After obtaining the system, Su Bai determined to become the most evil existence in the world.She even bullies her 80-year-old and [-]-year-old grandfather. Is there anything in this world that she dare not do?

If you want to punish those who bully you, you have to use the way they fear the most, let them know how horrible she is!

"System, what is America most afraid of?"

After taking a look at the classroom, Su Bai sat down by himself, and then asked the professors and academicians who had started their self-study early.

【Looking through history...】

[Reading is complete. 】


The next moment, an unusually large military operation appeared in Su Bai's performance. Along with the appearance of this military operation, Su Bai also heard a song that she had heard many times when she was watching short videos.

The song is also her favorite song, "Katyusha"!


After reading the information given by the system, Su Bai frowned slightly.

If you think about it carefully, you are right.

So how do you use this to get revenge?

Confused, Su Bai took a look at his vast list of skills, most of them were LV1 or LV2, and there were only a few skills above LV3.

However, among these few skills, Su Bai saw two LV4 skills.

Smart programming LV4

Utopianism LV4

These two skills are small class skills.Although both have reached LV4, the former is more troublesome to use.Su Bai usually only uses the computer to play games and watch videos, and he doesn't use it at all.

As for the latter? She is not a revolutionary. When she first saw this skill, she felt that the system was bullying her again, giving her some skills that she could not use at all.

And now...she thought of a fun way to play.

"System, can the intelligently programmed LV6 give me a super easy-to-use artificial intelligence?"

Su Bai asked a question, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

【No, but you can use this skill to program a super artificial intelligence, and plan to use this skill to take revenge?】

The system asked a question and became interested.

"Well, the best way to get revenge on an enemy is not to kill it, but to make it worse than death, in pain. Write it yourself, write it yourself, and give me the skill of the system!"

Su Bai said excitedly.

【Oh~ it looks fun, but...I don’t like it! You’re cool, but this system isn’t cool enough, why should I give it to you!】

The system said stubbornly.

Bullying, taking revenge is such a fun thing to play alone without it! This is too much.

"Then how can you give it to me?"

Su Bai pouted and said.

[Release mission: let the American government break the defense once]

[Task time limit: one month]

[Task reward: Smart programming LV6, one-time upgrade of LV7 authority (only for small skills)]

[Reminder, only special permissions can upgrade skills to LV7]

"Let the American government break the defense once? That is to make them anxious~"

After seeing this task, Su Bai slowly bit his fingernails.

"Okay, I'm in a good mood today, and now I'm going to class early."

Thinking of how to play, Su Bai became happy all of a sudden, so he directly canceled the morning self-study with more than half an hour left, and started the class.

Well, as a bully, when you are happy, you also bully other people, this is the most qualified.

Build your own happiness on the suffering of others.

In her opinion, going to school is painful enough. It used to only take three and a half hours in the morning, but now it takes more than four hours, not to mention how tortured it is.

"it is good!"

The professors and academicians became happier when they heard about it. An extra half an hour meant that Su Bai taught more, and it also meant that they were more likely to pass the next exam.

Although I don't know why Su Bai was depressed just now, why he suddenly became happy now.But according to their current understanding, it is the United States, not them, that should be worried about this.

ps: Sorry, I have been dissatisfied with the system tasks I originally thought, and have been changing them, so the update is slow.There is only five shifts today, and we will also strive for five shifts tomorrow.

For such a hard-working author, it is not too much to recommend a monthly ticket blade!

Chapter 75 Childhood Ice Cream Deception Scheme

"Sister Su Bai, let me take another bite, just take one bite! The vanilla ice cream you made is really delicious, I really want to take another bite!"

In the study room of the small villa where Su Bai lives now, Zhou Xue hugged the bucket of vanilla ice cream that Su Bai made yesterday, looked at Su Bai pitifully and said.

Su Bai is very lazy, cooking by himself is super delicious, but let her cook every day.But I still do something delicious every once in a while.

Like ice cream.

Today, taking advantage of Su Bai's inattention, she ate two scoops of vanilla ice cream made by Su Bai.


But sometimes, people are still a little greedy. After eating two big spoonfuls, she wanted to have another spoonful, but Su Bai caught her right away.

"No! Hurry up and do today's Mathematical Olympiad. If I remember correctly, today's Mathematical Olympiad is a problem of chicken and rabbit in the same cage. If I make a mistake, I will take all the ice cream to the cafeteria and give others a taste ,after

Never again. "

Su Bai said sternly.

As an evil person, how could he compromise when faced with a child's begging? Her begging is clearly a compliment to her notoriety!


Zhou Xue pouted after hearing Su Bai's words, then put the big can of vanilla ice cream in her hand back into the refrigerator, and obediently went back to her room to do her homework.

After seeing Zhou Xue leave, Su Bai stood in front of the refrigerator, looking thoughtfully at the ice cream that Zhou Xue had put back into the refrigerator.

Suddenly, a very interesting idea was born in her mind.

She directly took out the large can of vanilla ice cream she made by herself from the refrigerator, took four or five spoons, and went to the door. After seeing the villa opposite her, there was a person who was pruning trees, and walked over

He said, "Uncle Chen Ming, is he there?"

"em mmmm...yes, is there anything?"

Seeing this, the man hesitated for a moment, then replied.

Sure enough, no matter how many groups of people changed, Su Bai could easily recognize them.

As for Chen Ming? No matter where he is now, it will not affect his answer.

"Here's for you to eat. After eating, ask Uncle Chen Ming to bring someone with a similar body shape to him. I have something to discuss with him."

While Su Bai said, he handed out the ice cream in his hand.


Seeing this, the man took Su Bai's ice cream, packed up the tools for pruning trees, turned and left.

On Su Bai's side, after turning around and going home, she came to the laboratory given to her by the underground system.

The exact location of this laboratory is unknown, but Su Bai can set up a door in her place of residence, and after opening it, she can come here directly.

Since Zhou Xue’s favorite ice creams are vanilla and kiwi, Su Bai decides to carry out a 20-year-long super-bullying plan, which is the ice cream cheating plan!

Since she likes to eat secretly, then feel free to let her eat her fill.

However, what she ate was no longer the normal ice cream, but the vanilla and kiwi fruit ice cream that Su Bai had prepared for her.

This ice cream tastes exactly like the vanilla and kiwi flavors.But it's actually not ice cream, and it doesn't contain any vanilla and kiwi ingredients, all of which are various medicinal materials.

Of course, a normal cook cannot completely cover up the taste of these herbs, but she has nutritionist LV6, cooking LV6, pharmacology LV5, medicine LV5, and botany LV5.

These skills can fully help her understand the characteristics of each drug, and deal with the various smells it emits reasonably.

Although, there is still a gap between the final product and real vanilla ice cream and kiwi ice cream.But the taste will not be worse than the real one, even worse.

"Sister Su Bai, Uncle Chen Ming is here."

When Su Bai came out of the laboratory with two large buckets of ice cream, Chen Ming sat in the living room with a teammate who was about the same size as him.

Zhou Xue is watching cartoons now, Chen Ming is watching short videos with his mobile phone, and another teammate is sitting beside Chen Ming, looking at Zhou Xue's favorite movie recently with a faint smile. the dance

Dharma Goddess.

However, after Su Bai came out, he immediately looked away, as if he was afraid of being discovered.

"The vanilla ice cream I made before, I gave it to Uncle Chen Ming and the others, so I made two more. Remember, don't steal it!"

After putting the ice cream in his hand into the refrigerator, Su Bai looked at Zhou Xue seriously and said.


Zhou Xue, who was lying on the coffee table with her front body lying on the coffee table and her feet on the sofa, was watching TV in a suspended posture. After hearing Su Bai's words, Zhou Xue elongated her response and looked at the freezer of the refrigerator. know what to think

Seeing this, Su Bai showed a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Small sample, but a seven-year-old kid, she can't fix her anymore? Wait until she gets used to this kind of ice cream, and then tell her.The ice cream she has been eating for so many years is actually medicine, so her mood will be different then.

How broken?

Thinking about it is super fun!

"I deserve to be the worst villain in the world. I can even come up with such an evil plan. 99

【Dominate the childhood of innocent children, and then when they grow up, tell them with naked reality that the most cherished thing in their childhood is nothing but a ridiculous deception.Host, you are really too bad! Or

, apply this to the orphanage too?]

At this time, the system made a suggestion.

Bullying children is the most fun.

"The formula needs to be changed. Others can't do it to my level. It's impossible for me to help them do it every day, so I have to continue to reduce it to a certain extent."

As the saying goes, the wicked cherish each other, the system immediately thought of those children in the orphanage that Su Bai almost forgot were suffering from being bullied by her.

Only drink pure milk and eat vitamin tablets, as well as internal volume.These are too cheap for them! They also have to bear the wonderful bullying that the best thing in their childhood is just a hoax!

However, the ice cream that Zhou Xue eats is only made by herself, and it is difficult for others to reproduce it.Give them the materials and proportions, and they can't do it.

Therefore, the formula should be modified.

This one is a little bit backwards.

"Uncle Chen Ming, come with me. Then, after watching this episode, go back and finish the homework the teacher gave you. I will check later."

While Su Bai called Chen Ming, he also looked at Zhou Xue sternly and said.

She asked Zhou Xue to come to her house so that she wouldn't be bullied by her, so how could she let her keep fishing happily!

"Oh~ then I won't watch it."

After hearing Su Bai's words, Zhou Xue simply turned off the TV and ran back to the study.

ps: The normal time will be updated tomorrow. I suffered from insomnia after coding yesterday and did not fall asleep.I didn't fall asleep until ten o'clock in the morning.As a result, I got up late, and there are only four shifts today. If there is an idea after the fourth shift, it will become

Five Watch Glass

Chapter 76 Uncle Chen Ming, you are awesome! ([-] words

"Uncle Chen Ming, do you know the captain of the [-]-[-] opening in the United States?"

On Chen Ming's side, after seeing Su Bai push open a door in the basement, people who were not in their information at all came to Su Bai's biological laboratory in the basement of the villa in Modu, and his expression was in a daze.

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