't ask any more questions, and after answering, she happily hopped past those experts with her schoolbag on her back, and said at the same time, "Come on~ Grandpas and grandmas who are doing homework~"

After hearing Zhou Xue's words, Song Qiuyi couldn't help but sigh with emotion.He is almost eighty years old, and he still has to face this situation one day.Moreover, the teacher who gave them homework was only eighteen.actually look at

Smaller than their granddaughters.

"It's so fast, I thought you guys were going to come two days late."

After Zhou Xue left, Su Bai accepted the paper in Song Qiuyi's hand and said in a good mood.

Finally, the time she was waiting for came, to see how she would criticize these experts who were usually high above them.

"Well, I got stuck with a little bit of a problem. But it's still partly solved... a small part..."

At this time, Song Qiuyi said with a cheeky face.

Although every step forward is difficult, but after more than ten days of hard work, they still made progress, even if they only advanced by one centimeter.

"That's great too."

Su Bai said, very quickly, it took about 5 minutes.Just finished reading Song Qiuyi's [-]-word essay.

Such a fast speed is due to her speed reading skills. At LV3, if she can advance to LV4, she will be able to achieve photographic memory, and if she reaches LV5, she will have a memory ability beyond hypermemory, and a super comprehension ability.


However, this skill also belongs to a large category of skills, and it is not easy to upgrade, but LV3 is enough.

"The summary is barely enough, and then the specific understanding is in your hands?"

After reading Song Qiuyi's paper, Su Bai said calmly.

I can read it in 5 minutes. In addition to the speed reading skills, I also wrote a little superficial because of Song Qiuyi's thesis.It's like a primary school student correcting the teacher with addition and subtraction within ten.Is it still necessary to be too serious?


After Su Bai said these words, the remaining experts looked at the paper in their hands in confusion.

The thesis in Song Qiuyi's hands is the most valuable and the most researched on their side.

When it comes to Su Bai, there is only one sentence left to sum up, and she is really qualified to say that.

Seeing that the rest of the experts were stunned, Su Bai was confused. He went directly to an expert, grabbed the paper, flipped through it a few times, then looked at Song Qiuyi speechlessly and said, "So, Thirteen

You just summed it up today? Isn’t the information I gave you detailed enough? Are you all just fishing for fish?”

She originally thought that Song Qiuyi's share was a summary, while others' share was detailed research.

In the end, she was wrong. In Song Qiuyi's hand, there was no conclusive paper that contained any gold in her opinion, and it was the most valuable paper among these papers.


After hearing Su Bai's words, several experts present showed the feeling of being dumb.

No way, they really can't refute, because they know how high the gold content of what Su Bai gave, and also know that because of the gap between theory and technology, what they summed up is just a little superficial.

"It's broken, the system, if they don't know how, how can I bully you? It's not fun."

Su Bai whispered to the system in a speechless voice.

Thousands of calculations have been made, but the calculations are not as detailed as the ones I gave, and this group of academicians still can't.

[This is a normal situation. If you ask them to read the detailed information you gave now, and ask them to write an analysis report, that is to ask a group of junior high school students to go directly to the

Solve advanced calculus, and it is still a difficult problem.They don’t even know how to copy the answer]

【However, this kind of bullying is not thorough enough. Host, do you know what the best way to torture a scholar is?】

At this time, the system thought of an extremely evil way to play.

"What is it?"

After hearing what the system said, Su Bai immediately became interested.

[Hehehe~ Of course, it is to put the key of truth in front of them, and tell them how to use this key to lead to the truth.After seeing the road in front of them clearly, they will find out in despair that they see

The possibility of going to the truth is lost, but this road is too far away. They have exhausted everything, even if they are running wildly on the glorious road to finishing, it is impossible to reach the truth when they die. 】

[This feeling that can be seen but cannot be touched is the most tormenting.They can only study desperately in desperation, and continue to place their hopes on the next generation, adhering to the spirit of Yugong Yishan, hoping that the next generation will have

, can inherit their will and reach the unreachable truth]

[This is technical bullying. By bullying the top scholars of a civilization, let them also produce bullying called knowledge inheritance, and continue to extend this will to the future, and use their will to bully future generations again. by

As for reaching the level of bullying the entire civilization!]

【Host, what do you think of this way of playing?】

When the system said this sentence, the happy voice was trembling.

Let a group of elderly people fall into this kind of technological bullying, and even use their will to control the people of future generations, it is simply too evil!

"System, although you are a little worse than me, I admit now that you are a little worse genius than me!"

After Su Bai heard what the system said, he also became excited.

This kind of bullying a civilization's top scholars and giving them the hopeless thing called truth is simply awesome!

[Skills for teacher LV6, skills for biology LV5, skills for medicine LV5, skills for pharmacology LV5, skills for cytology LV5, skills for anthropology LV5]

[Host, go, let these old men standing on the top of Huaguo fall into the deep despair called truth! 】

【Let's fall, let's be happy, we will eventually bring chaos to the whole earth, let the whole earth fall into the abyss, we are the most evil existence in the universe! Enjoy with me, this ultimate evil pleasure!】

On Song Qiuyi's side, after seeing Su Bai express dissatisfaction with the furs they summed up, he felt his heart beating faster.

This feeling is the fear and guilt of a student with poor grades when facing his teacher.

Then Su Bai seemed to be talking with someone there, but they couldn't hear the voice, but they didn't dare to move at all, they only dared to stand in front of Su Bai, waiting for Su Bai's criticism.

Although they knew that this scene would definitely happen, they still felt a little sad in their hearts.

People in their [-]s and [-]s will still be scolded by children.But this point of scolding them is still bearable, after all they know how precious what Su Bai gave them is to themselves and human civilization.

Their little self-esteem is not worth mentioning in front of such a treasure.

After waiting for about a minute or two, Su Bai suddenly raised his head, looked at Song Qiuyi with a self-conscious smile, and said, "Grandpa, do you know what purgatory called make-up lessons is?"

On the other side, Wei Jianming, who had been watching Song Qiuyi being criticized in the opposite laboratory building, was in a very good mood at this moment.

Seeing Song Qiuyi being criticized was more enjoyable than any scientific research problem he solved, and he burst into laughter.

Not only them, but a bunch of other professors and academicians also leaned on the railing, watching cheerfully.

Then, they saw Su Bai with his waist up, looked at them, and shouted: "All of you, don't try to run away. You are still a professor, and you are also an academician. I just gave such a simple homework, you guys no way to help them finish

Well, what's the fun? One by one, come over to make up lessons for me. "


After hearing this sentence, Wei Jianming and other experts were stunned.

So, they eat melons and eat themselves, right?

ps: I got up late, and this chapter is [-] words. I didn't want to break the chapter and cause a sense of division, so I wrote it down in one breath.hope you like it

Chapter 68 No one can escape my bullying (Chapter 7)

"Let me first announce that the basic rules of our class are to be serious in class, raise your hand when you ask questions, and don't remember to ask. There is a small test every three days, a big test every seven days, and a comprehensive comprehensive test once a month. Then, the test

The exams are all open-book exams, and you can use any method other than asking me to complete your exam papers.[-] points for passing, out of [-] points.By the way, there are no multiple-choice questions or fill-in-the-blank questions in the test paper.Then,

Every day, I will give a small red flower to the best performer in our class to represent his learning achievements. "

An hour later, in a large conference hall nearby, Su Bai stepped on a stool and wrote down the class rules on the blackboard with chalk.

After finishing writing, he looked at Chen Ming who was next to him and said, "Uncle, quickly change this blackboard to an electronic one. I can't reach the one on the top."

Chen Ming found this blackboard from nowhere, it is very big.Although Chen Ming thoughtfully prepared ladders and booster chairs of various sizes, Su Bai still felt troublesome.

It is more convenient to directly change to a super-large LCD screen, and then use a tablet to write on the LCD screen, and there is no need to use booster chairs and ladders

At least, she currently has LV5 level mathematics, and she doesn't have the quirk of some mathematicians who like to write chalk characters, and even find it troublesome.After all, you have to wash your hands after using chalk.


Seeing this, Chen Ming said immediately.

After finishing speaking, he glanced at the many top leaders in the academic world who were under the podium with expressions of helplessness or expectation on their faces, and then turned and left the classroom.

"Actually, Little Red Flower is unnecessary. We are too old to care about such things."

Wei Jianming, who was sitting at the front table, spoke speechlessly.

How old they are, it’s fine if they want to take a little lolita class, and now they have come up with a little red flower system, do they really treat them as kindergarten children to coax them? Who cares about such things!

"Hmph~ My rules are rules, no talking back!"

Su Bai stood on the booster chair with his waist tucked in, looked at Wei Jianming's stubborn face and said.

A real bully will not estimate the feelings of the person being bullied.If she wants to establish the little red flower system, it must be established, and it is useless for anyone to object.


"Old Song, I don't understand the last part of today's class, how are you doing?"

During dinner at night, Wei Jianming came to Song Qiuyi's side and asked modestly.

"Didn't you hear clearly? That's fine, let me talk to you here."

Song Qiuyi didn't think too much about it, and spoke directly.

"Good good~"

After Wei Jianming heard it, he sat down immediately, then moved a few times strangely, and then took off the small red flower badge hanging on his chest, and said: "This is a bit in the way, let me keep it away from here. "

Seeing this, Song Qiuyi was silent for two seconds. After seeing Wei Jianming looking at him seriously, he said, "The basic composition of genes..."

"Wait a minute, Lao Song, it's still a bit of a hindrance not to be here, I'd better switch back, don't come here."

As Wei Jianming said, he took off the little red flower badge and hung it back to its original position. If so, he continued to look at Song Qiuyi seriously.

In this regard, Song Qiuyi picked up the chopsticks again, put a piece of meat into his mouth, and said a word to Wei Jianming: "Get lost!"

"Don't be like this, Lao Song, I really haven't learned."

After Wei Jianming said these words, he lifted his clothes and brought the little red flower badges to the most conspicuous position, so he almost hung up these little red flower badges directly in front of Song Qiuyi.

"It's okay for me to go, I'll go!"

As Song Qiuyi said, he directly picked up his own dinner, and angrily walked towards the table next to him.

"Hey, why is this person so anxious? Didn't I just want to ask some questions? Don't worry, I really don't know how to do it!"

When Wei Jianming said these words, a happy smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Well, before the official class, it was Wei Jianming who seemed to be the most resistant.He is also one of the bipolars in the world of biology, so he is a bit reserved and wants to save face.

As a result, after the class started, he was the one who raised his hand the most, he was the one who asked the most questions, he was the one who called Teacher Su Bai the most diligent, and he was the first one to get the little red flower badge!

Well, see? This is a man who says one thing and does another.After it was over, he went around showing off, and in the time it took to eat dinner, Wei Jianming changed seven tables, and his clothes were almost rubbed with pins to make a big hole.

However, there are also some scholars who actually envy Wei Jianming's courage to ask questions.

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