"Then if I do ten more Mathematical Olympiad questions, can I have an extra bite?"

After walking two steps, Zhou Xue looked back at Su Bai and said.

If eating a bite of ice cream requires doing ten more Olympiad questions, then if she does twenty extra questions, can she still eat an extra bite?

After Su Bai heard Zhou Xue's words, he pretended to think deeply, and then said, "I'll do [-] more, and I'll let you have another bite before going to bed at night."


After Zhou Xue heard Su Bai's words, she happily went back to her room to do her homework.

"Heh~ Do you really think that if you do more homework, you can eat delicious ice cream? No, there is not much ice cream in that ice cream."

After seeing Zhou Xue happily running to do her homework, Su Bai looked very happy with her hands on her hips.

There is nothing more satisfying than deceiving a child.

Think about it, I have worked so hard to do [-] more Olympiad questions, just to eat an extra bite of ice cream.

As a result, there is not much real ice cream in this bite of ice cream, but Chinese medicine flavored by Su Bai.

What a heavy blow and injury this is to a child's young heart!

More importantly, this kind of injury is persistent, and its shadow will cover Zhou Xue's entire childhood.In the future, when Zhou Xue grows up, she will reveal it and tell her how dark her childhood was.

"System, just think about it!"

Su Bai said at this time.

"Eh? Uncle Chen Ming, are you two still leaving?"

At this time, Su Bai saw Chen Ming and his men standing there with a constant temperature experiment box on their backs, looked at her, tilted his head and said.

"No, as long as you have fun."

Chen Ming said calmly.

But actually, he was thinking silently in his heart: "You can't treat Su Bai like a child, you can't treat a child like a child, you can't treat Su Bai like a child..."

When he comes into contact with an unknown, he has to pay attention to too many things.

There are countless signs that can show that Su Bai is an adult with a sound mind and complete independent thinking ability, but he just looks young.

However, there are also countless signs that Su Bai...is just a childish kid.

However, this difference did not bring much trouble to Chen Ming.

He can think that Su Bai is a child, but if he really deals with Su Bai in the same way as a child.He believes that the consequences will be very serious.

"By the way, I will make a delicious ice cream in a few days."

When Chen Ming was about to turn around and leave, Su Baiduo reminded him.

The system said that it should be given to children all over the country, but she felt that it was not enough. If she wanted to play, she should play harder, and if she wanted to bully, she should bully thoroughly.

"Do you need me to arrange something?"

After hearing what Su Bai said, Chen Ming stopped and asked.

He didn't think that Su Bai really just made a kind of ice cream.

"At that time, you can arrange someone to help me sell it. This kind of ice cream is delicious, and it should sell well. But I have to improve the formula a little bit."

Seeing this, Su Bai said.

False bullying, forcing children to take medicine.The real bullying, those children take their own money to buy medicine, and take it happily.

It's fun to think about.

"Okay, then I'll deal with these things first, and start the military exercise program."

Chen Ming pointed to the incubator on his back and said.

"Okay, remember to hurry up, don't exceed three weeks."

Subai gave a warning.

It took her a week to develop these, and she had three weeks left to complete the tasks of the system.

"A week at most."

Chen Ming promised.

ps: It's a little over ten minutes late, but it's not a big problem. Chapter 4 will be later.

push book

"Make up the script, I became the hero behind the scenes!"

Traveling through the neon, Yao Sakagami awakens the script system, and can play the video he made up to harvest emotional value and manifest the power in the video.


"It turns out that Sakagami-san is fighting in an unknown place for human beings." After watching the video of Sakagami Yao drawing his sword and slaying ghosts, Yukinoshita Yukino was deeply moved.

"There are always creatures on the ground who dare to face the majesty of the thunder! Sakagami, don't lose!" Qingshan Nanami clenched her fists.

"As the male protagonist, how can you end like this?" Watching him disappear in the parallel world incarnation of Solomon, Kasumigaoka Shiyu burst into tears.

"Come on, Sakagami-san! Absolutely come back alive!" In the house where all the lights were turned on, Shinomiya Kaguya stared at the screen of Tiga's hard-fought battle with Gatanjae, and gritted his teeth.


Yoh Sakagami: "That's right, the swordsman who slays evil spirits, the warrior who challenges the gods, the king of wisdom who returns to heaven, the warrior of light who symbolizes hope...all of me!"

Chapter 78 The Least Exam in History

"Didn't the Luochen event say that every time we go to a place, we will rescue three people? Why is there no news after we rescued one person?"

"It is said that the entire program group is Su Bai's cute little one. She can do the program whenever she wants. It may be slower now, but the configuration of the program group is still there."

"Maybe we are preparing a new drug. You know, in order to save Wu Ting, Su Bai directly developed the kidney repair technology! Those are non-renewable cells, not only successfully regenerated, but also directly used on humans

"If you save a person and develop a new drug, then I can only say...he is already unparalleled in the country, and he is the top living sage. Don't you feel ashamed that you are still bullying Lai Lai on the Internet?"

"I don't think so! You have a thick skin."

"Speaking of which, Su Bai has been scolded a lot by the foreign media recently! I wanted to fight back, but in the end I got blocked five accounts. It's too much."

"Free speech means they can say whatever they want."

"One thing to say, Su Bai's temper is really good, and he doesn't care if he is scolded like this."

"Maybe I'm busy with research, I don't have time to take care of those people."

"No, I'll apply for a few more accounts to go to the Internet. Su Bai's temper doesn't mean he can be scolded by them."

At the same time that Su Bai handed over the gene-enhanced medicine and gene-assisted medicine that he had made to Huaguo, along with the accounts of a large number of Weibo big Vs being banned or suspended, Huaguo's network environment was much cleaner.

For Su Bai, the main opinion in Huaguo has gradually changed from doubts to approval, and even unilateral protection.

In particular, some rumors spread from the Food and Drug Administration that the reason why human immune drugs can be so cheap is because Su Bai only counted the material cost of the drug and did not include the research and development cost.

If the research and development costs are included, one hundred thousand per injection is considered cheap.

On this basis, the price of drugs for reactivation of kidney function and minor repair of multiple organs in the body for the treatment of kidney disease also follows the principle of only counting the cost of materials, not the cost of research and development.Although, the cost of a needle is not like the human body free

The epidemic reconstruction medicine is so cheap, but it costs about sixty to seventy thousand for a single operation.

This is still not the price of medical insurance. After the clinical period is over, it will be cheaper to enter the medical insurance.

It is not an exaggeration to call the present Su Bai as a saint in the past.

After all, these two medicines saved tens of millions of people.

As for the saying that Su Bai has a good temper...

At least, after the U.S. foreign ministry scolded Su Bai as a dwarf, Su Bai didn't respond.



In the lounge of the Huaguo Special Incident Emergency Management Bureau near Su Bai's residence, Chen Ming punched a sandbag flying under the shocked eyes of his subordinates.After the sandbag was hit by Chen Ming, it hit hard

On the wall, it burst open.

Under such circumstances, Chen Ming followed up with another punch, hitting the steel frame that fixed the sandbag.

With one punch, the steel plate of the steel frame was directly pierced.

Calmly stretched out his hand and flicked the wound that was scratched by the steel plate.

Seeing this, the others immediately brought the medicine kit.

"No, it's already healed. This is the potion Su Bai customized for me. I don't need four injections. I also have super blood coagulation and healing abilities."

When Chen Ming saw one of his subordinates take out the gauze and liquid medicine, he said calmly.

Stretching out his hand to touch the place where the wound was, he could hardly feel the pain anymore.

After another minute or so, even the scars almost disappeared.

"Chen Bureau, this is too exaggerated!"

When a team member uttered this sentence, his words were full of envy.

There is currently no factory in Huaguo that can produce this medicine, and it will take half a year to build it.Under such circumstances, Su Bai provided [-] copies, and Chen Ming reserved [-] copies for the plainclothes people who were usually responsible for protecting Su Bai.left

All the money is given to the military.

Although, after the factory construction is completed, other people will also accept the transformation.But not to the extent of Chen Ming.

The one used by Chen Ming was specially prepared by Su Bai according to Chen Ming's genes, which made Chen Ming's subordinates very envious.

"Work hard, you will have it sooner or later. Su Bai will not treat people who treat her badly. Your efforts will definitely have results."

Seeing this, Chen Ming said.

"By the way, what's the situation on the external network?"

At this time, Chen Ming looked at Ke Zhenguo and said.

Don't think that their Huaguo Special Incident Emergency Management Bureau is really responsible for protecting Su Bai every day.

After Su Bai showed his value beyond imagination, the higher-ups were determined to let Ke Zhenguo clean up Huaguo's network.

"Rumors are flying all over the sky. Now I can't deal with foreign countries, but I can guarantee that the domestic mainstream speech will not have too much influence on Su Bai."

Ke Zhenguo said.

After Huaguo's high-level delegation of power, he has secretly launched a very large-scale operation to clean up the network environment, and has achieved very good results.

Under such circumstances, the United States has also launched a global public opinion manipulation strategy to discredit human genetically modified drugs on a large scale.Among them, the focus is on the promotion of human immune remodeling agents and the reactivation of kidney function and multiple organs in the body.

The side effects of these two medicines are slightly repaired by the official.

On the Internet, these two drugs have reached the point where people who hear about them turn pale.There has even been a saying that injecting these two drugs will turn into a lizard man, and will be resurrected as a zombie after death, and it is well-founded.

"What's going on with the military? Tell them to hurry up, Su Bai's temper is not as good as we say on the Internet."

Seeing this, Chen Ming looked at his partner Pang De and asked.

Although I don't know why many people in Huaguo think that Su Bai has a good temper.But Chen Ming knew that Su Bai's patience was limited.

He didn't know where the limit of Su Bai's patience was, but he knew that the sooner the better.

"The preparations for the exercise have been completed, and now we are waiting for the last batch of soldiers to undergo the transformation to complete their physical adaptation. It will take another three days at most."

Pound spoke here.

"That's about the same, and then cheer up today. Su Bai will have an end-of-month test, don't let anyone disturb today's test. Don't let even a mosquito pass the entire test room."

Seeing this, Chen Ming announced today's mission.

Today is the 30th day when Su Bai begins to teach those professors and academicians in Huaguo, and it is also the time on the schedule when Su Bai will conduct unlimited comprehensive assessments on all professors and academicians.

In the next three days, all professors and academicians in the examination room can use any method they can think of to complete the examination questions issued by Su Bai.

Well, as long as it can be completed within three days, any method can be used, even Baidu.

If Baidu is useful.

ps: After coding Chapter 3 yesterday, I went to bed and lay down for a while, but fell asleep. There will be five more changes today

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