Using this to tie a prisoner is sometimes better than handcuffs, but it is a bit inhumane.Because, after it is tied, if the opponent makes a big move and uses too much force, the thumb will be broken, causing the opponent to lose a certain amount of combat power.

, would be better uniformed.

If it is not broken? Then there is no way to resist, and even running away will affect the speed.

However, at this time, Ye Zhe noticed that there were only two people who came to deal with this matter, if there were only two people...


It wasn't a gunshot, but the sound of Ye Zhe's head hitting the wall.

Ye Zhe resisted the moment another team member reached out to grab his hand, trying to buckle his thumb.In this way, the other person did not dare to shoot because he was afraid of accidental injury, which gave him the possibility to resist.

"It seems that there is no mistake."

After lifting Ye Zhe who was in a coma with one hand, the team member with the gun said calmly.

Just now, Ye Zhe's resistance was very standard and handsome.It's a pity that the two people who came to arrest him were genetically enhanced soldiers who had completed four genetic enhancements.

ps: The fourth update should be updated before ten o'clock.Fight for a point before ending the fight.

Chapter 81 If you can't get it, destroy it, but unfortunately you can't destroy it (fourth update)

"Failed again."

In the laboratory, Wei Jianming watched distressedly as the maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells in the petri dish in front of him turned into a very beautiful and bright red color.

Su Bai only showed them this beautiful red color once, and it represented a phenomenon that occurred when the maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cell programming failed and the gene chain of the cell was broken.

Once this phenomenon occurs, it means that this time the cell programming has completely failed.

For the one time they succeeded, they also nearly failed.However, at the most critical moment, Su Bai made a move to turn the tide and save that subject.

Originally, Wei Jianming thought that if Su Bai handled it so easily, they would not be far behind.

But when they really faced it, they realized how difficult it was to deal with this little problem that they almost didn't notice before.

"No wonder it took three days. Su Bai knew that we would be stumped by this test. It turns out that this is the real test question for this test."

After saving the failed sample, Song Qiuyi said that before the failure, he was still discussing with Wei Jianming where to drink tonight.Now it seems that I can't drink it.

Cells are small, but infinitely varied.The point that baffles them is the gene fixation link after the genetic programming of cells is completed.To make a metaphor, after writing the document, click Save.

It seems to be the easiest step, but when it comes to the genetic programming of cells, it has become the most difficult obstacle for them to overcome.

"We don't cherish things that are too easy. That little girl usually looks naive, but no one can really guess her thoughts. However, that little girl won't really make us unpassable question

Made it for us.continue!"

After Wei Jianming drank half a bottle of glucose in one breath, he got up again and devoted himself to the experiment.


"Code name "invigilator", what the hell is going on there?"

While Chen Ming and Wei Jianming were going through their own battles, far away across the ocean at the CIA headquarters in the United States, the current director of the CIA, Vic, looked at the intelligence in his hand with a gloomy expression.

Don't look at the fact that the United States is trying its best to discredit Su Bai, but as soon as Huaguo proved the authenticity of the maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells, he received a double order from Congress and the President, that is to order him not to hesitate everything

The price is to steal the research data of maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells.

Even if it cannot be stolen, it is necessary to understand to what extent the maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells have been researched, whether it is possible to be used in the field of chemical weapons, and if it is applied to the field of chemical weapons, to what extent has it developed?

And after such a long investigation, although the various experimental treatments and mothers who stole the specialized remodeling cells of the mother and fetus failed, he still got some information.And he was getting more and more terrified after reading the information.

Maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells are not a new technology, and Huaguo has probably been studying them for a long time.Its completeness is beyond imagination.

If the information is true, then Huaguo is probably a century ahead of the United States in the field of biology.

However, this is impossible.This kind of technology requires a huge amount of data to support, and the only one with this kind of data on the earth is the United States.It is impossible for Huaguo to have such a huge amount of data for them to study the specialized reshaping of mothers and fetuses.


As it was, he could only accept it.After all, sometimes the truth doesn't make sense.To appear is to appear.

Under such circumstances, he used a number of high-value spies cultivated for many years in an attempt to steal the specialized remodeling cells of the mother and fetus.

Unfortunately, all of them ended in failure.

After the failure, Huaguo handed over all the research materials of the specialized maternal-fetal remodeling cells to at least a few confidential institutions that they could not infiltrate, making it impossible to steal the specialized maternal-fetal remodeling cells.

Under such circumstances, he suggested that Congress use political means to obtain some technology from Huaguo.

Well, at that time he didn't think what Su Bai said was effective.The huge political interests hidden behind this kind of cells are beyond imagination, where a small scientist can decide.

Then, the facts slapped him again.Over there in Huaguo, they really listened to Su Bai's words.Not only the Ministry of Foreign Affairs//Ministry of Foreign Affairs said, but then they also expressed their desire for maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cell technology through Australian politicians

For this reason, it can conduct multiple cutting-edge technology transactions with Huaguo, and is even willing to pay a lot of high political benefits.

Then, without any hesitation, Hua Guo directly refused.

"We're not going to give this stuff to a war freak."

These are the original words of the people on Huaguo's side in private.

After falling into the ashes in politics, he launched a comprehensive smear plan against Su Bai.

The existence of maternal-fetal specialized remodeling cells is no less than another Gagarin.It is a direct impact on the cultural self-confidence and technological superiority theory of the Western world, and it will also seriously impact Western pharmaceutical companies.

If you can't get it, destroy it, if you can't destroy it, then destroy the heart of that young genius, let her feel the cruelty of this world.

No one recognizes your hard work.This is what Vic is doing. He is trying to make Su Bai collapse, but this plan doesn't seem to work either.

However, he didn't have the heart to deal with it now.

A day ago, the experimental park where Su Bai was located went into a state of alert, and he mobilized many spies who had been placed there a few years ago.As a result, all of them disappeared secretly, and the only spy who successfully obtained the information

He was given the code name of this alert operation, that is - "Proctor".

This confused him even more.That place is taking the exam? Your exam needs to mobilize ground forces of an ace brigade, three early warning aircraft, and six fighter squadrons for all-weather defense? It scares the neighboring countries

Almost into combat readiness.

"No way, try to seduce this Su Bai with the Nobel Prize, and give her two prizes at once. Young scholars are all vain. As the first scientist in Huaguo to win the Nobel Prize, he is also the first one at a time

A scientist who won two Nobel Prizes, she will be recorded in history.She will not let go of this opportunity. "

After careful consideration, Vic ordered.

There is no way, Hua Guo's various actions recently made him have to be completely vigilant.If you can't get it, it will be completely destroyed.He does not allow the real existence in the world that can completely deter American hegemony.

And then... a day later, he had a response.

"Nobel Prize? What is that? Just a few million? How about sending the beggar? No dog will take it."

After seeing this response, Vic fell silent, and then the Nobel Prize Committee's mentality also jumped.

ps: The next chapter will be updated before one o'clock. If you don't finish coding at one o'clock, go to bed obediently.However, the plot idea of ​​the next chapter is quite clear, and it should be updated soon

Chapter 82 Sleepy Chicken Soup (Fifth update)

"Adults take two at a time... If you eat too much, you will have an accident. If you have an accident... then it's okay to subtract one? I just need Sister Su Bai to sleep for a while."

In the study, Zhou Xue took a medical book and looked up some knowledge points about sleeping pills.

There is no way, Su Bai has been too tight lately, eat a bite of ice cream, and have to do twenty to Olympiad math problems.

If that's it, that's fine.Su Bai even went to the supermarket yesterday to buy a super long and super thin spoon. One spoon she used in the past is enough to fill six of those spoons.

And next, if Zhou Xue wanted to eat ice cream, he would have to exchange ten Olympiad questions.

The same labor was paid, but the result was only one-third of the previous amount, and there was no way to enjoy it in one bite.

According to what she learned from the book, such behavior is called exploitation!

However, there is a very serious problem in front of her, that is, she cannot beat Su Bai.Su Bai also reported her situation to her mother every three days.

If you can't beat Su Bai, you can't beat Su Bai, you can only be obedient.

However, she didn't want to endure Su Bai's exploitation all the time.So, she came up with a good idea, that is, as long as Su Bai fell asleep, wouldn't she be able to eat ice cream casually without being caught by Su Bai on the spot.

As long as she is not caught by Su Bai on the spot, she will not admit that she ate it.The big deal is to let the dog next door take the blame, saying that when he was eating ice cream, the dog jumped over and ate all the ice cream.

Well, just do it!


"This little guy is so cute when he's asleep~"

On the sofa, Su Bai looked at Zhou Xue who was lying on the coffee table and fell asleep in a strange posture, and then reached out to fiddle with her cute little nose.

【What is this little guy thinking, half a sleeping pill? The dose is really big. 】

At this time, the system complained speechlessly.

Just now, Zhou Xue used half a sleeping pill to stew a pot of hen soup for Su Bai to drink.

Then, after Su Bai calmly drank a bowl, he reprocessed the pot of hen soup, added some sleep-promoting Chinese herbs, and turned it into a real sleepy chicken soup.

Zhou Xue didn't know about this. After seeing that Su Bai was fine after drinking, she drank a bowl herself.

Then, fell asleep.

Hmm, playing drugs in front of Su Bai, is this different from playing tricks in front of others?

"Forget it, don't wake her up today to do the rest of the homework, go to sleep. 99

As Su Bai said, he gently picked up Zhou Xue, carried her back to the room, changed her into pajamas, and then covered her with a quilt.

"However, this child's learning speed is indeed a bit too fast. Is it really just because of the Taoist's skills?"

Looking at Zhou Xue who was sleeping soundly, Su Bai asked a question.

After the child Zhou Xue gradually recovered from his illness, he also became skinny.In other words, her previously suppressed nature was gradually liberated.

However, this child is not bad in nature.For example, in the matter of adding medicine to the chicken soup, she seemed to be afraid of overdosing, so she only gave half a tablet in a large pot of chicken soup.This amount, still want to make people sleep? Or drink a few more bowls, because you will be full

Yes, sleepy.

They all gave Su Bai a good laugh.

[The result of the double blessing of talent and the Taoist, in short, he is a very smart child.Perhaps, you could try sending her to the hardest math in the sciences.Nothing is more frustrating than letting a person study mathematics.

It's exhausting. 】

Seeing this, the system said, a little excitement appeared in the words.

"Mathematics? It will depend on the situation."

Su Bai said.

The system said that the person with the highest skill in contemporary mathematics on earth has only reached LV4.7.

Not because there is no talent, but because of the particularity of the skill of mathematics.It is almost the bottom logic of the development of modern science. In many cases, its importance to human civilization even exceeds that of basic physics.

The development of human civilization is almost the solution of all things.

Simply put, it is too important and too difficult.There are big guys, but it is almost impossible to reach the limit-breaking level of LV5 in this era.

"Su Bai, I'm here."

At this moment, Liu Qin's voice came from the door.

After hearing this, Su Bai carefully closed the door and came to the living room.

"If you want to drink chicken soup, take it home and drink it hot before going to bed. It has a sleep-promoting effect, and you can have a good dream after drinking it."

When Su Bai came to the living room, he saw Liu Qin looking at the chicken soup on the table.

"No, I just came here to say a few words and planned to leave."

Liu Qin refused with a smile.Although the chicken soup was really delicious, she wasn't that thick-skinned yet.

"By the way, is there something urgent to come here so late?"

Su Bai asked.

Just now, Liu Qin said on VX that she came over to talk to Su Bai about something, and Su Bai was bored at night and wanted to find someone to watch TV dramas with, so she directly asked Liu Qin to come over.

"It's just that the Nobel Prize committee suddenly issued an invitation to invite you to attend this year's Nobel Prize awarding ceremony. However, I always feel that there is something wrong with posting this now. Although there is an interview arranged by the TV station tomorrow, but

I remember coming here in advance to tell you that there is a problem here, so you'd better not go. "

Liu Qin didn't quite understand Su Bai's situation.She only knew that Su Bai had mastered certain mysteries, but she didn't understand the relationship between Su Bai and the country.

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